Welcome To Corbin's Bend

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Welcome To Corbin's Bend Page 18

by Thianna D

  "Wait 'til it's cool at the very least, or it'll be even better if you wait 'til tomorrow. Cut a few slices and then fry the slices in butter until they're golden and crisp," Ange advised. She knew the atmosphere in the room had changed and it was partly her fault. She was still fuming inwardly. Once the others left, the house was yet again shrouded in silence, except when the children spoke. Ange was not very good at admitting her mistakes, she knew this was one of her biggest weaknesses but she found it difficult to overcome. If she could even accept blame for the earlier part of the week, Jim would forgive the ad hoc callers this evening. Equally if she accepted chastisement for the swearing, then it would be over and done with. But to do either would be to admit culpability for something she considered unfair, and the very thought of that chaffed her nerves. Especially when he wouldn't see the contradiction of how the house should be free for him to enjoy, yet he could get so annoyed about her having a glass of wine with two friends. Had it been Kirk and Brent over for a beer, Ange would have been much more welcoming.

  Seeing Jim sitting there in front of the fire watching TV and messing with the kids, part of her wanted to climb down off her high horse, but she just didn't know how. Had she felt less hard done by she thought she may have been able to reach out. She tidied up the kitchen and went upstairs where she lay on the bed reading, to escape the frostbite that was threatening to engulf her. The heat from baking and the fire and the glass of wine must have made her nod off. The next thing she knew the door was closing and Jim was standing over her with his belt in his hand.

  "Roll over and we'll get this over with," he ordered.


  "Ange, we talked about cleaning up your language right at the start. It seems you need a reminder. Do it now and I'll stop at twenty, argue and it goes up in tens for each protest."

  "Fine, be like that," she snapped as she rolled over onto her tummy huffily. She'd make him pay for this one, she thought. He pulled down her pajama bottoms roughly.

  "Ouch," she protested as he brought his belt down hard.

  "I'm not starting on the swearing one until I see a better attitude, young lady." Jim warned as he repeatedly whipped her through her resistance. She squirmed and kicked as he spanked.

  "Okay! I'm sorry, I'll accept my punishment."

  "Remind me, what's it for?" He stopped spanking to give her a chance to speak.

  "For saying fuck, but I think it's unfair, we both swear and we always did. I don't see why I should be punished."

  "It's not just about one swear word, and you know it. You made your guests uncomfortable. You saw Bethany's face."

  "Yes, but I don't think it was about the language, it was because I criticized DD. But I shouldn't have done that. Or slighted you."

  "Good girl, Ange, finally. An admission. That didn't hurt, did it?"

  "N-no, I suppose not."

  "I know you think I'm unfair, but you really have to curtail the callers. It's happening too often. I agree that you would have welcomed my friends as you said, but I don't think you would have been happy if it was the third evening this week, would you?"

  When he put it like that, Ange could accept that he had a point. If the house was constantly inundated by Jim's friends in the evenings, she would soon get irritated. And she could accept that had she walked in and heard him deriding her the way she had been him, she would have been less than impressed. She shook her head.

  "Now relax those cheeks and open up to the punishment. This part will hurt, more than the admission." He brought his belt down hard, and it was as much as Ange could do not to scream as the cruel implement met its target, sending a wide stripe of red hot agony through her already heated buttocks. A pillow muffled her yelp.

  "One, Sir," she counted. This continued to ten, hard and fast and she called out the stroke, crying by now. She was already scorched by his hand spanking and the belt was just so damn painful. "Copper," she roared.

  He stopped. "What's wrong?"

  "It's too much, too sore," she sobbed.

  "Is that all? It's a punishment, Ange, it's supposed to hurt. But you can have a breather. Go and stand in the corner. Leave your pajamas down. Hands on your head and nose pressed to the wall."

  Ange found the waiting almost worse than the actual spanking. She felt ridiculously embarrassed, standing there in that position, bottom sticking out, sore and no doubt bright red. And Jim's eyes, she could feel them boring into her, even though she couldn't see them. Her tears had stopped, humiliation now overriding any physical pain. Then he ordered her to stay like that while he checked on the children. And there she waited, not daring to move until he returned. Ange estimated he must have been gone at least ten minutes. The sting might have subsided but now she had aching arms to add to her discomfort. She was almost relieved when he returned. But he kept her in that position, standing close behind her, close enough that she could feel his breath on her neck and his body heat radiating off him. Jim made her stand like that for a further five minutes while he scolded her again about her behavior, before finally telling her to return to the bed for the remainder of her spanking.

  He brought the belt down again, this time, as a concession, switching to her pale white thighs, which hadn't been spanked yet. She yelped again at that, her thighs weren't as tough as her behind as he didn't spank them as often but he ignored her pleas and yells. When he came to sixteen he paused.

  "Four more, Ange. You can take them here or if it really is too much, I can do your tits. Your choice."

  Some choice, he'd never spanked her breasts, not even lightly, but her whole back end was on fire. She'd often told him that having her breasts punished was a fantasy, ever since reading Jane Eyre in her late teens; the scene where Jane had to open her top of smock to be punished by her boarding school teacher. She felt her pussy pulsate at the idea as she considered her options. But a belt on the breasts would be too much she feared, especially if he caught her nipples.

  "N-n-no. It's okay, continue. Nearly there." Ange braced herself and accepted the last four as quietly as she could. Funnily enough, she was no longer angry. She just wanted it over with. She wanted the cold war to end, to join the family in front of the TV, and laugh along with them.

  "I'm sorry I embarrassed you," Ange offered as soon as he stopped spanking. "Can we start the evening over? And I'll try not to have the house full so often."

  She gingerly moved to a sitting position but it was a tall order as every inch of her rear and thighs stung like hell. He sat beside her and hugged her tight.

  "I'm afraid we're losing us and becoming two separate people. We have been for a couple of years now. We need to get back on track before it's too late. I want DD to try to stop the rot, and it's not about punishing you, it's more about how close we get afterwards. Can we give it a try?"

  "I don't want you turning into something I'm afraid of."

  "Don't be silly." He laughed kindly, "you're afraid of nothing and no-one, Ange, trust me. But if we set rules and stick to them then it could work. What if I promise not to spank outside the rules and we do a review every couple of weeks to see how it feels for both of us?"

  "Two weeks, then we review, deal?" Ange twisted his words to her advantage.

  "Too short, two weeks and we talk about it, but I think we need to try it for at least a few months."

  "One month is the best I'll offer. You have one month to convince me."

  "It's a start, I suppose," he agreed. "Come on downstairs now, please?" Rising, he took her by the hand and gently pulled her up. "I'd really much rather climb in there beside you and fuck the arse of you, but we better go spend the evening with the kids. Later – it's a promise."

  Ange allowed him to pull her up, reluctantly. She too would have much preferred he came into bed and put the anger behind them, starting afresh by connecting through passionate lovemaking. But she was glad to go and join the kids, too. They had experienced the chill in the air to some extent and it wasn't their fault that she had been g
rumpy. It could keep. Getting the family unit back on the right track was way more important.

  She fried some of the cooled Boxty and some bacon and placed it on the coffee table in front of the TV. Eating in the living area was normally a no-no, but she was reluctant to move them from the comfort of the fire and the easy camaraderie and it was such a homely supper.

  "Yay, Boxty!" Ava cheered.

  "Can we really eat it here, on the couch?" Jack asked.

  "Just as long as you promise to wipe your hands with these and not on the sofa," Ange said, trying to make her face look stern and forbidding as she handed over a packet of baby wipes.

  "Yay! Thanks Mammy. I love you." Ava answered, immediately wiping the stern look from Ange's face.

  "And I love you, too, pet. Now eat up before it goes cold," Ange said, ruffling her daughter's soft fluffy blonde curls.

  Ange didn't know whether it was the traditional comfort food, or the fire or a change in her own mood, but everyone chilled and they started talking about silly stories of the previous Halloween when all of Jim's and Ange's family had got together and even the adults had ended up getting drenched as they bobbed for nuts, sweets and coins, a competitive streak driving each along to beat the other. The kids had won out in the end though, as more and more money got thrown into the water, and all proceeds were finally split between Ava, Jack and their cousins, who were much drier than the daft grownups. Jack didn't really remember it but Ava got a dose of the giggles and soon Ange and Jim were joining in the infectious laughter. Sore behind and mutual anger forgotten, it ended up being one of those cozy family evenings that Ange treasured. And as they reminisced Jim was affectionate and relaxed and very tactile. Just the way she liked him.

  Chapter 8

  Jim had a list of Dos and Don'ts ready for Ange by the following evening. He wanted to strike while the iron was hot, or indeed the behind, he thought, sniggering to himself. He knew Ange, her submissiveness never lasted long, and if he didn't deal with it immediately, he'd have to fight for it all over again. His intention was to leave it with her alongside her morning coffee, just before he left for work the following morning.

  Twice weekly maintenance spankings.

  No swearing in front of the children or company

  New working hours, 9-12. Baking and selling to be done it that time. Cleaning up done by 1 pm. Afternoons for family duties.

  No sulking or stropping after a punishment. If you think my call is unfair we can discuss it, but I get final say, and you accept it. Sulks get an additional spanking.

  Refusing or delaying a punishment will double the punishment.

  You must go to bed at the same time as me or earlier, unless there is a prior arrangement not to.

  Children need to come first, no matter what.

  Any act I consider to be dangerous to you or the children is a spankable offence.

  Disobedience or disrespect of my authority in any way will earn a punishment

  The severity and method of punishment will be decided by me and me alone.

  No safe-wording in punishments unless it is a matter of genuine safety. Misuse will earn further punishment.

  I expect to come home to a clean house and home cooked dinner every evening after work.

  Bills are to be paid on the first demand.

  Household finances are to be written up monthly.

  I'll add and amend rules as I see the necessity.

  Overall, he was feeling pretty pleased with himself. He thought he had everything covered and he knew he should be just within the limited window of her submissiveness. He considered whether he should discuss it all with her that evening, but before he had a chance, Carla arrived over. Carla was Hank's office manager. She wasn't going to be ready to return to work the following day, so she said she wanted to go through his contract, and a few other details that would help. It was after nine and the children were already in bed. Jim invited her in and sat on the sofa, leaving the armchair by the fire free for Carla, as Ange went to make some coffee. Carla chose to sit close to him on the sofa as she pulled out an organizational chart. In spite of the shared paperwork, Jim was aware of her close proximity and wondered what Ange would make of the seating arrangements when she returned with the coffee.

  When she returned, Ange selected the armchair rather than the other side of him and didn't seem in the least perturbed to Jim, so he relaxed, thinking perhaps he was a little oversensitive. An hour and a half later though, he was relieved when Carla announced she was leaving, he was tired after a stressful week at home and he had an early start in the morning, but he was grateful to Carla for taking the time to show him the ropes.

  "I think she has the hots for you. Her knight in shining armor," Ange said.

  "Shit, you're not serious."

  "Ach no, I'm teasing. She's wants to show her gratitude. You did save her life," Ange replied as they climbed into bed. "So, what time should I set the clock for?"

  "Six," Jim replied with a groan. Any plans for talking or other nocturnal activities had just flown out the window. He needed to be fresh in the morning. Ange lay on her side facing the outside of the bed and Jim tucked himself around her curvaceous bottom, with his arm on her waist. There was nowhere on earth he would rather be, when they were on good terms. He could feel his cock engorge; Ange's ass always did that to him. He distracted himself with thoughts of games that had gone badly in his football career until he felt the swelling subside. He knew too well that if they started up with any antics it would be hours before he got to sleep as Ange would still be horny as the devil after her spanking the previous evening. Much as he would have loved to go there, he could see the folly in it.

  Within an hour of starting work, he heard his cell ping with a message and as soon as he had a chance, he checked it.

  No bloody way, was all it said.

  The rules went down well then. Damn, I should have fucked her last night; she'd have been way more submissive had I done so, he thought. He hadn't long to dwell on it though as he spent the morning in meetings, getting up to speed on the projects he'd have to oversee. As it neared home-time, he was surprised to see Carla arrive.

  "There are a few more things we need to go through," she advised him. She asked for details on his work permit, work history and other things. It was already an hour past quitting time when Hank came in and told them both to go home.

  "We're not done yet, Dad." Carla said.

  "Tomorrow is another day, and you're even not supposed to be back at work, young lady," Hank admonished. Jim watched how Carla graciously accepted his word, and started to pack up. Now why couldn't Ange be that tractable? he wondered.

  "Would you like to go through this at my house?" Carla asked as they neared their cars. Jim hid a smile as he realized she wasn't quite as pliable as her father thought she was.

  "Couldn't it wait 'til tomorrow?" Jim asked. "I'd like to spend time with the children before bed and it will be another early start tomorrow."

  "I'll tell you what, I'll meet you for lunch tomorrow," Carla readily agreed, much to Jim's relief. He really didn't want to be falling out with the boss's daughter, but he really wanted to go and talk to Ange, and spend time with the children.

  The welcome, or lack thereof, that he got at home made him almost wish he had gone to Carla's. Ange was raging with him.

  As soon as he was through the door, she said, "How am I supposed to have an evening meal prepared, if you don't do the courtesy of letting me know when you'll be in? You were due home an hour ago and your dinner is spoiled."

  "I got delayed, it couldn't be helped. Carla needed me to go through some things for my permit." Jim saw Ange's mouth form a tight line, but Jack had come running in, closely followed by Ava.

  "So it's ok for you to be delayed without letting me know, but if someone stays here past the holy Jim anointed hour, I get punished?"

  "And you also get punished for disobedience and disrespect. Not even one day in and you're already earning a good s
panking," Jim warned.

  "Daddy, Daddy," Jack shouted grabbing his father's legs. Jim lifted him up and spun him around in the air, eliciting giggles of innocent, childish excitement. Jack's timing was excellent.

  "Do me, Daddy, do me!" Ava pleaded until he swapped over and lifted her up, throwing her in the air and catching her until she squealed with delight.

  "My turn," Jack said, tugging on Jim's jacket.

  He swapped them over several times, knowing no matter how many times he did, they would never have enough. Tired as he was, he was happy to humor them, their delight at seeing him had somehow seemed to negated Ange's bad mood and she was smiling at their antics as she took his dinner from the oven, without even slamming the plate down. He knew, had she taken it out two minutes earlier, he'd have been treated to plenty of bashing and clattering. Truth was he did feel a little bad about not letting her know he'd be late.

  "I'm sorry I didn't text you, Ange," he said as the noise abated.

  "Okay, just let me know if you're being delayed," she replied. Her chin was tense again and she dropped the subject. Jim decided he would, too.

  "How was your first day?"

  "It was grand, strange but grand. Carla was a big help last night and today."

  "I thought she wasn't supposed to be working," Ange said.

  "No, Hank was surprised to see her."

  "Be careful," Ange warned. "It seems to me the hero worship might be going a bit far. And if you annoy her, you don't know how Hank will react."

  "Great! What are you implying? Thanks for the support. Nice to know you can count on your wife."

  "Jaysus, I'm just saying watch out. I didn't say you did anything wrong."

  Ange filled her arms with clean laundry and went upstairs. So much for disobedience and disrespect, Jim thought. He'd definitely deal with her tonight now. He finished his dinner in silence and plonked in front of the TV while Ange did the laundry and put the kids to bed, but it wasn't long before the doorbell rang, revealing Carla, with another arm full of manila files. He wondered briefly if Ange had a point, but for as long as she stayed, the conversation didn't steer away from work and Jim figured it was paranoia on his behalf, courtesy of Ange's caustic comments. He presumed lunch was off the next day as they had covered everything, but Carla reminded him of it as she was leaving, while standing on the front doorstep.


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