Welcome To Corbin's Bend

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Welcome To Corbin's Bend Page 71

by Thianna D

  "Don't use that tone with me, young lady, let alone that language. I don't think there's anything you need right now quite as much as you need to be punished. Pull down your jeans and your panties." He ripped off his belt, and doubled it in his hand.

  "You're insane if you think I'm going to obey you now, Professor Dunn," she retorted, turning his name and title into a mockery. She started to rise.

  Not knowing what part of himself–his desire? his authority? his love for her? –the words were coming from, he said, "Am I going to have to tie you down, Sarah?"

  "God, if only you meant that, John. If only..." To both their surprise, she burst into tears, there, half-up and half-down over the arm of the sofa.

  The world seemed to be moving in slow motion. He put his left arm out, and encircled her waist, pinning her down to the sofa, while with his right hand, he just started to spank her with the belt, as hard as he could, through her jeans.

  "Oh, God, John... oh, please."

  "Please what?" he said, raising his voice in a way he never, ever had with her before, and not ceasing to punish her.

  "Ow! Please... want me..." she was sobbing, now. "Please–please... make me..."

  He kept bringing the belt down, over and over. "Make you what, Sarah?"

  "I don't... ow! I don't know–make me feel real again, God damn it!"

  He stopped the spanking, and said, "Sarah, if you think I don't want you, your powers of self-delusion are much, much too great. But that doesn't matter now, because what's happening now is that I'm going to stop you from throwing your future away. Will you pull down your jeans and panties, young lady?" he asked, through his own tears.

  "Yes, sir," she said. His cock had leapt when she called him "sir" for the first time since December, but he didn't let it distract him. He put his belt back on and went to his office for the cane. When he came back, carrying both the cane and some of his nylon rope, Sarah's jeans and panties were around her knees.

  "I'm going to cane you as I've never caned you, Sarah," he said, as he tied her wrists together, then secured them to the couch. "You have to learn that your future matters. It's going to hurt, so it will be kinder to you to tie you down." He bound her ankles to the legs of the couch. Even with the rope, he finally had to push her waist down with his left hand, because after twelve she began to flail about so much that the couch itself was in danger of tipping over. Holding her that way, while she screamed and squirmed, he finally got her past all her resistance at twenty, and proceeded slowly to twenty-four with her making only little Sarah-noises between her yelps of pain and lying still.

  He was as hard as a rock, but that didn't matter at all. What mattered was her, and making sure she really, really understood.

  When she realized he was done, she said, softly and timidly, "John? Aftercare?"

  He picked her up off the couch, and carried her to his bedroom, and laid her in the bed, and lay down next to her, both of them still fully clothed except that Sarah's jeans and panties were around her knees. He snuggled her close into him, trying not to touch her bottom, which he was sure was terribly painful.

  Sarah still sniffled a little bit, but she was much calmer. As he looked into her eyes, he thought he saw some kind of a spark returning. "Moisturizer?" she asked.

  "Is that a good idea?" John asked in reply.

  "I'm not positive I heard you right, but I think you might have said a little while ago that you want me."

  He tightened his embrace. She had her little arms gathered up in front of her, as if in prayer, and with her right hand she stroked his cheek.

  "There is nothing in the world that I want as much as I want you, Sarah. The question is whether our relationship is a good thing for you."

  "John Dunn, if you didn't just have that question resolved over the course of the last half-hour, you're not the brilliant man I thought you were."

  John laughed, and the weight of several worlds seemed to pass from him. "Do you feel real again, then?"

  Sarah looked up into his eyes, requesting a kiss in nearly the same way she had in his office at the end of September. Now, as then, John gave it to her.

  "Oh my God, John," she said, when he broke their lips' contact. "Please fuck me. Right now."

  "I think someone needs a little lesson about topping from the bottom."

  "But this is aftercare. You have to do what I tell you." She pouted.

  "That's a rather liberal interpretation of the rules, I have to say, but alright, young lady. If you're the one in control, though, you'd better undress me."

  "Lie back," Sarah said, and started on his shirt buttons. For a girl who professed a need for immediate fucking, she certainly took her time. She kissed each bit of his chest that she exposed, and she licked extensively as well, especially around the top of his jeans. He groaned, and made what he supposed were John-noises.

  Then she unbuckled his belt. "Nasty belt," she murmured. "I can't wait until John uses you again on his little Sarah's poor little bottom."

  John groaned, "Sarah, oh my lord..." for after that she had unbuttoned his jeans, and opened his zipper, and stripped his jeans down, and she kissed the front of his boxers.

  "Sir," she said, "I need to confess something." She had not stopped kissing, in and among her words, as she said this.

  "Yes, young lady?"

  "I was very bad at the end of the year."

  "I know you were. Marilyn called me."

  Sarah stopped kissing for a moment to laugh.

  "How many guys did you sleep with?" John asked, in a matter of fact way.

  "Only two, sir." It seemed so strange to say "only", given that those two had increased her total by 200%. "They... they weren't like you, sir."

  "I should hope not."

  "One of them pretended he was a Dominant, but... he didn't really understand what it even meant, I think."

  "Hmm," John said. "Well, I think you are going to have to face some disciplinary consequences, don't you?"

  "Yes, sir. Definitely."

  "We're still in aftercare, though, for as long as you need, sweetheart. And I don't think your bottom is in a state to take more punishment right now. On the other hand, I can think of some other disciplinary measures I could take. Why don't I get the moisturizer?"

  With a wonderful little coo of delight, she snuggled down on her tummy into the bedclothes. Now clad only in his boxers, John went to the dresser for the familiar plastic bottle. When he returned, he said, "I also think you should return to your natural state in this house, Sarah," and assisted in the removal of her clothes. Seeing her there, naked in his bed, her bottom flaming, after all these months, nearly made his heart stop.

  "Sir?" she said. "Is my collar around, anywhere?"

  "It is, Sarah, but this topping from the bottom is getting a little out of hand."

  "Yes, sir."

  He began to rub the moisturizer into her bottom cheeks. The Sarah-noises came louder, and longer.

  "Sarah?" he asked.

  "Yes, sir?"

  "Did either of the guys have you here?" He emphasized the spot he meant with the tip of his middle finger.

  "No, sir!" she exclaimed, as if hurt by the suggestion. "My bottom is yours."

  "I think I need to fuck it now, if that's perfectly alright with you, for the first part of your discipline."

  "Oh, sir. Green."

  "And then your face, as a special disciplinary measure."

  "Green, sir."

  "I wasn't asking, young lady.”

  "I'm sorry, sir."

  Much later, in front of the fire, with her collar back around her neck, Sarah asked, sleepily, "How much penance did Father Henry give you for having an affair with me?"

  John laughed. "None. But I got three rosaries and memorizing this devilishly complicated prayer of St. Augustine for not standing up for myself with your father."

  "Seriously?" Sarah asked.

  "Seriously. I think Father Henry thinks every one of us fucked up royally. I have
no idea what he gave to your parents–assuming that they even mentioned it."

  "I think my Mom probably got a lot of lashes. I mean, she did go to your lectures." Sarah giggled.

  "Oh, sweetheart, I'm going to have to spank you for that, I think."

  "Promise?" Sarah asked.

  "I promise."




  "For our honeymoon?" Sarah was nearly asleep, and John said it, really (at least in the immediate moment) just to see what she would do.

  "What?" she asked.

  "Shh. Rome, yes," John said, and held her tightly.

  Emily Tilton

  USA Today bestselling author Emily Tilton, whose books have hit number one in six different erotica categories, is a married professor who lives in New England and has two wonderful children. Her stories are what she wishes her real sex-life could be.

  Visit her blog here:


  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Emily Tilton and Blushing Books!

  Caroline Series

  Caroline’s Rocking Horse

  Caroline’s Little Friends

  Caroline’s Little Club

  Caroline’s Little World – Boxed Set

  Single Titles

  The Sister Wives of Concordia

  Explorations, Vol. 1

  Sarah’s Tutorial

  The Sunset Harbor School for Naughty Girls

  Father Charles Takes a Wife

  Explorations, Vol. 2

  Written with Abbie Adams

  A Little Twist


  Hero Undercover

  Don’t miss the entire Corbin’s Bend Series!

  Welcome to Corbin’s Bend

  Return to Corbin’s Bend

  At Home in Corbin’s Bend

  Corbin’s Bend Homecoming

  Love in the Rockies

  Leading the Way

  Constance Masters

  Copyright 2014 by Blushing Books and Constance Masters

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

  a subsidiary of

  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  The trademark Blushing Books®

  is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Masters, Constance

  Leading the Way

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-4454

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors

  Chapter 1

  Are those earrings part of your uniform, Avery?” Zach asked, peering at his daughter in the rear mirror as they drove home at the end of the school day.

  “They’re just tiny, Daddy.”

  “That’s not the question I asked you.”

  “No, Daddy, but I hate this uniform. There’s not a pretty thing on it. It’s so… dark blue.”

  “It’s a uniform, Avvy, not a fashion statement. Rules are rules and they apply to you, the same as everybody else. I don’t think Momma would have let you wear them.”

  “She didn’t,” Jordan piped in. “She hid them in her pocket and then put them…”

  “I hate you, Jordan!” Avvy cut Jordan off.

  “Hey!” Zach called out as he pulled the car into the driveway. “Both of you be quiet this minute. Avery? That was very naughty of you to break the school uniform rule and to sneak things past your Momma, we’ll talk about that later.”

  Jordan gave her sister a smug smile.

  “Jordan, you can lose that look, too. What Avery did was none of your business and gloating because someone else is going to get into trouble may just get you in trouble as well.”

  “That’s so not fair. Bimbo,” she mouthed behind her hand.

  Zach shook his head. Jordan had to have the last word. “Change that may get in trouble to a will get in trouble.”

  “This isn’t fair, Daddy,” Avery whined. “You only found out because you’re a teacher at the school. No one else has to take their parents with them every day.”

  “Diddems. You’re such a baby sometimes and you’re supposed to be the oldest,” Jordan said. “I love that you teach at our school, Daddy.”

  “I do, too, but you’re still in trouble, Jordan.”

  Finally deciding to cut her losses, Jordan jumped out of the car and slammed the door, letting the final bang satisfy her need for power.

  Zach locked the car and lowered the garage door. He smiled to himself. Little hiccups like that little argument were about as bad as it got these days. A far cry from the way it was before they moved to Corbin’s Bend. That had been a nightmare. He’d worked all day in a school where it was hard to decide what was worse about the students: their inappropriate dress, their filthy mouths or their total lack of respect for their free education. There was the odd little treasure that made it all worthwhile, but mostly, it had depressed him. Home hadn’t been any better. Luckily they’d moved to this place and it saved them. They had a lovely home in an ordered neighborhood and most of all, the one thing he wanted for his family, peace.

  Erin was pleased to see her girls as they flounced into the house obviously carrying with them some argument that had started in the car. She envied their childish self-centered personas. As the mother, she held her shit together so to speak, to think of the greater good of the family. She kept a clean house, well mostly. She could throw together a decent meal.

  “Mom! Are you even listening?” Avery whined.

  “Of course I am,” Erin said, touching her daughter’s cheek softly. “If you took the risk of sneaking your earrings to school when you knew it was against the rules then you have to accept the consequences.”

  “If you wrote a letter and told them I needed to wear them then they’d give them back.”

  “You are such a dummy, Avvy,” Jordan said. “Have you forgotten that Dad works at that school? He has lunch with your teacher!”

  “Mom! Tell her to mind her own business!”

  “Well, he does!”

  “Shut up!”

  “You shut up!”

  Avery closed her eyes and took a big breath but when she opened them the argument about nothing really was still continuing. “That’s it! Go to your rooms and do your homework. You can come out for a snack in half an hour.”

  “No way!” Jordan said. “Isn’t starving your children against the law or something?”

  “Jordan, you heard me. Stop arguing and just go! Both of you, go!” Erin didn’t like it when she raised her voice. It meant she’d let them get the better of her.

  The door creaked open and Zach appeared. “Girls, you heard your mom, move,” he said, and just like that they scuttled away to their rooms.

  “How do you do that?” she asked, turning to face the kitchen cabinets to finish putting away the clean dishes. That and to hide the tears that were welling in her eyes. Things had gotten to her that day and the girls’ petty argument had finished her off.

  “You okay?”

  Zach wasn’t saying anything and that meant one thing, that he’d already made up his mind that something was wrong. “I’m fine.” Well the silence and the fact that he was moving closer to her.

  “You don’t sound fine.”

  Erin wanted to run but there was nowhere to run to, even if she did get past the large man that was waiting for an answer. “It’s just the girls bickering...”

  Great one Erin, throw your
children under the bus, she thought bitterly. “No, that’s not it.”

  “Shh, it’s okay.” Zach wrapped himself around her, holding her to him tightly while she melted into a puddle of tears. “Hey, this isn’t like you. What’s brought this on?” he asked finally when her breathing settled and she started to pull away.

  Embarrassment was now added to the list of Erin’s overflowing emotions and she just wanted everything to be normal. “I guess I’m just hormonal,” she said hoping the words would scare her husband off the track.

  “Don’t do that.”

  “Don’t do what?”

  “Don’t try to put me off. You’re my wife and I love you and I know when you’re upset. I just need to know why.”

  “Just for once, can’t I just be upset because I am?” She knew her voice was rising, but she couldn’t help it. She didn’t even know why she was being so stubborn.

  “Did something happen today that was out of the ordinary?”

  Erin rolled her eyes dramatically. She should have known she couldn’t put anything over her on husband. He was a sixth grade teacher that used to teach in the city. Interrogation and intimidation were part of his list of life skills. “I went to school for the fundraising meeting and the moms froze me out.”

  “What do you mean they froze you out?”

  “They didn’t talk to me, Zach. I just sat there in the back and they pretended I wasn’t there.”

  “Are you sure? I mean I’m not saying that I disbelieve you. I’m just saying that I’m surprised. Did you try to talk to them?”


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