Welcome To Corbin's Bend

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Welcome To Corbin's Bend Page 73

by Thianna D

  “Do you think so?” Zach was happy that Diana was confirming what he believed himself. This party sounded ideal but it would be even worse for Erin to get her hopes up at the thought of a party and then have no one turn up. What if there was some reason they were in his wife’s words ‘freezing her out’? “You don’t think we should make it a surprise do you?”

  “Oh hell no,” Diana spluttered.


  “Sorry it slipped out,” she said with a wince. “I’m telling you, though, if you ever invited a bunch of women to my house for the first time and didn’t tell me? I’d never forgive you.”

  “Why?” both men asked together.

  “Women have standards. Even the least house proud woman will want to give their house an extra going over if strangers are going to be wandering through. Especially other women. Not that I’m saying Erin is in that category. Not at all.”

  “Is there anything else we can help you with?” Rick asked with a smile.

  “No you two have been great but I better be going,” Zach said. This was what he wanted for Erin. He felt so much better, just from talking it all out. He was sure this would help her, too, if she’d only embrace Corbin’s Bend and its special ways.

  “Enjoy your walk?” Erin asked.

  Zach kissed her and sat beside her on the couch. “Yes, honey, thanks. Kids asleep?”

  “Yep. Out like lights.”

  “Good, we need to talk.”

  Erin’s face fell. “We already talked.”

  “You’re not in trouble, Erin.” He took her hand. “I called in on Rick and Diana.”


  “They’re there to help, Erin, and we’re going to let them.”

  “Things will get better I promise, I’ll try harder to fit in.”

  “Things will get better, because we’re going to let Diana and Rick help us.”

  Erin really wanted to tell her husband that she didn’t need any help, but she could tell that wouldn’t fly. “How can they help, Zach? They can’t make people like me.”

  “We’re going to have a dinner party. Diana will help with the planning and suggest people for us to invite and such.”

  “I couldn’t, Zach.” Really? He wanted to her to have a dinner party and invite people she didn’t even know? People that didn’t give her the time of day at the school. What if they ignored her in her own home? What if they talked about her to everyone else?

  “Stop over thinking things, Erin. A simple dinner party to get to know some of our neighbors, that’s all.”

  “I don’t want to.” She tried to look away, but Zach held her chin between his thumb and forefinger and his eyes didn’t leave hers.

  “You have twenty-four hours to phone Diana and invite her around for a coffee or lunch or something. You need to talk and she is ready and only too happy to listen to you.”

  “Please, Zach, I’m scared.”

  Zach patted his lap and she crawled into it. “Things will get better. We have to do this for things to change.”

  “What would I even cook?” She had no idea what these people even liked.

  “We used to have parties all the time when we lived in the city, besides, that’s what Diana will help you with.”

  “Maybe we should get a caterer.”

  “No. We can’t afford a caterer, honey, and besides, you’re a great cook.”

  “I cook basic family meals, Zach. I don’t think we can serve guests meat loaf and mashed potatoes.”

  “I love mashed potatoes.”

  Erin sighed. This was a done deal she could tell, but it was such a frightening prospect. It could be wonderful, or it could be the nail in her proverbial social coffin. “Do you think they’ll even want to come?”

  “Yes, I do. I think there’s a possibility that some of the parents from the school and from Corbin’s Bend in general, might believe we don’t want to mix. It’s time we made the effort to make friends.”

  “Okay, I’ll try.” Maybe Zach was right. Maybe she did need to make more of an effort.

  “Good girl. Now remember what I said, honey, because I meant it. You have twenty-four hours or the spanking you got this afternoon will pale in comparison. You hear?”

  “I hear.” Erin snuggled into her husband’s embrace, happy that things were right between them once more.

  The girls and Zach had been gone for an hour. Erin had cleaned the house, remade the kids’ beds and done two loads of laundry. There was officially nothing else to do. The phone seemed to swell in size as she stared at it, daring her to make the call. She knew she had to. She knew there would be severe consequences if she didn’t but she just couldn’t make herself lift the receiver. Finally she decided that she needed another cup of coffee. Of course you couldn’t have a cup of coffee without a cookie. No cookies. She had better make some. What kind of housewife would she be if there were no home-made cookies in the house?

  Erin beat the butter by hand, taking her time to make sure it was almost white before adding the sugar in minuscule amounts. She even stirred in the flour a spoon at a time. It was a painstaking, methodical effort and it still only took under an hour. The phone was still there. She almost jumped out of her skin when it rang.

  “Hello?” She answered the phone like it might actually bite her.

  “Hi, just me.”

  “Hi just me.” Relief washed over her, even though she knew why Zach had called.

  “Did you do it?”

  “Not yet. I was just about to. I had some things I had to take care of first.”

  “Okay, so long as you haven’t forgotten.”

  Was he serious? It had occupied her every thought for the whole morning. “I haven’t forgotten.”

  “Good. I have to go, but I’ll see you this afternoon.”

  “Okay, see you then.”

  “I love you, you know.”

  “I know, I love you, too.”

  She hung up the phone and while the receiver was still in her hand she decided to just do it. Zach had left a card with the number conveniently next to the phone, so she quickly punched in the numbers before she changed her mind. It was ringing, and ringing and ringing. She was just about to hang up when Diana’s voice came over the other end of the phone.

  “Hello, Diana speaking.”

  “Hi, Diana, it’s Erin Cunningham.”

  “Hi Erin.”

  She sounds happy, Erin thought, a little relieved to say the least. “I was wondering if we could make a time to meet up and maybe talk about things.”

  “Of course we can. I’ll be right over.”

  Erin stood still for minute, staring at the phone that was bleeping an engaged signal in her hand. She thought maybe they’d make a day later in the week or early the next week. It hadn’t occurred to her that Diana would want to jump right in so fast.

  It seemed like she’d just hung up the phone when there was a knock at the door. Damn, talk about fast.

  “Diana, hi,” Erin said, her hands sweating and her tummy squirming as she opened the door for her mentor. “It was nice of you to come so quickly.”

  “I wasn’t busy. To be honest, you filled an otherwise boring day for me.”

  “That’s nice of you to say. Would you like some coffee? I have some fresh cookies.”

  “Coffee and homemade cookies would be lovely but what I’d really like Erin is for you to relax. I don’t want to come into your home and tell you how to live. That’s not the point of a mentor. Think of me as a friend; someone to bounce your thoughts off.”

  Erin giggled. It was more of a nervous giggle than one that held real humor. She didn’t find any of this remotely funny. “It’d be really nice to have someone to talk to.” She took a big breath and in direct opposition to her reaction a couple of minutes before she nearly cried. “I’ve been kind of lonely since we moved here.”

  “Aw, honey, you only had to say. I would have been around here in a shot. Let’s have that coffee, shall we?”

sp; Erin nodded and the two women set about making the coffee together while they chatted.

  “You know that Zach came to see us.”

  “He told me. I guess you know he made me call you.”

  “Oh well, he probably felt he had no other choice Erin. He loves you. It’s breaking his heart to think of you being so unhappy. He feels a bit like he’s let you down I think. That he’s brought you to this place that’s making you so unhappy.”

  “He isn’t, he didn’t,” Erin tried to explain. “I’m just a bit lonely. I don’t know how to find a place here. I was popular back home and I was happy.”

  “Were you?”

  “Mostly. Not all the time. We argued a fair bit and the kids were getting out of control. I was getting a bit out of control.”

  “Did you both agree to come and live in Corbin’s Bend?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “Would you say the things you miss, are not more important than having your marriage back on track and your girls growing up in a safe place?”

  “Of course not. I love my husband and this place has made him and the girls very happy. I don’t have any complaints at all about our relationship.”

  “Then why didn’t you tell Zach that you were feeling left out?”

  “I don’t know. Zach, Avvy, and Jordan were all so happy. I didn’t want to rain on their parade.”

  “If you had friends, would you be happy, too?”

  “I think I would.”

  “Then let’s get you out there, honey, and make you happy.” Diana smiled widely and pulled Erin into a one-armed hug. “I think we have a dinner party to plan.”

  “When do you think we should have it?”

  “I think next Friday would be great. Strike while the iron’s hot.”

  “I don’t know if I can have everything ready that fast.” She had to get her head around this. What if people didn’t like her food, what if they didn’t like her house.

  “What’s wrong?” Diana asked.

  Erin shrugged. “It just seems a little soon. I need time to plan, to get the house in order.”

  “The house is already in order as far as I can see.”

  “What about the food?”

  “You know what? Let’s put the men to work. What about we grill. Then all you have to worry about is some finger food for starters, drinks and dessert.”

  “You think that would be enough?”

  “It’ll be great. An informal evening with some new friends, what could be better?”

  Erin smiled. “If everybody’s happy then nothing.”

  “See, there you go.”

  Zach watched the girls tear into the house in search of snacks and drinks. He decided to take a minute. He really hoped that Erin had called Diana. That was the problem when you set an ultimatum. If she hadn’t then he would have to punish her, for the second night in a row. It was a prospect that he didn’t relish. He would love to bend his naked wife over the bed, the very thought had him hard, but he would rather it was for pleasure, not punishment.

  Zach walked in to the kitchen and Erin jumped up from the table and threw her arms around his neck.

  “You’re home! I have so much to tell you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her soundly. Her reaction along with the table strewn with cookbooks gave him the hope he’d prayed for. More than that she was happier than he’d seen her in a long time. “So I see. I take it you called Diana?”

  “I did and she came right over. She’s going to help us plan the party.”

  “That’s great, honey.”

  “Diana thinks that people may have just assumed we wanted to keep to ourselves, well she’s right, I did.”

  “She could be right.”

  “She’s coming tomorrow and we’re going to figure out the list of people to ask and we’re going to call and invite them.”

  “I’m so happy that you’re happy.” He bent to kiss his wife lovingly.

  “Ew,” Jordan said, screwing up her nose.

  “Enough out of you, Miss,” Zach said, kissing his wife gently on the lips another time before releasing her. “Have you started your homework?”

  “Don’t got any.”

  “No spelling?”

  “Did it all yesterday. Can I go to the playground? Please, please pretty please?”

  Erin almost giggled at her daughter’s dramatics. “Change out of your uniform first,” Erin said firmly to the now empty room. “And hang it up!”

  “Yes, Momma!” Jordan shouted back.

  “See if your sister wants to go with you,” Zach added.

  Erin grinned and punched him playfully in the arm.

  “Perfect opportunity,” he whispered with a grin. He did have an ulterior motive at that moment, but he truly loved that the girls could go to the playground by themselves, or move around the community in general safely.

  Jordan was back within moments, wearing a pair of denim shorts and a t-shirt. Her earlier excitement had waned a tad. “She’s coming but she takes so long to get ready.” She groaned. “Can’t I just go? She could meet me there.”

  “You can afford a few minutes to wait for your sister.”

  “Come on, Avvy! Just put on anything!” Jordan yelled.

  “Don’t yell from three rooms away,” Zach chided.

  “But, Daddy, she wouldn’t hear me otherwise.” Jordan was at the door swinging it while she waited impatiently for her sister.

  “Close the door,” Erin said.

  Avvery wandered into the room looking pretty in a frilly denim skirt with tights and a pale pink top. She had taken out her school braids. She tossed her head to make the freshly brushed mane hang down her back.

  Jordan rolled her eyes. “Can we go now, Daddy, please?”

  “Yes you may go. Be back in one hour.”

  “We will,” Both girls chorused as they ran out the door.

  Chapter 3

  Zach clicked the lock on the front door.

  “Now?” Sex in the afternoon was a rarity in their house.

  “It’s very important to positively reinforce good behavior.” He hoisted her over his shoulder.

  Erin squealed when Zach pulled off her panties and threw them into the hamper as he entered their bedroom. “You think I’ve been good?” She tugged her husband’s shirt out of his pants.

  “Oh, you’ve been a very good girl.”

  “But it’s the afternoon.”

  “I’m being time effective.”

  “What about dinner?”

  “Let’s eat out tonight.” He lowered her to the ground and divested her of her skirt while she undid his pants. The rest of their clothes quickly followed.

  “That would be nice.” She rolled her head back as Zach tugged a nipple into his mouth, his hands kneading her bottom. “Oh, so’s that.”

  “I love you, my pet,” he said, kissing her deeply and then laying her on the bed. “Turn over.”

  She did as he asked, knowing he was going to spank her, but also knowing that this time she would love it.

  The first slap always made her jump, even when she wasn’t in trouble. There was that initial sting and then warmth and tingles. Rather than dread the next one, she was waiting for it, needing it, sometimes wishing it was harder. Zach always started slow when he was enjoying himself, like he was savoring every smack, every wobble of her not so taught flesh. “It feels so good,” she purred as he started to pick up the pace. It was funny how the same act could bring on such different emotions. Yesterday she was in tears, wanting it to stop and today she was revelling in the same but kind of different pain. He stopped and she lifted her head. “Please don’t stop,” she begged. He was rustling in the drawer and when he came back he had their feather.

  “Arms above your head.”

  She did so immediately, although part of her wanted him to start spanking again. It didn’t take long though for her to relax and enjoy. The well-worn little plume shimmered down each arm and tickled the edges of h
er breasts as Zach ran it ever so lightly down her sides. “Hmmm,” she said closing her eyes and sinking into the mattress.

  “Spread your legs,” he said. “Wider.”

  Her legs sprang apart, her girly parts eager for the flicker of pleasure that was coming. She could feel the cool air on her damp bits as Zach teased her all over, missing the part that most wanted his touch. He started at her toes, running the feather between each, dancing down along the underside and the making a show of circling her sensitive instep. “It tickles.” She giggled. Then it was on the move again traveling down the inside of her thigh. A thrill ran through her the closer it got. She longed to touch herself, but as soon as she moved her right hand, a sharp spank exploded across both cheeks.

  “Ah, ah, ah, mine.”

  Her breath caught in her throat as his hand slid underneath her and settled on her swollen nub. “Yes, Zach, there,” she panted as his fingers started to work her. The feather in his other hand was still wandering. It tickled her outer lips, moved over her back hole and up her ass crack.

  “You liked that didn’t you?” he said, dropping the feather and sliding a finger from his other hand between her cheeks until he reached her wet opening.

  “Uh-huh.” She was almost beyond thought. Delicious tingles fizzed from her belly to her core.

  “Yes, you do.” He slid first one finger and then two inside her.

  She rocked against his two hands but one hand retracted and he started spanking her again; hard stinging slaps that almost took her breath away, the thud pushing her further on to the bed. She burned from the outside in. Her bottom flamed with intense heat and her arousal climbed, becoming more intense by the second. The two sensations were finally too much. She let out a guttural moan and her legs tried to snap together of their own accord to stop the intense orgasm that overwhelmed her senses. Zach had no intention of stopping, he kept gently moving his fingers around her clit, despite her resistance. He kissed the sting from her bottom, holding her tightly until she calmed. “Oh Zach,” she whispered, “so good, but I can’t, too soon.”

  “Good girls get rewarded, honey.”

  She crawled up on her knees and spread herself for him. Her own fingers digging into the freshly spanked flesh, reigniting the slight burn from his slaps.


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