Welcome To Corbin's Bend

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Welcome To Corbin's Bend Page 114

by Thianna D

  “Oh my God!” she gasped as he stroked her, thrashing and scissoring his fingers inside her, thrusting with a burst of rapid motion that made his palm spank up against her pussy lips and culminated in nothing less than a vigorous tandem fucking between his fingers in her dripping wet pussy and that ginger root in her bottom. “Oh my God!” she howled, sinking her teeth into her own arm just to keep from biting his shoulder.

  He kept his hand on the ginger root, applying just enough pressure to rock and rotate it, keeping her mindful of its presence while he took his fingers from her pussy and showed her just how thoroughly she had wet his hand.

  “I didn’t do that,” she said inanely, horrified by the sight of her own creamy arousal dripping off his fingers. That couldn’t possibly have happened. Not from a spanking. Especially not from one that had hurt so very much.

  Marcus didn’t bother arguing. “Get on my cock,” he commanded, wrapping his free arm around her waist to help her balance. She had to guide him in, but wet as she was, she simply sank down on him, closing her eyes at the way he stretched and filled her. He hugged her hips to his, content in the closeness before taking hold of the ginger root once more. “Ride me,” he said as he fucked her with it. “There’s a good girl.”

  Her whole body stiffened with the intensity, the friction of being so doubly filled, the war of pleasure and pain as she rode his cock, the soreness and sting as her ass was tirelessly pumped.

  “Please!” she begged, every ounce of her needing what only he seemed able to provide.

  “Please, what?” Marcus mocked. “Please spank you again?”

  That sudden lack of friction as he abandoned the ginger plug was replaced by the burning impact as his hand slapped her bottom. Hard and fast, catching whatever parts of her that he could reach as she bounced frantically in the trap of his arms while her vaginal walls spasmed all around him. It wasn’t pleasure, it wasn’t pain. It was an amalgamation of both, shooting in through her tender bottom, sparking straight through to her clit and exploding there, like tiny shimmering stars that couldn’t be seen, only felt.

  “Please fuck you harder?”

  He picked her right up out of that chair, dropping her to her back on the floor as he covered her. His cock fell out of her when he did, but they weren’t separated for long. She hugged him, with both her arms and her legs when he reclaimed her with a thrust that would have been brutal had she not been so wet and ready.

  “Like this?” He thrust again. “Is that what your ‘please’ is for?”

  The slam of his hips pounding into the cradle of hers was loud unto the point of obscenity. So were her cries, guttural and hard, every bit as hard as the throbbing length of him battering at her walls. “Yes! Yes!”

  Her bottom was on fire, scalded first by his hand and then by the carpet as, every few pumping thrusts, he scooted her across the floor only to yank her back down onto his cock, fighting to get deep again. She was close, so close. She wailed her loss when he abruptly pulled all the way out again.

  “On your belly,” he ordered.

  The pain in her knees was nothing compared to the pain of suddenly being deprived of his closeness and his cock. She got on her stomach, clutching her fists when he got down between her legs. His hard belly against the burning of her tender buttocks made them ache that much more. His breath against her shoulder and ear made her shudder, though whether from anticipation or trepidation she just didn’t know, not even when she heard him ask, “Do you want me to fuck your ass, Cadence? Maybe that’s what you want instead, hm? Tell me, sweetheart have I stopped too soon?”

  Her nipples were twin peaks of sensitivity, scraping the carpet with every gasping breath she took. All she could feel was the length and breadth of him, hot and slick, sliding up and down between her nether cheeks in slow, mocking thrusts.

  He reached down between them, taking hold of the ginger root and fucking her with it now, in tandem with his movements.

  “You’ve been a very good girl.” He kissed her shoulder. “You’ve taken your spanking very well, so we’ll not go that far this time. But the next time you require a long, hard spanking—” She shivered as the slide of his cock coincided with the seductive growl of his words. “—your punishment won’t be over until I’ve fucked…your…ass.”

  The carpet drank in her cry when he sank into her again, filling up her pussy, the grinding push of his hips bumping up against the base of the ginger root, giving her the intensely pleasurable sensation of being thrust into both ways at once.

  “That’s a punishment?” she gasped, unable to bear it, raking her fingers through the carpet because she just had to latch onto something and there was simply nothing but her own hair to grip onto.

  Above her, Marcus stilled. Almost incredulously, he asked, “You think I can’t make it one?”

  She moaned, trying to ride him with her hips to get that motion and friction back again. “I’m sure you’d try your best.”

  He half laughed, half growled. It was such a shock of friction when he plucked the ginger root out of her. He offered her his hand and she took it, hanging onto him with both of hers and shivering all over when she felt the thick head of him reposition itself behind her. “Be careful what you wish for.”

  Sage advice, but it came way too late to offer Cadence much in the way of consolation. But then, maybe consolation wasn’t what she wanted, because while what followed might have started out as punishment (in some vague, half-serious way), somewhere along the way, from that first blinding thrust to last, it ended as anything but.


  Are you nervous, Dad?” Buddy asked.


  They stood in front of the church bathroom mirrors, in formal suits that were almost identical. Black pants and coats, white shirt, red ties. Marcus had been the one to tie Buddy’s necktie and, although not enough time had yet passed for his youngest to have made a complete mess of his clothes, when Marcus looped the tongue of his tie through the last knot and adjusted the length, Buddy copied his motions. Father and son, they straightened their ties together.

  “Are you nervous?” Marcus asked.


  “Do you still have the rings?”

  “Yup. See?” Buddy pulled a felt-covered box out of his coat pocket, and then he looked at it. “Why are we giving her two rings? Benny Jamison says it’s not a real wedding ring because it has a funny rock on it instead of a diamond. Yours has a diamond.”

  “Yes, it does, but any ring can be a wedding ring when it means something to the woman whose hand you slip it on.” Done playing with his tie, Marcus dropped to one knee and took the ring box from his son. He opened it carefully, a smile spreading across his features when he took in the contents. “This ring is very special.” He lay his fingers next to the one ringed in diamonds and sapphires and crowned by the fire opal. “Cadence’s Dad made it for her Mom way back when they were married a long, long time ago. When I put it on her hand, it means that all the things her daddy once promised her mommy, that is what I am now promising her.”

  He let his son look his fill before switching his finger to the second ring in the box. “This ring is from me,” he said, tapping the diamond twice. “It means all the same things the first one does, plus a few extra promises that I am making that are very special and only between those who are Head of Households and those who are Taken in Hand. Now, I know that doesn’t mean anything to you now, but maybe when you’re older it will.”

  Buddy nodded. “Okay.”

  “This ring,” Marcus continued, his smile returning as he tapped the third ring: bright orange, plastic and crowned with a spider. “I’m not sure where this came from.”

  “I got it on Halloween,” Buddy supplied. “When you’re done marrying her, then it’s my turn. I didn’t have any diamonds though. Do you think Cadence will mind?”

  “No.” Closing the ring box, he slipped it back into his son’s pocket. “I don’t think she’s going to mind at a

  Standing, he ruffled Buddy’s hair.

  “Dad!” Buddy quickly combed it down flat with his fingers.

  Grinning, Marcus faced the mirror again. He continued to adjust the fit of his clothes. “How about the baby? Are you looking forward to being a big brother?”

  “Kind of.” Hair once more back in place, Buddy frowned at his reflection. “Dad, are you sure there’s something in there?”

  Marcus snorted. “I wouldn’t be much of a doctor if I wasn’t.”

  “Yeah, but when Libby had a baby in her tummy, it went all the way out this much!” Buddy spread his arms out wide, arching his back to thrust out his own small stomach in emphasis.

  “It takes time for a tummy to get that big,” Marcus assured him. “Our baby is still very little. What are you hoping for, a little brother or a little sister?”

  “Sister,” Buddy said automatically. “Brothers suck.”

  “Language,” Marcus told him, but it was hard not to laugh at that.

  “They do,” Buddy defended, offering up his hand as he and his father left the bathroom. “They’re mean and they never let you play with them. And they always get to do the big boy stuff and they call me a baby ‘cause I’m too small. I’m not going to be that kind of brother. I’m going to be the good kind and play with her whenever she wants and I’m never going to call her a baby, even when she is one.”

  “Sounds like a good plan,” Marcus said, smiling down at him. “But you know, you can do all that even if you have a baby brother.”

  “I guess.” Buddy frowned as they walked down the long hall toward the chapel where the majority of Corbin’s Bend were already waiting. “I still want a sister, though.” He brightened. “Or a puppy.”

  “Sorry, Buddy,” Marcus chuckled. “That is not how that works.”

  “Is too. Benny Jamison’s mommy went away to have her baby and his Dad came home with a puppy.”

  And probably spent the next two months living in the dog house with it for adding to Ellie Jamison’s workload, Marcus thought. Not one word of which Buddy needed to hear. “We’ll have to see what happens, I guess,” he said instead, giving his son’s hand another squeeze.

  When they reached the chapel door, Marcus stopped and together they appraised the crowd. Father Beauchamp was already standing his post on the dais in front of the pews. Michael and Daniel stood in matching suits to one side. Daniel had already lost the fight for tie-tolerance, having pulled his loose enough that it now hung slightly crooked against his chest.

  “They’re going to pinch my cheeks, Dad,” Buddy said heavily, already staring down that gauntlet of women who were twisting around in the pews to see him. Some were already clutching their chests or their cheeks, whispering exclamations of: “Look at him! Isn’t he the cutest thing?”

  Marcus patted him on the back. “Run,” he advised.

  Buddy only made it halfway through the gauntlet before Maeve Harshaw caught him. In an instant, he was engulfed by well-meaning emotional ladies, all of them bound and determined to ruffle his hair or mark him in a blanket of lipstick kisses. His brothers laughed at him when he finally made it to the front. None of which Marcus paid any attention at all once he felt a tender hand tap his arm.

  “She’s coming,” Lizzy said, slipping past him to signal the pianist on the dais behind Father Beauchamp. She went to take her place beside her wife, Marilyn, in one of the front pews.

  The slow strains of a wedding march quelled the idle chitchat, bringing silence to the chapel and raising the excitement to levels so palpable that Marcus could almost taste it. He waited tensely, staring straight ahead. It was bad luck to see the bride before it was time, but when he felt the whisper of formal skirts brushing against his leg and that familiar touch of her hand slip into his, Marcus couldn’t help himself. Cadence stole his breath away much as she’d done the very first time he’d seen her. That she wasn’t lying sprawled on his walkway with a soaking wet t-shirt and one of his sons stammering apologies hardly factored into it. She was beautiful, she was his, and she was gazing up at him with eyes that said she always wanted to be.

  Mama Venia walked with them down the aisle. It was her job to give away the bride. Marcus walked on her other side. Because Cadence—his stubborn, beautiful Cadence—refused to let her cane be part of the ceremonies, and it was his job to make sure she didn’t fall.

  Marcus didn’t let her climb the stairs, so Father Beauchamp came down to them. Michael brought the chair for her to sit on throughout the ceremony, because that was the compromise they had made to ensure her legs were well enough for the bride and groom to share the first dance at the reception later on. If anyone noticed the bright orange spider ring on the ring finger of her left hand, or that the new groom held his bride just a little too close and a little too tight (deliberately keeping his steps small and shallow to guard against any possibility of a fall), or that the bride could not stop smiling even while she cried, then they were much too polite to say a word.

  The End

  Maren Smith

  Hi, I'm Maren. I'm 30, and have five four–legged children: two dogs and three cats. I love strong, authoritative men–men who are both ready and willing to leave the lady of their choosing red–bottomed and weeping and for her own good. Writing has given me the wonderful freedom to explore my spanking side without feeling 'weird.' Even better, with the invention of the Internet, I can write what I love and know it will be appreciated by people with the same interests.”

  Other Books By Maren Smith

  Single Titles

  How to Live Without a Man

  Something Has to Give


  Fairy Godmothers, Inc.

  Black Sheep

  Daughter of the Strong

  The Diva


  The Great Prank

  Jinxie’s Orchids

  Katy Run Away

  Kindred Spirits

  Life After Rachel

  The Locket


  Morogh the Demon

  Mountain Man

  My Lady Robin Hood

  Saga: Constance’s Story

  The Suffragettes


  Varden’s Lady

  The Next Ex

  The Miner’s Wife

  Angel of Hawkhaven

  Red Petticoat Saloon series

  Jade’s Dragon

  Warming Emerald

  Corbin’s Bend series

  Last Dance for Cadence

  Have Paddle, Will Travel

  Masters of the Castle Series

  Holding Hannah (Book One)

  Kaylee’s Keeper (Book Two)

  Saving Sara (Book Three)

  Sweet Sinclair (Book Four)

  Chasing Chelsea (Book Five)

  Owning O (Book Six)

  Maddy Mine (Book Seven)

  Meeting Marshall (Novella)

  Box Sets and Anthologies

  The Dark Forest

  The Smith Sisters Christmas Anthology

  12 Naughty Days, A Holiday Anthology

  Confessions of a Spanking Author

  Cowboy Discipline

  With Hearts Aflame

  Masters of the Castle

  When the Gavel Falls (Masters of the Castle anthology)

  The Naughty List

  Spanking Tails Vol. 1

  Spanking Tails Vol. 2

  Spanking Tails Vol. 3

  Spanking Tails Vol. 4

  Spanking Tails Vol. 5

  Spanking Tails Vol. 6

  Spanking Tails Vol. 7

  Spanking Tails Vol. 8

  Spanking Tails Vol. 9

  Spanking Tails Vol. 10

  Connect with Maren Smith:


  [email protected]

  Don’t miss the entire Corbin’s Bend Series!

  Welcome to Corbin’s Bend

  Return to Corbin’s Bend

  At Home
in Corbin’s Bend

  Corbin’s Bend Homecoming

  Love in the Rockies

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