WATCHING CORONA: From Our Dimension to Yours

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WATCHING CORONA: From Our Dimension to Yours Page 14

by Holly Fox Vellekoop

  Corona started to sing to boost her own spirits.

  Corona’s singing incensed her antagonists even more.

  Be quiet, Corona. Just keep walking as if nothing is happening, Flora said. She turned and glared at the Homelings and Travelers. I can’t believe they feel so brave as to challenge us outright like this, she complained to her companions. They’re being supported by someone or something important to be so open about it. If this doesn’t stop, there’ll soon be some sort of physical confrontation. That’s how their kind operate. They foster fear, dividing us, one group from another. Talk against us and the Hybrids, spreading falsehoods, ridicule and insults against those of us who support you. I’ve seen their communications on the boards. They’ve stepped up the campaign a notch recently. Especially that Gessie. She’s good at posturing and posing while lying and rewriting our dimension’s history. We’ll need to be ready. They’ve even gone so far as to say I’m not qualified to be with the Passers. I don’t know where they got that from. They seem to be targeting me. We’ll be ready, but first we need to get Sarah and Stanley cured and back to their space. Just keep moving.

  Still walking at a brisk pace, Corona took advantage of her gift to read the mind of Star, one of the younger Homelings and was pleased that, out in the open in In Situ, she was able to do it.

  Corona read Star’s thoughts.

  I needed to get over to the Ward to see if my little one’s ready, Star was thinking.

  Corona could sense Star’s anxiety about becoming a mother and was disturbed to see her rub an open lesion on her arm that looked a lot like Corona’s own sore.

  Look at them, scurrying away to the Common House, Gessie said. We have them on the run. Let’s go back inside and alert the others. The time is now to get everyone together and strike.

  Golden, unhappy with Gessie once again asserting herself, put herself in front to lead her accomplices inside.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Outside the Common House, hundreds of uniformed youthful In Situs formed rows and stood at attention, observing the Traveler’s camp. They chanted, “Marva. Marva. Marva.” Expressionless faces testified to intense dedication and training. They completely ignored Flora and her group, focused entirely upon the Homelings and Travelers. Weapons were openly displayed.

  Occasionally their In Situ leader would tap the Communication Board, sending information out. For extra emphasis, she stood in front of the youth when she spoke, utilizing them as props.

  I wondered where the younger In Situs were, Corona said to Flora. Is this an In Situ Army?

  We call them the Corps. The All conscripts every young In Situ for service to their leaders. They attend an All-run school for their education. Since they don’t have to go to work, they’re able and expected to be loyal. Those younger than this group remain in class for our the All’s approved instruction until they’re old enough to join the Corps. It’s been successful, generating intense loyalty to our leader, from the youngest on up through maturity.

  Aware of world history in her dimension, Corona was concerned about such groups. Brown Shirts Sturmabteilung, she thought.

  Flora gained entrance into the Common House.

  Corona observed the oval entry room of the Common House and its sparse furnishings. She noticed In Situs lying on couches, restoring their energy. Each of them was relaxed and serene, showing no awareness of the new visitors.

  Bob-Boy was there in repose, resting on his side.

  A wrinkled, feeble-looking being went into the Goodbye Room and didn’t come out. Another followed shortly after.

  Sensing exactly where the different doors were for entry into the Healing Rooms, Corona made sure not to touch anything near those places. She didn’t want to accidentally trip open any of them.

  I think Sarah and Stanley are in this room, Corona communicated to Flora. She motioned to an illuminated wall.

  Your abilities and skills are well advanced, Flora said. You’re as good as any of us for sensing information.

  Thank you. I can’t explain it. I just know things. She was untroubled by her capabilities.

  You’re wise in not touching anything until I tell you, Flora said. It could be alarming for you and the occupants if you enter the wrong room. Go ahead and access the door now. And remember to speak to Sarah and Stanley instead of communicating with your mind.

  Okay, Corona said. She ran her hand along the soft structure and gently pushed where she knew it would activate the door. Instantly, an opening appeared.

  Flora entered the Healing Room followed by Corona. Fancy came next. A sweet and salty olfactory bouquet, like a honey-laced ocean, greeted them.

  Corona saw Sarah reclining on a slab which appeared to be suspended in mid-air. She inhaled the seductive aroma deeply. It smelled delicious and reeked of velvety softness.

  The aroma’s from the healing properties which are being absorbed into her cellular structures, Flora communicated.

  Sarah’s eyes were closed and she looked peaceful. She was covered in white material from her neck down to her feet. The skin on her face was glowing and healthy, transformed from what it was before she accepted the healing. Every few seconds a rainbow fog came out of nowhere, misting upon her body, sprinkling glistening moisture. The droplets spread over and through the cloth onto Sarah’s skin. The mist was absorbed into her cells with a faint and gentle ‘Shoosh.’

  Our panacea, Fancy said. The body chemistry is scanned through the table for whatever disease processes or abnormalities are harbored within her. The treatment will cure almost anything that’s wrong with her. When she awakens and rejoins us she’ll be totally cleansed at the cellular level, back to perfection and health. Even better than when she was born.

  Corona wondered what that meant, ‘Better than when she was born.’

  Flora approached the wall behind Sarah’s bed, touched it, and writing appeared in the In Situ language. She motioned for Corona to join her to read the analysis of her friend’s condition.

  Slight anemia, parasitic tongue, throat, and respiratory system invasion. She frowned. What is this? It says here she’s a carrier of the F508 Cystic Fibrosis gene mutation. That’s what was meant by, “Better than when she was born.” I doubt Sarah knew she had that genetic issue. She turned to Flora for an explanation.

  The system misses nothing, Flora said. Whatever isn’t considered normal or positive for her species will be corrected with the mist. Congratulations on being able to translate our written language. Not much will escape you with the level of knowledge you have. Flora was troubled at this revelation.

  Thank you, Corona said. She read Flora’s thoughts and wondered why she was troubled. Corona felt neither embarrassed nor haughty about what she was born with, so was puzzled about Flora’s attitude.

  She appears to be almost finished with her treatment, Fancy said. Let’s go see how Stanley’s doing while we wait for her. Fancy approached a filmy undulating cloud-like division between Sarah and Stanley’s beds. She touched it and glided through. Flora and Corona followed.

  Stanley was peacefully lying on his slab in much the same condition as Sarah. The mist reduced, then disappeared. Stanley’s eyes opened.

  “How are you doing?” Flora asked aloud. She chose not to read his system scan.

  “Great. I feel wonderful,” he said. “Like I’ve had a full night’s sleep, a body massage and much more.” He touched his arms and his chest. “I can’t explain it. It’s as if my whole body’s been rejuvenated. I think I can feel my cells tingling. That sounds silly doesn’t it?” He looked sheepish and pulled the sheet against his chin. In doing so, Stanley noticed the ink drawing of Bob-Boy was gone from his arm. The treatment had taken it away. He frowned.

  “ Not at all,” Flora said. “Actually, you describe the healing treatment in similar words as everyone else does. Myself included. When you’re finished, come join us in the waiting room.”

  Stanley nodded.

  What happens now? Corona asked.
/>   As soon as Sarah’s finished, they’ll both put their clothes on and we’ll join Bob-Boy in the walk back to our home. You three will go home. We’ll bring you back another time. Coming to the Healing Room has altered our plans to show you more. Our enemies will find out we used it for Sarah and Stanley, and there’ll be problems.

  That prompted a question from Corona. Have you learned anything about what happened to my grandparents? Those photos I gave you showed them in a position that looked as if they were passing over to here, like we do. How could they do that if they weren’t as advanced as us, unless they had some help?

  I haven’t heard about them, Corona. We’re still working on it, but don’t know anything for sure yet. Fancy said. She looked uncomfortable. And I don’t know how they would’ve passed over here without our tool to help.

  I haven’t heard anything about your family members, either, Flora said. Remember, I said I’ll let you know as soon as we learn something about them. She focused on not revealing all those who had the device which only the passers had. It’s what’s used to aid less-gifted humans to pass over when they wanted them brought to the camp.

  Flora was concerned. She’d long suspected that In Situs groups were visiting Corona’s dimension without permission. It worried her there may be hidden camps of humans in addition to the ones she knew existed. That would answer the question as to where Corona’s grandparents went, but she didn’t believe it could happen without their leader’s knowledge of it. And, since she held such a high post here, Flora was sure Marva would’ve told her about it if she knew anything. She was almost sure.


  “Look at them coming from the Common Room as if they deserve the healing. It makes me furious,” Golden said. She closed the window of her home and faced her companions.

  “What have the Hybrids ever done for us? Nothing. That’s what. Nothing, except bring their diseases and problems here. Why, we’re even supporting the Human Camp. And the Camp population is growing, polluting our atmosphere with their carbon dioxide and other waste. They’re depleting and damaging our precious resources, and they complain about wanting more. If I have anything to do with it, they’ll get less, not more.”

  Golden touched the wall for an opening and leaned out to observe the young people walking the pathway.

  Some of the Travelers who remained outside, were harassing the Hybrids as they passed by.

  Golden’s view was obscured several times by other In-Situs passing by, riding the energy matrix to and from planned destinations. She craned to look around them and the Travelers who lined the property. When the last of the Hybrids entered Flora’s home, Golden closed the opening. She tapped an air sparkle and the communication board appeared. Gessie’s latest outreach to In Situs was on.

  Gessie was speaking aloud, surrounded by young In Situs used as backup, smiling and looking adoringly up at her. “In Situs, you know I put you first in everything. We owe the humans nothing. What do we care if their world progresses? Let them live with their diseases, war, and crime. And look at how ridiculous they look in their clothing. Our young ones such as these,” she gestured at the props, deserve our resources. These strangers deserve nothing.”

  Photos of bizarrely dressed humans flashed as a backdrop. Groups of people were shown in their universe, mobbing businesses and stealing from them. The video behind Gessie flowed with unflattering, criminal and cruel human behaviors, taken from films and news programs in the humans’ dimension.

  “And, they eat meat!” Gessie continued. “Yes. They slaughter animals and fish for their meals. They raise them then cut them up to eat. And don’t get me started talking about the filthy animals and other creatures they love and gush over as pets.” She paused to let those horrible details sink in. “Their world still struggles with rights for their females. Their males make most of the decisions, and they don’t care for their little ones like we do for ours.” She smiled lovingly at the young In Situs, and touched the head of one of them. “The injustice of it all.”

  “Human trafficking, slavery and inequity are imbedded in their cultures,” Gessie said. “They have jobs and buy things for themselves they crave. How selfish of them. We should let them wallow in their own mess, instead of guiding them. Our concerns must be about issues here and in more worthy, advanced dimensions. We must pursue justice and restitution.”

  Gessie beamed at the audience when the young In Situs rushed to her side for hugs.

  The presentation was concluded with background videos of humans in unflattering situations, echoing Gessie’s theme. Fringe and violent human lifestyles and acts were displayed.

  Golden turned off the board and addressed her group. “We can’t surpass the Valers and others out there if we don’t concentrate on ourselves and our superior culture. If anything, we owe our time and efforts to furthering our relationship with the Valers as long as it proves profitable for us. We should pressure them to step up their schedule and progress us all the way to their level of knowledge and technology.” Pink hues danced and glowed with her fervor. “And when we’re equal to them, we’ll demand to be introduced to the dimensions nearest them, the ones who taught the Valers all they know. Our plans are to continuously move ourselves ahead, not to help inferiors. If we must step on or over any of them, we’ll do it. In conclusion, we have serious issues here that must be addressed. The extravagance lifestyle of the All must stop. They live better than those they govern. That shouldn’t be. We should all live equally.”

  The gathering of Homelings and Travelers murmured in agreement. Their most pressing concern was to bring an end to the Hybrids’ relationship with the Passers and the Passers’ good relationship with Marva. That was followed by discussions on how to gain the Passers’ cooperation to join their cause. Or else.

  “The Passers have weaknesses,” Golden said. “We can use them to our advantage. In Situs are getting increasingly uncomfortable with the Hybrids. Our postings and videos on the boards about the humans have caused doubt and suspicion. I’ve been to the human’s world so I know what I’m saying is true. I took Gessie with me to provide clarity to her writings and speeches.”

  Gessie nodded her head in agreement. It was true. She and Golden had passed to the other dimension without the approval of the governing body. The fact that their visits accounted for illnesses being passed to the humans, bothered them not. They reasoned it to be the fault of humans for being so weak.

  “Our numbers are growing and the Passers’ support is waning,” Gessie added. “We’ll continue to use the board and whatever means we can to bring them down. Lies and ridicule still work everywhere. And, if the All doesn’t support our position, I’ll attack the capabilities of the leadership. Marva will be made to look like a fool. Who doesn’t like to criticize those in charge?” She snorted at that. “If something happens to her that causes her demise - so be it. Of course, when we’re the ones in power, we’ll limit their use of communications and monitor and record their every move and speech.”

  Not wanting to disclose everything, Golden deliberately hid the rest of their plans from most of their supporters. Dismantling the beliefs some of the In Situs held was a chief aim. It was easy to do through controlling the education of the younger ones. So much more of what was formerly believed to be wrong, is being made acceptable to them and what formerly was considered to be good, is taught to be bad. Lessons about the origin of their dimension and those who helped it progress were rewritten to make Golden’s viewpoint appear superior. Golden’s name was inserted wherever possible within past history documents to accentuate her importance. Golden was proud of her plans.

  “It’s time we demand the All make a decision about our eliminating the Hybrid and Passer program,” Gessie said. “By now they’d have seen our recent postings and will want to hear us present our position directly to them. I have one more communication to convince the All that the Passers are failing in their mission and are endangering us.”

  Gessie added a posting
to the board of particular importance to In Situs. “You won’t find any of those disgusting mammals, birds, fishes or other creatures here. We’ve seen to that. They’re dirty, unintelligent, and aggressive. Humans call them ‘pets’ and love them.” She faked a shudder to emphasize her point.

  Star, distracted by other worries, voiced her concerns about getting back to the Ward to see if her little one was okay.

  “Pay attention,” Golden said harshly to the young mother. “You can check on your offspring later.” She was annoyed Star wasn’t giving their day’s agenda her complete attention. Maybe Star would have to be looked at more closely. Maybe she’d have to be replaced. And her offspring, too.

  At Corona’s home after the Korsa passed back to their dimension

  “I don’t think I’ve ever felt so alive in my life,” Sarah said, touching the skin on her face. “My breathing is so much better since the Healing Room.”

  “Me, too,” Stanley said. “I’m not coughing and I don’t have that tickle in my throat. The energy I have is amazing.” He showed the girls how the treatment had caused the ink drawing of Bob-Boy to disappear from his arm.

  “That’s awesome,” Corona said. “Everyone who got tattoos and regret it might be able to get them removed without any scarring.”

  “Yeah, but those who love their tattoos will be bummed to know they’ll disappear during the treatment,” Stanley said. He daydreamed about getting a real one.

  The friends hung out in Corona’s bedroom, discussing in hushed tones their recent experiences with the beings.

  “We must try to get this technology for our world,” Corona said. “It’ll change everything here. Later, we can try to help other dimensions which aren’t up to our level. One by one, we can pull the less advanced ones up. It’ll be a transformation for a good and better life for everyone.”


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