Space Plague

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Space Plague Page 11

by Zac Harrison

  John winced. “I’m just sorry you had to lose your job, sir,” he said.

  “Ha!” roared the tall Sillaran. “The president was furious. He called me every name in the galaxy and a few more I’ve never heard of. Sacked me on the spot and threatened to have me thrown in prison for treason.”

  “I’m so sorry,” John choked out.

  The councillor waved his hand. “Everything is fine,” he said airily. “When it became obvious that you had saved the lives of the students and staff on board Hyperspace High and proved that a cure for Zhaldarian Flu exists, the president was forced to reinstate me.” Peering down at John, he continued, “The Galactic Council and I are for ever in your debt.”

  “I‘m just glad Emmie and Kaal are better again,” John said, blushing.

  Councillor Tarz beamed at him. “Well, you know we already consider you part of the family. Please let me know if there’s ever anything I can do for you.”

  As the councillor gave Emmie one last hug and began walking away to his own ship, there was a flash of light as the headmaster materialized in front of the friends.

  “Kaal, Emmie,” said Lorem, his purple eyes twinkling, “so good to see you looking like yourselves again.”

  John nodded in agreement, but couldn’t bring himself to look Lorem in the eye.

  “But you don’t look very happy, John. What is troubling you?”

  “It’s, well... er... all those rules I broke, sir,” John mumbled.

  Lorem raised an eyebrow. “One of the benefits of being the headmaster,” he said with a chuckle, “is that I have access to the Examiners’ central databank. The records of your... adventures, have been wiped, though the rest of us will never forget what we owe you.”

  Exhaling a huge sigh, John felt his shoulders drop with relief. But he quickly remembered that this wasn’t the last of his problems. John took a deep breath and looked up into the headmaster’s face. “What about the exam results, sir?” he asked. “When do we find out if we passed?”

  “In the circumstances, it would be unfair to judge any students by their exam results this term,” Lorem replied. “They will not be entered on your records.”

  “You mean, we’re all coming back next term?” gasped John.

  “Oh, yes,” replied the headmaster. “Definitely.”

  Kaal and Emmie beamed from ear to ear, and John knew that the grin on his own face was just as wide.

  “If you’ll excuse us,” Lorem said to Kaal and Emmie, “I’d like a word with John and Mordant in private. I won’t keep them long.”

  John nodded a greeting to Mordant Talliver as the headmaster beckoned him over. But the half-Gargon boy made no sign that he had noticed.

  At his shoulder, G-Vez drawled, “Keep your distance from young Master Talliver, Earthling. He does not wish to—”

  “Shut up, G-Vez, or I’ll melt you down for scrap,” ordered Mordant, stopping beside John and returning the nod at last.

  Lorem looked first into John’s face and then into Mordant’s. “I wanted to add my own thanks to those of everyone else on the ship,” he said gravely. “Because of your bravery, everyone has survived. I know that neither of you finds it easy to get along, but I hope that you’ll take some time to reflect on what might have happened if you had not worked together.”

  The two boys glanced at each other.

  “In the meantime, I am enormously proud of you both. Thank you again, and I look forward to seeing you both back here next term.”

  “Zepp deserves some thanks, too,” said John. “We would never have been able to leave the ship if it weren’t for him. Plus, the Examiners would still have us in a detention room.”

  “You’re welcome, friend,” said Zepp’s voice.

  “Now you’ll have to excuse me, I have a few more goodbyes to say,” said Lorem, disappearing in a flash of light.

  “Mordant!” called Doctor Graal. “Come and say goodbye before you go to your father’s.”

  “Just a minute, Mum!” Mordant shouted over his shoulder. Turning back to John, he put out a tentacle. “Maybe he’s right,” he said, tilting his head towards the headmaster who was now laughing in the middle of another group of students.

  “What, about it not being easy working together?”

  A smile flickered across Mordant’s face. “No, about what might have happened if we hadn’t, idiot.”

  John took hold of Mordant’s tentacle and shook it. “Why didn’t you tell anyone Doctor Graal was your mother?” he asked.

  Mordant shrugged. “Didn’t want everyone thinking I was top of the class just because my mum’s the teacher,” he said.

  At that moment, Doctor Graal appeared beside him. “Come on, darling boy; you can’t keep me waiting all day,” slobbered Doctor Graal, wrapping her tentacles around her son and pulling him into a hug.

  “Aww, Muuum. You’re embarrassing me.”

  “Um... John, Ms Vartexia’s trying to get everyone on board shuttle thirty-six,” Kaal interrupted, appearing with Emmie and nudging John. “That’s us.”

  “You know what she’s like,” said Emmie. “She’s already got her ThinScreen out, making notes on anyone who’s late.”

  A few seconds later, John bounded up the steps into the shuttle, falling into a seat between his friends. Something hit him on the head as his safety harness fastened around him. “Have a Dumpod Candy, John!” shouted Lishtig.

  “There will be no food fights aboard this shuttle,” announced Ms Vartexia sternly, climbing the steps. “No food fights, no Bubble Bombs, no Shuttle Surfing, no...” Her voice was drowned out by loud groans.

  “All shuttles,” said Zepp’s voice loudly, “prepare for departure.”

  John felt a tremor run through the shuttle as the engines started. Ahead, the massive bay doors opened out to space.

  “So, good term?”

  John turned to see Kaal grinning at him.

  “Not bad,” replied Emmie from John’s other side. “But I thought there was too much Hyperspace History, Galactic Geography, Cosmic Languages, and well... you get the idea.”

  Laughing, John said, “So, you didn’t mind almost getting blown up on Zirion Beta, fighting Subo warriors—”

  Emmie’s nose wrinkled. “I would much rather get blown up and fight a Subo than have double Cosmic Languages,” she interrupted, her face deadly serious. “How about you, Kaal?”

  “It was pretty exciting,” said Kaal. “But I’m looking forward to a nice quiet term when we get back.”

  “Shuttle thirty-six launch,” said Zepp.

  When we get back, John thought, as the shuttle slammed into space. While G-force pushed him back in his seat, a smile spread across John’s face. For the past few days, he hadn’t dared hope that he might be returning to Hyperspace High. Glancing over his shoulder, he watched as its vast, elegant white shape disappeared behind him. He was already bursting with excitement at the thought of seeing his parents after a whole term away, but the holidays would be even better knowing that he would be returning to Hyperspace High after all.

  His thoughts were interrupted by a shout from the row behind. Lishtig was floating down the shuttle’s cabin. “Zero-G war!” the purple-haired boy bellowed.

  “Lishtig ar Steero,” snapped Ms Vartexia. “I said—”

  “You didn’t say no Zero-G war,” said Lishtig, sounding disappointed. “Please, Ms Vartexia. Shuttle flights are so boring. Just for a few minutes.”

  The Elvian teacher sighed. “All right, five minutes of Zero-G war. I will read my ThinScreen quietly and pretend I can’t hear you.”

  John was already unclipping his harness. As his body floated above his seat, a huge grin spread across his face.

  This really is the greatest school in the universe!

  Hyperspace High Report Card – JOHN RILEY

  SUBJECT: Space

  TEACHER: Sergeant Jegger


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: After a bumpy start with a few crash landings, Cadet Riley has achieved great heights in Space Flight. He shows great skill in piloting t-darts and other spacecraft, including my own Talios 720.


  SUBJECT: Hyperspace History

  TEACHER: Ms Vartexia


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: John has made considerable progress given that his own planet’s history is so brief. He is a popular member of class thanks to his sense of humour, which as an Elvian I do not share.


  SUBJECT: Galactic Geography

  TEACHER: Dr Graal


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: John Riley exhibits an alarming ignorance of all planets besides his own, primitive world. The universe is a big place, Mister Riley.


  SUBJECT: Maths

  TEACHER: Professor Dibali


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: John is a gifted mathematician and easily grasps new numerical concepts. It is a pleasure to have him in my class.


  SUBJECT: Technology

  TEACHER: Master Tronic


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: John’s Super-Rover robot had a unique design and was a deserving joint Robot Warrior champion. Keep up the good work, John!


  SUBJECT: Space Survival

  TEACHER: Professor Raydon


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Although John’s exam results were less than stellar, he has received extra marks for surviving numerous perilous situations in outer space.


  SUBJECT: Cosmic Languages

  TEACHER: Ms Skrinel


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: As the ancient Welgoorians always say, “Vewxiteh smiurghen, ltyi xtyr-Arnovek leu doramu bla-Kmal.” John should try to apply these wise words next term.


  HEADMASTER’S COMMENTS: Although John arrived at Hyperspace High by “accident”, he has quickly proved that he truly belongs here. He is a fast learner, and always rises to a challenge. He has demonstrated his bravery and leadership skills many times and I have forseen great things for John in the future.

  Hyperspace High Report Card – EMMIE TARZ

  SUBJECT: Space Flight

  TEACHER: Sergeant Jegger


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Cadet Tarz is the most naturally talented pilot I have ever had the honour of teaching. She has a promising career in the Galactic Fleet ahead of her.


  SUBJECT: Hyperspace History

  TEACHER: Ms Vartexia


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Emmie struggles to remember key dates and events. Next term she must spend less time in the sports halls and more time studying.


  SUBJECT: Galactic Geography

  TEACHER: Dr Graal


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Miss Tarz is a purely decorative presence in my classroom.


  SUBJECT: Maths

  TEACHER: Professor Dibali


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Emmie tries very hard but would benefit from extra tuition in mathematics.


  SUBJECT: Technology

  TEACHER: Master Tronic


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Emmie has a strong sense of design and technology. Her robot, Cammy, had an impressive camouflage design but in future Emmie must focus more on functionality.


  SUBJECT: Space Survival

  TEACHER: Professor Raydon


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Although Emmie lacks confidence in her academic abilities, when in an emergency Emmie thinks quickly and takes appropriate survival actions.


  SUBJECT: Cosmic Languages

  TEACHER: Ms Skrinel


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: I’m pleased to see that Emmie’s work has improved over the course of the term. As the Silarans are fond of saying, “TXAKITY–DLARB, Emmie!”.


  HEADMASTER’S COMMENTS: Emmie’s mixed academic results do not accurately reflect the impressive contributions she has made to the school over the past term. Emmie has shown courage, loyalty, and initiative in a variety of testing situations. I look forward to seeing what she accomplishes next term.

  Hyperspace High Report Card – KAAL TARTARU

  SUBJECT: Space Flight

  TEACHER: Sergeant Jegger


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Cadet Tarturu is a competent, sensible pilot. Next term, he must work on bolder take-offs and landings.


  SUBJECT: Hyperspace History

  TEACHER: Ms Vartexia


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Kaal is a quiet, studious member of class. He should try to speak up more as he has a lot to offer.


  SUBJECT: Galactic Geography

  TEACHER: Dr Graal


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Kaal has produced satisfactory work, although at times he does not seem sufficiently engaged by the subject matter of my lessons. His rustling wings are at times distracting to other students.


  SUBJECT: Maths

  TEACHER: Professor Dibali


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Kaal is an excellent mathematician and is always willing to help less able classmates.


  SUBJECT: Technology

  TEACHER: Master Tronic


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Kaal has a rare gift for technology. Laserdon was a highly sophisticated robot and I predict Kaal will be a Robot Warriors finalist for years to come.


  SUBJECT: Space Survival

  TEACHER: Professor Raydon


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: From battling defrosted warriors to escaping from volcanic explosions, I feel that Kaal has truly earned his A in Space Survival.


  SUBJECT: Cosmic Languages

  TEACHER: Ms Skrinel


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Kaal has a good understanding of many languages, in addition to his native Derrilian tongue. However, he is very shy about speaking these languages in front of the class.


  HEADMASTER’S COMMENTS: Kaal is a bright, personable student who is very modest about his achievements. Although he never brags, Kaal should be very proud of what he has accomplished this term. I was delighted to see how Kaal took a new student at the school under his wing. Kaal is a role model for all at Hyperspace High.

  Hyperspace High Report Card – MORDANT TALLIVER

  SUBJECT: Space Flight

  TEACHER: Sergeant Jegger


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Cadet Talliver is an excellent pilot. Next term he must pay more attention to other students’ safety.


  SUBJECT: Hyperspace History

HER: Ms Vartexia


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Mordant has produced work of a high standard this term and is always very punctual.


  SUBJECT: Galactic Geography

  TEACHER: Dr Graal


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Mordant is a delight to have in class and can always be relied upon for the correct answer. I wish more students were just like him!


  SUBJECT: Maths

  TEACHER: Professor Dibali


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Mordant has a quick mind for calculations but should give his classmates a chance to answer – he is always waving his tentacle in the air.


  SUBJECT: Technology

  TEACHER: Master Tronic


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Mordant was a Robot Warriors finalist. Unfortunately by activating IFI’s self-destruct system, Mordant made it impossible for me to award him marks for his technology work.


  SUBJECT: Space Survival

  TEACHER: Professor Raydon


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Mordant has an impressive knowledge of Space Survival but should try to avoid putting classmates in situations where their own Space Survival skills are tested.


  SUBJECT: Cosmic Languages

  TEACHER: Ms Skrinel


  TEACHERS COMMENTS: Mordant is a very able student with a real aptitude for Cosmic Languages. It is a shame that he cannot find nicer things to say about his classmates in any language.


  HEADMASTER’S COMMENTS: Mordant is a clever student and has, with the exception of Technology, achieved outstanding academic results. As he progresses at Hyperspace High, I would like to see Mordant devoting more attention to his social and inter-personal development and forming lasting friendships.

  Other titles from the Hyperspace High series – Crash Landing


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