My Summer in London

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My Summer in London Page 16

by Pamela Ann

  As a result, with my drink in hand, I got up and pretended to be interested in my plush surroundings. I began with the abstract expressionist painting by the famous Jackson Pollack before I double-checked to see if Cruz’s eyes were following me. Sure enough, they were.

  Encouraged, I decided to set my cup aside on one of the coffee tables before I went towards the floor to ceiling glass windows and began taking off the dress. The zipper was situated on the side, so it wasn’t such a hardship.

  Wiggling out of the dress until it reached my ankles, I then stepped to the side and cocked my head to see how the boss was doing with a sultry smile teasing on my lips.

  Cruz’s face was priceless.

  He had his lips slightly parted with the tip of his tongue licking the bottom of his lip as he perused my body with profound concentration. I knew he was beyond aroused, so I carried on with my striptease. My bra came off next then my underwear.

  I was about to give him the come-hither look when I heard him cut the call short just as he stood up and sent me the most delicious stare to date. The second he got his hands on me, I was surprised when he carried me to the edge of his table, spread my legs as wide as they could stretch as he took a seat in his chair. Then his mouth delved between my folds without any reservation.

  Relaxing, I concentrated on the incredible things my body was going through. The man seriously had unbelievable stamina. I was ready to pass out on his desk after he fucked me twice. He was just amazing, and I couldn’t love him any more than I already did.

  I was beyond grateful when he plucked my naked form from his desk and situated us on the couch. These were my favorite moments with him lately. I named it our “cuddle time” when he and I could talk about anything and everything. Be it silly or serious, everything was open for discussion.

  My head was on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart while my forefinger aimlessly left slight strokes on his skin, basking in the very feeling of him against me.

  “Guess who I had lunch with today?” I quipped.


  His response made me roll my eyes because we both knew how much he hated me spending any time with his flirtatious brother.

  “Nope. It’s even better. Ivy.”

  His body instantly stiffened before he untangled himself from me and gave me a baffled look. “What in the bloody fuck is going on, Serena?”

  Why was he immediately defensive?

  “First of all, it wasn’t me who initiated anything. It was her who reached out to me. Second, she wanted me to speak to you about reconciling with her, which I’m doing right now. Thirdly, drop the fucking attitude before you piss me off.”

  “My apologies. You caught me off guard when you said her name. So she called you and begged for you to talk to me and what else exactly?”

  Since he seemed sorry enough, I let out a sigh and told the tale from the very beginning, emphasizing in great deal the pain Ivy was in.

  I carefully gazed at him, wanting to see the truth in his eyes as I asked him, “Is there any chance for a reconciliation between you two?”

  His expression became dreadful, as if he already detested what I was going to say next.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” I told him. “I had to ask because, if you’re using me to waste time while you weigh out your options, I don’t want to be any part of it, even if the sex is out of this world. I won’t put up with that.”

  Cruz tensed, as though I had said something offensive. “It’s highly insulting that you’d even dare question me. How often do I have to remind you that you’re the only one I have eyes for? No one else matters. No one else comes close. No woman alive can compare to what you mean to me.

  “Ivy and I were comfortable with one another. I thought it was enough to marry someone since she and I rarely had arguments and since my father was heavily hinting that I marry, I felt compelled to propose just to please him. It was never for me, not really. Ivy wanted nothing more than marriage and my father’s yearnings simply made it easier for me to do it. We weren’t in love—and I hoped that someday she could find a man that would truly love her because that man isn’t me. She would thank me one day.”

  His words gave me hope there was something for us in the future.

  “I don’t know how we’ll do this knowing that we’re hurting someone. I feel so guilty. I can’t even look your mother in the eyes most of the time.”

  Pulling me close to him, he held me as he bestowed a kiss on my forehead. “My mum will understand. They all will eventually. This is where I want to be. I want to be with you … officially. I want to tell everyone that you’re mine. I want you to be proud standing next to me as my partner, as my equal, and not hiding me as if you’re embarrassed to be seen with me.”

  He tugged at my heartstrings. How could he even think of such insane things?

  “Oh, no…” I drawled before reaching out to entwine his hand with mine. “I will never be embarrassed of you. I had considered the possibility of it being the other way around, but never me of you. You’re too hot for anyone with eyes,” I teased.

  “You’re only showering me with compliments because I’m the boss.”

  “Yeah, right. I do love bosses. There’s nothing I adore more or find any sexier than some grumpy, heavy panting, sweaty, and balding man with some serious fat rolls,” I said before I realized I was the only one laughing at my own joke. “What?” I asked then stuck my tongue out.

  “Grumpy man, yes, I am. But sweaty, heavy panting, balding of a man with fat rolls?” He tsk-tsked. “You ought to be punished for saying such heinous things,” He declared before launching a full-on tickle attack, driving me into seriously mad hysterics.

  I was in tears, barely breathing as I laughed. “I’m waving the white flag! I surrender!”

  “You bet your bloody arse you’re surrendering. Now turn on your stomach so I can fuck that tight cunt of yours.” He then palmed my cheek before smacking it a few times and did what he had promised to deliver.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  As much as I wanted to confront Archer face to face, I knew it would be close to impossible since his hectic schedule was jam-packed with parties. So I had to settle for the second best, by calling him.

  “I knew you’d eventually take a liking to me,” he drawled, greeting me with great enthusiasm.

  I had to break into a smile. Archer’s bright and sunny demeanor never failed to make me grin. But as much as I adored his upbeat outlook in life, I needed to do some digging of my own. “Was it you who gave my number to Ivy?”

  He cackled. “Guilty as charged. Listen, she called wanting to ask me about such and such. I don’t fancy intricate dramas so I try to deflect them as much as possible…so I dare say I suggested she call you instead.”

  “Well gee—thanks,” I sarcastically said.

  “Anything else you want to get off your chest, love?” he teased with double innuendo.

  “Not a damn thing.” And just as expected, he’d turn everything sexual. Typical.

  “You’ve been rather busy lately…and my dearest brother is quite the single chap…” he trailed off, wriggling his brows at me, suspicious. “The possibilities are endless, wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Ugh—shut up.” I laughed before bidding him goodbye. The last thing I needed was for him to pry into my business. He wasn’t stupid. I was almost sure he knew something was going on between with his brother and I. I was grateful that he didn’t readily accuse me of anything. In fact, he seemed as though he was somehow pleased. Odd really, but he sure sounded teasing about the whole damn thing.

  I was about to put my phone aside when it rang again, indicating a U.S. number—one where I had obsessed and memorized into memory at one sad point in my life. Aaron had been incessant in trying to reach me and it seemed my short email didn’t do much to convey how I felt for him these days. Deciding to take the call, I held my breath and greeted him with a stale, “Hello.”

Serena—thank you for taking my call,” he said in an appreciative tone.

  So much had happened...and there was no taking back the hurt he caused me with. The past was where I needed it to stay—in the past. Aaron surely had no place in my present nor in my future. Even toying with the idea of being friends simply wasn’t all that feasible for me. It was over and it was best to let the dead relationship stay as it was. “Aaron—listen. I know you’ve been trying to call and whatever but you’ve got to stop all of this. If you’re feeling guilty still…there’s nothing I can do for you. It was your choice, your mistake so that’s purely up to you to get over the guilt. I’ve moved on with someone else—so please stop it with all of this. I beg you.”

  “I’m really sorry,” he sighed as if he had a difficult time grasping what I just told him. “I do feel guilty. You were such a great girl and I fucked it all up. You’re right this is all on me. I just want to say that…hopefully…one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me for everything.”

  “I already did, Aaron. I never truly hated you for it…thank you for calling me though. I think this conversation really needed to happen, for both our sakes.”

  After wishing each other the best, we ended the call.

  It was bittersweet to think about the past but I was in a much happier place now. I wouldn’t trade this for anything else in the world. Cruz had gifted me one of the greatest things in life—by proving me that it was possible to love again after heartbreak.

  My jealousy paved my way to enlightment. For quite some time, I had fought our feelings for one another but I hadn’t realized that letting all of my insecurities was actually the easiest thing I ever did. I learned the most valuable of lessons…that love, the kind that lights your soul and makes your heart sing, was worth risking for. Every. Single. Time.

  Six weeks later…


  It was Serena’s birthday, and her parents and sister were due to arrive in town tomorrow. It wasn’t typical of me to be nervous to meet anyone, but there was no denying I was when it came to meeting Serena’s family.

  Of course, I was happy to see her so ecstatic about their arrival. I had never known anyone could be overjoyed with the simple things in life, yet Serena had proved to me otherwise.

  The moment we sealed our relationship with each other, she told me she didn’t want presents, only simple messages to remind her I was thinking of her on the nights she wouldn’t be able to spend with me or if I was out of town or at an event, a simple text to let her know that I was doing fine. All she demanded were the simplest things that a man could easily deliver to please his woman.

  I was so accustomed to gifting jewelry, paintings, expensive travels—these were the usual presents women expected from a man of my standing, but never her. She had vowed, the moment I gave her jewelry, I could kiss her good-bye.

  That statement should be abolished because what happened if I decided to propose to her? What then? Should I be inclined to give her a plastic ring as a symbol of my love and commitment? Knowing how she was, she would probably find plastic much more romantic than a perfect cut diamond ring.

  Suffice it to say, Serena was something out of the ordinary, and I truly treasured her little quirks that I found so endearing.

  Even though we adored each other to no end, just like any other relationships, we fought, too, though they were mostly about trivial things or when the bloody woman thought it funny to make me jealous by spending time with Archer whenever I was busy doing something.

  Like the total idiot he was, he caught on and uncovered our secret. Then he, of course, told our dearest mother, who was beyond delighted to welcome Serena into the family. She even proclaimed she had predicted such event the moment she had seen us look at each other at her birthday party. That night was all sorts of mad for me, to put it mildly.

  Apart from Archer’s incessant intervening that night, I had to admit he was a great friend to Serena and hadn’t tried anything foul or offensive towards her. I was grateful the bloody oaf had finally found some manners.

  It was wrong to feel a violent reaction, but my brother liked her, as well. Then, when he realized I was interested in Serena, he made it his mission to infuriate me. Although I loved my brother, even if some would argue about that statement, he had this uncanny ability to drive me to the point of no return. Age was nothing but a number to him, so I expected that behavior from him when he was well passed his senior years.

  Watching Serena sleep soundlessly in my bed made me feel like I had everything I wanted in life. I probably did, and I reminded myself that I was a lucky man to have her in my life.

  We had been inseparable, and I knew, once her family arrived tomorrow, she would be consumed with entertaining and taking them around town. The next two weeks would be quite challenging, but hopefully, we could steal some time away for just the two of us.

  Little did she know I had planned a surprise party for her. I hoped she wouldn’t be too cross that I had spent money on her. I had my fingers crossed.

  “Cruz?” she groaned before opening one of her lids, only to see me gazing down at her. “Quit being such a pervert and put me to sleep.”

  I gave a throaty laugh, aghast and amused that she would say such atrocious things, yet I found her such a cute gem.

  “You must know how madly I’m in love with you; that’s why I can’t stop watching you whenever possible.”

  She didn’t open her eyes, but she did give me one of those beautiful smiles that went straight to my heart. “I know. We’re in love, and I love you to the moon and back, but you seriously need to shut up and kiss me.”

  “If I were any less of a man, I’d be really offended.”

  If people only knew how my woman spoke to me, they would be appalled. Hell, the effect it had on me was the opposite. I loved the fact that she was bossy, most especially about the things she loved in bed. I couldn’t fault a woman who knew what she wanted and went for it without any excuses.

  She snorted. “Thank fuck you’re not. Now where’s my kiss?” the vixen demanded before pulling me close and scratching my chest with her nails.

  “Bloody hell, Serena!”

  She was one hell of a woman to be sure, but I wouldn’t change a thing about her. She was perfect just as she was.

  T+H+E + E+N+D

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  More books by Pamela Ann:

  The Torn Series Order:

  Scornfully Yours

  Scornfully Hers



  Undeniably Yours


  Fixated On You

  Christmas With You


  Crushed TBA

  Damaged TBA

  The Chasing Series:

  Chasing Beautiful

  Chasing Imperfection

  Chasing Paradise

  Chasing Forever (Lucy & Toby)

  Chasing Mrs. Knightly: Epilogue

  Lily’s Mistake

  Loving Drake

  Loving Lily

  British Billionaires Series:

  Falling For My Husband (Callum & Stella)

  Falling For Ava (Reiss & Ava)

  Falling For The Enemy (Sebastian & Allie) TBA

  Formula Men Series:

  Monza Luca di Medici February 2015

  Nice Jacques Bertrand TBA

p; Barcelona Andrès Franco TBA

  Pieces: A Duet:

  Pieces of You & Me

  Pieces Of Us

  Havoc (Dark Erotica)

  The Encounter Trilogy




  Upcoming Stand-Alone Novels

  The Nut Job

  A Beautiful Mistake

  For more about Pamela Ann and her upcoming releases, follow her through Facebook, Twitter and her blog.

  Official Website





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