Goddess in the Middle

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Goddess in the Middle Page 3

by Stephanie Julian

  She watched as he laid the skirt on the dresser then lowered himself into the chair, sinking back into the cushions, his hands settled loosely on the arms.

  Rom was going to watch.

  She hadn’t realized she was holding her breath until Remy pushed the blouse off her shoulders then lifted her off the bed so he could strip her shirt away.

  This time, he tossed it at Rom, who snagged it in one hand. She expected him to drop it. Instead, he kept it, rubbing his fingers over the soft material as he continued to watch her.

  Her thighs quivered, her gaze caught on his hand, wondering what it would be like when he got his hands on her.

  Would he be rougher than Remy? His hands lay on her bare stomach, calluses lining his palms. The man was no stranger to manual labor. They scraped across her sensitive skin as he dragged his hands up her torso to cup her breasts. Her breath caught in her throat and she arched her back, pushing her breasts harder into his hands.

  He squeezed the mounds, his gaze dropping to watch her generous flesh spill out over the cups of her bra, his eyes narrowing to slits of vibrant, burning blue.

  She watched Remy caress her, watched as the corner of his mouth curled up as he started to pull her bra down, exposing her breasts fully. Tight and achy, she wanted him to take her breasts in his hands and squeeze them, ease this ache. Instead, he abandoned her breasts, leaving her bra to cup but not conceal.

  “Beautiful.” Remy’s voice had a rough edge that made her lungs tighten and fight for each breath.

  Then he bent over her and bared his teeth. He sank them into her nipple, gently at first, rolling the tip between his teeth before he bit down and forced a cry from her.

  He hadn’t hurt her, unless you considered the almost soul-destroying ache in her pussy to be painful. Which it was. Just not the kind of pain she wanted to give up. No, she wanted him to use those teeth all over her body.

  She reached for his head, her fingers sinking again into those lush waves as he worshipped her breasts with his mouth and his hands. Plumping the mounds, he sucked on the tips then bit until she reflexively yanked hard on his hair.

  He didn’t release her, just bit harder then trailed his lips to her breastbone where he began a slow descent. She watched Remy as he bit and licked his way down her belly, letting his tongue rim her navel before he continued down to blow on her pubic hair. The cool brush of air made her shiver and her eyes flashed to Rom, whose muted groan had rumbled through the room.

  She felt Remy smile against her hip bone, where he’d pressed a kiss as his hands slid under her ass so he could lift her as he sank to his knees. The cool cotton of his shirt brushed against the smooth silk of her thigh-high stockings as he spread her legs, her gaze still locked to Rom’s.

  His shoulders looked as broad as a barn in his white, button-down shirt, but it was the hand that didn’t hold her blouse that held her attention right now. As Remy pressed kisses along the inside of her thigh, Rom unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and pulled down his zipper.

  Sliding his hand into his pants, he pulled out his cock and wrapped his hand around the thick shaft.

  As she watched, Rom began a slow, rough masturbation, almost hypnotic in its beauty.

  “Are you watching Rom?” Remy asked, his lips centimeters away from the throbbing lips of her labia. “He likes when you watch. He gets off watching. Watching your expression when I put my mouth on your breasts. When I put my fingers inside you.”

  Remy brushed his fingertips across her labia, causing her to gasp as electricity shot through her, centering in her clit and spreading into her core.

  “Your pussy is gonna taste so fucking good but first I’m gonna fuck you with my fingers so you’re slick and ready.”

  Good gods. She was ready to come just from the sound of his voice and the visual stimulation of Rom stroking himself with an increasingly heavy hand. And when Remy began to sink his fingers between the sensitive lips of her sex, her free hand, the one not entangled in Remy’s hair, grabbed at the comforter beneath her and held on.

  Remy didn’t begin slow and speed up. He started with a steady, forceful rhythm, one that pushed her into a heightened state of sensuality. Her body responded with a fresh surge of lust and she heard Remy suck in a deep breath, as if breathing her in.

  Then she heard him growl, a distinct sound that rumbled out of his chest and made every hair on her body stand on end. Her pussy tightened around his fingers, an orgasm beginning to short-circuit her brain.

  So much heat. She thought she might spontaneously combust. She wanted to savor the sensations but Remy kept pushing her.

  He leaned in and flicked the tip of his tongue against her clit, teasing a sharp cry from her lips. Everything went black as her eyes closed and she tried to hold back the inevitable. But her body tensed in preparation, her brain blank—

  And he pulled away.

  “No. You can watch me or you can watch Rom but you have to keep your eyes open, Amity. We want to watch you.”

  It was so hard to do when all she wanted was to lose herself in the maelstrom building inside. Still, she wanted what he was going to give her. She forced her eyes to remain open, her gaze falling first to Remy, his eyes glinting with lust, before she turned to Rom.

  He had his hand wrapped around the thick length of his cock. The dark, distended tip appeared and disappeared rapidly as he pumped with a ruthless rhythm. She nearly lost herself in the motion, felt her breathing shift to mimic his.


  Remy’s rough tone barely registered as Rom’s hand began to speed up. With his tie loosened, his shirt untucked and his pants unzipped to release his cock, he looked like a white-collar wet dream. The intensity in his expression scalded, mesmerized her so she almost overlooked the fact that Remy was opening his pants with one hand while he worked her with the other.

  Her pussy had such a tight grip on his fingers, he could barely move them. And when he finally pulled free and shot to his feet, she nearly demanded he continue, even though she knew she was about to be filled more satisfactorily.

  Looking down her body, she watched Remy shove his pants down far enough to release his cock. A little slimmer than Rom’s, maybe a little longer. And oh so much closer.

  She reached for him as he moved toward her.

  “That’s it, babe.” Remy grabbed her hips and pulled her closer. “Wrap your hand around my cock. Stroke me. Pull me closer. Rub your pussy lips all over the head. God damn, that feels great.”

  He stood still as she ran her hand along the shaft, marveling at the softness of the skin over the steel-hard core beneath.

  She needed him inside, didn’t want to wait any longer. Arching her hips, she felt the head of his cock nudge at her entrance then stop. She felt the leashed energy in his body, knew he was holding himself back. His expression tightened, his features honed into sharp planes as his gaze dropped to where they were almost joined.

  “So beautiful.” His voice had gotten even rougher, if that were possible.

  Then he surged forward, burying the entire length of his cock in one hard thrust.

  Her head punched back into the bed as a wave of heat rolled through her body. It felt almost like…

  She cried out, her hands wrapping around his wrists as his hands gripped her hips and began a pounding rhythm. Remy hadn’t taken off his shirt and the tails tickled against her stomach, adding to the sensations already driving her closer to orgasm.

  Her eyes began to drift closed but she remembered his directive and forced them to remain open. Through the narrow gaze, she saw dark pleasure flood Remy’s face then harden into fierce determination. He thrust again and again, shifting her, moving her until he had the best position for maximum friction against her clit and inside her sheath.

  Every motion pushed her closer to the edge but he kept her hanging there for what seemed like forever. Almost to the point of pain, to a point she hadn’t felt in years. Power simmered, just out of reach.

sp; She tried to concentrate but these men and their dual assault on her senses had scrambled her brain.

  She felt her orgasm blister through her body, twisting her, tearing through her. Remy paused for a second as her sex convulsed around him, then he rode her hard, prolonging the bliss.

  Vaguely, she heard Rom’s harsh grunt, felt Remy shudder as he pumped his release into her.

  And realized, only minutes afterward, that she’d nearly achieved something even more amazing than that orgasm.

  For a few seconds, she’d felt more than sated.

  She’d felt powerful.


  Rom knew she was going to ask them both to stay.

  Which was exactly what they’d wanted. So when the demon attacked, they’d be here.

  As he cleaned up in the bathroom, he debated making an excuse to leave her and Remy alone.

  She was the first woman in whom Remy had shown any interest. Ever.

  And Rom wanted her so badly, his teeth ached with it.

  But it was one thing to get off watching her and Remy have sex. It was another to fuck the woman his cousin actually liked.

  They were so close to achieving their goal. Too close to let a woman screw with their heads.

  Frustration burned like a ball of hot silver in his stomach. Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he saw that same frustration reflected in the tight slash of his mouth and the glitter of his eyes.

  Closing his eyes, he forced himself to relax, to loosen his muscles, to subdue the desire.

  When he thought he had himself under control, he took another look in the mirror. And figured it wasn’t going to get much better.

  So he’d make a damn fast exit.

  Unfortunately, he’d have to walk through the bedroom to leave, but maybe he’d get lucky and she’d be asleep already.

  Then he’d only have to deal with Remy.

  But he knew he couldn’t hide in the bathroom any longer.

  Straightening his shoulders, he opened the door to find Remy lying on the bed beside Amity. He’d drawn a cover over her and Rom sensed she’d fallen asleep.

  Remy had removed his button-down, leaving a T-shirt to cover the scars on his chest. He still had his pants but he’d lost the shoes and socks.

  Nodding his head toward the stairs, Rom headed for them, silently telling Remy to stay.

  Of course, Remy didn’t obey. His cousin followed him down the stairs to the front door.

  “Where the hell are you going?” Remy put his body in front of the door so Rom couldn’t leave.

  “I’m just going to do a little reconnaissance while she’s sleeping. Leave my clothes in the car. I’ll be back before dawn.”

  A run would help get rid of some of this frustration. And as long as none of the neighbors had really good night vision, no one would even know he was there.

  Remy’s eyebrows lifted slightly. “Wanna tell me why you’re heading out for a run when there’s a beautiful woman in that bed?”

  Not really. “She’s worn out. Stay. Get some rest. I’ll be outside.” He paused. “She likes you, Remy.”

  Now his cousin’s eyes narrowed with speculation. “What’s going on?”

  Rom deliberately misunderstood Remy’s question. “I know you noticed the wards when we walked in. I wanna do a little nosing around. Keep her upstairs. Keep her occupied.”

  For a few seconds, Rom wasn’t sure Remy was going to let him get away with it. Then Remy sighed. “What do you think you’re going to find?”

  “Not sure yet. Probably nothing. It’s an old house. It could be an old ward, previous owner. Don’t know. But if we’re going to kill that demon and we have to fight here, everything we know betters our chances.”

  “Then I should come with you.”

  Rom shook his head. “You stay with her. I’ll let you know if I find anything important. Go back up. Keep her busy if she wakes. I’ll be back before dawn but warn me if she’s an early riser. If I can’t make it back in to pretend like I slept on the sofa, tell her I got a cab and went back to our hotel. Maybe we’ll get lucky and the demon’ll attack tonight.”

  He wanted this over. Finally.

  Remy’s mouth twisted. “I think your idea of lucky differs from mine.”

  Probably. Didn’t change facts, though. Rom started to undress. “If I find anything, I’ll let you know.”

  “Don’t be stupid.” Remy took his clothes and folded them as neatly as any butler. “You see the demon, you let me know.”

  Rom nodded. “I will. I know I can’t take the thing down myself. Don’t worry, Remy. I’m not stupid.”

  Remy just looked at him until Rom gave him the finger.

  “Go back to her. I’ll see you in a few hours.”


  Amity walked into the hospital that morning trying not to grin like a fool.

  How could she help it, though, when she’d woken with a gorgeous naked man wrapped around her.

  Remy had kissed her good morning, made coffee while she showered then asked if he could see her again tonight.

  She’d said yes, probably too fast, but she hadn’t cared. Then she’d asked if Rom would be joining them again.

  “You can ask him yourself,” Remy had said. “He wanted me to tell you he’s sorry he skipped out last night. He had an early appointment.”

  They’d exchanged numbers and he’d left with a smile, which had been infectious.

  Opening the door to her office, she flicked the lights—

  And nearly screamed like a little girl when she saw someone sitting at her desk.

  “Jeez, I know it’s been a few years, Amity, but did you have to scare the crap out of me?”

  Quickly shutting the door behind her, Amity released a sigh as she realized who sat at her desk. “Tinia’s teat, Kari. You scared the hell out of me. What are you doing here? Did anyone see you?”

  Her twin sister sighed as she twirled in circles in Amity’s desk chair. “Still so worried about appearances. Of course, since we do look exactly alike and you never tell anyone you have a sister, I guess you would be worried.”

  Amity didn’t bother to conceal her eye roll. “Kari. I love you dearly, but what are you doing here?”

  The chair stopped spinning and Kari stuck her elbows on Amity’s desk and put her chin on her hands. “Nice to see you too, big sis. I’m fine, by the way. Just returned from Etruria. You remember home, right? The one in Italy? Saw a few old friends, had some great sex with a linchetto. Or two. Possibly three. Oh, and I brought some of Fuflun’s wine for you because I know how much you love it. And from the looks of you, you could do with some loosening up. We should share a bottle tonight and catch up. You can tell me all about your latest sob stories and I will tell you all about my latest conquests. I did tell you about the linchetto, right?”

  Amity was laughing and shaking her head by the time Kari shut her mouth and stared up at her with those oh, so deceivingly innocent eyes.

  “Yes, but I believe you said there were three.” Closing the distance between them, she drew Kari to her feet and exchanged a tight hug. “I have missed you and I am glad to see you. You just startled me. So, tell me what you’re doing here. Usually you at least give me a heads-up when you visit so I know to stock up on Bugles and orange soda.”

  Kari giggled as she pulled away, her long, wavy hair flying around her like a cloak. These days, Kari, formerly Akhuvitr, Etruscan Goddess of Healing, looked like a reject from the 1960s. A flower child, sometimes complete with actual flowers in her hair to complement the crinkly skirts and gauze shirts. Peace and free love, baby, that was Kari all the way.

  “Well, I’m not staying long enough for that. I’ve got a commune to christen in Southern California tomorrow.” Kari hopped onto the wide window ledge as Amity started her computer and stuck her purse in a drawer. “But I’m surprised you didn’t know I was coming. This is a command performance, after all.”

  Amity frowned at her sister. “What are you talking about?�

  As she spoke, Amity felt the hair on her arms rise and saw Kari’s gaze shift to a point behind her.

  “Oh, good. You’re here. I thought for sure you’d be late.”

  Concealing a sigh as she thanked the Great Mother Goddess that her office was in one of the oldest wings of the building with no windows into the hallway, Amity turned, making sure she had a smile for her newest guest.

  “Hello, Nortia. And how are you this morning?”

  Dressed in a conservative black suit that still managed to be sexy, the Barbie-doll blonde with a body to match shrugged her shoulders. “Same old, same old.” Then her blue gaze narrowed. “You, however, look like you had a good night. Anything you want to share with the class?”

  “Ooh, sis, did you get lucky last night?” The surprise in Kari’s voice made Amity frown. It wasn’t like she was a virgin. Or a hermit. “Spill. I want details.”

  Amity refused to let the blush burning beneath her skin rise to the surface. She loved her twin, but Kari would want to interrogate her, and Nortia would probably tell her all the reasons why last night had been a bad idea. Nortia was the Goddess of Fate, after all.

  Shooing Kari away from the window, she pointed at the two guest chairs in front of her desk. Time to move this along. She did have work to do today. “I take it you two are here for a reason other than my sex life. Nortia, what’s going on?”

  The Goddess of Fate gave her the look she typically reserved for men. The one that said she wasn’t getting away with anything.

  Amity chose to ignore it.

  “Actually,” Nortia said, “there is something a little more important going on. Kari, sit down. You make me crazy when you don’t sit still.”

  With a huff, Kari flopped into the chair next to Nortia, who gave a long-suffering sigh, to which Kari responded with a toothy grin.

  “I know you both heard what happened to Tessa.”

  Yes, they’d heard. Kari’s lack of a smart-ass response was proof enough of the shock they’d all experienced when Tessa, formerly the Etruscan Goddess of the Dawn, had given up her powers to avoid being consumed by Charun, the Etruscan God of the Underworld. Charun wanted to leave Aitás, the Etruscan Underworld, but doing so would open the gates between his realm and Earth. And that would have catastrophic consequences.


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