Goddess in the Middle

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Goddess in the Middle Page 13

by Stephanie Julian

  “So now Charun knows where you are?” Remy said.

  She shook her head. “No, not exactly. But his connection with me on the dream plane will make it easier for him to track me down.”

  Remy and Rom exchanged a glance before pinning her with remarkably similar stares.

  “How easy?” they said in unison.

  Her mouth twitched but she quickly got it under control. These men wouldn’t understand why she was smiling at their obvious concern for her. “Not that easy. I mean, Charun probably suspects that I’m in eastern Pennsylvania. It’s not a huge stretch, considering most of the Etruscans relocated to this area. But if he plans to send another demon after me, he has to be careful. The demons don’t have the necessary magic to disguise themselves as anything remotely human, so they have to get close enough to contain me and take me back to Charun.”

  “The demon last night almost had you,” Remy pointed out. “Who’s to say that one didn’t tell all the others where you were?”

  “Because they don’t play well with others. They’re solitary and territorial. I don’t think you have to worry about another demon showing up, at least not for a little while.”

  But she had a new fear forming. If Charun could navigate the dream plane, he might be able to interact with other Etruscans and track her, or any of the other goddesses, that way.

  And when he caught her, he would consume her powers. And she would cease to exist.

  “Your expression doesn’t exactly scream ‘no worries.’” Rom’s voice held a sharp edge that belied his calm expression.

  She tried to wipe away the anxiety that flooded her system. “Sorry. I don’t mean to burden you both with all of this.”

  “Amity, you’re not a burden.” Rom laid one huge, warm hand on her shoulder.

  She tried to hide the flash of arousal that flooded her body, but they were lucani. They could scent the rush of moisture between her thighs. Even though she continued to shake with fear.

  She wanted to forget the fact that Charun invaded her dreams and concentrate on the strength of Rom’s arms or the way Remy kissed.

  But she couldn’t. She needed to get in touch with her sister goddesses, see if they’d had any dreams of talking to Charun. She didn’t know if she’d be able to contact Tessa. She and her mate, Cal, had taken to wandering. The last she’d heard, they were in Europe, most likely Tuscany. Lucy and Brandon, however, remained in the area.

  She’d call Nortia, who she knew was almost always in town, and she’d try to reach Artumes, though who knew if she’d be able to pin down the elusive Mistress of Animals.

  Same went for the Lasae. At one time, the four goddesses had been the handmaidens of Turan, Goddess of Love and Beauty. Today… well, no one really knew what they were up to. The last she’d heard of their whereabouts, they’d been working the Southern beauty pageant circuit, but that had to be at least five or six years ago.

  “Amity, are you okay?”

  She smiled, the motion coming more easily at the genuine concern she heard in Remy’s voice.

  “Yes. I’m fine. But thank you for asking. And now I’m afraid I must ask you for one more favor.”

  “Of course,” Remy said. “Anything you need.”

  Oh, she wanted so much more from them than one night. But she didn’t have any right to demand they stay with her.

  She knew they wanted to continue their search for those who’d killed their families. She didn’t want to interfere in that.

  Still, wouldn’t it be nice to wake up warm and safe between these two men again?

  “I could use a ride home.”


  Rom drove, only because Remy had the good sense to realize he might scare the shit out of their goddess if he got behind the wheel.

  Remy liked to drive fast. Really fast. In a different life, he might’ve been a drag racer. Or a getaway-car driver.

  So Rom got behind the wheel of his sedate, but powerful, Mercedes, and Remy let Amity sit in the front seat, ostensibly because he was being a gentleman. In reality, Rom knew Remy was watching their backs for anyone who might try to sneak up on them.

  She settled into the leather passenger seat, aimed an indirect smile at both of them, then stared out the window with a sigh.

  A quick glance into the back seat at Remy and he knew his cousin wasn’t fooled either. Something was wrong.

  “Amity, are you sure you’re okay?” Rom asked about five minutes after they’d left. He’d heard her stifle several sighs and she couldn’t seem to sit still.

  She’d given him another distracted smile and nodded. “I’m fine.”


  If he didn’t know any better, he’d think she didn’t want to go home.

  And it wasn’t like they’d forced her to leave. Of course, they hadn’t really asked her to stay either.

  Hell, he wasn’t even sure he wanted her to stay. She was a temptation he didn’t need. But Remy…

  He checked the rearview mirror and saw Remy frowning hard at the back of her head.

  Remy didn’t look ready to give her up. This situation had all the makings of a clusterfuck. Remy had feelings for Amity. Rom could sense them like they were his own. Remy was already trying to figure out a way to get Amity to agree to let them stay with her.

  And that would be one giant clusterfuck. Because Rom wouldn’t leave Remy, not now that he knew Remy planned to go after the Mal.

  Not that Rom wasn’t all for going after the bastards who’d hired the demon to kill their families. He’d gladly focus his still-untapped rage at another target, and the Mal were next on the list.

  But he didn’t need the complications that came with being consort to a goddess, even one who no longer had enough power to save herself from a demon.

  And one who made heat build low in his gut.

  Damn it, I don’t need this. Not now.

  But what would it hurt to do our research from here?

  They’d have to find another place to live because their lease was about to run out and the family they’d rented the place from was set to return within the month.

  He looked in the rearview again and caught Remy’s gaze for a long second.

  We have to get her to let us stay, Rom. What if another demon comes for her?

  His cousin’s thought rang through Rom’s brain clear as a bell.


  His hands tightened on the wheel, but he knew Remy was right. He turned the problem over and over in his head for the length of the short drive but didn’t come up with another plan that Remy would have agreed to and that would’ve given Rom the chance to get the hell out of town. And away from Amity.

  Before he knew it, they were in front of her home. As he put the car in park and turned off the engine, he felt the pull of the magic from the city across the river, the magic that had drawn the Etruscans here all those years ago. The ley line that ran beneath Reading gave those who knew how to use it a boost in magical powers.

  Yet, even with all that energy, the deities had weakened until they couldn’t manage to save themselves from attack.

  That really had to suck.

  Amity sat quietly for a few seconds before she turned from the window. “I… don’t really know how to thank you both.” She gave them that trembling smile again as she reached for the door handle. “I owe you my life.”

  In the rearview, he caught a glimpse of Remy’s mouth tightening and knew his cousin was swearing silently.

  “We’re just glad we were able to help.” Rom watched as she bit down into that full bottom lip. That mouth had been wrapped around his cock last night. He wanted to feel her mouth on him again. Wanted to sink inside her ass while Rom fucked her pussy and—

  Yeah, really not what he should be thinking about.

  Except now that was all he could think about. Shit.

  He glanced at Remy, who stared back at him with raised eyebrows. Waiting for Rom to agree.


  Remy huffed and lean
ed over the front seat, putting his hand on Amity’s shoulder. As if he didn’t want her to get away.

  “Amity, why don’t you let us come inside with you?” Remy said. “We could check out the house, make sure everything’s okay. You can never be too careful.”

  Was that excitement or gratitude that flared in her beautiful eyes for a few brief seconds before she slowly nodded?

  “I’m not going to turn down such a kind offer. If you really don’t mind…”

  “Trust me.” Remy’s grin made her smile in return. “It’s not a hardship.”

  Rom slid from the car before she could say anything else. Remy knew enough to keep her there until Rom could open her door. Smiling up at him, she put her hand in his and let him help her from the car. Thank the Blessed Goddess his mother had instilled some manners in him.

  Remy stepped in front of Amity while Rom fell into place behind her. As if they actually knew what they were doing.

  Imagine that. Maybe all those years of paranoia had finally paid off.

  Before they got to the steps leading to the porch, Amity stopped to lift a brightly colored garden gnome from the flower bed and pulled a key out of the bottom.

  As both he and Remy’s mouths dropped open at the idea that anyone could have access to her home, she shrugged, her expression only slightly chagrined.

  “It really is a safe neighborhood.”

  Holy shit, she left a key to her front door in the most obvious place.

  He opened his mouth to tell her how stupid that was—

  And stopped just in time. Amity wasn’t just another woman. She was a goddess.

  Sure, she was dressed in Rom’s T-shirt and Remy’s sweatpants because her clothes had been ruined. She wore no makeup, and her tousled hair looked like she’d spent the entire night in a man’s bed.

  She smelled like them and that turned him on too. Hell, everything about her turned him on.

  Vaffanculo, this was one big freaking mess waiting for a train wreck to make it even more fun.

  Mentally slapping himself, he made sure he kept alert for anything. Anything at all.

  Maybe Charun had already sent another demon. Maybe he had something else planned.

  Since it was close to midnight, the only light came from the widely spaced streetlamps. The nearest light was two houses away, and it didn’t really cast enough of a glow to see the front door clearly from the sidewalk.

  Rom visually checked the shrubs surrounding the house’s foundation, not big enough to hide a full-grown man but full enough to make him look hard to make sure no one was hiding there.

  In seconds, they’d reached the small wooden porch that matched the Cape Cod home. Remy walked straight to the front door, holding out one hand behind him to motion Amity to stay off the steps. Rom wrapped his fingers around her upper arm, just to make sure she didn’t follow along after Remy.

  And nearly lost himself in the softness of her skin beneath his fingers.

  Damn, keep your head on straight, asshole, or she could end up dead.

  That made his spine straighten, and he concentrated on using his wolf-sharp hearing to listen for anyone in the house.

  All he heard was the beating of her heart.

  Remy turned and took the key from her then opened the door as silently as he could. Unfortunately, the door looked to be the same age as the house, probably built sometime in the sixties. And it creaked like a sonuvabitch, announcing to anyone who might be there that they were home.

  “Shit.” Remy spoke under his breath, so low only Rom could hear him. “Gotta fix that.”

  Remy flashed a look at Rom, and Rom nodded. He’d keep Amity out here until Remy had checked the house.

  After slipping through the open door, Remy closed it behind him as Amity’s muscles tensed and bunched beneath Rom’s hand.

  When she turned, her lips parting to ask him why, he placed two fingers over her soft lips and shook his head.

  Her eyebrows raised and her expression told him she knew what he was up to, and that she really didn’t think it was necessary.

  Too bad. Remy wants you and now you’re stuck with us. At least for a little while.

  She remained silent, but he couldn’t resist the softness of her lips. He stroked his fingertips across them, blood rushing through his body to pound through his cock.

  Which, of course, made him remember last night. Which made his cock harden even more.

  At the rate he was going, he’d have her naked and up against a wall in seconds. Or maybe he’d watch as Remy fucked her over a table. He’d watch her pleasure build as Remy made her come. Then he’d take her from Remy and make her come around his cock.

  They’d made her come so hard, she’d nearly passed out. And the energy they’d created together… Holy fuck, it’d rated off the charts.

  So… what? Had it meant anything to her other than being a way to recharge her batteries? Did he want it to?

  Amity’s head tilted to the side, eyes narrowing as she watched him. Her lips shifted under his fingers and he felt her smile.

  Shit. Remy better fucking clear the house soon.

  As if thinking about Remy managed to conjure him, Rom saw and heard the door open and Remy appeared, his expression impossible to read.

  Withdrawing his hand, Rom took a step back, which made her head tilt even farther before she drew in a deep breath and turned to Remy.

  “All clear,” he said. “Come on in.”

  She sighed. “Thank you. I really do appreciate all you’ve done.” She turned to include him in her smile. “Both of you.”

  Rom heard clear relief in her voice and felt like he’d saved the goddamn world for her.

  Then her smile faltered a bit. “I know it’s late, but would you like to come in for a drink before…”

  Before what? They left? Did she want them to leave? When the hell had he reverted to a sixteen-year-old?

  Remy beat him to an answer. “Sure. That’d be great.”

  As Rom moved to her side, he saw the smile that lit up her face. “I’m pretty sure I have a few bottles of Stoudt’s in the fridge. Or there’s whiskey or tequila.” Then she clapped her hands together. “Oh, wait. I know. Have you ever had Fuflun’s Prosecco? I just got a bottle. I think you’ll really like it. Unless you don’t like wine?”

  Remy looked at him—his eyes bright and a grin on his face—for a second before he turned to Amity. “I’d love some.”

  Guess we’re staying.

  Following her into the house, Rom’s gaze dropped to her ass. He’d always been an ass man, and she had one of the best he’d ever had his hands on.

  Remy shoved his elbow into his side, after making sure Amity couldn’t see him as she walked through the front living room into the back of the house. A light came on and he saw her moving around in the brightly lit kitchen.

  “Dude,” Remy said. “What the hell?”

  Rom barely restrained his own eye roll. Much of the time, he forgot Remy was still in his twenties. Not by much and not for long, but his cousin sometimes reminded him in odd ways. And though Rom acted like it annoyed the hell out of him… honestly, he liked seeing his cousin act his age.

  He hadn’t had much chance to since he’d been a teenager.

  Remy leaned in close enough that Amity wouldn’t be able to hear him. “You were checking out her ass like some douche in a meat market.”

  Rom made sure his expression was sufficiently scornful as he pulled back to look at Remy. “And you didn’t have your eyes glued to her chest?”

  Remy’s mouth curved in a grin that was pure hound dog, and damn if Rom’s mood didn’t lighten.

  “What can I say? She’s a beautiful woman.”

  Except she wasn’t just a woman. She was a freaking goddess who was looking for a bottle of a god’s wine to serve to them.

  When had their life passed through the Twilight Zone and into the Outer Limits?

  “Ah ha! I found it.”

  Amity appeared in the doorwa
y leading into the kitchen, holding a bottle in one hand. Her smile made his lungs forget how to work.

  That was bad. Totally and completely fucked up. He didn’t do nerves. He couldn’t. He’d be dead if he’d let his nerves paralyze him like they wanted to.

  “Why don’t you both have a seat? I’ll open this bottle, put together some munchies, and we can chill for a while before…”

  Before what? Before they left? Or before they all got naked and jumped into bed again?

  Hell, Rom figured he was going to need more than a few glasses of Prosecco to chill out.

  He was afraid nothing he drank or did would quench his desire for Amity.

  And that could drive a wedge between him and Remy that might never be fixed.

  Chapter 9

  Remy could practically hear Rom thinking.

  Which was so not a good thing.

  Rom tended to overthink everything, which generally led to a disagreement that usually ended with a couple of punches thrown before they worked out a plan they could both agree on.

  But Remy had a raging disgust for waiting and generally took what he wanted before life took it away.

  Yeah, yeah, he had issues. But he thought he’d dealt with them pretty well up until now.

  Hell, if you considered the situation, most people would think the same thing.

  Rom didn’t. Rom thought he was fragile from the damage to his face and his psyche and, yeah, to some degree he was. But Rom had decided to take the weight of their world on his shoulders, and nothing anyone could say would convince him he didn’t need to.

  Usually Remy took it on himself to make sure Rom didn’t burn out from all the stress.

  And spending a few more hours with a beautiful, totally hot goddess would certainly reduce some of that stress.

  Sure, Remy wanted to pursue the Mal bastards who’d put that demon on their asses. He would hunt them down and make their deaths slow and painful. But they’d waited this long to kill the demon. A few more days for the Mal wouldn’t matter.

  He and Rom could use some time to regroup. Spending another couple of hours in Amity’s bed would give them that time.

  And when they left to pursue the Mal… they’d leave her vulnerable to Charun.


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