Ruthless: Jake's Story (A Sterling Brothers Romance Book 1)

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Ruthless: Jake's Story (A Sterling Brothers Romance Book 1) Page 7

by Dee, Cassandra

  “Papa, Papa!” she cried, her arms outstretched as she reached for the man with dark hair and blue eyes the same shade as her own.

  And Jake leaned forward to catch her, swooping her up in a bear hug, her tiny form incongruous in those muscular arms. “Let’s go see what Mommy’s doing okay?” he asked as the little girl vigorously nodded her agreement.

  You see, Jake and I are a couple now. The first few months, when Janie was sick, were really rough. Jake could hardly look at me, he was so angry about my keeping the baby’s existence a secret, but his love for his daughter was strong, and with time, our issues came out into the open.

  “Why Tina? Why did you storm out of my office that day? I’d already told you I was breaking it off with Jenna, so why didn’t you give us a chance?” he’d asked harshly.

  “Jake,” I began slowly. “It’s hard to believe, but it has to do with Pernacular … and how I thought Pernacular defined you.”

  He snorted. “What, you believed all that bullshit in the press? How Sterling Pharma denies treatment to pregnant women and lets their babies be consumed by parasites? You know that’s not how my company works. You know that’s not how I work,” he added forcefully.

  “I know that now,” I said slowly. “But I didn’t know it at the time. The newspapers just couldn’t get enough of Sterling, and my law professor had basically painted you as villains. I had no idea how the insurance industry works, that they negotiate the price of a drug down to mere pennies on the dollar. Nor did I know that Sterling Pharma was giving Pernacular for free to those in need,” I said slowly. “It was only until your media machine worked its magic that public opinion began to shift,” I added.

  Jake nodded. The investment in publicity and “spin control” had paid off, and Sterling was now seen as a model start-up, one which had navigated the treacherous waters of drug development to successfully come out on top -- helping mankind while also making money hand over fist.

  “But Tina,” he said slowly. “If you thought I was a monster, why didn’t you just confront me? Why did you hold back about Pernacular?”

  I grew red, the heat a tide on my cheeks. “Because,” I said carefully, “I didn’t think very highly of myself. I never thought that someone like you, a bad boy billionaire, would be interested in a mousy no-one like me. So I was a coward. I didn’t give you a chance to make your case, and I regret it.”

  Jake was still. “I’m not sure where this takes us, but at least you know that I broke off the engagement with Jenna.”

  In fact I didn’t know, but the news had made me incandescently happy.

  “You did?” I breathed.

  He slowly nodded. “I couldn’t go on with that fucking farce. Jenna’s toxic, with all the lies, the half-truths, the concealed motives. I just couldn’t take it, at home and at work. Life is hard enough when you’ve got an empire to run,” he said ruefully.

  “Oh Jake,” I said softly, letting a hand trail down his cheek.

  And he turned his mouth to kiss my palm, seizing my wrist in his.

  “We’ll start again,” he said roughly. “The bad boy and the good girl, we’ll make it work somehow,” he vowed.

  And I nodded. I knew that some way, we’d make it happen. It was going to be hard going, but I had my man and my baby, and I couldn’t ask for anything more.

  “Of course,” I murmured, tilting my lips of for a kiss. “Of course,” I murmured reassuringly. Because Jake was ruthless … but he was also mine.

  Don’t miss Matt’s story next in The Sterling Brothers Series!

  Scroll down to read Twin Stepbrother Secrets.

  Twin Stepbrother Secrets:

  Pregnant with Their Baby

  (Erotic Romance, PI)

  © 2015

  By Cassandra Dee

  Table of Contents

  Part One

  Part Two

  Part Three

  Part Four

  Part Five

  Part Six



  “No!” I screamed from the top of the stairs. My twin stepbrothers, identical and gorgeous, were being led away, hands cuffed behind them as they were escorted to a police van outside. A group of burly cops surrounded the yard, ensuring that there would be no escape.

  “No!” I screamed again, not caring that my gown was a tiny slip of a thing, fluttering in the chilly night wind. But everyone ignored me. My parents stood stone-faced as my brothers were led away, refusing to meet my gaze, their eyes fixed stolidly to the floor. Desperate, I rushed down the stairs, thinking to throw myself at my brothers’ retreating backs.

  But Landon turned, his steely blue-eyed gaze bringing me to a screeching halt. His warning glance was more than enough to stop me cold in my tracks.

  “Officer,” said Cole politely. “If you’d be so kind as to let us have a word alone with our sister.”

  An intimidating looking woman, burly with a clipboard in her hand, smirked at his request.

  “Not likely, given that your parents are turning you in for incest and rape of your sister,” she said flatly.

  “They didn’t rape me!” I shrieked before being cut off by another warning glare from Landon.

  “Well then perhaps you’d be so kind as to allow my sister to visit us at the county lock-up tomorrow morning,” he said cordially.

  “You won’t be at County, you’ll be at State,” she stated in a business-like tone. “County’s for juvies, and you and your brother will be tried as adults.”

  But suddenly I knew what Cole was doing. He was telling me how I could find them tomorrow. And I’d go to them, with my heart in my hands … because they’re the fathers of my baby.



  Six months earlier …

  I quietly opened the screen door to the house, putting my backpack on the marble counter. As usual, there was no noise whatsoever. My parents traveled a lot because my stepdad was CEO of a pharmaceutical company, and my mom accompanied him on most business trips.

  “You’re fine, right Morgan?” Linda asked vaguely, just before leaving last time. “You don’t need us for anything?”

  “Yeah, mom, I’m okay,” I said, with just the tiniest tinge of sarcasm in my voice. Never mind that my first art show was coming up. She’d missed everything in the past couple years of my life, ever since she met Mr. Kingsley.

  Don’t get me wrong, Gerald’s made a big difference in our lives. My biological dad died when I was two, leaving my mom with few resources and a daughter to raise. We’d barely been scraping by – her hours as a secretary were just enough to put food on the table, with nothing left over for extras. But we’d been happy … so I thought.

  Slowly, my mom started stepping out, going to dating events and mixers. She was still young then, maybe 25 or so, and I guess hanging out with a baby all day wasn’t her idea of fun. Pretty soon, she was seeing some high-powered dudes, one of whom happened to be Gerald Kingsley, CEO of Stryker Tech.

  After she met Gerald, things took off really quickly. We went from sharing a one-bedroom apartment in a rundown part of town, to moving into his huge mansion by the sea, complete with housekeeper, gardener, and security cameras. There was a even guard house at the entrance to keep my billionaire stepdad safe from the common people.

  It’d been wonderful at first. I was ecstatic that now I’d be able to attend a creative arts school in the city. The tuition had been way out of reach for my mom, but Gerald made a contribution to the school, and I was welcomed as a mid-semester transfer. Plus, Gerald had redecorated one of the rooms in his mansion as a studio, and bought me all sorts of paints, watercolors, oils and canvases. I’d spent that first week in pure bliss, delighted with my abundance of creative tools.

  But Gerald and Linda started taking less interest in me as the weeks went by. I already had a private wing in the house, and my mom, who had at least sort-of paid attention to me in the past, was now consumed by a whirlwind of social events, part
of her duties as Gerald’s wife. And so I was basically … alone. I got up most mornings, poured myself some cereal, and trudged off to school. When I got back, the house was usually empty unless Gerald and Linda were hosting a cocktail party for one of their various causes.

  I’d gotten used to the solitude. As an artist, I told myself that the quiet was good for me to concentrate on my art with no distractions, and besides, I had plenty of friends at school. No need for mom to stress out.

  Until one day, I let myself in the screen door and could hear the TV blasting in the living area. This was weird. Again, I have my own wing of the house, so usually it was just me and the cleaning staff. When Consuela was here, there might be some Spanish music playing, but certainly not the raucous beat that was pulsing, unbearably loud.

  I could hear laughter too, deep voices chuckling, and the unmistakable clink of glasses. It didn’t seem like we were being robbed, and besides, it’s pretty tough to make it past Gerald Kingsley’s security.

  I tiptoed down the hall and peeked into the living area. Oh my god. There were two men sitting on the sofa, gorgeous, ripped, with tats peeking out from under their t-shirts, drinking beer and relaxing on MY couch! What the hell?

  I stood and just watched for a moment. Even at eighteen, with my limited (okay, zero) experience with guys, I could sense the danger rolling off the men in waves. Their bodies were chiseled, muscle tees outlining solid frames, defined but not overbuilt. Twin blue eyes penetrated from handsome, angular faces, complete with square jaws and dimples in their left cheeks.

  Because the two men were identical in just about every way. Same height, same build, and same movie-star handsome faces, with dark, almost black hair and sky blue eyes.

  I must have gasped because they both swung around at once, their discerning gazes make me shiver.

  “Well, look who it is …” one of them drawled.

  “Nothing like I expected …” the other murmured, as they looked me over.

  I flushed. I knew I wasn’t the prettiest girl in school, but I was okay-looking, with glossy brown hair and hazel eyes. I pushed my glasses up a little higher, and tried to stand a little straighter.

  “Who are you? What are you doing here?” my voice trembled.

  “Must be our new little sister,” said one of the twins.

  “I’m Landon, he’s Cole,” said the other, gesturing at his brother. “Don’t worry, little sis,” he said with a smirk. “Even our mom can’t tell us apart sometimes.”

  “Your mom?” I asked, dumbfounded. “How can I be your sister? Wait, is this all a joke?” I shook my head, I was so confused.

  They smirked again and raised their beers for another sip. “No joke, little sis, unless it’s from the guy up there,” said Landon, pointing upwards to the sky. “You’re Morgan, right? I can tell Gerald’s never told you about us before,” he added, with a knowing look at his brother.

  “Wait a minute, how do you know my name?” I said, holding my hands up. “Who are you again?” I demanded, crossing my arms a little huffily.

  “Well, the little girl’s got spirit,” said Cole. “We,” he announced majestically, “are your new brothers.”

  “How is that possible though? Are you Gerald’s sons?” I said plaintively.

  “Exactly,” said Cole, his brow growing dark. “We’re Gerald’s illegitimate sons by a stripper he fucked years ago. We lived with our mom until she died of a drug overdose last week,” he said coldly.

  “Oh my god!” I whispered, my hands flying up to my cheeks.

  “Your concern is appreciated, but irrelevant,” stated Cole. “Violet got high every fucking night, living off of Gerald’s child support checks. But now that she’s gone, seems that Landon and I are stuck with Daddy Dearest,” he said.

  “Does … does Gerald know you’re here?” I asked slowly.

  “Yeah, but look how much he cares,” snorted Cole. “You can tell he pulled out all the stops for the welcome bandwagon,” he drawled sarcastically.

  “Well, um …” I gawped. “Can I get you a sandwich?” I rushed out. Immediately my cheeks flushed. Faced with the two most gorgeous men I’d ever seen, here I was offering them a sandwich? God, I was so lame.

  It caused both men to start laughing.

  “What a sweetheart!” said Cole, leaning back with a sly smile. “But honey, we’re about to head out to grab a bite, so no sandwich needed, thanks baby.”

  And they turned back to the TV, dismissing me. How ironic. My new stepbrothers had dismissed me in my own home. But I retreated from the living area, quietly padding up to my bedroom. Hopefully I could at least call Mom and verify the twins’ story … but it wouldn’t matter because I was already incredibly curious about the two most intriguing men I’d ever met.



  “Unnf,” I moaned, coming hard into the blonde.

  “Fuck her hard,” grunted my brother, his dick buried in her mouth. “Oral feels best when a woman’s stuffed full of dick.”

  “Ahhh … shit … FUCK!” I roared, as I released a spray of white into the girl’s cunt. She moaned in pleasure and pain, her voice muffled by the huge piece of meat my brother was forcing down her throat.

  It’s hard to describe the depravity that Cole and I engage in. We always fuck the same girl at the same time, and no, not a lot of girls say no. In fact, none have said no.

  Let’s just say a lot of females fantasize about MFM ménage, and when the opportunity to do handsome identical twins comes around, the legs start spreading pronto. So my brother and I get double our share of twat, and we like it that way.

  But our little sister is kinda different. I mean, we basically sprang up on her like overgrown beasts, intruding on her little castle in the sky. She was so fucking funny that first day, with a grade school backpack and those big, chunky glasses.

  “Can I get you a sandwich?” she’d asked, her eyes innocent and blinking.

  I knew what I wanted to say. I wanted to say, “Sure, and why don’t you bring that sandwich to me on your knees and lick my balls as I’m eating it.”

  But Cole had given me a warning glance and we took things easy instead.

  “No worries, baby,” I’d said instead. “Go play with your toys,” I’d probably added.

  But that’s not part of the mission. We want to be nice to our little sis, and the poor princess is basically alone in this fucking fortress Gerald’s built. Our fucking father, if you can even call him that, hasn’t bothered to show up in two months. Two fucking months. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I mean, it’s not like Cole and I ever saw him when we were growing up.

  “Your father is a billionaire, but he never gives us anything,” pouted Violet. I call her Violet, and not mom, because she’d never been a mom to us. She was either drinking, drugging, slutting herself, or just plain lazy, sitting that bony ass on the couch. But Cole is different, actually referring to her as a mother figure.

  “Ma, shut the fuck up, okay?” said Cole. “Gerald sends checks every month, and besides, you’re hardly the fucking model citizen.”

  “Don’t talk to me that way!” she screeched, bolting upright, her hair frazzled. She was a junkie, just skin and bones, a malnourished hag. Hard to believe that once she’d been pretty enough to attract powerful guys. “Your father … he … he owes me!” she shrieked.

  “Whatevs,” said Cole dismissively. “Come on, let’s beat feet,” he said, nodding towards the door.

  I grabbed my shit and we headed out into the night. But Violet’s insistence that Gerald owed her stuck in my mind … and my brother and I were going to do something about it.



  “Oh yeah, honey, I’m sorry we forgot to tell you,” said my mom. “You know Gerald and I are in Istanbul right now, and with the time zones and traveling, we didn’t want to wake you,” she babbled. “Have Cole and Landon moved in yet?” she asked. “They’re Gerald’s kids from a fling he had long a
go, their mom’s way out of the picture,” she continued.

  I could barely hear her, the connection static and crackling.

  “Yes, Mom,” I said, quietly sarcastic. “I guess … well, thanks for telling me, even if it’s belated.”

  “I’m sorry honey,” she said. “But it’s no problem, right? I told Gerald they could share your wing of the house because you know how Daddy likes his privacy. It won’t be any trouble, you’ll enjoy having some company. I know how you always wanted a sibling.”

  “Yeah mom, they’re great,” I said, suddenly tired. Nothing seemed to make sense. I now had two gorgeous men staying in the same house who were supposedly my stepbrothers, but could very well be ax-murderers. Well, leave it to Mom. If I was chopped into pieces by the time she got back, so be it.

  Slowly, I hung up the phone. I crept up the stairs to my bedroom, pausing at the landing. The twins had taken a room down the hall from mine, the big master bedroom with a marble en suite. Through the door, I could hear a ton of splashing, plus the unmistakable sound of a woman’s voice.

  “Cole!” she gasped. “Ahh!” she cried, followed by another wordless shriek and a man’s growl. Could it be? Yeah, I think Cole and Landon were in the tub with her, enjoying some naked time together.

  Eff me. I’d gotten a glimpse of the blonde when Cole and Landon let themselves in during the wee hours of the night. The girl had been stunning, leggy and model-esque, teetering on ridiculously high heels. But she’d been like a live wire, wedged between the two men. I could see my brothers’ hands on her curves, squeezing her luscious assets as she moaned into their mouths.

  Because she was definitely enjoying her time with them. Her dress had ridden up until I could glimpse the tiny vee of her panties, watching as Cole rubbed there, the girl gyrating hotly on his hand.


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