“Wait, what are you talking about, and are you... Nope the love god cannot be sitting in the SUV in Cleveland. I need a hot bath and my bed,” she grumbled.
The man that saved her climbed into the car, sitting next to her wearing the sweats. “Yes, he is Cupid, as you would say, but right now, his name is mud in my book.” He slid his arm behind her and pulled her up against his body.
“My name is Ace Nape and that fool driving is Eros, my friend. I live in Africa or Asia, depending on my mood. Eros was lucky to have found me when he did. I don’t travel too well and hate big cities. But when he said my woman was in trouble, I had to trust him, and for once, I’m glad I did.”
She held up her hand. “If Eros knew I was being held by said disgusting gang, why didn’t he come to help? And what are you talking about, your woman?”
Ace stretched out his legs at the same time lifting her and putting her into his lap. “Eros can only interfere so much. He can arrange our meeting, but he could not alter your fate. If you were meant to be raped and killed by that man, there was nothing he could have done. But for me, since you are my woman, I can protect you, and Eros knew this.” He sighed and looked out the window.
“There are not many of my kind left. We’ve been killed off by stupid poachers or religious groups fearing us. I’m not going to lie; our lives are going to be tough, so being tied to me will not be easy. I’m afraid the fates have chosen you as my mate.”
“How do you know I’m your mate?” she asked and looked out the window. “Where are we going?”
“We’re going to visit your little brother, where I’m going to show him what fear really is. His little gang is going to dissolve rather quickly when I’m through with them. As for how I know...” He took her hand and placed it on his throat.
“Feel the swollen nodule?” he asked and she nodded.
“Well, there are two more like this one under my cock, they produce the necessary stuff to make it possible for my mate to carry children and to be like me,” he said, kissing the side of her neck. “Even dirty, I can still smell you, and there is no mistake you are mine. Already your body reacts to mine. Your nipples are hard, and I bet your panties are awful wet.”
“You must have a very good nose, since I’m filthy and disgusting right now. You know this isn’t going to work, right?” she said sadly, knowing that he would have to go back to his jungle.
He reached up, touching her cheek. “Look at me, Cait.”
She turned to stare into his green eyes.
“I like my jungle and I hope you’ll come back with me soon so I can show it to you, but I know this is your home and you need to be here for your family. They are now my family, my pretty butterfly. I’m not going anywhere, but we will be looking for a bigger home, out of the city at least.”
“You’d stay here for me?” she squeaked and he laughed.
“Yes, I meant what I said. You are my woman, and I protect what is mine. I was thinking I could help clean up these gangs that seem to be popping up. Since it’s obvious your law enforcement haven’t had much luck. I’ve already contacted the lead detective in the area. He knows I’m here. He’s not going to be happy about tonight, but I don’t care. Our law overrides theirs when it comes to protecting our loved ones.”
“Maybe that is why the religious groups are after you?” she said, making him smile.
“It could be, but we also don’t sit around waiting for trouble; we clean up our messes.” He lifted her up and cracked his neck. “Stay put; I’ll be back in a few minutes,” he said as the car stopped in front of her brother’s pack house, but she didn’t listen, jumping out the other door, earning a growl from her kitty.
“I’m not a damn kitty. Watch it, butterfly, I bite,” he snarled, snatching her up and pulling her to his side. “We do this together, but if anyone—”
She covered his mouth with her hand, and he nipped it.
“Relax; they know I’ll kick their puny asses.” She stopped, staring up the stairs at the said head of the gang. The one who had thrown her to the wolves so his sister wouldn’t be taken. “You mother fucker,” she snapped, starting to rush him when he pulled out a gun.
“Which was the wrong thing to do,” said handsome cat; kitty took off the kid’s hand with one swipe. “Don’t ever point a gun at my woman. Wrap his arm if you want him to survive,” Ace snapped at her brother who came running out of the door of the house.
“He should go to the hospital,” her brother whined.
“He’s not going anywhere; drag his ass inside. You want to act like the punks you are, I’m going treat you like it. Now move.” He turned and held out his hand, which was now normal. “Come here, butterfly, you’re staying close to me.”
She ignored her brother’s glare and put her hand in Ace’s. He’d saved her and was willing to stay here to protect her little sibling. Who cared if he turned into a slick killing machine?
“You’re with this nut case?” her brother asked, coming up to her after he got the so-called president settled.
There was no way to stop what she did. Her fist connected with his face and sent him back a few steps. “First off, asshole, thanks for letting that pig take me instead of his sister. Shows how much I mean to you. Second, your little gang is over. No more. Each one of you is going home, get jobs or go back to school. I’m tired of hearing someone is dead because of a drive-by. It’s over,” she snapped.
Her brother laughed, rubbing his jaw. “And who’s going to stop us? Him? He’s one freak.”
Cait shook her head and stepped back, looking up at Ace. “I tried,” she said. “I’ll wait outside with your friend.”
He bent his head and placed a small kiss on the top of her head. “I won’t be long.”
The fresh air did nothing but make her realize she so needed a bath and a nice blazing fire going. Eros waited by the car and held open the door for her.
“Didn’t go so well?” he asked, and she shook her head.
“I knew it wouldn’t, but I had to try one last time. Are you really Cupid?” she asked.
“I prefer the love god, thank you. Cupid reminds me of that little guy with the bow and arrow running around naked,” he grumbled and she laughed.
Climbing into the car, Cait could have sworn the love god just pinched her ass. “What the hell? That hurt. I thought I was Ace’s mate,” she grumbled and rubbed her ass when Eros went flying.
“Touch her again and I’m going to forget you are my friend. She’ been through enough, damn it, Eros.” Ace growled, showing a bit of fang.
“I had to make sure. The fates are watching me on this, Ace, I had no choice. Drive yourself; I have to go. Five more women on my list to see to.” He rubbed his jaw and disappeared.
Ace grabbed the keys out of the air. “Get in, little butterfly. We’ll go see the damage to your place, collect what you need, but then, we’re going to be staying at the hotel where I’ve made the reservations.” Ace got into the driver’s side.
“Aren’t you a little cold walking around in just that? Plus, aren’t your feet freezing?” she asked, getting into the car beside him.
“A little, but the skin has toughened up over the years. I’ve instructed your brother that he has two nights to clean up the mess at your home, and if it’s not done, I’ll come hunting for him. I’m not going to go easy on him, Cait. He’s been given every chance from what I’ve seen,” Ace said and pulled out into the traffic.
“You know where I live, don’t you?”
“Yes, I know where you used to work, also. I know your neighbors, the area where you live and how they grabbed you. It was a long flight, and I used it wisely. Have you heard of the city of Wellington? They have a home with some acreage I was thinking we could purchase.”
She sighed. “Right now, I can’t think straight. I’m tired and dirty. But, yes, I’ve heard of Wellington; it’s a nice, small town.” Cait laid her head back, closing her eyes. “Do you think the house is really ripped up? I wonder
if they got into my room.”
“We’ll replace whatever they have destroyed. I know it doesn’t help, but we’ll build a new life together.”
“What if I want to go with you, away from all this crap?” she asked, turning to look at the man next to her.
“Then, we’ll get on a plane and leave. I have homes in Asia, Africa and one in France,” he said.
“You’d really go anywhere I wanted to go?” she asked, smiling. “If you’re not real, please, don’t wake me up.”
He laughed. “I’m real, and I’ll show you later how real I am. We’re here.” Ace pulled the car into the drive.
“Well, at least the front door is fixed,” Cait shivered, remembering when they had broken inside the house to get to her.
Her door opened, and Ace helped her out of the car, holding on to her. “You sure you’re up to this?” he asked, rubbing his cheek on the top of her head.
“No, I have to face this.” Slipping her arms around him, Cait hugged him tight. “You don’t know what this means to me, what you’ve done for me. For a long time no one’s cared if I’ve lived or died. Even my mom and dad took off when I turned sixteen, leaving my brother and me alone.”
“Well, you are not alone anymore, and your well-being will always come first. I meant what I said. Your brother has a lot to answer for. Now, let’s get this over so I can pamper you tonight.” He guided her up the stairs never once releasing her hand or her waist as they moved through the house.
It hadn’t been as bad as she believed it would be, but her room had been trashed. Her computer, TV and a few pieces of jewelry she had bought for herself were missing, along with the money she had been saving for a new car.
Through tears, Cait shoved clothes into a bag. “I fucking hate this; every time I get ahead one step, it’s three back.” She plopped down onto her bed.
“No, we’re leaving now.” Ace scooped her up into his arms and grabbed her bag, moving out of her room as her brother came into the house. “This house will be spotless when we come back tomorrow. Get boxes, because we will be moving soon, also, and don’t forget what I told you.” Ace snarled and rushed right by her brother.
“Where are you going?” he asked, almost sounding like the little boy she took care of.
“I’m taking your sister out of here for a few days. But I’ll be back to check on you.” Ace turned and looked at Dan. “We are not forgetting you, but you’ve done enough to hurt your sister. You’re lucky Cait has a big heart or I would have ripped your heart out. What you’ve done is unthinkable after all that she has done for you. You could have been put into a foster home, but no, she’s worked her ass off to give you a home. Clean it up and not one person in this house; don’t think I won’t know either.”
Cait didn’t say a word, allowing Ace to handle her brother; she just couldn’t do it anymore.
Thirty minutes later, Cait was soaking in a hot bubble bath that was heaven. Sure to his word, Ace was spoiling her. The bath had already been drawn, and he had stripped her and put her into it, telling her to stay put as he lit candles all around.
Ace had even found out her favorite singer, the CD playing now. Then, there had been the scalp message when he had washed her hair. She smiled and squirmed, still feeling his hands on her breasts, soaping and playing with them.
“Time to come out, little butterfly,” Ace said, coming in holding up a large towel. “I have dinner waiting for us.” He helped her step out of the tub and proceeded to dry her before grabbing a black silk robe. “Here, put this on.”
“You know you don’t have to do this,” she said, sliding her arms in as he tied the robe but not before leaning down and sucking each nipple into his mouth.
“But I want to. It gives me pleasure taking care of you, and I plan to for the rest of our lives,” he said, staring down at her.
“You won’t leave me?”
“No, Cait. I’ll be at your side for however long we live. My kind mates for life; there will never be any other.” He kissed her lips softly. “Come,” he lifted her up, and she laughed.
“Are you going to carry me everywhere,” she asked and was staring at what he had done to the room. Roses—red, white and pink—were everywhere. A table for two was set with candles, champagne and a fountain of chocolate.
She looked at him, grinning. “Are we going to get kinky later?”
He nipped her nose and placed her on the chair. “You’ll have to wait and see, but first, I have this for you.” He said, kneeling down in front of her.
“This was my mother’s, my father gave it to her the first day he found her.” He opened the jewelry box, and she shook, running her finger over the gold chain.
In the middle of the chain was a stone she had never seen before. “My father found it when he was a child and kept it, knowing he would give it to his mate. From what I’ve been told, it’s a firestone. Will you wear it, except me?”
Her bottom lip shook, tears rolled down her cheeks as she nodded. “God, yes,” she laughed. “No, please, don’t bring your friend back.”
Ace snarled and took the necklace and attached it around her neck. “We will see him next week, but he won’t touch you. He’s already hit us both with his special mark.” He reached over and lifted the lid to her plate.
Lobster, prime rib, twice-baked potatoes and steamed vegetables, her all-time favorite meal. She moaned. “You had to have a file on me,” she stated, and he grinned sitting across from her.
“Maybe, now eat, I have plans,” he said and that is when she noticed the extra cover on the bed.
“Really,” she giggled and tore into the food; it had been so long since Cait had eaten this well.
Cait swore her eyes were crossed, and there was chocolate everywhere. In her hair, ears, up her nose, in the crack of her ass, and she wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t some in her pussy. “I’m sticky; I’ll walk funny for a week and be very, very happy.” She rolled over and groaned, feeling the chocolate under her. “Thank you for tonight. Was this our Valentine’s Day?” Cait asked Ace as he stared at her.
He jumped off the bed and lifted her up, carrying her toward the bathroom. “Nope, this is a warm up, sweetheart.” He stepped into the shower enclosure, turning on the warm water and proceeded to clean them both until she noticed he was frowning. “I do believe I forgot to clean a spot,” he said, coming up behind her and placing her hands on the wall. “Don’t move, hold onto the bar there.” He purred.
“No, Ace, I can’t,” she cried out as he slid into her from behind in one thrust.
“I have to make sure you are clean inside and out.” He growled, nipping her neck.
“What does your cock have, a tongue? Can it taste the chocolate,” she teased, earning another swat to her ass.
“Little butterfly, my cock knows if anything is wrong with its new home. Now, hush and allow me to inspect it thoroughly,” he mumbled, his lips brushing against her shoulders.
His thrusts almost lifted her off the ground, her skin had little bite marks all over her body and Cait had never been so loved in her life. Her man was bound and determined to give her all the love she hadn’t been given over the years.
“No,” she squirmed, trying to get away from his finger; her over-sensitive clit could take no more.
“Yes,” he growled, biting and holding onto her as Ace grabbed her clit, pinching.
“Ace!” She screamed through another orgasm; her legs gave out and she whimpered.
“Now, I know there is no chocolate inside of you,” he said, releasing her neck and placing a kiss on it, holding onto her as he turned off the shower.
“Poor butterfly is tired. Time to tuck you into bed,” Ace whispered.
“Our bed is covered in gooey chocolate,” she mumbled, actually sore. “Do you know this is the first time in my life I’ve ever been sore from being loved?” She smiled up at him as he set her on a chair, kissing her lips.
“You’ll heal fast enough.” He started to r
oll up the extra cover, and she laughed, seeing a clean bed underneath. “You are slowly changing now. Soon, you’ll be like me, Cait,” he said, watching her for a second before placing the dirty sheet in the bathroom.
“Will I be able to shift like you?” she asked, going to turn down the bed.
“I was going to do that,” he growled.
“You’ve done enough tonight; come hold me,” she said, crawling into the bed. “We need to find out what kind of bed this is, because it’s amazing.”
“I’ll get us one.” He wrapped her up in his arms and tucked her body next to his. “Thank you, Cait, for trusting me and giving yourself to me.”
“Hmm, well, you grew on me. Go to sleep, oh and, Ace.” She looked up at him. “I do believe I love you.”
“You love me as I love you.” Ace kissed her. “Now to start to plan Eros demise,” he mumbled, and she laughed, knowing her life was going to be amazing. She just might have to send Eros a big basket of chocolate.
* * * *
Eros couldn’t believe it; the next four women were best friends. Only Moirai could have arranged this. He pulled up the list—Koko, Peta, Esi and Nia were all living in the same house and working at the same factory.
He laughed as Eros walked around their empty house. Statues of naked Fae decorated their home, and they even had a picture of an orgy hanging on the wall. But he would have to be careful, Brice, Norman, Vincent, Carmon, Charles, Gage, Roy and Flint would be able to tell what he was up to, but they were never one to turn down an orgy. But this sex fest would seal their fate.
Koko, Peta, Esi and Nia’s Story
“I still can’t believe this. We were actually invited to a Fae gathering!” Peta said again, helping Esi wrap a toga around her. “You sure you didn’t meet one of them in the office?” she asked.
“How would I know? We’ve never met one. I still think this is a little weird. You do know what usually happens at one of these.”
“We can only hope,” Nia said, walking into the room naked as she tried to wrap her toga around her.
Cupids Bakers Dozen Page 7