Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey

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Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey Page 18

by Robyn M Ryan

“Tell me more, doctor.”

  Tom shook his head. “Nope, this would be a surprise adventure. You trust me?”

  Cassie giggled. “Do I have any reason not to?”

  “Hope not,” Tom allowed a smirk to cross his face. “I should be back in about two hours—can you be ready?”

  “Depends. Anything particular I need to know? What to wear? Do I need to pack a cooler? Make some sandwiches?”

  “Comfortable shoes, comfortable clothes, definitely casual.” He cupped her chin in his hand. “Maybe a change of clothes.” He punctuated his answer with a sweet kiss. “Two hours?”

  Cassie nodded. “I’ll be waiting.”

  Her imagination piqued by the upcoming adventure, Cassie cleaned her room and bathroom, tidied the twins’ play area, and took her phone to the sunroom. The beautifully decorated Christmas tree sparkled against the sun, and she saw the reflection from the pool just on the other side of the glass wall. If she didn’t see decorations everywhere she went, Cassie would not even think about Christmas. Eighty degrees and sunny on Christmas Eve? That’s July in Vancouver—if we’re lucky.

  She called Amelie to wish her a Merry Christmas. She knew her friend was flying to Montréal soon to spend the holidays with her family.

  “Joyeux Noel, Cassie,” Amelie chirped in greeting.

  “Toi aussi?” Cassie guessed. You too? “I hope Christmas is incredible with your family.”

  “Er, I just looked at the weather forecast. Freezing rain turning to snow. And I’m leaving Tampa, why?”

  “You’ll love seeing your family—you know that.” Cassie shoved thoughts of her fractured family aside. “It can’t be that much colder than Paris.”

  She heard Amelie laugh. “Paris gets plenty cold, but it’s so magical this time of year, with all the sparkling lights around the city. I’d walk up the boulevards every evening, even the Champs, if it wasn’t too congested with tourists.” Amelie sighed. “Ten days home feels like an eternity.”

  “But will you return to Tampa? Or did you decide to head back to Paris?”

  “Oh, definitely coming back to Tampa, Cassie. I’m thinking about applying to the college where you’ll take classes.”

  “Seriously? What about Paris?”

  “Can I share a secret with you? No one knows. I don’t want anyone to know.”

  “You can trust me.” While Amelie paused, Cassie’s mind raced through scenarios. Giving up her dream for mystery man, Chance? Too homesick to return to Paris? Pregnant?

  “They asked me not to return to the university.”

  “What? Did you break some rule?”

  Amelie forced a dry laugh. “You’d have to do something terribly scandalous to get expelled. My grades—after my first year, I thought I had it under control when I got high scores. Second year, not so good. I didn’t hit the required minimum in most of my courses. I had too much fun to study.”

  “Amelie…” Cassie felt her friend’s regret. “I’m so sorry. Can you get reinstated?”

  “Oh, if I tell my parents and they pay for private tutors…I could repeat the year.”

  “They don’t know?”

  “Not even Cam knows. Their disappointment’s worse than failing. I can’t handle that, at least not now. That’s why I’m hiding out here in Tampa. Trying to get my priorities in order—so far, not doing so well, am I?”

  “Maybe enrolling in courses here will help that,” Cassie said.

  “Hopefully. Please keep this between us. I just need someone to talk with. I’ve felt like a phony around you. I’m sorry.”

  “Amelie, I won’t tell a soul…and I’m always here to listen. At least you have Tampa to figure things out—and a mysterious, sexy man to distract you when you need it.”

  “Yes, Chance. Another story for another day. Merci for listening to my sad tale. You have a wonderful holiday with your personal physician. I’ll want details when I get back.”

  Amelie’s news cast a shadow on Cassie’s spirit, but she felt confident that her friend would land on her feet. We may have more in common than I thought. Cassie recognized the reasons Amelie did not want her family to know the truth about Paris. She understood too well the desire to please parents—how many times had she felt the same pressure? And yes, maybe choosing Tampa had provided the distance Cassie needed to escape the constant emotional tug-of-war between her parents? But the stress never eased.

  Cassie called Lauren to share the plans for the day.

  “So, you have a mystery adventure today, also?” Lauren’s voice teased her. “That sounds like fun! No clues?”

  “Nothing, other than dress in comfortable clothes. Have you had any hint for yours?”

  “Not a word. But Mr. Martin’s definitely ready to roll. Enjoy yourself, Cass. We can compare details tomorrow!”


  Three hours later, Cassie still did not know their destination as they passed unfamiliar sights along the expressway. “Farms? There are farms in this state?” She pointed toward rows and rows of artificially shortened trees.

  “Not all beaches and cities, babe.” Tom nodded to his right. “Citrus groves. You can get the best oranges in the world here. Just about a year-round growing season with the weather. Think vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs—you could easily go farm-to-table.”

  “That’s a great concept. Don’t think I could eat a cow I saw in a pasture, though.” Cassie made a face.

  “That most likely would not come directly to you from a farm,” Tom replied with a grin. “Maybe we can pick up some oranges and strawberries on our way back.”

  “Are we visiting one of those pick-your-produce farms?”

  “Nope. That sounds like fun, though. Maybe another time?” Cassie caught the wink he directed her way.

  “I’m game to try anything. I’ll probably eat all the strawberries as quickly as I pick them—blueberries, too.” Cassie leaned back in the seat and smiled as the sun hit her face through the open roof. “Never dreamed I’d ride in a convertible on December twenty-third.”

  She closed her eyes and relaxed in the warmth. She must have dozed, because the next thing she heard was the sound of traffic and felt the slower pace of the car.

  “Did I fall asleep? I’m sorry…”

  “You looked relaxed. It’s fine.”

  “Where are we? So much traffic.”

  Tom pointed toward the upcoming road sign. “Near Orlando.”

  Cassie sounded out the word. “Kiss—a—me?”

  “Close enough.”

  The next sign caused Cassie to turn toward her handsome doctor, who tried to hold back a chuckle. “Disney World? Is this the surprise destination?” Her voice betrayed her excitement.

  “It could be.” Tom merged into the designated lanes, then looked at Cassie as traffic slowed to a snail’s pace. “We could go to Disney, Universal Studios, Sea World…” He pushed his sunglasses back for a moment, and Cassie caught a hint of the same excitement she felt. “Your choice.”

  “Where do you want to go?” She tossed the question back to him.

  He shook his head. “They’re all incredible. You just need to decide before we come to the exits…”

  Cassie thought for a moment. “Wow…I never ever thought I’d visit any of these. I’ve been to Playland in Vancouver, but nothing like this.”

  “I promise you can’t make a mistake with any of these.”

  “Surprise me?” Cassie beamed a smile toward Tom.

  “Nope. You decide.”

  Cassie saw the smirk hinting on his face. “Okay, how about telling me something I don’t know about Disney and Universal?”

  “Here’s one—Harry Potter or Star Wars?”

  “Definitely Star Wars.” Cassie bit her lower lip in anticipation.

  “There’s your answer, babe. Are you prepared to fly the Millennium Falcon?”


  Tom laughed. “Let’s find out together. We’re headed to Disney World.”

  With the Park H
opper Passes, Tom and Cassie explored as many attractions as possible. Cassie felt like a kid again, gawking at Cinderella’s Castle and laughing delightedly whenever she spotted a Disney character. Of course, they stopped to watch the special Christmas Parade. The children’s innocent screams of delight and frantic waving caused Cassie to imagine Jenna and Daniel acting the same in a few years.

  “Have you volunteered to take Danny and Jen for their first trip to Disney World?” Cassie looked at Tom with a grin as they strolled through the park.

  “Not in your dreams, Cassie. Can you imagine trying to keep up with them in these crowds?” Tom nodded toward their hands. He’d held hers securely from the moment they entered the park. The intertwined fingers provided comfort as they made their way through the crowded sections. “No, thank you. That experience definitely belongs to Andrew and Caryn.”

  Cassie laughed as she leaned her head against his shoulder. “Best. Surprise. Ever.”

  “You like roller coasters?”

  “Love them. The faster, the better.”

  “That’s my girl. Let’s head this way—a special treat for you.” Cassie caught his devilish smile.

  “What’s the catch?”

  His eyes radiated sincerity. “Just a little warm-up for your Millennium Falcon excursion. And a great rollercoaster.”

  When they reached the tall silver structure, Cassie’s eyes narrowed. “Space Mountain? I’ve heard horror stories about that!”

  “Care to share?” He slipped his arm around her waist as they waited in the FastPass lane.

  “No, all I know is that it’s fast and dark. Just be sure you don’t lose me, okay?”

  “Not a chance.”

  By late afternoon, both felt the effects of the heat and sensory overload. Tom took a phone call as he watched Cassie sit on a bench in the shade, sipping a bottle of cool water. She didn’t exaggerate—she never flinched on the roller coaster-type rides, physical or digitally enhanced. Her laugh captivated him…as did everything about the girl with rainbows in her hair. We’ll come back to Universal with all those mega-coasters. Soon.

  He wandered toward her after returning the phone to his pocket.

  “Work?” Cassie offered her water bottle when he sat beside her.

  “Nah, just Andrew letting us know they’ve arrived safely in Toronto—quiet time at Caryn’s townhouse near the university.”

  “Everything okay so far?” she asked

  “Charmed the grandparents, of course. Luckily Caryn realizes when they are on the verge of a meltdown, so they retreated to the condo.”

  “Snow on the ground?”

  Tom laughed. “On the ground, falling from the sky—Toronto’s supposed to get about a foot by tomorrow.”

  Cassie shivered and leaned against him. “I’m sure it’s beautiful, but right now, I’ll take a pink flamingo Christmas.” She laughed, and Tom could see the specks of green in her sparkling eyes. “That’s how I’d decorate my Christmas tree.”

  “With pink flamingos?”

  “You bet, plus shells, starfish, Nemo—maybe pastel sparkling lights. Not too tacky?”

  “Sounds perfect to me. When in Florida…”

  “Oh! Definitely add Suns ornaments too.” Cassie giggled. “Can you imagine?”

  Tom slipped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. “A friend at work has a condo just outside the park. We could stop there. Cool off, freshen up, maybe take a nap?”

  “Mm…sounds perfect. My kingdom for a shower.”

  “No kingdom necessary, Princess Cassie. I have the gate pass and the key. Showers are complimentary.”

  Cassie reached to kiss his cheek. “Perfect idea…perfect day.”

  Refreshed by the shower and comfortable in jeans and a turquoise tank, Cassie wandered around the condo as she waited for Tom to change. A recliner in the main room called to her…she curled up on the soft leather and pulled her feet under her. Heaven. This whole day’s magical. Wish we could stay longer. So much more to see. Perfect if we could stay until tomorrow, but my hunky prince most likely has to report for his shift early…Am I imagining this connection between us? So sudden and almost overpowering.

  Too quick? You just don’t go from friends to…this much more…overnight, right? Though my feelings have developed over a long time. Never dreamed Tom might want more than friendship. Talk about going from zero-to-sixty in seconds…He can’t think about me the way I do him. No worries that he might lead me on or pull a “Cam-style” move. He’s not that kind of guy…a gentleman. But I wouldn’t say, “No,” if he wants more than a kiss. Not likely.

  She fell into a light sleep and awakened with a start when Tom perched on the edge of the chair. He gathered her into his arms as he slipped into the seat with her. His hair still damp from the shower, Tom had dressed only in his jeans.

  “You looked so enchanting, I couldn’t stop for my shirt,” he said as he peppered her cheeks and neck with light kisses. Cassie saw the devilish gleam in his eyes and directed his mouth toward hers. She met him halfway and couldn’t resist pressing her hands against his chest, her fingers tracing the solid wall of muscles. Cassie wanted to lose herself in his arms, the kiss overwhelming her senses.

  Aching to press her skin against his, Cassie struggled to pull off her shirt. Tom finally moved her hands and slipped it over her head. Cassie moaned quietly when flesh met flesh. Tom kissed his way across her cheek and then discovered a place behind Cassie’s ear that caused her to arch her back and wrap her arms around his chest. He playfully nipped her earlobe, and Cassie shook her hair to the side to give him better access to her neck. Her hands traced his spine until his jeans stopped her progress. She playfully slipped her fingers beneath the waistband.

  “Cassie.” His tone uttered a warning.

  “Hmm?” Her lips sought his, lost in emotion. Tom lifted her, and suddenly she was straddling his lap. Each time his hand grazed her flesh, lightning flashed through her body, straight to her core. Never had her body responded this way. She ached for more.

  Tom pulled away; his darkened cinnamon eyes slowly skimmed her body. “So beautiful,” he murmured. Her breath caught in her throat as his fingers traced her bare flesh, stopping at the edge of her jeans. He hooked fingers inside the low-cut waist and pulled her against him and then wrapped his arms around her. “Princess Cassie, what will I do with you?”

  “Anything my handsome prince desires,” Cassie purred.

  He cupped her face tenderly in his hands. “You know we need to slow down.”

  “What if I don’t want to?”

  Cassie watched the grin spread slowly across his face. “I might not want to either, but not today, not here. Not before we talk about what’s happening between us.”

  Cassie nearly blurted her feelings for him but bit her lip and nodded instead.

  “You understand what I’m saying?” His eyes searched hers, looking for understanding.

  “I get it, Tom. Today’s a magical dream. But here is…reality, not Fantasyland.”

  Tom brushed his hand across her hair. “I spend a lot of time in Fantasyland where you’re concerned.”

  Cassie giggled and placed her hand atop his. “But Tomorrowland always dims those fantasies.”

  “Not necessarily. Fantasies can lead to reality when both in the same…galaxy?”

  “Good analogy.” Cassie swatted at his chest as she pushed away and reached for her shirt. She glanced at him as she slipped it over her head. “Word of warning. If you come walking in all sexy-like with your wet hair and half-naked body, I can’t promise I’ll ignore Fantasyland.”

  “Duly noted.”

  Cassie walked to the bedroom and came back with a shirt she tossed to him. “No more temptation, please.”


  Returning to a quiet, empty house produced an eerie feeling for Cassie. No sign of her munchkins, no toys spread across the floor, no warm greetings from Caryn and Andrew. Only the beautifully lit Christmas tree and decorations
in the sunroom lightened the gloomy atmosphere.

  “Thank heavens for the timer on the lights.” She hugged Tom’s arm as she dropped her bag on the counter. “Very strange to come home to such silence. Spooky—except for the sunroom.”

  “Agree, babe. I miss the sound of the twins babbling.” Tom rested his hand on her shoulder and nodded toward the sunroom. “Let’s sit in there for a while. Soak up some Christmas cheer.”

  “Do you want anything to drink? OJ, water, Coke…?”

  “I’m good. Can I get you something? A glass of wine?”

  Cassie laughed. “I’ll probably have nightmares tonight about falling elevators or spaceships colliding. I better not get my imagination any more active.”

  Tom slipped his arm around her waist as they walked into the sunroom. “You okay with staying alone, Christmas Eve and Christmas?”

  “Lauren and Dave invited me to stay with them. I’m not sure I’d get any sleep otherwise. I know the neighborhood’s super safe with the gate access and patrols…and then the security system at this house. But I’d likely think every bump in the night’s a stormtrooper breaking in or Darth Vader.” Cassie giggled at the mental image.

  Tom pulled her against his side as they sat on the wicker sofa. “Glad you’re staying with Lauren and Dave. Christmas Eve and Christmas—best spent with families.”

  She leaned her head against his shoulder. “What about you? Do you wish you were in Toronto?”

  “Yeah…but I have my hospital ‘family.’ Barring a catastrophe, we’ll incorporate some holiday cheer. Lots of good food and treats.” Tom kissed the top of her head. “I really enjoyed today, Cassie.”

  “I loved every minute of our adventure.” She pulled away so she could see his face. “Thank you for today. These memories will always make me smile.” She narrowed her eyes as she bit back a smile. “Especially our little ‘interlude’ at your friend’s condo.” She fanned her face with her hand. “You coming out there so sexy after your shower…what were you thinking, doctor?”


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