Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey

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Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey Page 28

by Robyn M Ryan

  “How ‘bout I tell you what I think?” Tom waited for Cassie’s nod before continuing. “Amelie was over the afternoon Danny fell into the pool, correct?”

  “Yes, but…”

  Tom held up his hand. “Let me finish. Andrew found Amelie’s backpack and textbooks on the pool deck and thought they were yours. I dropped them off at Cam’s condo the following morning on the way to work. When I asked her about the accident, her answers were vague… ambiguous. Has she called you since then?”

  “Not today, but…”

  “Hang on for a moment. Amelie’s evasiveness helped confirm my thoughts.” He paused and leaned to kiss Cassie’s forehead. “Was Amelie watching Daniel when he got through the pool door?”

  “I made a mistake—I needed to visit the bathroom and grab a clean shirt. It took maybe five minutes…”

  “So, you asked Amelie to keep an eye on them?”

  Cassie nodded. “I don’t know how it happened, but Danny got away from her…you know the rest. I could hear them giggling on the monitor, all three of them. Then, Daniel must have scooted away…I don’t know how that door was left open. I found Amelie’s cell phone later. She received a lot of texts around the time of the accident. But none of that matters. The twins were my responsibility, not Amelie’s. I should never have left them.”

  Tom’s heart clenched when Cassie clamped her eyes shut, trying to stem the tears. He pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms securely around her. “Hey, Cass, listen to me…We can’t change what happened, and I get that you don’t want to assign any blame. Or look like you’re using Amelie as an excuse. But, don’t you think Andrew and Caryn have a right to know?”

  “They already know I’m irresponsible…”

  Tom interrupted. “No, maybe you made an error in judgment, but never irresponsible.”

  “I’d say something if they seriously planned to hire her—unless they’re planning to take her with them.” Her hazel eyes pleaded with him. “Otherwise, please just let it go.”

  “I’m not sure I can, Cassie. They need to know, so Caryn doesn’t ask her to babysit—now or in the future. You understand that, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I guess so. I hadn’t thought about that. If something happened, I couldn’t live with myself.”

  “Cassie, I think telling them the details that led to Danny getting near the pool will help both understand what happened and why you assumed all the blame,” Tom said.

  “Tom, I’ll always know that Danny could have…died…because of me. Whatever Amelie did or didn’t do changes nothing.”

  He lifted her chin and kissed her gently. “Stop being so stubborn,” he teased her. “I promise that soon you’ll realize no one blames you, and you’re beating yourself up needlessly. I also promise I plan to fill your brain with other thoughts in Sanibel.”

  Cassie concentrated her energy on deciding what to pack for the coming week with Tom. Her heart fluttered each time he crossed her mind—often—and a tightness in her chest signaled a new emotion she dared not acknowledge.

  Lauren knocked on her door shortly before she and Tom planned to leave, then entered the bedroom/office.

  “Do you need to work?” Cassie asked.

  “No, I’m caught up. Unless there’s an emergency, I shouldn’t have to spend much time on my clients while Dave’s family is here.” Lauren handed a bag to Cassie. “Just a little something special for your trip.”

  Cassie peaked inside the bag. “Lauren, what did you do?” She pulled a soft multicolor sundress from the package. “Oh, my gosh! It’s so beautiful…and luxurious…feels like silk.”

  Her aunt laughed. “It is silk. You can dress it up or down—just don’t wear it in the pool or ocean!”

  Cassie threw her arms around her aunt. “Thank you. It’s the most beautiful dress ever. Don’t worry, I’ll warn Tom about not tossing me into any water.”

  “We wanted to get you something special for your vacation. You deserve some spoiling.”

  Cassie flicked a tear from her cheek. “I’m so lucky to have you and Dave. I can never repay you for everything you did this week.”

  “That subject is taboo, as of this second. Think only about your romantic week on a beautiful beach with your ‘hot hockey doc’—did I get that right?”

  “Almost. My red hot, hunky hockey doc.”

  “I can hear your heart pitter-pattering as you talk about him. He’s a keeper, Cass.”

  Cassie felt her cheeks grow warm. “I’m hoping…I also hope he doesn’t feel awkward about being with me because Andrew’s beyond angry. They’re so close—I don’t want to come between them.”

  Lauren picked up a T-shirt and folded it before placing it in the suitcase. “Just don’t build imaginary walls like I did with Dave. Tom and Andrew will work everything out. Don’t push him away—I wasted so many years. If Tom had doubts, he wouldn’t plan a beach week with you.” She gently tapped Cassie’s forehead. “Purge any doubts and allow yourself to believe Tom’s sincere. Just follow your heart.”


  As Tom drove down the coast with Cassie, he felt her tension ease the further they left Tampa in the rear-view mirror. The sunset and early evening sky provided a soft backdrop for the clear blue waters and white sand beaches. He heard Cassie’s sigh as she appeared to shake off the week’s trauma and embrace the beauty surrounding them.

  She rested her hand on his thigh. “Tom, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything this breathtaking. Feels like we’re in another world.”

  Tom covered her hand with his. “I hope you’ll continue to experience that once we arrive at our villa.”

  She turned her face toward his. “If you’re in this world with me, it can only get better.”

  “You can count on that, babe. Our private world.” He glanced at her eyes, reassured to see a hint of the sparkle return. Hope this week heals my girl’s spirit. Hate watching her drowning in a sea of guilt, self-doubt, remorse…Cassie hasn’t really smiled since the accident. Priority one once we’re in our villa…

  “Ground control to Major Tom,” Cassie softly broke into his thoughts.

  Tom laughed. “You like that song, huh?”

  “Seemed like your brain was maybe in the stars.” He glanced at Cassie and saw the smile spread across her face. “Both my mom and grandmother like that song. Not sure I understand it, but yeah, it kinda gets stuck in your head.”

  “Yep, now I’m guaranteed to have it singing in my head for the next day or so,” Tom said. “Did I ‘space out’ on you?”

  “You looked like you were in deep thought.”

  Tom lifted her hand and kissed it. “I wanted to tell you that Andrew appreciated knowing the whole story about Danny getting to the pool. He’d already told Caryn he didn’t want Amelie watching the twins…too distractible.”

  “It changes nothing, though.”

  “It just might,” Tom said. “Andrew’s got a lot to think about. He complimented your maturity in handling everything and not making excuses. Beyond that, he’ll need to get past this All-Star weekend to think through everything and discuss it with Caryn.” Tom gently squeezed her hand. “I hope that lightens your guilt, Cassie. And once we arrive at our villa, let’s put everything about this aside and focus on us.”

  Cassie’s smile made his heart soar. “I’ll do my best to block it all from my mind. But I’ll have no trouble focusing on you.”

  “Us,” Tom corrected.

  “Us,” she repeated in a whisper.

  Cassie awakened when Tom kissed her forehead and brushed the hair away from her face. “Hey, you,” she said with a sheepish smile. “I fell asleep?”

  “That you did. I’m glad you got to rest. Ready to check out our villa?”

  “You bet.” She took Tom’s hand as she exited the car, then turned in a full circle to take in the resort's beauty. The valet encouraged them to check-in while the porter transferred their luggage to their villa. Tom handed off the keys, and Cassie pressed against his
side as they walked to the front desk.

  Opulent beauty greeted her eyes at every turn in the lobby. The lobby was an open-air structure on both sides, and if she listened carefully, she could hear gentle waves, tree frogs, and other nightlife chirping. Tom retrieved the keys to their villa, and she could see the Gulf in the darkened skies thanks to a full moon. “So peaceful,” she whispered.

  “Agree…Enjoying the tree-frog symphony?”

  “Love it. I think I heard an owl—or my imagination heard one.”

  “Maybe we’ll hear it again on the way to our villa—I hope it meets expectations.”

  “Will you stay in my room?” Cassie tried to resist a grin.

  “Plan to.”

  “That exceeds my expectations. Lead on, doctor.”

  Following the map of the resort, Tom and Cassie slowly walked to their building—the one closest to the Gulf. She saw the beautiful white sand reflected by the moon and noticed a few white-tipped swells heading for the sand.

  “I think we arrived in paradise.” Cassie looked up at Tom and pointed to the beach. “Beyond perfection.”

  Tom drew her closer to his side and pressed a kiss on her forehead. “Anywhere with you feels like paradise.”

  She blinked back a sudden wave of emotion. “Thank you for this.” She managed a smile while struggling to control her tears. Tom pulled her against his chest and wrapped his arms around her securely. She welcomed the scent of his cologne, the soft cotton pressed against her face, the security promised by his protective embrace. She reveled in the sudden tranquility that flowed through her soul before reluctantly pulling away.

  “You always know just what I need.”

  “You’re the only thing I need.” He grasped her hand and showed the entrance to the group of villas. “If I listened to the instructions, I think we enter here. Our room’s on the top floor.”

  “Perfect that it’s not a high-rise; just a few stories. Penthouse, eh?” Cassie teased.

  “Not promising that, babe, but hopefully a five-star experience.”

  Cassie sat on the deck directly facing the Gulf while Tom accepted their luggage from the porter. Thousands of stars sparkled in the sky, a masterpiece no human could hope to duplicate. Tom handed her a glass of champagne before he sat beside her.

  “Compliments of the house.”

  Cassie tipped her glass against his. “To a magical week.”

  “To a magical week and making forever memories,” Tom added.

  Cassie sipped the glass flute, flavor bursting inside her mouth. “Oh, wow…never guessed champagne could awaken every single taste bud in my mouth. Heavenly.”

  Tom laughed quietly. “I love experiencing new things with you, Cassie.” He leaned toward her for a kiss. “Delightful,” he murmured.

  Cassie moved beside him on his chaise lounge. “You’ve exceeded all my dreams. I love that we are here, together, gazing at this perfect sky, Tom…It makes me think of that song…you know, ‘starry, starry night,’” she sang, her voice a near whisper.

  “Another golden oldie,” he said. “I’d say our parents had good taste…Shall we tour our accommodations?”

  Every room in the villa provided breath-taking water views. The modern kitchen included every convenience—plus a stocked refrigerator and pantry.

  “When did you have time to plan this?” Cassie asked.

  “My secret. We can sit at the counter and see the beach.” They walked through the living area to the enormous master suite.

  Cassie stood in the middle of the room and slowly looked around. “Do you think people live here?” Her voice reflected awe she could not contain.

  “I could,” Tom said.

  “Something new for my dream list…as long as you’re with me.” Cassie looped her arms around his neck. “Thank you for bringing me here.” She reached to brush her lips against his.

  “No one else I’d wish to share this with, babe. Let’s check out the bathroom. You can relax in the jetted tub while I throw together something to eat…Unless you’d rather go out?”

  Cassie shook her head. “I’d rather help you in the kitchen, then both of us can bliss out in the jetted tub.”


  The next few days flowed together. Each morning they walked on the beach, collecting exquisite shells and then discussing plans for the day over breakfast. Beach time included their private cabana surrounded by billowing gauze drapes with tiebacks and lunch at the poolside restaurant. Cassie loved their afternoon “naps,” which included leisurely kissing, cuddling, and sweet lovemaking. Some evenings they dined at a recommended restaurant; other nights, they cooked in the suite, turning each meal into a romantic celebration.

  Cassie felt the days slipping away and wished that she could click the “pause” button. She mentioned that dream to Tom one afternoon as they relaxed in the large jetted tub.

  “Yeah, a pause button would definitely come in handy,” Tom said. “Put that on your wish list—along with sunny days, turquoise water, and the most unique shells ever seen. You’ve already filled two buckets.”

  “I’ll go through them and pick out our favorites before we leave. The rest I’ll return to the beach for someone else to discover.” Cassie loved sharing the jetted tub with Tom—especially when she leaned back against his chest. She turned to look at him, caressing his cheek with her palm, then urging his lips toward hers. Heaven…paradise…nirvana. Wish we could stay and not return to Tampa…real life. My feelings for Tom grow deeper every day, but I worry about him and Andrew. What if Andrew never forgives me? What’s the only choice Tom could make? Family first. Always.

  While Cassie called Lauren one morning, Tom gave her a quick kiss and slipped from the villa. He wanted to find something that would remind Cassie of this week. He wandered toward a group of shops. Does she realize how much I cherish our time together? We’ve connected in a way I’ve never experienced… He wandered from shop to shop, finding so many trinkets that reminded him of Cassie. When he entered a small jewelry store, he knew he’d find the perfect gift among the selection of hand-crafted items. He examined several necklaces, rings, and bracelets. Nothing felt right…not as unique as he wished for his rainbow girl.

  “I’m about to put some new pieces in the display case,” the clerk told him. “Would you like to see them?”

  “Please.” Tom watched as she placed a black velvet cloth on the glass counter, then carefully added about a dozen new designs.

  “These are unique. The jeweler only creates one of each item in a collection. You’d truly have an original piece of jewelry.”

  “Exquisite,” Tom said as he carefully examined a necklace and bracelet. The stones reminded him of the colors of the sand and the sea.

  “Then, we have a ring that matches this style.” The clerk opened a small box and placed the ring on the velvet. Tom knew as soon as he saw it, he wanted to give Cassie this sign of his commitment to her. The translucent stone reflected the colors of the rainbow and changed continuously each time he moved the ring. Perfect. As unique and beautiful as my girl.

  Cassie looked at her phone and took a deep breath. Lauren said I really need to call Mom. Ignoring her puts Lauren in the middle…Lauren said I can decide if I tell her what happened…I’m not sure I want her to know…Ever. Maybe I could recap my plans to switch to full-time status next semester? Do I mention Tom?

  She pulled a bottle of water from the mini-fridge and took her phone to the balcony to place the call.

  “Cassie? My long-lost daughter?”

  “I’m sorry, Mom. I should have called you back earlier,” Cassie began. “I’ve been preoccupied with classes. How’s everything in Vancouver?”

  Cassie exhaled a soft sigh of relief that her mom seemed in a good mood. She shared her plan to transfer to full-time status as of the summer semester.

  “Good decision, Cassandra. When do you have to declare a major?”

  “Not until I complete the core courses, so I’ll have plenty of time to
decide…still debating early childhood education or communications.” Cassie opened her water bottle and took a quick drink. Yesss! She sounds pleased about my plans. Relief that I’m going ahead with a degree? Maybe it’s a good time to tell her about Tom? Daniel’s accident?

  “Mom, I have some other news.”

  “More good news?”

  “Some good; some not so good.”

  “Why don’t you start with the ‘not so good’ news?”

  Cassie stared at the ocean as she told her mother everything. It felt like a dam had burst, and words poured from her mouth. By the time Cassie assured her that Daniel had recovered with no after-effects, Cassie felt tears splashing against her cheeks.

  Her mother didn’t respond for a long moment. Cassie heard her sigh and braced herself for the lecture that would begin.

  “Cassie, I can tell that this is still fresh and you’re heartbroken. But, like Caryn told you, it was an accident. I had trouble keeping up with you. I can’t imagine trying to entertain two toddlers…Should you have trusted your friend? Maybe not, but you just ran to the bathroom and grabbed a new shirt. See how fast toddlers can travel? Have you forgiven yourself?”

  She thought about the question. Forgive herself? “I never even thought about that, Mom.”

  “It sounds like just about everyone has accepted it was an accident. Perhaps preventable, but still an accident. You saved the child’s life. That’s the important takeaway—not wallowing in guilt. Forgive yourself and move on with your life.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I need to think things through with that mindset.” Cassie moved to a chaise and sipped some water.

  “Please do that, Cassandra. I think you also had some good news to share?”


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