Mistral's Kiss mg-5

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Mistral's Kiss mg-5 Page 14

by Laurell K. Hamilton

  "You are the king, Sholto. If you die, who will take back the spear, and bring the power back to your people?"

  I knelt there, the blood growing tacky on my skin. I cradled the chalice in my hands, and had a bad feeling that I knew where this talk was going.

  Sholto lowered the knife and asked, "What do you want of me, Lord?"

  The figure pointed at me. "There is royal blood to spill. Do it, and the heart of the sluagh will live once more."

  Sholto stared at me, the look on his face full of shock. I wondered if my face had looked that way when the choice had been mine. "You mean for me to kill Meredith?"

  "She is royal blood, a fit sacrifice for this place."

  "No," Sholto said.

  "You said you would do anything," the Goddess said.

  "I can offer my life, but I cannot offer hers," Sholto said. "It isn't mine to give." His hand was mottled with the force of his grip on the hilt of the knife.

  "You are king," the God said.

  "A king tends his people, he doesn't butcher them."

  "You would condemn your people to a slow death for the life of one woman?"

  Emotions chased over Sholto's face, but finally he dropped the knife on the rock. It rang as if it were the hardest metal rather than bone. "I cannot, will not harm Meredith."

  "Why will you not?"

  "She is not sluagh. She should not have to die to bring us back to life. It is not her place."

  "If she wishes to be queen over all of faerie, then she will be sluagh."

  "Then let her be queen. If she dies here, she will not be queen, and that will leave us with only Cel. I would bring life back to the sluagh and destroy all of faerie in one blow. She holds the chalice. The chalice, my lord. The chalice after all these years is returned. I do not understand how you can ask me to destroy the only hope we have."

  "Is she your hope, Sholto?" the God asked.

  "Yes," he whispered. There was so much emotion in that one word.

  The dark figure looked at the grey. The Goddess spoke. "There is no fear in you, Meredith. Why not?"

  I tried to put it into words. "Sholto is right, my lady. The chalice has returned to us, and magic is returning to the sidhe. You use my body as your vessel. I do not think you would waste all that on one bloody sacrifice." I glanced at Sholto. "And I have felt his hand in mine. I have felt his desire for me. I think it would destroy something in him to kill me. I do not believe my God and Goddess so heartless as that."

  "Does he love you then, Meredith?"

  "I do not know, but he loves the idea of holding me in his arms. That I know."

  "Do you love this woman, Sholto?" the God asked.

  Sholto opened his mouth, closed it, then said, "It is not a gentleman's place to answer such questions in front of a lady."

  "This is a place for truth, Sholto."

  "It's all right, Sholto," I said. "Answer true. I won't hold it against you."

  "That's what I'm afraid of," he said softly.

  The look on his face made me laugh. The laughter echoed on the air like the song of birds.

  "Joy will suffice to bring this place back to life," the Goddess said.

  "If you bring life to this place with joy, then you will change the very heart of the sluagh. Do you understand that, Sholto?" the God said.

  "Not exactly."

  "The heart of the sluagh is based on death, blood, combat, and terror. Laughter, joy, and life will make a different heart for the sluagh."

  "I am sorry, my lord, but I do not understand."

  "Meredith," the Goddess said, "explain it to him." The Goddess was beginning to fade, like a dream as dawn's light steals through the window.

  "I do not understand," Sholto said.

  "You are sluagh and Unseelie sidhe," the God said; "you are a creature of terror and darkness. It is what you are, but it is not all you are." With that, the dark shape began to fade, too.

  Sholto reached out to him. "Wait, I don't understand."

  The God and Goddess vanished, as if they'd never been, and the sunlight dimmed with them. We were left in gloom. It was the twilight of the underground of faerie these days—not the aberration of the momentous sunlight that had bathed us moments ago.

  Sholto yelled, "My God, wait!"

  "Sholto," I said. I had to say it twice more before he looked at me.

  His face was stricken. "I don't know what they want from me. What am I to do? How do I bring the heart of my people back with joy?"

  I smiled at him, the mask of blood cracking with it. I had to clean off this mess. "Oh, Sholto, you get your wish."

  "My wish? What wish?"

  "Let me clean off some of this blood beforehand."

  "Before what?"

  I touched his arm. "Sex, Sholto, they meant sex."

  "What?" The look on his face, so astonished, made me laugh again. The sound echoed across the lake, and again I thought I heard birdsong.

  "Did you hear that?"

  "I heard your laughter, like music."

  "This place is ready to come back to life, Sholto, but if we use laughter and joy and sex to make it happen, then it will be a different place than it was before. Do you understand that?"

  "I'm not sure. We are going to have sex here, now?"

  "Yes. Let me wash off some of the blood, and then yes." I wasn't sure he'd heard anything else I'd said. "Have you seen the new garden outside the throne room doors in the Unseelie sithen?"

  He seemed to have to fight to concentrate, but finally he nodded. "It's a meadow with a stream now, not the torture area the queen had made of it."

  "Exactly," I said. "It was a place of pain and now it's a meadow with butterflies and bunnies. I'm part Seelie Court, Sholto, do you understand what I'm saying? That part of me will impact the magic we do here and now."

  "What magic will we perform here and now?" he asked, smiling. He was still leaning heavily on the spear, the raw wound of what the Seelie had done to him bare to the air. I'd had enough of my own injuries to know that just the touch of air hurt when the skin was abraded. The bone knife lay next to Sholto's knees. Truthfully, I'd thought it might vanish when the God and Goddess went—for he had refused to use it for its true purpose. Nevertheless, Sholto was still surrounded by major relics of the sluagh. He'd been visited by deity. We knelt in a place of legend, with the possibility of bringing his people to a rebirth of their powers. And all he seemed to be able to think of was the fact that we might be having sex.

  I looked in his face. I tried to see past the almost shy anticipation there. He seemed afraid to be too eager. He was a good king, yet the promise of sex with another sidhe had chased all the cautions from his mind. I could not allow him to leap in, though, until I was sure he understood what might happen to his people. He had to understand or…or what?

  "Sholto," I said.

  He reached out to me. I took his hand to keep him from touching my face. "I need you to hear me, Sholto, to truly hear me."

  "I will listen to anything you say."

  He was willing to follow my lead. I'd noticed that about him in L.A.—that the dominant, frightening king of the sluagh became submissive in intimate situations. Had Black Agnes taught him that, or Segna? Or was he just wired that way?

  I patted his hand, more friendly than sexual. "What I bring to sex magic is meadows and butterflies. Some of the corridors in the Unseelie mound are turning to white marble with veins of gold."

  His face became a little more serious, less amused. "Yes, the queen was most upset," he said. "She accused you of remaking her sithen in the image of the Seelie Court."

  "Exactly," I said.

  His eyes widened.

  "I didn't do it on purpose," I said. "I don't control what the energy does with the sithen. Sex magic isn't like other magicks—it's wilder, and has more a mind of its own."

  "The sluagh are wild magic, Meredith."

  "Yes, but wild sluagh and wild Seelie magic aren't the same."

  He turned my h
and palm-up. "You bear the hand of flesh and the hand of blood. Those are not Seelie powers."

  "No. In combat I seem to be all Unseelie, but in sex magic it is the Seelie in my blood that comes out. Do you understand what that might mean for your sluagh?"

  All the light seemed to drain from his face, so somber now. "If we have sex, and the sluagh are reborn, you might remake the sluagh in your image."

  "Yes," I said.

  He stared at my hand as if he'd never seen it before. "If I had taken your life, then the sluagh would have remained what they are: a terrible darkness to sweep all before us. If we use sex to bring life back to my people, then they may become more like the sidhe, or even the Seelie sidhe."

  "Yes," I said, "yes." I was relieved that he finally understood.

  "Would it be so terrible if we were more sidhe?" He almost whispered it, as if he spoke to himself.

  "You are their king, Sholto. Only you can make this choice for your people."

  "They would hate me for making this choice." He stared at me. "But what other choice is there? I will not spill your life away, not even to bring life back to all of my kingdom." He closed his eyes and let go of my hand. He began to glow, soft, and white like the moon rising through his skin. He opened his eyes, and the triple gold of his irises gleamed. He traced a glowing fingertip across the palm of my hand, and it drew a line of cold white fire across my skin. I shuddered from that small touch.

  He smiled. "I am sidhe, Meredith. I understand that now. I am sluagh, too, but I am also sidhe. I want to be sidhe, Meredith. I want to be fully sidhe. I want to know what it feels like to be what I am."

  I drew my hand back from him, so I could think without the press of his power against my skin. "You are king here. You must make this choice." My voice was a little hoarse.

  "It is no choice," he said. "You dead, and lost to all of faerie—or you in my arms? It is no choice." He laughed then, and his laughter, too, echoed across the lake. I heard chimes, or birds, or both. "Besides, Darkness and Frost would kill me if I took you as a sacrifice."

  "They would not slay the king of the sluagh and bring war to faerie," I said.

  "If you truly believe that their loyalties are still to faerie rather than to you alone, then you do not see their eyes when they look at you. Their vengeance would be terrible, Meredith. The fact that there are still assassination attempts against you only shows that some of the sidhe do not yet understand how short-leashed the queen has kept Darkness and Frost. Especially Darkness," he said, his voice going low. His face looked haunted. He shook the thought away and looked back at me. "I have seen the Darkness hunt. If Hell Hounds, Yeth Hounds, still existed among us, they would belong to the sluagh, to the wild hunt, and the blood of that wild hunt still runs through Doyle's veins, Meredith."

  "So you do not kill me for fear of Doyle and Frost?"

  He looked at me, and for a moment let the veil drop from those glowing eyes. He let me see his need, such need, as if it should have been carved in letters across the air. "It is not fear that impels me to spare your life," he whispered.

  I gave him a smile, and the chalice still gripped in my hand pulsed once against my skin. The chalice would be part of what we did. "Let me wash some of this blood away. Then I will put my glow against yours."

  His own glow began to fade a little, his burning eyes cooling to as normal as they ever got. It was hard to call his triple-gold irises normal, even by sidhe standards, though. "I am hurt, Meredith. I would have had our first time together be perfect. I'm not certain how much good I'm going to be to you tonight."

  "I'm hurt, too," I said, "but we'll both do our best." I stood up and found my body stiff with injuries I hadn't even realized I'd suffered—small wounds that I must have received in the fight.

  "I will not be able to make love the way you wish it," he said.

  "How do you know what I wish?" I asked as I made my way slowly across the rough and smooth of the rock.

  "You had quite an audience for Mistral's turn with you. The rumors have grown, but if even part of it is true, I will not be able to dominate you as he did."

  I slid into the water. It found every small cut and scrape. The water was cool and soothing, but at the same time it made the wounds burn. "I don't want to be dominated right now, Sholto. Make love to me—let it be gentle between us, if that is what we want."

  He laughed again, and I heard bells. "I think gentle is all I'm capable of tonight."

  "I do not always want rough, Sholto. My tastes are more varied than that." I was shoulder-deep in the water now, trying to get the blood off me. The blood began to dissolve in the water, washing away almost more easily than it should have.

  "How varied are your tastes?" he asked.

  I smiled at him. "Very." I dunked under the water in a bid to get the blood off my face, out of my hair. I came up gasping, wiping the runnels of pinkish water from my face. I went under two more times until the water ran clear.

  Sholto was at the edge of the island when I came up the last time. He was standing, using the spear like a crutch. The white knife was tucked carefully through the cloth of his pants, the way you'd stick a pin through: in, then out, so the point was exposed to the air. He offered me his hand. I took it, though I could have gotten out by myself, and I knew that bending over must hurt him.

  He lifted me out of the water, but his eyes never got to my face. His gaze stayed on my body, my breasts, as the water ran down them. There are women who would have taken offense, but I wasn't one of them. In that moment he wasn't a king, he was a man—and that was just fine with me.


  SHOLTO LAY NAKED BEFORE ME. I'D NEVER SEEN HIM LIKE THAT, lying naked, and waiting, knowing that we didn't have to stop.

  The first and only time I'd seen him completely nude he'd still had extras. But he had used his own personal magic then to make his stomach look like the perfect six-pack abs. Even to the touch, I hadn't been able to feel what I'd known was there. He was very good at personal glamour, but then he'd spent years hiding that bit of deformity.

  Now he lay back, using his own pants as some small cushion against the stone. The Seelie had skinned him from just below his ribs to just above his groin. I'd seen the wound, but now it loomed larger. The pain must have been a fearsome thing.

  He had laid the white spear and the bone knife to one side of him. I had set the chalice on the other side of him. We would make love between the chalice, symbol of the Goddess, and two symbols that were oh, so masculine.

  The air above his body wavered, like heat off a road, and the next moment there was no wound. He was back to creating the illusion of that perfect six-pack. Of all my lovers, only Rhys had it for real. "You don't need to hide, Sholto," I said.

  "The look on your face is not the look I want to see the first time we make love, Meredith."

  "Take the glamour away, Sholto, let me truly see you."

  "It is no more beautiful than what used to be there." His voice was sad.

  I touched the smooth skin of his shoulder. "You were beautiful. You are beautiful."

  He gave me a smile as sad as his tone. "Meredith, no lies, please."

  I studied his face. He was as fair of face as Frost, who was one of the most perfect men I'd ever seen. I said out loud, "The queen once called you the most perfect sidhe body she had ever seen. You are wounded, you will heal; it has not changed the perfection of you."

  "The queen said that it was a pity that one of the most perfect sidhe bodies she'd ever seen was ruined by such deformity."

  Okay, maybe mentioning the queen's words hadn't been a good idea. I tried again. I crawled to his face and leaned over to touch his lips with mine. But it was a cold kiss, and he barely responded. I drew back. "What is wrong?"

  "In Los Angeles, even the sight of you clothed hardened my body. Tonight I am weak."

  I gazed down the long length of his body to find that he was still soft, and as small as he got. He was one of those men that wasn't truly s
mall even when soft; a shower, not a grower.

  I had magic in me that could bring a man to life, as it were, but it was Seelie magic. I wanted to use less Seelie magic in this union, not more. Although Sholto had made the decision to accept the risk, I feared for the sluagh. I feared them losing their identity as a people.

  Of course, there were other ways to bring a man to life besides magic.

  I crawled, carefully, on the bare rocks, until I knelt by his hip. "You aren't weak, Sholto, you're hurt. There is no shame in that."

  "To see you nude and not to react is shameful."

  I gave him the smile he needed and said, "I think we can fix that."

  "Magic?" he said, staring down his body at me.

  I shook my head. "No magic, Sholto, just this." I traced my hand over his thighs, reveling in the smooth skin. The fey didn't have much body hair, but I think the fact that he was part nightflyer—a creature that had no hair—made him utterly smooth. Smooth as a woman and so soft, yet terribly male from the bottoms of his feet to the top of his head. I traced along the inside of his thighs and he spread them for me, so that I could sweep upward and touch the silken skin between his legs. He was still soft and loose as I rolled those delicate balls in my hand.

  The touch bowed his spine, sending his head back, eyes closed. But with the pleasure came a sound of pain. The movement had hurt the butchered skin across the middle of his body. What progress I'd made wilted in the face of such pain.

  He threw his arm across his eyes and made a sound between a sob and a yell. "I will be useless to you tonight, Meredith. I will be useless to my people. I will not bring us back to life with death, and I cannot bring us back with life."

  "I would wait until you were healed, Sholto, if I could. But this night is about bringing life back to faerie. Console yourself—we will have other nights, or days. Other times, after you are healed, to do what we want to do. Tonight, we do what we must."

  He uncovered his eyes and gazed down at me. His face held such despair.


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