Book Read Free

His Heart's Desire

Page 17

by Kristi Ahlers

  Braden shook his head. “What of the lass you’re staying with?”

  “Meagan? She’s wonderful. I really like her a great deal.”

  They walked in silence for a few more blocks, each trying to absorb what the place had to offer. Alec stepped into a small shop and Braden followed.

  Instantly Braden went on alert; his hair stood on end. He wandered along the different shelves of candles and charms. This was a mystic shop and he wanted nothing to do with the place. He was in the process of grabbing Alec and pulling him out when the strange woman with the purple streaks in her hair stepped out from a beaded curtain. She was the same female that had stopped him the other night in Jackson Square.

  “Have you come to hear your fate? You must heed what I have to tell you,” she said in a deep almost mesmerizing voice.

  “Braden, do you know this woman?” Alec stepped in front of him.

  “I can take care of myself, Alec.” Braden moved from behind Alec’s protection. And no, I don’t know this person.”

  “She seems to know you.”

  The woman came up to them. “You both come from a time long ago and there is danger here that you both should be aware of, otherwise sadness and danger will be your companions.”

  Her words were eerily on target. And after what he’d spoken about the day before with Cat regarding the curse, this new information was not welcome in the least. “I don’t know who you think I am, but you’re wrong.”

  “Your fear causes you to lie. But you lie only to yourself and by doing so, you put your heart in danger.”

  “What is your name?” Alec asked.

  “I’m Constance and I can help you.”

  “We’re not in need of help, lass. But thank you for your concern.” Braden grabbed Alec. “Come, cousin, we’ll be late if we don’t get going.”

  Alec followed Braden out into the bright sunlight. Braden took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds before letting it out slowly.

  “She’s the woman from the other night!” Alec turned and peered back into the store. “She seems a little more unusual today.”


  “Maybe we should have listened to her, Braden.” Worry colored Alec’s voice.

  “To what end? We both know the duration of our time here is uncertain.”

  Alec frowned. “The lass seemed rather intent on imparting her news. Maybe, since our situation is so precarious, we should listen.”

  Braden didn’t want to hear what Constance had to say. He already felt it in his gut that something was very wrong here in New Orleans and that he’d have to keep his wits about him.

  “Let’s go.” Braden stalked away from the disturbing store and the equally unsettling owner.

  * * *

  Cat spent the morning with two clients and then drove to Slidell to pick up fabric for one of the dresses. She ran home to see if Braden wanted to come along but found the house empty. She didn’t worry as she had a feeling he was with Alec. Jotting a quick note to Braden letting him know she’d be back in a few hours, she decided Braden needed a cell phone. Perhaps they could pick one up for him later in the evening. At least then they could talk to each other when she was working and hopefully diminish any worries Braden may have.

  The trip to Slidell was without problems but traffic going into the city was bumper to bumper for several miles. She reached for her cell and dialed home to let Braden know she’d be late. She thanked the stars above that she’d started a roast in the crock-pot before she left so she didn’t have to worry about dinner.

  “Hello,” said Braden.

  She smiled hearing his voice. “Hey, you. How’s your day been?”

  “Alec and I spent the afternoon wandering around the Quarter. Seems he’s already familiar with the delights your home has to offer.”

  His voice sounded detached and Cat worried. “Is there something wrong, Braden?”

  “No. I’ll see you when you get home.”

  Before she could say anything else, the phone disconnected.

  * * *

  Braden closed his eyes and prayed for forgiveness. This was stupid. He was acting like an ass and none of this was going to chase the foreboding that weighed heavily on him.

  He paced around the townhouse like a caged tiger. Did Constance have a warning for Catrìona? If Cat’s life was in danger, he needed to protect her this time. He couldn’t live with himself if she came to harm again.

  Stalking over to the phone, he checked the time. How long until she came home? He hadn’t even asked how she was doing, let alone heard the reason for her call.

  He needed to speak with Constance and he needed to do it before Catrìona came home. The sooner he did this, the sooner he’d be able to find his place beside his love. They deserved a happy ending without the cloud of uncertainty hanging over them both.

  Grabbing the set of keys Catrìona had given him earlier in the day, he locked the door behind him and made his way down the crowded sidewalks.

  He couldn’t remember the street where they’d found the magic store so he wandered around aimlessly until he turned a corner and saw it. The store front was decorated with an Autumn theme, but otherwise the interior was dark.

  Braden pummeled on the door but to no avail. He cupped his hands around his face and peered into the darkness.

  He was determined to get some answers and was about to look for another way to enter the store when a light came on in the back. A small figure made its way through the shop and to the front door.

  “I’ve come to hear what you have to say.”

  Constance disengaged the lock and opened the door. Braden slipped in and waited for her to secure the door once again.

  “Follow me, Laird Ross. Every second from here on out is critical.”

  * * *

  Morgana couldn’t believe her eyes. Braden Ross. Fate clearly had a twisted sense of humor. She smiled. For centuries her family had been told the sad tale of how this bold Highlander had broken the heart of her namesake. The realization that she alone had the power to make sure this man never had a happy ending was heady, intoxicating and too potent to ignore.

  The woman plastered herself up against the brick wall as she watched him step into the mystic shop. She’d cursed the fact that the monster was alive. Her ancestress had cursed him to a loveless existence. So why was he walking around the streets of the French Quarter? When she had spotted him the other day, she was sure she’d been mistaken. But after she’d followed him and saw he was with Catrìona MacDougall, her worst fears had been confirmed. Well, she knew what she had to do. She needed to make him pay. Clearly his suffering was at an end since he was among the living again. And that just wouldn’t do.

  Morgana Comyn rubbed her hands together. Some families passed on paintings and other cherished mementos from a bygone time. Her family had inherited deep hatred for Braden Ross and the responsibility to make sure he never found his peace or love. She’d failed by not having strengthened the curse, thinking foolishly that there was nothing to worry about. The time had come to set things right. But first she needed to prepare herself for the task that awaited her. And when she was ready, Braden Ross would never see the light of day again and, more importantly, he’d never be able to visit his love even in her dreams.

  * * *

  Cat stepped into the house and knew instantly she was alone. She looked for a note from Braden but couldn’t find one. With a shrug of her shoulders and disappointment weighing heavily, she decided to get to work on her new commissions.

  Flipping the light on in her large study, she walked over to her antique desk. She loved this room that had once been a servant’s quarters. It was perfect for designing.

  The walls were painted a soft shade of rose, with lace curtains hanging off several of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Throw rugs in shades of cream, rose and green covered the hardwood floor. In one corner stood a well used sewing machine. Sketches and fabric samples were hanging on the wall or sitting on the
oak desk. There were four dress forms which were currently clad in dresses that were finished except for the final fittings. All four dresses were simple, with clean lines and very little adornment. She was proud of her work and saw her signature style evolving.

  She sat at her desk and pulled out a sketch pad in order to design the costumes for her and Braden for the upcoming ball.

  Stephen’s parties were normally high octane entertainment. Cat planned on dressing up as a Can-Can dancer. She’d spoken to Meagan earlier and found out the party wasn’t going to be too big this time; a little more intimate. She looked forward to seeing Remy again. Four months had passed since she’d last seen him.

  Cat began to diligently work on the outfits. They’d have to be easily put together since she didn’t have a whole lot of time to work on them, but on the other hand, she didn’t want them to be cheesy.

  She was so caught up in the creative process, she didn’t hear Braden return. When he poked his head into her study, she almost jumped out of her skin.

  * * *

  Braden walked into the elegant yet feminine study and watched Catrìona at work. It was the first time he’d actually watched her work and was surprised by how calming it was to see her creating her unique designs. “Hey, beautiful, you ready to take a break?” He walked around her desk and started to rub her tight shoulders.

  Cat dropped her head and arched into his touch as he worked the tension slowly from her shoulder. Eventually she stood and gave him a kiss. “Yes, I am, as a matter of fact. So how was your day?” She led the way into the kitchen for something to drink.

  Braden blew out a sigh. “Long. I was with Alec. He’s enjoying his time here in New Orleans. He told me earlier that he has found a job as a bartender at a place called The Cat’s Meow.” Braden tugged her closer, and wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “Oh, I’ve heard of that place. It’s a karaoke bar on Bourbon Street. We’ll have to go and check it out one night.”

  “Yeah, that’s the place. He took me down, and introduced me to his new co-workers.”

  He nuzzled her. “And how was your day, sweetness?” Braden drew her into his arms for a kiss. The kiss was slow and gentle and absolutely perfect.

  When it finally ended, Cat was able to answer his question. “Actually, I was able to get a lot accomplished.” She stepped back and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Is there something wrong? You were awfully short on the phone earlier.”

  “I’m glad that you were able to accomplish something.” He moved around the room almost like a caged lion. “Sorry if I seemed upset on the phone, I was busy with Alec and you know how he is. So, are you hungry?”

  “I’m starved. I didn’t eat much today. Do you want to eat in, or do you want to go out? I started a roast but I can put it in the fridge.

  “Let’s go and pick up dinner. My treat. Funds have arrived from Scotland.”

  Cat laughed. “Yes, dinner out would be fine. Let me get my purse.”

  They agreed on a chicken restaurant. They placed their to-go order and, while they waited, Cat talked about her latest dress designs. Soon their meal was ready and they gathered the required utensils and napkins before they left.

  The streets weren’t too busy so they were able to make good time back to Cat’s. The spicy scent of fried chicken mingling with the creamy gravy, biscuits, and potatoes made Braden’s stomach growl. He snatched a drumstick to nibble on while Catrìona spooned out the potatoes, gravy and red beans and rice he had selected as a side dish. With brimming plates, they headed toward the living room.

  Cat pulled out her oak television trays and then opened the French doors to allow the cool breeze blowing outside to cool the room. She headed back to the kitchen to grab their wine glasses which Braden had poured earlier.

  They both tucked into their dinner without further conversation. Braden was amazed at how relaxed he was despite the situation he had to deal with.

  After the meal was cleaned up, Catrìona headed upstairs to change into her pajamas and pull her hair up into a ponytail. When she was done getting comfortable, she grabbed her sketchpad and went back downstairs to sit beside Braden on the couch. He was engrossed in a movie on the television, thoroughly enjoying the high speed chases.

  When the movie was over Braden turned to the local station and they watched the news for a little while. Cat started to yawn so Braden turned the television off and they headed upstairs.

  Braden had checked all the doors were locked and the windows shut. The earlier breeze had blown in a thunderstorm and the rain added intimacy to the already dark bedroom.

  Braden undressed and climbed into bed, pulling Cat into his arms as they listened to Mother Nature expend her fury.

  Cat nestled close, and he relished the heat and slight weight of her body pressed to his. He tightened his hold on her.

  She stretched up and gave him a sweet kiss goodnight. Both were tired and content just to be in each other’s arms. Braden returned the kiss, relishing how special she was and how right she fit in his arms. He’d do what he had to keep her safe. If what Constance had shared with him today held any truth, his past was about to catch up with him.


  The week went by swiftly. Between fittings and working on different dresses, Cat just managed to squeeze in time to finish their party costumes.

  When the evening finally arrived, she helped Braden don his pirate outfit. The guise fit him perfectly. Almost too perfectly. The tight breeches showed off his perfect backside and Cat knew without a doubt she’d have to fight the woman off with clubs. She was gratified to see his response to her own rather racy ensemble. She wore a bustier in light pink. Braden had to help her into the corset top and, while he pulled the ribbons closed in the back, he placed teasing kisses on her neck along the way.

  Both were breathing hard by the time he was finished.

  They picked up Meagan and Alec and together the couples travelled out of New Orleans for about an hour before they turned off onto River Road. They reached the old plantation and Cat turned up the oak-lined drive. The large oaks were hundreds of years old and the Spanish moss that hung from the thick limbs reminded her of dusty and tired lace shawls for the grande dames that protected the house.

  Cat loved this old home. It was full of history and character associated with houses built back in the seventeen hundreds. Stephen regularly opened his home to plantation tours, and Cat had taken one to marvel at the history and legends that had survived to this day.

  “You know there is a legend attached to this old home,” she offered. “‘Tis said that if a lass receives a kiss under the live oak in the back, she will marry the man who kisses her if their hearts are pure.”

  “You must be jesting.” Alec smirked. “What is so special about the tree anyhow?”

  “A pair of lovers used it for passing notes during the war of northern aggression. Mirabelle fell desperately in love with a Union soldier. Their love was forbidden and they knew that each kiss, each moment they shared, could be their last. Someone found out about their tryst and arranged for them to be caught together, meeting under the tree. Before they died, they vowed that their love was strong enough to survive and that they would help other would-be lovers to recognize the power of amour.”

  Alec snorted. “Ah, a romantic tale to be sure. But sadly, their story is no different than hundreds before them.”

  Meagan reached over and pinched Alec’s backside.

  “Ow! Why did you do that?” Alec rubbed his abused posterior.

  “Because you’re being an ass. I like that story too, so clench it.” Meagan gave him a mutinous look.

  “I’m sorry, lass.” Alec pulled her close. “I was being insensitive.”

  Cat decided not to share the fact that the plantation had a haunted history. Braden had shown that he didn’t like to hear stories about the supernatural. Then again, who could blame him? She was hoping that the night would provide him with a distraction. As ea
ch day passed, he seemed more and more unsettled. As a result so, too, did her concerns. Things were not helped by the fact she was busier than usual at work, having picked up three commissions in one day. Good for her pocketbook, not so good as far as time spent with Braden.

  “This place is creepy,” Alec commented as he smacked at a bug on his chest.

  Cat laughed when she looked at him dressed as a Chippendale dancer. The tight black pants and black tie around his neck made him look sexy, not as sexy as Braden, but good looking nonetheless. He had no idea he was dressed as a member of a male review until Cat accidentally let the secret slip. He didn’t seem to mind and was rather good natured about the whole thing. Personally, Cat suspected he liked the exhibitionist freedom the costume offered.

  “You don’t like it?” Cat gazed at the flickering gaslights on the porch. She could almost picture women wandering around in their belled skirts and gentlemen in their breeches and waistcoats. She didn’t feel uncomfortable here, and she had a creep meter that was very active. “I love this place.”

  Alec gave her a disbelieving look. “You’ve got to be jesting.”

  “No, not at all. I love homes like this. If I could, I’d live here myself.”

  “No, thank you, I’ll take a musty pile of stones like Castle Ross before I’d submit myself to the caprice of the ghostly inhabits.”

  Cat knew she was standing with her mouth hanging open. She didn’t know if Meagan knew the truth of where he came from, so she said nothing but she cocked a brow at him. “That’s rich, coming from you.”

  Alec narrowed his eyes but didn’t say anything when Braden started to snarl. He smiled at his cousin. “I think you should have dressed him as a growly bear or something. He already has the sound effects down pat.”

  Before Braden could say anything, Meagan dragged Alec away and up the steps to the verandah. Cat slipped her arm through Braden’s and they followed.

  Stephen opened the door dressed as a spooky vampire and a round of introductions were made. After this social ritual was seen to, the group made their way down the long hallway to the ballroom.


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