Witness Protection: Moving Target

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Witness Protection: Moving Target Page 26

by Jet MacLeod

  Del moaned. Angie wasted no time. She groped and teased Del’s breasts through the black lace bra that Del was wearing. Angie tore the bra down and exposing Del more. She descended down to her bosom and sucked in a dusky nipple and started to suckle. Del’s moans drove her further, harder and tighter. Del’s hands dug into Angie’s scalp as she held her to her torso, enjoying the feel of Angie’s mouth on her breasts.

  Not to be out done, Del pulled her polo over her head. She gathered Angie up in her hands and softly laid her down on her back. She then positioned herself between Angie legs. She let their centers meet and kissed Angie deeply, again. She couldn’t believe she was actually doing this, but she couldn’t stop herself. Not anymore, she needed this to heal, to move on, and to show Angie how she had pulled down the walls that Del had constructed so well around her heart.

  “Del…” she moaned.

  Angie couldn’t believe how quickly her arousal was building. She couldn’t believe the things that Del made her feel and now, having her weight on top of her, again, was a delicious feeling. She wanted more. She needed more and she needed more soon.

  “Del, please,” Angie begged.

  She felt her hands go down to her jeans and unbutton the fly. Del hands then skidded back up her torso. She held herself up over Angie and looked into her eyes asking for permission.

  “Yes, Del, take me,” she moaned.

  Del sighed and recaptured her lips. She kissed her way across her chin and cheeks until she found her ear lobe. She bit down softly and was rewarded with another moan and Angie’s nails in her scalp. She bit down the column of Angie’s throat until she found her pulse point. She sucked on Angie’s throat, knowing that she was going to mark her and not caring.

  “Yes, Del…yes…please more,” Angie begged.

  Del was willing to give it to her. Her whole body was vibrating with need above her Angie. Angie could feel it. Her own body was on fire and she hoped that Del knew that she was the only thing that could extinguish it.

  “DELIA MONTGOMERY!!!” a thickly accented voice yelled from outside the tent.

  Del’s body went rigid. Angie could see the fear in her eyes. She watched as Del reached across the tent for her bag and tried to rifle through it without making a sound more much movement. When Del couldn’t find a pistol, Angie watched her pupils constrict. The fear and anger that were showing in Del’s eyes made Angie’s body tense. She hadn’t seen her like this since Paris.


  Del’s heart sank. She knew the voice and she knew that it meant bad things. She looked down at Angie. She grabbed their shirts and handed Angie hers. Silently telling her to get dressed, Del moved off of her. Angie wanted to ask her about what was going on outside. Del shot her a look and pointed at the back of the tent. She moved without further argument. Del put her finger to her mouth and made some movement with her other hand. Angie didn’t know what it meant, but she made herself as small as she could in the back of the tent.

  Del made a silent vow that she would neutralize the threat outside the tent. She had to protect Angie. She grabbed her bag and searched harder. Then, it dawned on her that her main “go bag” was in the Suburban…with the rest of the weapons.

  “Fuck,” Del mumbled under her breath.

  She turned around, put her finger to her lips again, and pointed to the spot that Angie was in. Angie nodded in agreement. Del slowly unzipped the tent flap and worked her way out of the tent. She wasn’t sure what she was going to find, but she was ready to fight.

  As her head cleared the tent, she was dragged out further by her short hair and thrown to the ground just near the fire pit. She hit her head hard, but still managed to make a glance at the Suburban. It was shut and locked. It was a small blessing. They hadn’t found her stash, but it was also a curse. She had nothing to defend herself with but her own body.

  “I see you are unarmed.”

  “I am. I am camping. What do you want?”

  “I want your life, Suka!”

  “Calling me a bitch is very juvenile, even for you, Ivan.”

  “You are not very smart.”

  “I am. I infiltrated your organization and brought it down. I cut off the head of the snake. Then my partners took out the eggs and the den. You have no power because I took it,” Del egged him on.

  “You mock me. Yulia was a fool to trust you, but she didn’t think with her brain. She thought with her pussy more. She didn’t know what she was doing with you. You didn’t know what she was doing with her father’s money. You had no idea what Yulia was up to, did you?”

  “I knew enough.”

  “But, still she cut you down.”

  “She did,” Del admitted.

  “You didn’t die, though. I am here to make sure that happens. You took everything from me and now, I am going to take everything from you.”

  “Go ahead and kill me. What will that prove, Ivan? That you can pull a trigger. That isn’t proving anything. You’ve only proven that you can find me. I can see that it took you long enough. I am sure that I will be avenged, Ivan. But, who will avenge you?”

  “Shut UP!”

  “Make me.”

  It was the last thing that Del said before her world went black. She didn’t know what Ivan hit her with but it stung and she slumped forward. The last thought she has was about Angie.

  She woke up sometime later to a cell phone going off. She scrambled to her feet and into the tent. She dug around in the bag and found the cell. Then she realized that Angie wasn’t there.




  “Where are you?”

  “Somewhere in Wyoming, Lyman, I think.”

  “You okay?”


  “What happened?”

  “Ivan found me. I think he took Angie. I need to find her.”

  “I’ll be there soon. Do you have any idea where he would be taking her? What would he do with her? Do you know?”

  “I don’t. I know I pissed him off. Cole, I have to find her. I have to find her.”

  “I know that. Look around. What do you see?”

  “The Suburban is still here. Everything is as we left it before Ivan showed up. Our dishes are still dirty and by the fire pit. There is my bag near there. The coffee cups are turned over. Nothing looks ransack or messed up. Cole, there is nothing here. Ivan was pissed. He is really pissed. He is smarter than before. He’s learned from what happened to Sasha and Yulia. He is out for blood. He wants me to suffer,” Del told him.

  “Did you put that tracker on her?”

  “On her and her phone, yeah.”

  “Look for it. She’s smart. Find the phone.”

  Del put the cell on speaker. She tore into the tent again. She couldn’t find the cell that she’d given Angie.

  “She has it.”

  “Good, now locate it.”


  “Do it!”

  She ran over to the Suburban and pulled out some tech gear. She punched in some information and waited for it to pull up something, anything. She was going frantic.

  “Anything?” he asked.

  “Found her!”

  “Where is she?”

  “Outside of Tahoe.”

  “Well, Ivan is moving fast.”

  “So am I,” Del told him as she gathered up everything from the camp site and threw it in the back of the Suburban.

  She ran around the car and got in it. She was starting it when she finally heard Cole reply to her. She was already half way to the camp grounds gate when he told what she needed to hear.

  “I’ll meet you there, Delia. I’ll be wheels up soon. Do not do anything stupid until I get there.”

  “I’ll be waiting, Top. We’re going to get her back. I’ll do recon until you get here.”

  “No, you will wait for me.
I’ll be there soon. We’ll get her back, together.”

  Chapter 28

  She was driving by Salt Lake City when her phone rang, again. She blindly reached over and picked it up. She didn’t know if it was Ivan or Cole. She didn’t care. She would talk to either of them. She needed to keep herself calm. She needed to be ready for anything.


  “I’m here, Cole,” she answered.

  “I am at Salt Lake International. Pick me up. Sanchez is already on his way to Tahoe. He is going to do recon while we drive.”

  “We don’t have time to wait. We need to get there as soon as we can. Can’t we charter a flight to take the Suburban to Tahoe? I don’t want to leave it here,” Del told him.

  “I am at the airport. I’ll see what I can do. Head towards short term parking or better yet, head towards arrivals. I’ll have an answer for you by the time you get here,” he told her ringing off.

  She slowed down and made her way through town to airport. She was following the signs to the arrivals platform. She saw Cole coming towards her and the Suburban. She slowed down and pulled up to the curb. He jumped in the back seat with a ruck sack and duffle.

  “Are you armed?”

  “Yes,” he replied.

  “Do I want to know how you did that and got on a plane?”

  “Probably not,” he replied.

  “What about a flight?”

  “Get out of the arrivals area and head towards the non-commercial charter hangers.”

  “You got a friend?”

  “Nope, I got us a plane though.”

  “Do I want to know?”

  “Probably not, Lewey, but then again, you never did.”

  “True. I never cared how you got the equipment as long as you got it. So, who am I looking for? What’s the name of the company?”

  “Just head north. The plane is meeting us. They aren’t from around here.”

  Del turned to look at him for a second. She shook her head and then realized that she really didn’t care. All that mattered right now was Angie. She didn’t care whose ass she had to kiss or pay. She was going to get Angie back, safely, and preferably without any pain caused to her.

  Cole pointed to a hanger off the airport. He had her pull up to the hanger and he got out. She knew better than to get out. He grabbed his ruck and headed into the hanger’s office. She began to twitch her leg in nervousness. She stared at her phone and tried to calm herself. When that didn’t work, she grabbed the GPS tracker and watched the blip, unmoving still in Tahoe.

  “We need to go that way,” Cole told her as he got back into the Suburban in the front seat.


  “That way. Our plane just landed at runway 14 and will be taxiing over towards runway 35. Once we get over there, we will be directed to drive into the back of the plane. We will then be tied down and the flight plane to Reno-Tahoe will be called in. While they are tying it down, the guys from the hanger over there will be filling the plane with fuel. Once we are fueled up, they will taxi back to runway 35 and will take off towards Tahoe.”

  “How long will it take?”

  “Prep or the flight?”

  “Both,” Del replied.

  “The prep should take about twenty to thirty minutes. The flight is about an hour and half. Sanchez is waiting for us at the KOA. He has secured us two cabins.”


  “Yeah, he figured that after we got Angie back that you would like some alone time.”

  Del stared at him. She pulled out of the hanger’s parking lot and took the non-public roads to the other side of the airport. She was waved through at security checkpoints and was amazed that she was allowed to drive across the tarmac at some points to get to the hanger by runway 35. She pulled up to a small hanger just off the runway.

  A very large and bulky man came out of it. He was wiping his hands down with a shop cloth as they approached. Cole pointed at him and Del came to a stop just in front of him. When she put the Suburban into park, she saw a tanker come out of the hanger and idle nearby.

  “Cole, old friend, what brings you to the Salty goodness of the West?”

  “I need a lift to Reno. I have an extraction to perform. I was told that you would help me.”

  “I will indeed. That your daughter? She going with you?”

  “She is, Gareth. She is going, too. Thank you for your help.”

  “No worries, old friend. You brought my son back. Anything you need is at your disposal.”

  “Thank you, Gareth, but fuel is all I need right now. I’ll call you later if I need anything else. I might need a flight back to Pennsylvania when this is over, but I’ll let you know.”

  “Just call me, Cole. I’ll have a plane ready for you. Now, let’s get her loaded up and ready to fly,” Gareth told them as the plane taxied up towards the hanger.

  Cole pointed at Del and told her to get the Suburban on the plane as soon as the back was open. Cole and Gareth went to talk with the tanker. Del watched as more men came out of the hanger. Once she parked the Suburban, she got out and watched as they tied it down to the bulkhead of the plane. The other men came in and started loading crates around the SUV. Del stood there, unsure of what to do, now.

  Cole shook Gareth’s hand and walked up the back of plane. It was then that she noticed the air force insignias on the inside of the plane. She knew that it had to be big enough to handle the SUV but she wasn’t sure what size it was. Cole reached over and closed the back of the plane. He grabbed two headsets off the wall and handed one to Del. He walked her up the plane to some seats and put Del into one

  Once she was seated, he made her buckle and showed her where to plug the jack for the headset. He waited until she gave him a thumbs-up. He went to the cockpit, leaned over and told the pilot something. Then he took up a seat next to her. He plugged his headset in and changed them to channel 3 and off the flight crew’s channel.

  “It’ll be about an hour flight.”

  “I know.”

  “We’ll find her.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes, Cole, I know. We have to find her. I have to believe that we will. I cannot fail her.”

  “You won’t.”

  “I already have,” Del stated as she leaned back into the seat.

  Cole realized that she had effectively shut down any more conversation. He nodded at her. Angie was her match. She completed Del in a way that no one else ever had. If they didn’t get Angie back, it would destroy her. And, Cole was not about to let that happen.

  “I would ask who you are to that Suka, ma’am, but I can tell by your looks.”

  “And what would that be?” Angie asked him.

  “She didn’t tell you about Yulia? How interesting? You do know who your companion is, don’t you, Miss? You do realize that I am going to kill her. And, I am really going to enjoy it.”

  “I know that you think you are.”

  “Ah, so you have a smart mouth, this is good for Ivan. I will use it against her. You are her new weakness. I will get her to come for you and then I will kill her. It is brilliant.”

  “It is overdone.”

  “You seem to have idea of what she is, then?”

  “I know that she is going to kill you.”

  “She is going to try. She isn’t going to find me. She thinks that she will, but she won’t. Where she thinks I am and where I am are two different things. She will think that I am in back in Ukraine, when I am really here. I will be able to watch her suffering and delight in it.”

  “You are dumber than you look,” Angie countered.

  “Just because you are bait, doesn’t mean that I won’t hit you?”

  “You haven’t yet,” Angie stated.

  “Because, I, Ivan, don’t believe in beating women. I will make an exception for Delia. She killed my cousin and my uncle. She will pay for her crimes against the Plushenkos. Now, she has more than me to worry about. She has part of
the Russian Mafia after her, now as well. She ended their trade agreements with the Ukraine.”

  “I am sure that they can find someone else to do it.”

  “Oh, they have. But, that doesn’t change the fact that she delayed their business. They don’t like it when people mess up their business. They’ll come after her for that.”

  “She didn’t attack them. She attacked a non-mafia associate. I am sure that if Sasha was part of the ‘thieves’ that the mafia would have already made sure that Delia was dead by now. Since she isn’t. I doubt that they would come after her. If they were going to do it, they would have by now, don’t you think? It has been over four years, Ivan,” Angie taunted him.

  “You might have a point with that thought, little miss. But, that doesn’t change the fact that I could sell her to the ‘thieves.’ I am sure that they will pay handsomely for her.”

  “You really don’t know who you are messing with do you?”

  “I know that Delia Montgomery is an elite assassin. That is all that matters. Your government will disavow her when I kill her. They won’t come for her. She is a liability. She knows that. She got herself in a position that she can’t get out of, she knows what to do,” Ivan told her.

  “What is that?”

  “End her life before they can get any intel from her.”

  Angie stared at him. She looked around. She finally decided that she needed to see what she was up against. She knew that Del would track her. She knew that Del knew she wasn’t in the Ukraine. He just stood there smug as hell and preparing to kill the woman that would kill him.

  She looked around the area she was. She was tied to a wooden chair. She was in the middle of a warehouse. Half of the windows were blacked over with film or garbage bags. It looked like it hadn’t been used in a very long time. There was debris, office furniture and factory things strewn about haphazardly. Whoever had been using the place left in a hurry, it seemed.

  It was all too cliché. He sat her in the middle of the area, under the one non dimmed light. He was putting her on display. It was like straight out of a movie. Angie needed to see if there was somewhere she could go if she got free. She glanced around again.


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