“Nope. I know, we’re going to hell. I’m taking the long road there.”
He grinned. “I’ll bet you are. Well, I’m heading out. I’ll be back first thing tomorrow.”
“Fine by me. If you want, I can leave the back door unlocked for you. We’re not big morning people and tend to sleep in on the weekends. Considering what a rough day Josie had, I bet she won’t move until at least ten.”
“Great. I’ll be by early, so if you hear something, it’s me.”
“Oh, something else. What does Josie like for breakfast?”
“Anything. It’s her favorite meal of the day.”
“Mine too.” Something else they had in common. He waved to Miranda and left, plotting how best to get under Josie’s skin before she could second-guess herself and halt their lovemaking before it really began. He had so much more to show her…
The next morning, after much ribbing from his brothers when he’d tried to sneak out without detection and been busted, Cooper finished making coffee in Josie’s kitchen, had just put the rest of the spices into the scrambled eggs, and popped two pieces of bread into the toaster.
That dark line in the wall concerned him. He’d checked yesterday but hadn’t seen a fire extinguisher nearby. So, in addition to the food and flowers, he’d brought one as well. A clichéd gift from a firefighter, but hey, he worried about safety.
As if on cue, the toaster smoked, and a small fire started where it had been plugged in to the outlet.
His mind racing a mile at minute and hearing Hannah’s prediction in his head, he calmly used wooden tongs to grip the plug and pull it from the wall. Then he used the extinguisher and in seconds had the tiny fire out.
He stared at the larger mark on the wall. What if he hadn’t been around and Miranda or Josie had done that? Put in a few pieces of toast and walked away to do something else? Fires could start in the strangest places and build in a flash. The house was old, so who knew if the wiring was up to code? He decided then and there to insist Josie get on that.
After scrambling for a pen and paper and leaving a large note to steer clear of that electrical outlet and appliance, he listened for the others.
When no one stirred, not Josie from the downstairs or Miranda from the second floor, he continued to cook—minus the toast—and finished putting everything on a tray. Then he carried eggs, bacon, coffee and a few long-stemmed roses into her bedroom.
She slept on her side, her bandaged wrist next to her on a pillow.
Seeing her there, so quiet and still, made something in his heart twist. An odd feeling, as if Hannah’s prediction ghosted along his spine and sent a shiver through him, shook him to the quick.
Determined to be in command of himself and to forget the nonsense his sister spouted, he put the tray down and decided to wake his sleeping beauty with a kiss. Being smart about it, he locked the door first, then returned to her side.
And froze.
She’d shifted in sleep, and her nightie had ridden up her flank, exposing her fine ass and toned thighs. When she rolled onto her back, the material remained bunched, showing off the thin strip of sleek red hair between her legs.
Instant erection.
Trying to be nice and nonsexual had never been so—pun intended—hard.
Yet as he studied Josie, he kept seeing her warm smile imposed over the sexual creature that had driven him crazy last night. She was the epitome of what he wanted in a woman. A loyal girl who enjoyed life, wanted home and hearth, yet had a wild side to her as well. He had to admit no woman had ever made him so damn horny with so little effort. Sexually they totally hit it off.
Your destiny, Hannah had said. But her signs needed serious help. A cat, a wrong address, and a bad toaster? What a load of crap. The cat he could blame Hannah for. Mephisto had tripped up his fair share of innocent victims. But the toaster? Hannah couldn’t have known about that.
Unless…she’d been in Josie’s house before and seen that obvious black line in the wall, right above said cursed appliance. A bit letdown to realize his attraction hadn’t been fated but helped along by an overeager know-it-all of a sister, Coop nevertheless wanted to continue things with Josie. She made him feel alive. He glanced down at himself and mentally added, In all the right places.
“Something smells good,” Josie said in a raspy voice.
“Hey, sexy. You’re awake. How are you feeling?”
“Surprisingly, much better.” She sat up and stretched, and one of her nipples peeked out from her nightie.
He swallowed a sigh. “Good. I made you breakfast.”
“Oh, really?” She blinked at him and ran a hand through her hair. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.” She darted into the bathroom.
He heard water running, a toilet flush, and some grumbling. While he waited, he drank from her coffee, needing the boost. He’d been unable to sleep last night, dwelling on every detail. Josie’s scent, her taste, her touch.
Jesus, I have a crush. This is embarrassing.
His brothers had thought it hilarious that he had a “thing” for Josie Young, of all people. Harrison and Jaden had warned him to be nice to her, but Ben had just grinned and wished him luck. The horndog.
When Josie opened the bathroom door, her hair looked brushed, she seemed much more awake, and her smile hit him right in the heart.
“Hey, sexy. You came back.”
“I did.” He handed her the cup of coffee.
She took a sip and nodded. “Perfect.”
“I pay attention.” His sister had left a few messages last night. Little details of things she’d noticed about Josie. And damn, though he wanted to be angrier at Hannah for butting in, he’d absorbed the knowledge about Josie like a sponge and wanted more.
Josie frowned. “You know, I think my coffee is missing something.”
She put the cup down and placed her hands on his shoulders, standing on tip-toe. “This.” Her kiss drew him in, dark and deep. Perfect.
He moaned and held her close, unable to stop himself from grinding against her.
“And one more thing,” she whispered against his lips.
“What?” His voice was ragged.
“I don’t suppose you brought any condoms along with the eggs and bacon?”
His answering smile told her everything she needed to know. Then she dropped her gown, and he lost his train of thought.
Chapter Six
Josie wanted him. She’d gone to sleep with his taste on her tongue, dreamed about his gray eyes, careful hands, and solid presence, and woken to find him waiting on her with breakfast. As expected, her schoolgirl crush had returned with a vengeance. Too bad Hannah hadn’t dreamed up one of her brothers for Josie to find as her forever-mate.
But since Josie believed in making her own fate, she decided to take advantage of her stunned companion. He seemed to like the look of her well enough. His erection was huge, and he was tense as he looked her over.
She rubbed her body, and he groaned.
“Fuck. I want to do that.”
“Soon. I know it’s no longer my birthday, but I had another present I wanted to open.”
“Damn. I was hoping you wanted to open this.” He smiled and reached into his back pocket, withdrew his wallet, and pulled out a foil packet. “It’s small, but it’ll make you really, really happy.”
She grinned. “I’ll bet. Now why don’t you be a good boy and stay right here.” She lifted the hem of his tee-shirt, and he helped her take it off him. Then she snuggled close and kissed his chest, moving closer to his nipples.
Like hers, they looked hard, and she did what she’d been wanting to do since she’d been old enough to know what sex was. She licked him.
He jolted and swore.
“I want to eat you up.” She nibbled her way to the other bud and teethed him until he was thrusting hard against her belly. �
��How would you like me on my knees?”
“Jesus, I’m about to have a heart attack. I…”
“I can’t decide if I want to fuck you or let you blow me,” he growled. “I want both. I’m greedy.”
“Oh, me too. How about I start on my knees and end up on my back?”
“Yes, please.”
Before she knelt down, she knew they needed to have a talk. “Cooper, about this, us…”
“I, well, if we’re going to do this, I need to know you’re safe.”
His tense expression eased into a tender smile. “Yes, you do need to know that. I won’t lie and say I’ve been a monk, but it’s been a few months since I’ve been with anyone. And I always wear protection. We also get regularly checked at the station, and I just had a physical. I’m clean as a whistle. You know, in case you wanted to blow me.”
She chuckled. “Funny guy.”
“What about you?” He cupped her cheek and threaded his hand through her hair, making her moan in pleasure. “I can’t believe you’re single. Or do you have a few guys waiting in the wings?”
“No. It’s just me.” Her cheeks felt hot. “This is so embarrassing, but since I started it… I haven’t had sex in over a year.”
“Oh, you poor thing.” He didn’t sound sorry, though. He laughed. “Baby, you need me.”
“I do.” She rubbed his belly, still enthralled with his amazing body. “Just as much as you need me, by that bar in your pants.”
“I’ll admit it. You get me hard, even when you’re not doing anything.”
“What a flatterer you are.” She smiled and trailed her fingers over the band of his jeans. “Kick off your boots, would you?”
He got rid of his boots and socks, then waited while she slowly unzipped him and lowered his jeans to the ground. He stepped out of them, and then it was just his boxer briefs—red this time—that separated him from her.
“You are so pretty.” She ogled him with her eyes, following soon after with her hands.
“Guys aren’t pretty,” he said, sounding strangled when she cupped his cock through his underwear. “Oh, God, Josie. I’m so hard.”
“I know. But the question is, are you sweet or salty?” She slowly moved to her knees, dragging his underwear down as she went, and watched that thick shaft bob in front of her. He froze, and she continued to study his expression as she opened her mouth and flicked her tongue along his slit.
“Shit.” He pressed against her lips, rubbing his slick cockhead against her. “Oh, man. I want you so much. Open for me a little, baby. Yeah, take me inside,” he crooned as she let him slide the tip of himself in her mouth.
He was both salty and sweet, and she wanted him crying her name as he pumped inside her.
Before she could tell him, he withdrew, knelt to grab her and lifted her in his arms as if she weighed nothing.
“No. Let me come inside your pussy the first time,” he urged. He put her down on the bed and grabbed the condom that had fallen to the ground. He ripped it open and shoved it down over himself in seconds. “I need to be in you.”
“Where? In here?” She spread her legs and touched herself, and Cooper lost it. He blanketed her on the bed and nudged her thighs wider. Then he latched onto her breast with his lips as he lined up his cock with her entrance.
He sucked, hard, and she jolted just as he pushed inside her.
The sheer feeling of connection shocked her. Then he was moving, and she was taking him. Every push and pull, thrust and stroke of his pelvis over her clit, brought her closer to climax.
“Cooper. God, yes. I’m coming. Oh please.”
“Fuck. That’s it. Come over my cock. You feel so fucking good.” He hammered into her, rocking the bed into the wall while he shoved her headlong into an explosive orgasm.
As Josie lost herself in him, she felt his mouth at her breasts, then her throat, driving her mindless. He pulled away just as he started to come on a long, low groan.
“Josie. Oh fuck.” More swearing as he pumped and ground against her, stirring her into another brutal surge of ecstasy.
He felt so large over her, in her, and she wrapped her ankles behind his back, wanting him deeper.
“You feel so big in me.”
“In you. That’s right where I want to be,” he murmured and kissed her. When he pulled back, she saw the satisfaction on his face.
She laughed. “You look like a well-fed tiger.”
“Better than a well-fed kitten, I suppose.” He grimaced. “Just promise to never compare me to Mephisto. That furball is a menace.”
Josie blinked. “Furball. You know, Hannah said something to me about fur…”
“Don’t talk about my sister when we’re…”
“Oh, good point.” She scrunched her nose.
He snorted. “Hell. You’re even pretty when you’re grossing me out.”
When she laughed again, he started to slide out of her.
“Wait, no.” She didn’t want him to leave her yet. Their connection felt all too rare. She’d had sex before, but she’d never felt so tight or in tune with another.
He pulled out, took off the condom, and disposed of it. Then he returned to grab another one from his wallet and donned it before rejoining her.
“You’re still hard?” She blinked up at him.
“I’m not done.” He kissed her, and like magic, had her stirring for another go. “You get me so ready, so fast. I want to fuck you until we can’t move. Until I’m all over you. In you so deep…”
Not a declaration of love, but an impassioned affirmation of lust she could totally work with. It made more sense than the gooey emotional mess she was feeling for the man. “Oh yeah. You’re so sexy. Give it to me, Cooper. Again.”
He moaned and kissed her, paying attention to the erogenous spots on her neck, below her ears, along her breasts. He had a fascination with her chest, and her sensitivity only enhanced her arousal.
She forget about everything but Cooper as they fucked, made love—and boy, was there a difference between the two—and teased through the morning into the afternoon.
Josie didn’t think she’d ever had a better birthday. Period.
Cooper sighed as he checked the engine equipment and consumable supplies. Two weeks of nonstop dating, sex, and fun with Josie Young, and he was far from tired of her. If anything, he had an addiction. He couldn’t eat, sleep, or function well without her near.
“Fuck, Coop. Would you stop mooning over your girlfriend and focus on work? Soon as you finish going over the list, we’ll hit the gym.” His brother Jaden, a fellow firefighter on the crew, was getting a little bossy.
“Easy, Jaden. You want to act like the captain, take the damn test. Otherwise, you do your job and I’ll do mine.”
He saw Max raise a brow, exchange a look with Jaden, then round on him. “Um, Coop? You okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“Because I’ve been talking to Hannah, and I—”
“Hannah?” Jaden frowned. “I thought we told you she’s off limits.”
“Fuck off. Hannah’s a grown woman, not a little kid. Hell, she’s older than you two. And she’s a friend. I like her.” Max sounded defensive.
Coop didn’t have the patience for his friend or his brother. “I’m done. I’ll be in the weight room.” Taking out his frustration on the heavy bag.
In the station’s expansive gymnasium, he did some curls, ran on the treadmill, then hit the heavy bag for a bit. Once he’d worked himself into a good sweat and was able to think without Josie constantly on his brain, he turned to see the other guys staring at him.
“Is it just me, or is Coop getting really big?” Mike, one of the guys from the other engine crew, stared at him.
“It’s that redhead he’s banging,” Charlie, another loudmouth, added.
“Watch your mouth, Charlie.” Jo
sie wasn’t just a redhead he was banging. They were lovers, yes, but they did things not related to sex. Walks downtown, sometimes under the moonlight, window shopping—which he’d never thought he’d be able to stomach, ever. They were even scheduled to bowl with his brothers in two days when he had his next shift off.
“See? He’s lost again.” Charlie laughed. “Must be some outstanding pussy, because he’s—”
Coop didn’t think. He reacted. He walked over to Charlie, stared the man down, and readied to punch him unconscious when Max and Jaden latched onto him and held him back by the arms.
“Whoa, easy boy.” Max chuckled even as he strained.
“Let me go. Someone needs to teach this dickhead some lessons in manners.”
Mike frowned. “Yeah, Charlie. Ease off, would you? How would you like someone talking about Dina that way?”
“You mean his soon to be ex-wife?” Coop mouthed off. Not smart, especially with the guys holding his arms. No one had a hand on Charlie, and the fucker launched himself at Coop and got in a sucker punch to the gut that would have hurt if Coop hadn’t been bulking up.
He shrugged off Jaden and Max and slugged Charlie right back, so hard the man fell to his hands and knees gasping for breath. “That’s right, asshole.” Coop sneered. “Not so funny to hear someone talking about your woman, is it?”
Josie, his woman? Shit. She was that, wasn’t she?
Charlie continued to cough and gasp on his knees while the others around Coop backed up.
Except for his brothers, who did the opposite, crowding him.
Ben had arrived on the scene. As one of Charlie’s crewmen, Ben should have sided with the guy. But he shook his head. “Mike, come on. Let’s get shit-for-brains on his feet. And for God’s sake, Charlie, quit trying to provoke a fight. Especially with Coop when he’s got a bug up his ass.”
“You want some of this?” Coop snarled at his brother.
“Tone it down, Conan,” Max said. “Or do you want the chief hearing about this? You know he’s all about interdepartmental unity.”
The others muttered uncomplimentary things about their chief’s peaceful reign. They preferred a rough and tumble crowd, catering to competition. With the exception of fuckhead Charlie, Coop normally enjoyed their entire shift, because they were forever trying to one-up the other.
Five Alarm Alphas Page 27