Her legs fell open on onto the bed, then lifted around Jay’s hips again. She couldn’t stay still and truth be told, Jay didn’t want her still. He wanted her moving, trying to get away, trying to get closer, trying to get into his pants. He wanted inside her. He wanted to fill her and feel her come on his cock.
She gripped his hair and when Josh groaned, Jay knew she’d grabbed hold of Josh’s hair too. She was holding them to her and gasping for air while fighting for freedom. Could she come this way? Could she come if he simply humped against her panties?
When she stiffened and her breath was trembling as she held it, then let go a cry, he had his answer.
“Damn, honey,” he said, moving to kiss her open mouth. “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful.”
“N-no…” She swallowed or tried. Her lips and tongue had to be dry. Josh was up and off the bed, returning a few seconds later with a bottle of water.
“No what?” Josh asked, unscrewing the cap for her.
“N-no w-words,” she managed to get out. She took the water and Jay helped her sit up to drink it. Some dripped down her chin when she got her first look at a naked Josh and he grinned, then licked it up.
“Like what you see?” he teased, reaching to unhook her bra. Jay was stripping as he watched the play.
“Yeah. I have a few. Most are post Marines. I didn’t know how to express myself and give voice to what I’d done and seen overseas, so I got tattoos to do it for me.”
He had a dragon on one arm, a bleeding heart on his side with a dagger stuck through it, a desert oasis with blood for water and guns hanging from palm trees. It was heartbreaking, the pain etched in ink on his body, but Jay understood why Josh had done it all.
On his back was a lion’s head with dog tags around it and on his left shoulder, the USMC insignia.
He’d been a proud Marine, but he was a happier firefighter. And Jay was thrilled to know him.
“You’d be even more gorgeous with some ink on you, pretty girl,” Josh remarked, taking the attention off himself and putting it back where it belonged; on Jess.
“I don’t know,” she hedged. “I don’t know that I could.”
“Oh, I think you could,” Jay added. Her gaze drifted to him and her eyes widened. He was fully erect and he too had…
“Yep. Not as many as Josh, but yep.” His pride and joy was the snake on his right arm, coiled around his muscles, his head up and his fangs sharp. He looked as though he could slither off Jay’s arm and bite and that’s exactly the way Jay had wanted it.
Her eyes had traveled the length of his body, settling on his cock. Her stare only made him harder. Her pink tongue licking her lips only made him want to slide inside. He took a step forward and she inched back on the bed.
He followed, crawling, stalking, until she couldn’t go any further. “You want this?” A nod was her only answer. He took the water bottle from her hand and took a swallow of his own. “You want Josh inside you?” Her eyes darted to Josh then back to Jay. “You want to suck me while Josh fucks you?”
The amber pools dilated as they gazed up at him. He knew she did, even if she couldn’t voice it. He knew she wanted them, her body and her kisses and her wide-eyed looks told them both everything they needed to know. The words were nice, wonderful, even, but she couldn’t hide her want of them if she tried.
Jay climbed off the bed and stood to the side. “Lay back and let me have you,” he said, helping to position her head over the edge. “This will work so beautiful, honey. Open up.”
They both watched her part her lips and they both watched as Jay slowly slid inside her mouth. Josh groaned at the sight and Jay nearly emptied his balls at the feel of her closing around him.
“Ah, hell,” Josh muttered, turning away. Jay followed his brother’s form to the dresser drawer that housed condoms. He took out a strip of three and ripped one off, tore it open, and slid it on before kneeling between Jess’ thighs.
Jay moved at an even pace, letting her adjust to his length, to his width. She couldn’t take all of him, but she could take most. Her mouth was warm and welcoming and her enthusiasm matched her enthusiasm from when Josh had eaten her in the hall. She gave as good as she got when she let go.
He glanced toward Josh who had Jess’ legs wide open over his thighs. The panties had been discarded on the floor and the string of curses that Josh let out when he pushed inside the woman laid out on his bed made Jay’s gut clench. It had to be hot and tight inside her and he couldn’t wait to get his own feel.
For now, though, he was so much more than good with her mouth and her throat coaxing every bit of blood to leave his brain and gather elsewhere because she hummed and moaned when Josh entered her.
Her whole body shook and she clawed at the covers. She lifted her hips and met Josh thrust for thrust. Jay lowered his lashes and gave himself over to the suction taking place on his cock. Her hands found their way to his hips, wrapping at his lower back. Her short nails dug in as she pulled him forward and deeper. She shifted, dropped her head farther over the side of the bed, and swallowed against the head of his dick.
Dear. God.
He looked down and was mesmerized at the bounce of her breasts as Josh fucked her. The three of them moved together and with the number of women he and Josh had shared, Jay couldn’t remember another woman who connected them so completely, who filled the space between them so well.
He wanted to be inside her pussy. He wanted to be inside her ass. But he would come down her throat this time. He would fill her this way, letting her taste him the way he wanted to taste her next time.
“Josh,” he grunted.
“I know, man. Fuckin’ heaven on earth.”
Chapter Eight
Jess winced with each step as she crept down the hallway. She’d never had sex like before in her life. She’d never rolled over and found a man on each side of her before either. It was different and she had to admit, she loved every last second it. They were young and wonderful and could go all night. They’d proven that time after and time.
The smile that crossed her lips as she thought about waking up to Josh’s kisses and Jay sliding inside her, slow and easy, making love to her body while Josh made love to her mouth, was nothing short of cat that ate the canary decadent.
Or the time she’d been urged to her knees and entered from behind, deep and insistent while a cock, Josh’s she thought, slid soft into her mouth but quickly grew hard as she nursed it erect. They’d taken turns then, one right after the other, finishing her off with Jay’s mouth on her clit, tugging one final orgasm from her worn out and well sated body.
The more she thought about it, about them, the more she wanted, even though she was sore and aching and didn’t know if she could take anything beyond a hot bath to soothe her muscles.
Especially the ones she didn’t even know she had.
She’d woken up to an empty bed, but heard their voices coming from somewhere else in the house. Maybe the kitchen or living room. It was odd that she didn’t feel weird waking up in Josh’s bed or a home not her own. They’d made her feel as though she belonged there, as though she was wanted there. She was warm and comforted and well loved at every turn.
Now, in the bright light of day, she didn’t know what to expect. She had to go back to her place and deal with the insurance adjuster. She had to go back to see her ruined kitchen, to feed her cat that was probably wondering where her owner had run off to for the whole night. She had to go back to reality, but hoped they’d let her come visit their fantasy world again.
She liked how they made her feel, how she was with them. She wasn’t just a food blogger or restaurant reviewer or cookbook author. She was a woman, sexy and worth their time and very focused attention.
“What are you doing tiptoeing through the house?”
Jess flushed at Josh’s words. He’d come around the corner just as she was about to turn it. “I didn’t want to
interrupt your conversation.”
He advanced on her. “Sure you weren’t trying to sneak out?”
Jess looked down. “Without pants? Is that what your other women have done?”
“You’d be surprised,” he laughed. “Some do sneak out and some have to almost be pushed out.”
“And what about me?”
He didn’t miss a beat. “You sure you want the answer to that?”
Did she? Yes. Yes, she did. She bit down on her tongue and nodded. Josh stepped close, into her personal space, right up against her chest. He smelled like coffee. Would he taste like coffee if she kissed him? She should probably wait for his answer before attempting it. Just in case.
“You look scared, darlin’. There’s no need to be, you know?” His voice was low, rumbling, sexy and slightly hoarse. Was that because of her? From all the grunts and groans and shouts during the night? “We don’t plan to push you out of our house,” he continued. “And we definitely don’t want you sneaking out. In fact…” He lowered his head and placed a kiss at the hollow of her throat. “We’d like you to stick around for a while. A. Long. While.”
“N-not one night?”
“Oh hell no. Not just one night. I said that last night so you would know it’s all up to you. You can have one night, one week, whatever you want. But what we want is much more than one night.”
“You’re letting me make the choice again?” She didn’t know why she was surprised about that. They’d been doing so ever since she arrived for dinner. They gave her an out at every turn, so it shouldn’t come as a shock that Josh was doing it now.
And, they still wanted her.
“It’s always your choice. Jay and I are unconventional in what we like. We share women. We want to share one woman for a very long time. We think that woman may be you and we’d like the chance to find out. Only you can make the final decision on if we get to.”
She started to speak, to comment, but Jay’s shadow fell at the end of the hall and drew her gaze. He was shirtless and a pair of ragged sweatpants rode low on his hips. Sunlight hit his blond hair and highlighted the snake tattoo that wound around his right bicep.
They were such beautiful men, one dark and serious, one light and teasing. How could she turn them down? They had been good to her, kind and tender with her. “What if you get tired of me? Of my being the way I am?”
“Oh no, not that man’s words again,” Jay groused. “That man you were married to all those years was and is an idiot. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re sexy and giving and if the scratches on my back are any indication, something of a hellcat in bed. Tired of you? Not possible, honey. We like the way you are.”
“Oh yes,” Josh agreed, pulling her up against him, turning and pressing her to the wall. He grabbed for her thigh and hitched it around his hip. It opened her to him, opened her enough to feel the hardness of his cock between her legs. “We very much do like you just the way you are.”
As if to prove his point, he lowered his head to her neck again and sucked hard at the exposed skin. He was sure to leave a mark if she didn’t stop him, but the way he thrust himself toward her and the pleasure she was experiencing, she had no intention of putting an end to anything.
And apparently her body could take a little more pleasure at their hands.
“No more talk like that, all right?” Jay whispered into her ear. “Because if I hear it one more time, I’m going to do two things…” He tugged at her lobe with the edges of his teeth. They were tag teaming her again, ganging up on her where she felt nothing but sensation and thought of nothing but keeping them.
“W-what t-things?”
“One,” he said, reaching inside her shirt to tweak one of her nipples. She moaned and sagged against Josh who held her up with his body. “I’m going to find this ex of yours and beat his ass, and two, I’ll then come back home and spank yours.”
Jess gasped and pushed into Josh with her hips, jerked into his hardness, and creamed her panties. Her body was strung so tight, her sexual needs awakened after being dormant for so long, she couldn’t control her reactions to the overload of her physical and emotional senses.
Josh looked into her eyes, kissed her mouth so sweetly that she felt tears prick her lashes. How could life away from them compete with what they could show her, what they could give her? How could life away from them be full when every touch, every word, every breath inspired her to reach for more?
She kept her leg hitched on Josh’s hip and he urged her to lift her other leg too. He carried her down the hall toward the kitchen. Jay followed, a lopsided grin on his face. She blushed and stuck her tongue out at him. He laughed at the gesture and she couldn’t help but smile in return.
He was so fierce about her and she’d just met him. They both were. But she was comfortable with them in a way she never had been with her ex. It was eye opening and heart stopping.
Josh set her on the counter and moved to pour her a cup of coffee. Every one of her blogs started off with coffee or her need for it or a particular cup she was using for the day. She’d also talked about how she took her coffee; only half and half, no sugar.
She had a feeling Josh knew exactly how to fix it and there was romance in that.
Jay swept in and licked her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth. When he lifted his head, he winked. “Mornin’, honey. Sleep well?”
“Morning. And you should know I barely slept at all.”
“I do, but it was a good way to lose sleep, yeah?”
“What time is your insurance man coming today?” Josh asked, changing the subject and handing her the cup he’d prepped for her. The aroma, the taste, the jolt to her system… Perfect. She could get used to this.
“I think he said around eleven. I need to get a shower and get home.”
“On a Saturday?” Jay questioned.
“Yeah. He’s a friend. Was the insurance adjuster for the café and stayed with me when I began my blog as a business and decided to work from my home. He said he’d come out and take care of it for me today so I didn’t have to wait until Monday.
“That’s cool.”
“Jay has to go into work,” Josh said. “So I’ll take you and stay with you.”
“You don’t have to do that. I’m sure you have other things to do.”
“Nothing more important than being there for you. I read your blog, remember? I know how important your kitchen and your work is to you. I promise. I can stand by and not paw at you.”
“You should trust him,” Jay interjected. “He can do that. Me, on the other hand? Nah. I’d have you bent over the kitchen table every chance I got.” As serious as his look was, she didn’t think he was joking, not until he winked.
“Y’all are too much.”
“You said that last night.”
“It’s still true.”
“But you also proved that we’re not too much for you to handle.”
Josh was right. He and Jay had shown her just how easy it was to be with both of them, giving and taking. Though she did more of the taking and they did a whole lot of giving. “It’s not like I can stay here.”
“Why not?”
“Because I have a house? Because we all need time to get to know each other? Because it’s a crazy idea?
“Okay, so yeah, there is all that.” Jay shrugged. “But there is another thing you’re forgetting. We have something you need.”
She could play coy. She’d never done it before, not really. Flirting and coyness and playing hard to get had never been her strong suit, but she could try “What’s that?”
“A kitchen,” Josh answered, his tone matter of fact.
That wasn’t at all what she was thinking they meant, but they were right about that too. She needed a kitchen. A functional, working, not burnt to a crisp kitchen. “You’d let me use yours?”
“Why not? You need one. We have one.”
Once again, they surprised her. Once again, she didn’t know why. “T-thank
you.” She sucked back coffee in an effort to hide how much their generosity affected her. Yes, they likely wanted to sleep with her more and she couldn’t deny she wanted to sleep with them, too. But she knew she could say no to sex and yes to the kitchen and they’d accept that.
They accepted her. Maybe that was the key to all of it. They accepted her for who they knew her to be and wanted to get to know everything else. “I think I agree with you,” she said softly.
“With who?”
“Jay. Last night he said that maybe my kitchen burning would turn out to be the best thing that happened to me. I think I agree with him.”
“Only if you plan to take advantage of all the changes and opportunities it could bring with it.”
“I’m no stranger to change and taking chances. I’m no stranger to life as I know it slipping and sliding and veering off the course I had set it on.” Jess crooked a finger at them. “Once the smoke clears, I hope you’ll help me ignite a different kind of fire…”
“Count on it, darlin’.”
“Mmm… Oh yes. Count on it, honey.”
About Lissa
Born and raised in the South and currently living in North Carolina, talented, multi-published author, Lissa Matthews, has many loves in her life: Family, friends, NASCAR, football, music of all kinds, cooking, and penning stories filled with feisty, sassy heroines and naughty heros, and last, but certainly not least, coffee.
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Also by Lissa Matthews
Single Titles:
Love and Tattoos
Five Alarm Alphas Page 41