Something about her tone had Russ stilling. All kind of possibilities filled his head. Some not settling well at all.
“Did he abuse you?” He stroked his palm gently down her spine. “Physically? Mentally?”
“No.” She gave a humorless laugh. “He was too nice. He treated me like a damn porcelain doll. Like I was breakable. Sex—sorry, lovemaking to him—always had to be romantic and with the lights dimmed.”
Interesting. “Weren’t you guys pretty young? I mean at that age a guy will usually take sex anyway he can get it.”
“Well. In his mind I was a lady in and out of the bedroom.” She hesitated. “He was a pastor’s son.”
“Ah.” Somewhat explained it. “So he just didn’t get freaky in the sex department?”
“Oh, he got totally freaky. Just not with me. He was cheating on me a few months after we were married.”
Chapter Twelve
Shit. “What an asshole. I’m sorry.”
“I’m not really. I don’t even know if I wanted to get married, but he was for it and pressured me into it. Because we’d had premarital sex and his daddy found out.” She rolled her eyes. “Pretty sure he thought I might’ve been knocked up, so it was a quick, informal, backyard wedding.”
“You regret marrying him?”
She hesitated. “I do. I always say no regrets, but he was a bad fit. Slowed me down in pursuing my goal to become a firefighter.”
“How so?”
“Told me it wasn’t right for his future baby mama to be out fighting fires. That I belonged in the home.”
“Shit, seriously? What decade is he channeling? Where’d you find this guy?”
“Tenth grade English class.” She grimaced. “He was very sweet to me. I think there was some puppy love that led us into bed, and then marriage, but in the long run...”
“Not compatible.”
“Not at all. I filed for divorce once the cheating came to light.”
“The wanting you to be a breeding machine wasn’t a deal breaker?”
She gave a small shrug and looked away. “I want kids someday. I figured I should’ve known what I signed up for when marrying him. He wanted to be a pastor, just like his daddy.”
“Did he become one?”
“Oh yeah. Has a church on the south end with a huge following. A new wife, two kids, and another on the way.”
“And he’s probably out nailing prostitutes on the weekend,” Russ muttered.
“Probably.” She didn’t sound too upset about it though. Clearly she’d moved on from the ex.
She propped herself up on one elbow and stared down at him. “I think this is why I’m really into this thing between us. Having you take control. The guys at work don’t talk about sex around me. Maybe because my dad was a former fire chief, but sometimes I feel like some eight-year-old they have to behave around.”
“Well I can promise I see you only as a grown woman.” He reached down to cup a breast and tease the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “An amazingly sexy woman, who’s promised to do whatever I tell her to in bed.”
Her body trembled against him and she drew in a slow breath. “I like this. I like that you don’t run with the firefighter community. That you do your own thing.”
“I would be a terrible firefighter. All that fitness shit. The only hose I want to handle is my own.”
She laughed and nuzzled his chest. “Well you must be working out somewhere. You’re looking good, Russ.”
“Thanks.” A thrill of pride raced through him. He put in time at the gym, more out of wanting to stay healthy. But he wasn’t the type of guy who got off on weightlifting or anything.
Damn, if he hadn’t already taken her twice in the last couple hours, he’d be rolling her onto her back again.
He liked this. Having her here. In his arms. She felt good there. And there was more than just the sex. He could talk to her. That wasn’t always the case. Sometimes the physical stuff was incredible, but after, it was best just to call it a night and go their separate ways until the next time.
Not with Shannon.
“You have to work tomorrow?”
“No, I’m off. Why, you want me to sleep over?” Her tone was teasing.
“Yeah, I do.” He kissed the top of her forehead. “I don’t want you to leave yet. I’d love to wake up with you beside me.”
She was quiet for a moment. “I can sleep over. I have plans to meet my sister for lunch, though.”
“Not a problem. I’ll just make sure we get in the fun stuff before and after breakfast, then send you on your way,” he promised. “Maybe a little saddle sore, but hey.”
“Mmm. Might be a little late for the soreness.” She slid her foot up his leg and grimaced. “Yeah. Too late.”
“We’ll give it a rest.” He stroked her back again and she snuggled closer.
While drowsy from the sex, his mind was going full throttle. He thought of work, and the bands he’d scheduled to play at the club, and then back to Shannon. How sensual tonight had been. How perfect. How much he’d needed it. Needed her.
He trailed his palm up to between her shoulder blades, and then nuzzled his lips against her forehead. She didn’t respond or even stir.
Shifting slightly, he glanced down to find her fast asleep. It made sense. She said she’d worked the night before, and those were long shifts. She must’ve been exhausted. Then he’d worn her out further.
Guilt pricked lightly. Even with his arm starting to cramp, he hated the idea of waking or moving her. So he closed his eyes and tried to get a little rest.
Five minutes later, he was out.
“Hey, Shannon, you coming out with Lucas, Jared and I tonight? We’re grabbing beers at The Blue Lounge to celebrate Jared’s promotion.”
Shannon straightened from where she was pulling her sweatshirt out of her backpack and frowned.
“That’s tonight?” She bit her lip. “I forgot all about it.”
Rodriguez arched a brow. “What’s going on with you? You’ve been all distracted and,” he hesitated, “I don’t know. Girly. All smiling and happy lately. I mean, you’re a girl, obviously, but, you know. Usually you don’t act it. You got some dude in your life?”
So blindsided by the question, she didn’t have time to get on her poker face or give him a bullshit reply.
“Holy shit, you do.” Rodriguez gave a slow nod. “Nice. Glad to see you’re finally getting out there.”
Rodriguez was in love and married with three kids. He’d tried to set her up with his cousin on more than one occasion. Of course he would be excited for her to be dating.
Dating. Was that what she and Russ were calling it? It had been two months now. Two months of her staying at his place or him at hers. That was, of course, when she wasn’t working. When she was on the job, they stuck with flirty texts throughout the shift.
The sex was exciting and sensual. Each time just seemed to get better. And while he clearly liked to be in control in the bedroom, she’d tested the waters once or twice to see if he’d let her be the one to give commands.
Just the memory of pushing him to his knees and telling him to make her come with his mouth had her body flushing. Surprisingly, he’d not only obeyed, but seemed to enjoy it. Obviously it was because they both knew he could take back the reins at any point and she’d be the one on her knees being submissive.
But beyond the sex, somehow Russ had become the part of her day she looked forward to most. Whether seeing him, or opening that text from him. He’d become one of her closest friends. Someone she ranted to after a bad day. He was the first to get a text with good news. She missed him like hell when they were apart.
“So you’re not denying it, Shannon. Who is he?”
“Yeah, I’m seeing someone,” she finally admitted. “He’s a good guy. He owns The Blue Lounge actually.”
“Ah, that dude you bandaged up the first night. Is it serious?”
It was a question she’d been asking h
erself more and more lately. “I guess so.”
“Are you exclusive?”
They hadn’t had that talk. She wasn’t sleeping with anyone else, and had assumed he wasn’t either.
She gave a shrug. “Don’t know, really. I’m not seeing anyone else.”
“Is he?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Would it bug you if he was?”
Yes. Pain at the fictional image swept through her. “I haven’t really considered it.”
“Might wanna clear that up. I’d hate to see you get hurt, my friend.” Rodriguez zipped up his bag. “See you later tonight then?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there.” And since she’d had plans to crash at Russ’s after he got off work, she’d just surprise him at the club and go home with him.
She bit her lip as she left the station, heading to her car. Rodriguez was right though. Maybe it was time to have that awkward little talk with Russ.
Chapter Thirteen
The Blue Lounge was busy, but not as packed as a weekend night. Shannon gave a smile and hello to the familiar bouncer, who refused her cover charge money, and then made her way inside to find her friends.
She’d dressed for Russ tonight. Not too outrageous—she didn’t need or want comments from the guys—but in a tight black skirt that showed off her legs and a patterned top that was more loose than fitted. Still, she knew when she moved just right it tightened over her breasts.
They had a table near the back and were already drinking and talking. Her gaze wandered from them to the stage, where she was surprised to realize Russ and his band were on.
It was the once a month jazz night he’d told her about. Why hadn’t he reminded her they were playing tonight?
“Hey guys.” She sat down at the table and Jared slid her a beer.
“Hey, Shannon. We’ve been waiting for you.” He nodded to the stage. “So that’s your new guy, huh?”
She grabbed her beer and then turned a glare on Rodriguez. “Seriously? Couldn’t keep that little convo between us?”
He had the decency to look embarrassed. “So we’re a little protective of you. We’re keeping an eye on him.”
She smothered her groan in a sip of beer. “I should’ve never told you about Russ.”
“I don’t know, he seems all right.” Lucas stared at the stage. “Seems pretty legit on the drums too.”
“He’s a talented musician,” she agreed. “We were in high school jazz band together.”
“Shut the hell up. You were a band geek?”
“Sure was. Trumpet player all the way.” She grinned and turned her attention back to the stage.
Russ seemed lost in his own world as the band wrapped up a rendition of the song Fascinating Rhythm. The song ended and a faster, swing one started. A group of drunk, early-twenties girls were on the floor trying to swing dance. They did more stumbling than dancing though.
Russ was completely into the music and didn’t glance around the club at all. He clearly had no idea she was there. Which would work to her advantage. When they announced an upcoming break after the next song, she decided to head into the back room and surprise him when he came in.
One of the waitresses saw her and smiled, figuring out what she was up to. They all knew her here now. Knew she was with Russ. And they all seemed pretty cool about it. Friendly and chatty with her when she came in. If the firefighters were her first non-blood family, the employees at The Blue Lounge were her second.
She sat down in his chair that was off in the corner and crossed one leg over another. While she listened to the song wrap up, she waited. Finally it finished and her pulse quickened.
She watched the closed door. Only a couple of minutes passed before the handle turned.
Russ stepped inside, but didn’t spot her right away as he glanced toward the sink.
Shannon had just called out, “Hey there, handsome,” when a pair of pale arms wrapped around his waist and a blond head came in the door after him.
Russ’s head jerked up and his gaze landed on her in surprise, while simultaneously the girl behind him followed him in and nuzzled his neck. It was one of the girls who’d been dancing on the floor.
Shannon’s stomach roiled and her mind went white with shock, and then red with anger.
“Get the hell off me,” Russ none-too-gently removed the girl and urged her back out of the office.
Oh hell no. Maybe they hadn’t had the talk if they were exclusive, but they should’ve, because this was not cool in her book. At all.
Shannon pushed herself to her feet, her legs unsteady as she moved toward the door. “Get out of my way.”
Russ didn’t move as his blood thundered in his veins. He tried to keep his voice calm. “It’s not what it looks like, Shannon.”
“The hell it isn’t. Get out of my way, or I will move you.”
He didn’t doubt that she could, actually. Or at least make him work to keep her in here. He knew how bad this looked. Damn it.
“I don’t even know that girl. She jammed her toe on the stage and was bleeding. She asked for a bandage and I came back to get her one.”
“Stop.” He caught her by the shoulders when she tried to push him aside. “I didn’t realize she’d followed me. And clearly had no idea she was going to try and stick her tongue in my ear.”
Shannon stared at him for a moment, and then shook her head.
“Nothing was going to happen.” He squeezed her shoulders and felt the rigid tension there. “I swear to you I’m being honest. But I won’t lie, this shit happens. Sometimes girls get wasted and hit on me, and I’ve never been one to take advantage of that. There’s been no one since we got involved.”
The fury had left her dark eyes now, but there was a wariness, and a vulnerability there he knew she’d hate him to see. He moved one hand to cup her chin, tilting her head up so she had to look at him.
“Do you believe me?”
She was quiet for a moment. Then, “Yeah. I do.”
Relief nearly brought him to his knees, and he let out the breath he hadn’t been aware he’d been holding.
“But I’m going to be real clear with you. If this thing between us is going to continue,” she added softly, “I don’t want us seeing other people. This is exclusive.”
A wave of pure male triumph seared through him. Still holding her chin, he lowered his head and covered her mouth with his. She didn’t protest, and her lips parted instantly to let him claim the sweetness inside. His cock stirred inside his jeans and he groaned.
When he lifted his head, he took a moment to drink her in. She looked damn sexy in that outfit.
He caught the edge of the clingy skirt and pushed it upward. Revealing inch by inch of smooth brown thigh, the black curls between her legs popping into view. His mouth watered and his cock hardened further. She hadn’t worn panties. She knew how much it drove him crazy when she left them off. And now here she was, bare, with just this little skirt that had been covering her. Sweet Jesus.
He moved to cup the damp flesh between her legs. Slipped a finger into her hot sheath and then placed his thumb on the hard button of her clit.
“You told me this is my pussy, baby.” He kissed the side of her neck. “Did you mean it?”
A tremble wracked her body before she gave a nod. “Yes.”
While thrusting his fingers into her slickness, he caught her hand and dragged it to the bulge in his jeans. “Well this is yours too.”
Her fingers closed over him.
“Yes to exclusive. I don’t want anyone else, Shannon.”
Another tremble ran through her and he could see the relief mixing with the desire in her eyes.
“But that’s not all that belongs to you.” He pulled her wrist back upward, to the left side of his chest to where his heart pounded. “This is yours too. I’m in love with you.”
Her eyes widened slightly and her gaze searched his.
“I didn’t tell
you yet, because I wasn’t sure you’d be ready to hear it,” he admitted. “You were married young, didn’t seem sure if you wanted serious or not. But for me, you’re the only one I want.”
She didn’t reply, and his chest tightened with unease that maybe she didn’t return the emotion.
Taking his hand, she led him over to the chair and pushed him into it. She reached for his zipper and tugged it down, then freed him from the denim and briefs.
“You’ve got a half an hour, right?”
He nodded as she pulled a condom from the pocket of her skirt and quickly opened it and sheathed him. Then, before he could fully appreciate what she was about to do, she sat on his lap, straddling him, and sank down. Air hissed out from between his clenched teeth.
She moved on him slow, and he reveled in the feel of the hot suction of her body around him. Blindly, he reached beneath her shirt to cup her breasts.
With his mind numbed by the pleasure, he was only vaguely aware of her cupping his face. Her smooth fingers tracing the stubble there.
“Russ,” she murmured, leaning down to kiss his mouth as she rocked on him.
He could only groan in response.
“Look at me.”
She was in control now, and he couldn’t have enjoyed it more. He lifted his gaze to hers, just as her body clenched around his cock, dragging a gasp from him.
“I love you too.” Her words were unsteady. “And I don’t care if it’s only been a couple of months. It’s never been like this with anyone. Pretty sure it never will be as good with anyone else.”
“Never.” He moved his hands to her waist to take back the control as the pleasure became too much.
She gave it over, clutching his shoulders as he thrust up into her. Words of love spilling from his lips. When they both came, he could feel both their hearts thundering a mile a minute.
“I’ve got you under my skin,” she murmured drowsily, quoting an old jazz standard.
“Got me more than under your skin, baby.” He flexed his hips, making one last shallow thrust in her while he still could.
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