Rose, Lee - Liz's Luck [Appledale 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Rose, Lee - Liz's Luck [Appledale 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 2

by Lee Rose

  “Have a good day, ladies.” Ethan turned to include Liz in his gaze but she looked away and ignored him. For some reason, that hurt him.

  “Guess what?” Lacy said with a big smile on her face once Ethan left. “I finally got Ryan to agree to start giving self-defense lessons at the community hall and I am so excited. They start next week. Will you join with me, please? Ryan thinks I am the only one in town who will show up so I’ve been asking people to give it a try. Stella can’t. She got pregnant just to get out of joining these classes with me.”

  Stella laughed at Lacy’s sarcastic remark. “I do hate to exercise. But you join, Liz. It’ll be fun,” she encouraged her friend. “Besides, one of us has to support Lacy’s cause.”

  Liz nodded and agreed, “Sure, I used to take classes back in Chicago but it’s been a long time. It’ll be fun to get back into it. Let me know when and I’ll be there. And we can make flyers and pass them out here and at my store and the bank. I know Clyde’s wife, Hilary, will let us put one up on the window, too.”

  “That’s an awesome idea, Liz,” Stella agreed. “I’ll help Lacy make a flyer today after our shift is over and have Stanley print them out for me.”

  Lacy’s smile was filled with joy as she hugged her two friends. “Thanks, girls, this means a lot to me.”

  After spending some time talking more with her friends, Liz headed back to work. Her mood had been uplifted. She was walking when she heard a car horn beeping. Liz groaned when she turned and saw Gary Peters in his new shiny black sports car trying to get her attention.

  “Need a ride?” he asked and pulled over to the curb. He was dressed in his customary dark suit and white shirt, and his blond hair trimmed perfectly short and slicked back with gel so that not even one hair was ever out of place. His appearance was very perfect, as if he just stepped out of the pages of a magazine. Too bad his personality was so obnoxious.

  Feeling an obligation to be polite, she went over to his window and pasted a smile on her face. “I’m fine walking, Gary, but thank you.”

  “If you’re sure.” He shrugged carelessly. “I’m free Sunday. Let’s go see a play over in St. Claire. I already bought two tickets for us. I knew you would be happy to go with me, Elizabeth.” He gave her a wide smile. “You can thank me later.”

  “I’m not sure—” She was trying to make up an excuse but his phone rang. “Got to take this. It’s business. See you Sunday at five.” He rolled up his window and slowly drove away, talking on the phone, his mind back on business, Liz forgotten.

  She stood there a few seconds staring at his taillights. What nerve! she thought angrily. She fumed all the way to her shop. What an arrogant jerk. How could he just assume she would be happy to go anywhere with him, especially since she had thought their last date had been terrible. Men!

  * * * *

  Liz was busy hanging some new clothes that had just come in on the rack when Stella came by later that day. “Liz, I need help. Stanley has a few holiday work parties coming up and none of my dresses fit anymore,” Stella said. “I need something loose that I can wear more than once.”

  “Well, I just happen to have some maternity dresses I ordered and if you don’t like them you can order something from my catalogue,” Liz assured her, showing her some dresses she thought would look good with Stella’s coloring. “Try this green velvet one, Stella. It’s elegant yet comfortable. Or how about this long red skirt? It would look amazing with any black blouse you have at home.”

  Stella went into the dressing room to try them on and, talking at the same time she asked “Did Gary call you and ask you to the company Christmas party yet? He said he was. Please say you will go. It’ll be nice to have someone nice to talk to instead of all those uptight matrons. I’m afraid this year I’ll fall asleep on them.”

  “No, not yet,” she answered with a chuckle, picturing Stella nodding out in the middle of a conversation. She was going to have to be honest with Gary and tell him the truth, that she didn’t want to go out with him again, and hope it didn’t ruin her friendship with Stella and Stanley. This was getting out of hand. If only it was Ethan pursuing her this hard, she thought sadly, then she would gladly let him catch her. Just her luck it was Gary.

  Stella came out of the dressing room modeling the green dress, twirling around and looking in the mirrors on the wall. “I like it and best of all it’s not tight, so I can wear it for a while.” She smiled happily, patting her baby bump. The dress reached just below her knees and had long sleeves. “I love the emerald-green color, too, so Christmassy.”

  “It does look good on you,” Liz agreed, smiling at her friend. Stella glowed with the happiness of being pregnant and Liz envied her. She had always dreamed of having a family to call her own one day, but that dream seemed so far away right now. Was this feeling what women described as their maternal clock ticking?

  “Great, I’ll take this dress now and I’ll come back for the skirt next week,” Stella said, putting her clothes back on. Liz wrapped it up for her. “Are you off work already?”

  Stella nodded and yawned tiredly. “Yes, and I’m going home to take a nap. I swear that’s all I do these days besides feel sick at the smell of food. I’m so excited to be a mother but I never thought I’d feel so sick. Poor Lacy has worked so many of my shifts lately.”

  “Well, I am sure Lacy and Ally understand. Once you hold that precious little baby it’ll all be worth it,” Liz told her, handing her the bag with a smile.

  After Stella left, Liz thought about Gary. Why was he trying so hard to make it seem as if they were a couple when they had only had one date? He barely knew her. She decided to call him once the shop closed. She dreaded the confrontation but it had to be done. She usually tried to avoid situations like this. She was not the type of person that enjoyed rejecting someone, but she couldn’t lie either, and she was getting tired of him making it sound like they were a couple. Liz called his number and got his answering machine, so she told him she wasn’t going to go out with him on Sunday and asked if he could call her because they had things to talk about. When he called back she would tell him she didn’t think they were compatible. She would try really hard to be nice, but Gary was very conceited and it was hard to not get upset with his overbearing attitude.

  After closing and locking up the store, Liz went upstairs to her apartment. The stairs leading to her place were on the side of the building but she didn’t mind. It separated her workspace and living space completely. She had so much paperwork to catch up on tonight. She had converted her second bedroom to an office and kept her files there. The apartment was one of the reasons she had bought this building. She loved the convenience of being so close to work and right on the main street. She could walk anywhere if she didn’t feel like driving. She made a salad with diced chicken and avocados and took it to her office with her.

  Liz was so into her paperwork she almost didn’t hear the phone ringing. “Hello?” she answered absently.

  “This is Gary. What’s this about canceling our date?” he said, sounding annoyed and angry. There was a lot of noise in the background.

  “I’m sorry, Gary, but I didn’t think the first date went so well between us, so I don’t see a reason for us to go out again,” Liz explained patiently. “I’m sure a successful businessman like you has many prospective dates.”

  “Of course I do but I want you, Elizabeth,” Gary answered her arrogantly. “I am out with some business associates right now, but I’ll come by your store tomorrow and we can talk more.”

  Liz sighed. She wanted to settle this once and for all. “Okay, we’ll talk later, Gary,” she said, hanging up. Liz got ready for bed thinking of Gary. She already dreaded having to confront Gary in person. It would have been less awkward through the phone, but Lady Luck wasn’t with her these days.

  Chapter 2

  The next afternoon Stella came in with a stack of flyers for Liz to put at her store.

  Liz looked them over and set them on her c
ounter. “These are great. I’ll make sure people get them.”

  “Okay. These classes are good for people and it really will give Lacy the confidence she lost when Chico attacked her,” Stella added, yawning. “I’m taking some to the bank next then I’m going home for my daily nap.”

  A few months ago Lacy had witnessed a murder and ended up hiding in Appledale. Chico, the killer, had followed her to Appledale and kidnapped her. Luckily she had been rescued but still had some nightmares left over from her horrifying experience.

  Liz smiled at her friend. “You’re right, Stella, and everyone will see how good these classes are. They are free and exercise doesn’t hurt the body.”

  Stella laughed, pointing at her stomach even though her friends knew she never liked to exercise. “Hey, I do have an excuse.”

  Before Liz could answer her back, Gary walked in and smiled at the two of them. Stella greeted him with a playful smile and teased him. “Gary, I didn’t know you shopped here.”

  Gary chuckled and winked at Stella. “I just came to see my favorite girl besides you. Isn’t that right, Elizabeth?”

  Liz didn’t want to cause a scene in front of Stella so she just smiled and nodded. Stella gave Gary a flyer and Liz silently groaned and hoped Gary didn’t like to sweat so he wouldn’t show up. Stella said her good-byes and went home.

  Liz looked at Gary and decided to be upfront with him. Wasn’t honesty the best policy? “Gary, we had one date and I didn’t think we had much in common. I don’t understand why you are trying so hard to go out with me again.”

  “What are you talking about? Our date went great. Besides, we do have so much in common. We are both successful in business and come from a wealthy family. There’s no one else in this pokey little town that can give you the things you need,” he answered, brushing off her concerns as if they didn’t matter.

  “If you don’t like it here in Appledale why do you live here?” she asked him out of curiosity. It was true he didn’t seem the small-town type. He had arrived a year ago and always seemed out of place here. Liz had a wealthy background but she did her best not to flaunt it, whereas Gary liked to brag and show off, and it hadn’t made him very popular.

  “I’m stuck here temporarily because my uncle wants me to improve this bank, but then I can go back to our California branch, or maybe if your father helps us we can move anywhere we want,” Gary answered, getting excited. “New York, Chicago, or any major city you like.”

  So Gary knew who she was. Now Liz understood his determination to date her. It had nothing to do with her but her father, and that made her angry and sad. Wasn’t she likable without her father’s money behind her? This was a common problem in her love life. “Gary, I like this town and don’t plan to move from here. And I don’t take money from my father. I prefer to make my own way in life.”

  Gary frowned as if he couldn’t understand her logic. He stared at her for a few seconds as if he didn’t know what to say. “I have an appointment with a client. Let’s have dinner and we will discuss this further. I think we are great together and soon you will see it, too.”

  “Gary, look—” Liz began but then got interrupted by the doorbell ringing, and Amy walked in ready to work. Gary took the opportunity to wave cheerfully at her and leave. “Call you later and we’ll finish our talk.”

  “Great,” Liz muttered to herself. They had straightened nothing out. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves and went to talk to Amy.

  “Hey, boss. Has it been busy? You look stressed,” Amy asked, putting her long blonde hair up in a clip. She was a high school senior and was saving money to go to college next year. Liz really liked the seventeen-year-old girl. She was friendly and good with people, and best of all she loved clothes just as much as Liz did.

  “There have been people in and out all day browsing and shopping. I am so glad to see you, Amy. I badly need a cup of tea and a break,” Liz answered with a sigh. “I don’t know what is wrong with me lately. Maybe being close to thirty years old is mushing my brain.”

  Amy laughed at Liz’s pained expression. “You are not even close to being old, Liz. All you need is a good break. I’ll be out here watching the store. Go and relax.”

  The rest of the day passed smoothly and when Liz finally closed up the store that evening she went upstairs to relax. Tonight she’d just lose herself in a good movie and try not to think of Gary or Ethan.

  * * * *

  Later that evening, Liz sat snuggled on the couch in her pajamas watching her favorite movie, a romantic comedy. When it was over she yawned and turned off the TV. Suddenly she thought she heard a bang outside and what sounded like glass breaking. Startled, she jumped off the couch and picked up the phone in case she needed it. She cracked her front door open and heard more noises.

  Without thinking of the danger, Liz crept down her stairs slowly, trying not to make any noise. It was dark and cold. She was shivering partly from fear and partly from the cold. She should have thought to put a jacket over her thin lounge pants and tank top, but at least she had slippers on. She went slowly around the corner tiptoeing. She gasped when she saw her large picture window had a big crack in it. Suddenly she realized how foolish she had been to come down here alone. She looked nervously up and down the cold, dark street but it was empty. No one seemed to be out at this time of night. Her heart was racing fast and she felt scared. She swiftly checked her shop door and thankfully it was still locked so no one had broken in at least, but who would do this?

  Liz quickly called the police station and Ethan answered. She almost asked for someone else but didn’t want to waste time. Liz reported it to him and he told her he would be right there. Still feeling a little nervous she walked back to her apartment stairs to wait. If she saw any strangers lurking around she could run upstairs to the safety of her apartment. She frowned when she thought about the window. That would be expensive to fix. Her insurance company would not be happy with her, but at least it hadn’t shattered into a million pieces.

  It didn’t take long for Ethan to show up but he was alone. Liz stood there in front of her stairs freezing and feeling awkward, wishing another deputy had come instead, like one of the Wilson brothers—Gabe or Logan. She really didn’t want to deal with Ethan tonight or any other night.

  Ethan’s mouth tightened when he saw Liz shivering in her skimpy silk pajamas, standing on the sidewalk all alone. He took off his coat and put it around her tightly, wanting to yell at her. Why was Liz standing in the dark? Didn’t she know better than that? If she was his woman he would—he shook his head and put those tempting thoughts out of his head. He had to keep reminding himself they had nothing in common. Besides she was dating that uptight snob, Gary Peters. Stella had told him that.

  “Did you see anyone?” Ethan asked her, folding his arms across his chest and trying his best to look intimidating. His mouth was set in a grim, firm line which wasn’t unusual. Ethan hardly ever smiled. People usually stepped away from him when he got this mean look on his face. Ethan knew people wondered what he did in the military and made up stories about him. The rumors helped his reputation as a dangerous character, so he said nothing to confirm or deny them. Since he didn’t like being sociable it was fine with him.

  Liz looked up into his hazel eyes, wishing Ethan would just put his big arms around her. His body would engulf her and make her feel warm and safe. Instead she answered him in a steady voice, hoping he didn’t notice her voice was a little shaky. “I heard a noise then I came downstairs and saw this and called you. Must be bored kids, I guess. My door is still locked so I guess that is good news for me.”

  “You should have waited upstairs. What if he came back, Liz? You would have no way to defend yourself, then what?” Ethan said in a hard, firm voice that expected no arguments. He couldn’t understand why he cared so much that she put herself in harm’s way, but the thought of someone hurting her was like a punch to his gut.

  That remark got Liz angry and she let him know it.
He certainly knew how to put her on the defensive. “Just because I am a woman doesn’t mean I can’t defend myself, Deputy White, so do not presume that you know anything about me.” Liz could have explained that she had taken self-defense lessons for years, but she didn’t like his chauvinistic attitude.

  Ethan was tempted to pull Liz in his arms and kiss her until she stopped arguing with him, but instead he gave her his best impatient look that made everybody stay quiet as soon as they saw it. Only it didn’t seem to work with Liz.

  Liz stood there and glared back at him as if she wasn’t afraid of him. “What, no comeback? Because you know I am right!” Liz wanted to stick her tongue out at him, too. He was so frustrating.

  Ethan felt amusement replacing the anger he had felt at finding her standing on the sidewalk in the cold and dark like a sacrificial lamb. But he didn’t let it show. “You weigh like a hundred pounds, if even that. What could you possibly do to disarm an attacker?” He smirked. “Where is your boyfriend, the banker? Shouldn’t he be here protecting you?”

  “It’s none of your business, Deputy White,” she stated firmly. Let Ethan think what he wanted. He wasn’t interested in her anyway, so she wasn’t going to explain anything to him.

  “I’ll file a report and tomorrow you can go by the station and pick it up for your insurance company. You’d better get inside. You’re turning blue,” he ordered her like she was a little girl.

  Liz pressed her lips together to keep from saying more. She frowned at him instead and handed him his coat. Ethan reached out to grab his coat and on a crazy impulse grabbed her arm instead and pulled her close. Liz wasn’t expecting it so she fell against him. He steadied her by grabbing her waist with his hands. This is crazy, he thought to himself, but he had already made her mad so he might as well taste her lips like he had been dying to do since Halloween.


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