Rose, Lee - Liz's Luck [Appledale 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Rose, Lee - Liz's Luck [Appledale 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6

by Lee Rose

  “So I’ve heard all the gossip from Logan already including Ethan’s horrible behavior. Should I go kick his ass for you?” Lacy offered gallantly. Ethan is a goner for Liz whether he admits it or not, Lacy thought with a smug smile. Lacy knew if Ethan didn’t have feelings for Liz, seeing her with Gabe wouldn’t have upset him so much.

  Liz was tempted to let Lacy lecture Ethan, and Ethan would take it quietly. He was very fond of his boss’s future wife. “That’s okay. It seems I’ve got more serious things to worry about now since Logan told you everything.”

  “How are you feeling? And be honest with me, Elizabeth Anne Daniels,” Lacy said, lowering her voice but Liz could hear the concern in Lacy’s voice.

  Liz sat up and groaned and answered with honesty. “Sore, and sad that I have a stalker, a totaled car, and Ethan hates me, and I have to get up for work,” she stated all in one breath, feeling sorry for herself. She was entitled to one day of self-pity after all she had been through.

  “I know.” Lacy sighed deeply, feeling empathy with her friend. Matters of the heart were not for the faint of heart, that was for sure. “I can’t fix all your problems, honey, but Stella and I have already decided you will not open the store today. Gossip spreads like wildfire here, so half the town already knows what happened to you and the other half will know by noon. You just put your comfy pjs on and watch TV and relax. After our shift is over we are coming over with food and movies.”

  Liz smiled at all of Lacy’s orders. Her friend had a bossy streak a mile wide. “Yes, mother,” Liz replied teasingly and hung up the phone. She lay in bed for a few seconds and wondered if she should alert her parents to the stalker situation. Her dad would worry and lecture her about not having a bodyguard the way he did. He had always insisted she have a bodyguard like they did but Liz never wanted to live like that.

  She was achy and her head hurt so she decided to take a long, hot shower and dressed in loose sweatpants and an old baggy Snoopy T-shirt that her mom would flip over if she saw Liz in it. Thinking of her mom made her want to cry because she missed her parents and wished they were closer. Liz called her mom’s cell and reached voice mail, same with her dad. She hung up feeling depressed and lonely.

  Liz wandered over to the kitchen and made toast and coffee. She sat at her small kitchen table, looking out the window and wondering what to do. Who could want to scare and hurt her? She tried being nice to everyone and hadn’t made any enemies. The phone rang again so she answered it, hoping by some miracle it was her mom or dad. This time it was Ethan. “How are you, Liz?” he asked in his deep voice.

  Liz wasn’t sure what to say to Ethan. She was still very angry and hurt. It was hard to believe that he even had called her. “I can’t argue with you right now, Ethan. I feel like shit.”

  “I don’t want to argue with you, angel. I want to apologize again. This seems to be a habit, me taking my foot out of my mouth,” Ethan said softly. He is probably feeling bad now that he knows the truth, Liz thought to herself.

  “Ethan, I just can’t right now,” Liz whispered with tears in her eyes. “Physically and emotionally I am a mess today and I plan on spending a stress-free day relaxing.”

  “I understand. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay and not seriously hurt. Gabe should have called Doc,” he replied, his voice getting harder. “He shouldn’t have taken chances with your health despite your protests. You’re lucky he was working last night because I would have marched you over to Doc’s clinic whether you wanted to or not.”

  “I am achy but other than that I really am okay,” Liz assured Ethan, not commenting on his statement, but she wished he had said it because he cared and not because he took his job seriously. Ethan said good-bye and told her he would call again another time when she felt better. She shook her head in confusion. Ethan was definitely a complex man. Leave it to her to choose a confusing man to fall in love with.

  Later that afternoon, Stella and Lacy came by with movies and Ally’s homemade chicken potpie and rolls.

  “Mmm. Smells heavenly.” Liz smiled, feeling very hungry. The three of them spent a relaxing afternoon watching Christmas movies and laughing. No one mentioned the stalker, her car, or Ethan. It was a perfect day.

  “Today was a great day.” Liz smiled at Stella and Lacy as they got ready to leave. “Thanks so much. I needed this.”

  Stella and Lacy hugged Liz. “It was a good day for us, too. I think we should do this more often, a girls-only day,” Stella suggested. “It’s good for all of us to just relax and hang out.”

  “I’m all for it,” Liz agreed and Lacy nodded in agreement. After they left Liz took a long nap and was woken by the pounding on her door. She woke up startled and went to the door, looking out the peephole first. She had to be careful although she didn’t think a stalker would knock first.

  “Ethan, what’s wrong?” Liz opened the door, still yawning.

  He hugged her so hard she couldn’t breathe. “I thought you were hurt. I’ve been knocking for a while, angel, and I was about to kick the door down.”

  “Well, I am glad you didn’t. I hadn’t got much sleep last night so I guess it caught up to me.” She frowned at him. “Why are you here? Is something wrong, Ethan?”

  “No. I just got off work and wanted to see if you were okay,” he said, letting her go and looking at her as if nervous. He put his hands in his pockets, still dressed in his uniform. “Lacy stopped by the station and lectured me worse than my mother would.”

  Liz wanted to smile but didn’t and waited to see what he had to say. Ethan deserved it for jumping to conclusions and being such an ass and not just last night either but since the Halloween party. He had rejected her and judged her wrongly.

  “Then she felt sorry for me and said you really were doing fine and feeling a lot better but I wanted to see for myself.” Ethan looked at her forehead and saw the bruise forming and the small cut and winced. He led her to the couch and sat next to her. “Gabe is right. I am an idiot.”

  That observation made her smile in agreement. Ethan picked up her hand. “Can you forgive me for acting like a jealous fool?”

  Liz shrugged her shoulders, remembering Gabe’s advice to not let him off the hook easily. “Why should I? You said some awful things and why should you be jealous? You said I wasn’t your type so why should you care if I date others?”

  He had the good grace to look ashamed. “I apologized to Gabe this morning and I am on probation with him. I owe you so many apologizes, Liz, I don’t know where to start.”

  Liz sat quietly for a second. “Maybe I should ask you first what you want from me. Do you want friendship?”

  Ethan kept holding her hand and rubbed her wrist softly with his fingers, sending shivers up her arm. “For now I think we should get to know each other better but I won’t lie to you, Liz. I want you so very much. It’s like a fire burning in my gut. But I’ve done this all wrong, and I am determined to fix it. It’s just that I’ve never been so attracted to anyone like this before. I swear it’s muddled my brain because I usually have more finesse.”

  Liz was touched by his sincere speech and she looked into his eyes. They were like a warm liquid gold in color. It would be so easy to just give in to the physical attraction they both felt, but he was right. They had to get to know each other first. It would be harder if they made love and Ethan decided to walk away. For her part she knew her feelings for Ethan were genuine, but he needed the time to get to know the real her.

  “I regret not asking you out after the party so I want to do that now. Will you go out on a date with me, Liz, please?” he asked.

  Her heart melted and Liz smiled softly, unable to resist him. “Okay—oops, wait. Gabe said to make you work for my forgiveness.”

  “He would.” Ethan grimaced then smiled. “But it’s too late. You said yes and I’m taking it.”

  Liz leaned back on the couch against the pillows, still feeling a little sore. “One thing still bothers me. You said I was like
your ex-wife. How? In the way I look?” She held her breath, anxiously waiting for his answer.

  Ethan shook his head. “Diana had black hair and brown eyes but she was small and petite like you. She hated the military life even though it paid our bills and gave her shopping money. I’m not sure why she married me, maybe to get out of this town, but it wasn’t as romantic as she imagined it would be. Diana complained constantly about me going on duty and had affairs, saying it was my fault for not paying attention to her. The constant fights and drama made me volunteer for more tours. We divorced after eighteen months, and to be honest, I was relieved. She found some rich guy and I never saw her again.”

  “I’m sorry, Ethan.” It was a sad story but at least she wasn’t a look-alike replacement.

  “It’s okay, really. We were too young and not well suited to each other except physically.”

  “Oh, I see,” Liz said, understanding his attitude a little better now. “You’re worried all we have in common is a physical attraction.”

  “Yes, that’s why I want us to go out together and talk and see if we like each other,” Ethan replied honestly, not wanting to lie. He was curious about getting to know the real Elizabeth Daniels. He knew she was on her own here and a lot of people in the town spoke highly of Liz. Liz leaned into his big, warm body and put her arms around his waist, feeling comfortable. “It’s okay. You don’t know me, I get that, but I’m just glad we have the chance to get to know each other. I thought we were destined to be enemies forever and that made me so sad.”

  Liz felt so small and feminine in his arms and he tightened his arms around her. She was soft and warm and she smelled like honeysuckle. He had to admit to himself that Liz was not snobby or high maintenance like he had first thought. She would never be friends with Lacy or Stella who were just common people if she was. Even his own aunt shopped at Liz’s store and told him that Liz had a heart of gold. Everyone knew that Mrs. Johnson had financial difficulties with Mr. Johnson’s passing away, and whenever the elderly lady came in to Liz’s store to shop, suddenly there was a sale going on. That showed him she had compassion. He needed to get rid of all his previous misconceptions and get to know the real Elizabeth Daniels. “We could never be enemies, angel.” He kissed her forehead softly, inhaling her sweet scent. “Are you really okay? And be honest with me so I won’t worry all night.”

  He felt her head nodding, but she didn’t move out of his arms. He was content to stay there and hold her all night. He felt happy that she was giving him a second chance. “I’m just tired and a little sore but I’ll get over it.”

  “I’ll leave so you can rest. Are you sure you are okay with being alone?” Ethan asked standing up with her and hugging her tightly, not wanting to leave.

  Liz was tempted to say no so he would stay the night but she didn’t want to play games. “I’m fine. I just need a good night’s sleep. Logan and Gabe have been driving by so I’m not worried about anything happening. Plus, my dad helped me get a good alarm system and cameras for the building.”

  “That’s a relief. No more heroics, young lady. Gabe is looking into some leads but you have to be on the alert,” he said firmly, releasing her reluctantly. His body was reacting to the way her body pressed against him and he didn’t want her to feel his arousal. He’d love to spend the night with Liz but it was too soon. He had a lot of ground to make up with her. “Promise me you will call me if you’re scared or if anything happens.”

  “I promise,” Liz said, crossing her heart with her fingers, and smiled at him, feeling relieved she had the chance to get to know him. “Thanks for coming by, Ethan.”

  Ethan didn’t want to leave without one kiss, so he grabbed Liz’s arms and pulled her into his body and kissed her tenderly. It wasn’t like the last feverish kiss they had shared. Ethan’s kiss was gentle and sweet and said, “I’m sorry.”

  Liz was shocked for a moment. She hadn’t expected the kiss. Ethan explored her mouth slowly. His kiss teased and provoked her into passion. She groaned and leaned into him and put her hands around his waist, feeling the hard muscles beneath her fingers. She intertwined her tongue with his and moaned into his mouth. After a few minutes he released her suddenly and he had a big, cocky grin on his face. She was trembling in his arms.

  Liz’s kisses packed a punch. Ethan knew he was headed home for a cold shower. It was worth it to have a small taste of Liz “See you soon.” He leaned his forehead on hers and smiled tenderly. “Good night, Liz. I’m a Snoopy fan myself, by the way.”

  Liz looked down and realized she was still in her raggedy Snoopy T-shirt and giggled. “I guess my glamour-girl image is ruined?”

  Ethan smiled, nodded, and kissed her forehead and said good-bye. Liz closed the door with a sappy smile on her face. Maybe, just maybe, luck was finally on her side.

  Chapter 8

  Liz was so busy over the next few days that she called Amy to come in and help her at the store. Amy was on Christmas break from school and was able to work extra hours. Stella came in for the final fitting for her bridesmaid dress.

  “You look good, Liz,” Stella observed as she hung the dress back up on the hanger. The wedding was ten days away. Liz’s and Lacy’s dresses were ready, but due to Stella’s pregnancy they needed to make sure hers still fit.

  “I am doing so much better. I have something to tell you, Stella.” Liz smiled happily. “Ethan White asked me out on a date and I said yes.”

  Stella smiled at her. “You really like him, don’t you?”

  Liz nodded yes. “We’ve both been so busy these last few days so I don’t know when we’re going, but I am so excited and I hope you don’t get mad at me.”

  Stella looked puzzled but smiled. “Why would I be mad? I already have a husband.”

  Liz laughed and explained. “I meant because you really wanted me to like Gary but I just don’t.”

  Stella smiled. “Liz, you are my best friend- not Gary. I do think he is nice but if you don’t like him that’s okay, too. Lacy said you and Ethan—how did she put it? She said you two light each other’s fires.”

  Liz’s cheeks turned pink. Was it that obvious to everyone that she had the hots for Deputy White? Oh God, that was embarrassing, and here she thought she was doing a good job of appearing calm, cool, and collected. “Well, he lights mine that’s for sure. Hopefully after our date he will feel the same about me.”

  Stella hugged Liz. “I just want you to be happy, Liz, with whoever treats you right. I know how much you want a family of your own and I just want you to have it, too. If Gary isn’t the one, so be it. Don’t ever be afraid to tell me the truth. I’m a big girl, okay?”

  Liz promised her and was touched that Stella knew her so well. Even if things didn’t work out with Ethan she was lucky to have two best friends like Lacy and Stella. They were the first two people to ever care so deeply for her.

  Liz felt so happy that for once things were going her way. She missed Ethan. His aunt had a houseful of guests for the holidays, and between his shift at the sheriff’s station and being his aunt’s handyman at her bed-and-breakfast he hadn’t been able to stop by and see her or take her on that promised date. They talked on the phone every night though and she looked forward to their conversations. Sometimes they would talk for hours about everything from favorite foods to favorite memories and desires for the future. She was secretly pleased when Ethan expressed a desire to start a family one day. This was a nice way for them to talk and get to know one another even if it was old fashioned. She enjoyed listening to his deep, sexy voice. Liz knew if Ethan was next to her she’d spend her time trying to get him to kiss her and not talk to her.

  Gary came in that evening right before she was ready to close. “I have some free time this evening. Let’s go have dinner in St. Claire and we can make plans for our Christmas together.”

  “Gary, I have plans already. I am seeing someone.” Liz said politely knowing that Amy was listening. Amy knew Liz didn’t like Gary .

“With who?” Gary scowled and yelled. “I thought we settled this. You and I belong together!”

  “We did settle it, Gary. I like this town and I am staying here. You will have to find someone else to help your business plan along,” Liz said angrily. What was wrong with Gary? She was starting to worry about his refusal to see she was not interested in helping him further his business plans. Was he mentally unstable or just a stubborn jerk?

  Gary leaned angrily toward her, getting as close to her face as he could since the counter was between them. He had such a mean look on his usually calm face, and his cheeks were turning red from anger. Liz stepped back and she felt Amy grab her arm in fright. Gary was usually so calm and polite that this behavior was frightening and very unexpected.

  “You are trying my patience, Elizabeth!” he yelled, his face contorting into an ugly mask of hatred. He took a look at her red roses sitting in a vase on the counter next to the register. Ethan had just sent them over that morning with a card that said, “I miss you.” Gary sneered. “With this guy? Who is he? He can’t be better than me.”

  Liz lost her patience, the fear leaving and anger replacing it. She felt Amy walk away and sighed with relief. Amy didn’t need to witness this ugly scene. Liz leaned toward Gary. “I’ve tried being polite and nice, but obviously that doesn’t work with you. You want to use me for my money, Gary. You don’t even like me, so leave me alone. Is that clear enough for you?”

  Gary didn’t say a word but he gave Liz a nasty look as if hated her at that moment. Then he grabbed her vase of roses and angrily threw them on the floor. Liz screamed and gasped in shock. Glass shattered into tiny little pieces and flew through the air and water splattered everywhere along with the poor roses. Liz instinctively threw her hands up in front of her face in case glass hit her. Gary looked like he wanted to hit Liz, so she clenched her fist and prepared to defend herself, but at the last second Gary pounded his fists so hard on her counter that it shook and walked away without saying another word. He slammed her door so hard she was afraid the glass would shatter. She could hear his tires squealing as he raced away.


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