York (The Vorge Crew Book 3)

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York (The Vorge Crew Book 3) Page 8

by Laurann Dohner

  “This is a good morning, my beautiful Sara.”

  “That it is.”

  He eased his cock out of her body and collapsed onto his side next to her on their bed. She turned her head as he opened his arms. She didn’t hesitate to snuggle into him.

  He really did love to cuddle and hold her. Sleeping with him was like having a living, breathing blanket wrapped around her. His favorite position was spooning, and she had no complaints about using his arm for a pillow.

  “I guess we won’t be nullifying our marriage.”

  He tensed against her and his eyes widened.

  She chuckled. “You should see your face right now. That was a joke. You know…we totally exchanged fluids before the three days were up.”

  He slid his hand to her side and tickled her. She laughed, trying to roll away. York came down on top of her, pinning Sara under him. He was always careful not to put too much of his weight on her.

  “That wasn’t funny. You’re mine forever, bond mate. I never want to think about losing you. It would break me inside, and I wouldn’t recover. You’re everything to me, my Sara.”

  He melted her heart with his sincerity as she stared into his blue eyes. “You won’t lose me. Not ever. You’re stuck with me.”

  “I’m grateful to hear that. Would you like a tour today of The Vorge or shall we spend the entire day in bed?”

  “It’s nice that the crew is splitting your shifts to give you some more time off.”

  “They all realize it’s important that we bond. I’m already feeling the physical effects.”

  “What physical stuff? The fact that we’re having a lot of sex?”

  “I told you that Parri bodies experience chemical changes. I’m undergoing my own.”

  She’d almost forgotten. “How do you know?”

  “I feel them. It’s difficult to explain…but my seed is thicker. Haven’t you noticed?”

  She hadn’t. “You can get me pregnant now?”

  He grinned. “It usually takes a few weeks but then I will be fertile.”

  A baby. She swallowed hard. It had been almost a year since she’d last been physical with a man on Earth. Contraceptives were an expense she hadn’t been able to afford on her own. A couple usually split the cost to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. She wasn’t currently on anything to prevent one.

  “Don’t panic, Sara. You have that look.” He shifted his body, his fingers brushing her hair back from her face. He stroked her cheek with his thumb. “I did research while you were still sleeping this morning. Humans have birthed healthy Parri babies. Not many, but there are a few who have come forward with information. The females had no difficulties, despite the shorter pregnancy span of my race.”

  So someone else had done it before. That was great to know. “Shorter?”

  “It stated humans have a normal birth at forty weeks. Parri are born in twenty-eight weeks.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “Parri babies are usually born smaller than humans.” He paused, frowning. “It said humans are nine yentas at birth, on average. Parri are seven yentas. Our growth spurts happen after leaving the mother’s body.”

  “What is a yenta?”

  “The size of a baby.”

  She let that information play in her head. That didn’t sound so bad. Maybe yentas were pounds? If so, she could handle a seven-pound baby. She’d been worried they’d be closer to fifteen, considering how big York was. The shorter pregnancy span was a relief, too. Maybe it accounted for the smaller size of the babies.

  “The babies were born healthy and the mothers did well.” York sounded unconcerned. “It will be fine.”

  “Do you think our baby will look like you or me?”

  He released her and rolled out of bed to grab a data pad off the living area table. He returned to their bed, switching the device on. He lay on his stomach and she stretched out on hers next to him. He pulled up two side-by-side pictures of babies.

  Her breath caught in her lungs at the sight.

  She was finally able to speak once her emotions stopped choking her. “They’re amazingly adorable. Oh, York! Look how cute they are!”

  He chuckled. “They are. This one has very pale-blue skin, almost closer to your color than mine. Look at his eyes. Those are human in shape but with the Parri blue. And this female infant was born with her mother’s coloring, but Parri eyes and her father’s white hair. Their children share features of each.”

  “It’s the best of both worlds. Or should I say, races.”

  Then he showed her pictures of the two couples who’d had those babies, each set of proud-looking parents holding their child. “These are the only two couples who allowed their information to be uploaded. There are likely more. Most probably wanted to keep their privacy.” He set the data pad down and peered at her. “We would have adorable young, Sara. Will you think about it? Otherwise, I should take you to visit the medical android. There’s an implant he can give you to prevent my seed from creating a baby inside you until you’re ready.”

  She chewed on her bottom lip as her gaze kept going to the picture on the pad. She’d always wanted a baby but had given up that dream after her repeated failed relationships on Earth. No way would she have had one on her own and subject it to the kind of childhood she’d had without a father.

  York had changed all that.

  “What do you want?” She stared at him, watching him closely.

  “I want you to be happy.”

  “I know that. I want you to be happy, too. Be honest, York. Do you want to try for a baby?”

  He hesitated.

  “Tell me. Please?”

  “I would love to have babies with you. I’d like to have one soon, but only when you’re ready. I would be willing to wait until you feel more secure.”

  She took a deep breath and blew it out. “How about we leave it to chance? Just…see what happens?”

  He grabbed her and collapsed onto his back, taking her with him. They almost crushed the data pad when he settled her on top of his body. She shoved it to the side, away from them.

  A huge grin spread across his lips. “I like that. We’ll leave it up to fate. After all, it brought me you.”

  She cupped his face and wiggled higher up his big frame, kissing him. Her body instantly responded. York always turned her on. He was a master at kissing, teasing her with his mouth and tongue. She really loved those bumps he had.

  His cock hardened between them, and she spread her legs, straddling him.

  A loud buzz sounded. Sara startled, jerking up and breaking the kiss. “Who has the worst timing ever to come visit us?”

  York gripped her hips, lifted her off him, and crawled to the side of the bed to stand. “It must be Midgel with breakfast. Cover up.”

  She scrambled to yank the blankets over her body as York pulled on pants. He strode across their cabin and opened the door.

  It wasn’t the cook with a tray, though. It was Cathian.

  “We need to talk.”

  “You gave me time off.” York blocked most of the door. “Sara and I are bonding.”

  “I was just contacted by Rex.”

  “Your father’s assistant? Is there an urgent Tryleskian issue we must address? Are they sending us somewhere on a mission?”

  “I need to speak to you and Sara, along with some of the others. Get dressed and meet me in my office in ten minutes.”

  “What’s going on?”

  Sara became alarmed at York’s tone—and the captain’s. Something was wrong.

  “Ten minutes,” Cathian said.

  York closed the door and turned. Their gazes met.

  “What’s happening?”

  York came to her fast. “I don’t know. Let’s go find out.”

  * * * * *

  York felt concern. Sometimes The Vorge was sent on hazardous missions when Cathian had to negotiate peace between his planet and another. It had never bothered him before, but now he had a bond mate. Sara was on
board. Their vessel was heavily armed, they could hold their own…but he hated the idea of her being in danger.

  He kept a firm hold on Sara’s hand as he led her to Cathian’s office. She appeared afraid, despite his assurances that whatever the Tryleskian people needed, the crew could handle. The door to the office was already open, and Cathian was seated behind his desk. Raff and Dovis were there as well, but no one else.

  He frowned at that. It seemed odd. The entire crew should be assembled to learn the details.

  He seated Sara and stood behind her chair, crossing his arms. His friends looked angry for some reason. Raff had a deadly calm expression as he fingered the blade handles on his belt. Soft growls were rumbling from Dovis’s chest.

  He looked to Cathian for an explanation. “What’s going on?”

  Cathian glanced at Sara, and then back to him. “A Prince Azerba of the Dunng contacted the Vellar family to issue a complaint. In turn, Rex contacted me to issue orders. We’re not following them.”

  York tried to remember any dealings with that race but came up blank. The Dunng were mostly a mining race. They owned a string of planets that produced crystals, which were popular with a lot of other races for making jewelry. Perhaps the Tryleskians had had an issue with them in the past, before he’d joined the crew. “What orders are we going to refuse?”

  Sara stood and shot around the chair, almost knocking him over. She wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face against his chest and clinging to him.

  “It’s the asshole who bought me to be a part of his harem! I remember the name.”

  Pure rage boiled through York as he held her tightly. His gaze shot to Cathian. “What did Rex say?”

  “The prince contacted someone on Relon and was informed she was bonded to a crew member aboard our ship. Then the prince contacted my family. Rex ordered us to turn your female over to this prince…asshole. It’s not happening. I explained that Sara was sold to the prince against her will, and that we aren’t turning her over to become his slave. I reminded him that Tryleskians abhor slavery, and we never condone it. It’s fine, Sara. We’re not turning you over to anyone.”

  Sara didn’t calm at Cathian’s words.

  “No one will take you from me,” York swore, stroking Sara’s back.

  That did the trick. Her death grip on him eased a little and she looked up into his eyes. The tears and fear he saw nearly gutted him.

  “I’d kill anyone who tried to take you from me,” he swore. “No shoving them to the ground. There would be blood and death.” He knew his voice had deepened. To talk of brutal violence might frighten her more, but he needed her to understand that he’d do whatever it took to keep her safe and with him.

  His Sara gave him a watery smile. “You’d rip a prince apart for me?”

  “Without hesitation. You’re mine.”

  “I love you, York.”

  It was the first time she’d said it, and he couldn’t stop his smile. “You have my heart as well.” He met Cathian’s intense gaze. “How angry is your family and the Tryleskians going to be over refusing their direct order? Do you think they will attempt to take The Vorge from us?”

  “I don’t care how angry they become or what they want to do,” his friend replied. “We’re not turning your female over to anyone. Nor are they getting our ship. Rex gave those assholes our location to meet up with us. He was certain we’d comply when he did so.”

  York flashed his fangs, a growl of rage rumbling from him.

  Cathian nodded. “Rex is a fucking idiot. My father is, too, for believing I’d hand over one of my crew’s bond mates. I’m hoping one day that they’ll learn, but I doubt it. Remember the shit they tried to pull on me while I was going through my heat? I sure haven’t.”

  “We’ll change course,” Dovis snarled. “Or blow the bastards up.”

  “Better yet, let them dock with us.” Raff continued to fondle his blades. “I haven’t killed in a while. It would be fun.”

  “I’m with Raff. What reason did Rex give as to why they’d even issue that order? Your people don’t condone slavery.” York tried to think through his rage. “Did you make it clear this prince bought her to be his sex slave? He already owns a harem of females, from what Sara learned.”

  Cathian tapped his desk, pulling up a document. “They are more than aware. Prince Azerba claims Sara is his property. He even sent this to my father. It’s a bill of sale from Earth for your bond mate. His proof that Sara belongs to him.” He tapped to display another document. It was a photo of Sara. “My father and his assistant are ignoring the law because Prince Azerba runs Dais Two in the Dunng system. That’s the mining planet a previous Tryleskian ambassador tried to negotiate with to get Piz crystals. Prince Azerba said he’s open to talk trade if Sara is returned to him.”

  York flashed his fangs, even angrier. “They are willing to take my Sara for stones to put in jewelry?” He wanted to beat on something. No, someone. Cathian’s father, to start. Rex next.

  Sara turned to peer at Cathian. York eased his hold on her but kept her in the circle of his arms.

  “The Relon who found me said they put out an arrest warrant for my buyer, in case he showed up on their planet attempting to get me. Doesn’t that matter? He’s a fugitive from the law.”

  York had forgotten about that in his anger. “That’s right. You mentioned he was being sought for breaking Relon law.” He glanced at his friends.

  They smiled back. Cathian even laughed.

  “What’s funny?” Sara asked.

  He looked down at his precious mate. “You’re very smart.”

  “So it helps that he’s wanted on Relon?”

  York nodded. “Yes. Tryleskian has signed a multi-planet agreement and sworn to follow certain laws. Including not trading with criminals.” He held Cathian’s gaze. “Please tell me Relon is one of those planets, as well.”

  Cathian tapped his desk, getting the information. “I’m almost certain but let me verify.” He grinned big as he lifted his head. “Yes.”

  “Let’s invite the prince to come aboard The Vorge. Once he steps foot inside, it will be our duty to arrest him on behalf of Relon.” Dovis sounded almost thrilled.

  “That means I can’t kill him.” Raff sighed, but then his expression got slightly more animated. “Princes have guards. They’ll attempt to stop us from taking him. I’ll still get my fight.”

  “Don’t kill anyone,” Cathian ordered. “Unless you have no other choice.” He was tapping for more information. A photo appeared over his desk. “Look at that. A wanted notice for one Prince Azerba. That’s all we need.”

  Sara shivered in York’s arms, and he pulled her close again. “Are you cold?”

  She shook her head, tearing her gaze off the image hovering above Cathian’s desk to stare up at him. “He’s so gross-looking.”

  York studied the alien who’d have harmed his bond mate if he’d gotten ahold of her. She was correct. He was one unpleasant creature in appearance. Prince Azerba was a Dunng. They had greasy puffs of hair all over their bodies. Loose folds of skin hung off his arms and chin, where his clothing didn’t cover. One large hump protruded from the male’s back, giving him a slightly hunched frame.

  “No wonder he has to buy females. Who’d willingly touch that? I bet every brothel he walks into turns him away, regardless of his expensive crystals. The workers would riot if the owners expected them to service that ugly beast.” Raff paused. “At least they turn me down out of fear. That shaft-head is pure ugly.”

  York felt pity for any female slaves who hadn’t been saved and ended up in the prince’s harem. He stroked Sara’s back again, reassuring her. “He won’t get close to you, my heart. This I swear.”

  She hugged him, pressing her face to his chest again. “I trust you, baby.”

  “It’s a privilege to protect you.”

  “It’s a privilege for all of us to protect our females,” Cathian corrected York.

  “I just like
to kill,” Raff muttered. “Any reason will do.”

  York shot him a warning look. He didn’t want Sara to think a member of their crew was a bit crazy and bloodthirsty.

  Raff shrugged. “What? He’s a slave buyer. Your female was bought and sold. You’re not offended, are you, Sara?”

  She shook her head. “No. Not at all. Now that I’ve seen what he looks like, I’ll probably have nightmares about what he’d have done to me. None of it would have been good. I feel zero compassion for someone like that.”

  Once again, York felt pride. His bond mate was fierce.

  “Let’s get ready to receive our guests.” Dovis grinned—then fur started to grow out of his skin and soft popping noises sounded as he began to shift forms. His nose pushed outward, along with his jaw.

  York moved fast, blocking Sara’s view of him and hustling her out of Cathian’s office. He figured she’d been through enough already without seeing Dovis preparing to meet an enemy. His friend had purposely stayed in skin at York’s request during their shared meal. He’d wanted Sara to get to know Dovis before she saw him in fur.

  “Send an alert to let me know when they are within range.” No way did York plan to miss a moment of the prince docking with The Vorge. He personally wanted to put the shaft-head in restraints and haul him into the cell they kept for prisoners.

  Chapter Eight

  Sara stood on the bridge with most of the crew. Another ship flew into view on a large vid screed, the one carrying her buyer. It wasn’t nearly as big as the ship they were on.

  York had wanted her locked inside their cabin, but she would have gone crazy not knowing what was going on. She’d asked that he take her somewhere safe, where she could still watch what happened. York, being a sweetheart, had agreed.

  Cathian sat in the captain’s chair. “Open comms.”

  York sat at a station, Sara hovering at his side. He’d insisted she stand where she’d be out of sight of the vid camera. His fingers flew over the console and live footage of the Dunng appeared where only the ship and space had been before.

  A shudder ran down her spine when she saw Prince Azerba and at least five other aliens who looked just like him. Only their clothing was different, and she guessed her buyer was the one who wore a lot of jewelry. She also assumed the yellow stones embedded in every piece were the crystals he wanted to trade to get his hands on her.


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