Fire Flyer: Book 1 Elemental Bonds Series, a YA paranormal romance.
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This was way too intense for me especially before the sun was up so I climbed in the back seat. I assumed it was ok because Jason was riding shotgun and I was next to Serenity. I thought they would sit together but I was glad they didn’t. I didn’t think I could survive 6 hours next to Ri in a car with them making out in the back seat.
Chapter 22
It was still dark out. The air was a little brisk and I was glad for my hoodie which was also a source of comfort in a world torn upside down. The airport was in town and we were going out of town, so like a little girl I turned and watched until my dads car was out of sight. My heart hurt. It had been just me and dad for so long I felt empty and sad and I was way more worried about him than I would even admit to myself.
He was my geek dad and he was going on an Intel mission against very dangerous super powered people. I just could not compute this. I knew he would be ok because he had to be.
I wished I could nap but even though Ri had calmed me down for the moment I still had too much energy to sleep. Serenity reached out and gave my hand a comforting squeeze. “It’s ok you’ll see him soon in the meantime we’re 6 hours from paradise. The only thing you have to worry about right now is which swimsuit to wear every day.” I must have been transparent because she caught my sad look and giggled.
“You didn’t bring a suit? Even better, I love an excuse to go shopping.”
Jason chuckled and looked back at us.
“She’s not kidding, her car could find the mall without her in it, she practically lives there.”
I smiled. It was so easy to be with these people. Of course I felt close to Ri we had been in contact for months now, but despite my protests Serenity felt like family and I knew she was good people. “I love the mall too. Usually I go with Matt my best friend. He’s a complete geek-genius and I usually get stuck by myself while he speaks nerd for hours. So, I’m a professional. I can enjoy the mall in any circumstances.” My tone was cheerful and confident even though my insides were still rolling in turmoil.
I was many things but I was not a coward and I would accept this adventure and make the best of it. I looked forward as Ri began to speak. “Well since we’re heading to our home now that makes you our official guest, and guests control the radio. Any requests?” That made me light up. I was all about my music therapy I could really get lost in a good beat right now. The interior of the jeep was pretty cramped so it was easy for me to lean forward and put it on my favorite station. I gave no thought to their preferences and I cranked it up rocking to the bass. I caught Ri’s smile in the rear view mirror and barely heard him say, “The lady likes it loud.” I didn’t need to respond as I got lost in the rhythm but I thought is there any other way?
Serenity and I must have shared music tastes because she was swaying and singing next to me. She had a beautiful voice. These people were beautiful and perfect at everything and it was a little annoying, but also awesome.
Some time later after I had grooved through some nervous energy the curiosity hit me again. I reached forward to turn the radio down accidentally brushing my fingers on the back of Ri’s arm. I just blushed and avoided eye contact. After learning about the whole soulmate thing for our kind I felt kind of pervy for crushing so hard on the body guard no matter how much I wanted him to guard my body.
I was pretty sure I felt his eyes in the mirror but I was to shy to look. Instead I turned to Serenity. “So what will happen, when we get there?” The best part about Serenity was how very informative she was. I never felt like she held anything back and that was really comforting at this point.
“Awesome will happen, yeah, all kinds of awesome. So, the compound is actually our high school that the whole community funds. It’s private and we cover all the normal bases but there is definitely magic extracurriculars going on. Since it’s summer there’s no school. Supes come from all over the country to go there and it acts as our main training campus. Although, there are smaller schools scattered around the globe, it’s the biggest and most desirable. It will be pretty thinned out. This is where we will train you though.”
“Who’s going to train me?” I cut her off.
“The teachers are gone for the summer and you're kind of a big deal. My dad will want to keep you close and more or less a secret. We will train you,” She said motioning to the three of them. “My dad and mom will help and whoever my dad trusts with you.”
“Trusts with me? Give it to me straight am I going to be the biggest freak ever?” Ri made a disapproving noise at that.
Serenity laughed and rolled her eyes. “Far from it, your grandmother is one of the most powerful supes in the whole community. She believes you are this child of light. Even if you weren’t the child of light being her blood would make you like royalty. Potentially being the most powerful supe ever will be huge I’m not gonna lie. Mostly people will ignore it because we’ll make them. We can’t have people making a huge deal because we want to keep you safe and keep it a secret. My dad will come up with a cover story. However the supes who live in San Diego will know of you but we’ll keep it low key.”
Jason laughed, “Yeah low key as in a tornado in the middle of a hurricane.”
Serenity hit Jason on the arm but she was grinning and Jason grabbed her hand and kissed it. “Inside everyone will be freaking out, but they’ll be nothing but respectful to you and no one will cause you any problems.” Ri said this in his intense tone from the front and I had no doubt with his intimidating presence around I would be well protected, but who would protect me from Ri. He was hazardous to my health for sure. This time our eyes connected in the mirror for a second and my belly flipped.
Before the butterflies could go crazy I turned to Serenity again.
“How will my powers be unbound?” This strangely caused Serenity to be quiet. She had a tiny frown on her face and it looked kind of plastic. It looked like her sunny face never frowned and Jason reached back and grabbed her hand. Jason was kind of crass but he was so sweet with her I couldn’t help but like him. Still, this made me freak out.
“What is it? What’s going to happen?”
“I don’t mean to scare you. I really don’t know. I never knew anyone who was bound. Our powers are a part of us, we carry them around just like an arm or leg. I am concerned because everyone believes you will have strong power but your body isn’t used to carrying it. I imagine it will be like ripping off a really big band-aid that’s very stuck on. There’s nothing to worry about your cousin is an awesome healer.” She winked at me. I smiled but I still got quiet, great just what I needed, more pain.
Chapter 23
About half way through the drive, Ri pulled off the highway, into a little truck stop and diner. As he pulled in he said, “I need fuel, food, and coffee.” He rubbed his eyes and I noticed he looked like he hadn't slept much. I was so ready to stretch my legs. If I was being honest this seemed like a raggedy little place. It wasn't directly on the highway. We turned down a couple backroads to get to it. Even though it was a truck stop it was small and there were only a handful of semis there.
Jason and Serenity were in front of me and Ri, holding hands as we entered the diner. The diner was very old and had a very strong grease odor but the food smelled good. We turned to the left heading toward a booth near the back wall. As we passed a few of the patrons, who I assumed were truck drivers, I noticed they served milk shakes in the old school glasses. I was excited and my stomach growled loudly.
As we approached the booth Serenity came and took my hand. “Bathroom break?” She asked me. I nodded. I followed her to the opposite end of the diner. She opened the women's room door and when I got halfway through the door I noticed it was a single occupancy. “Sorry.” I said as I turned to leave and ran straight into Ri. His chin connected with the top of my head and I saw stars. “Ouch!” I cried and he steadied me by grabbing my arms and I brushed him off.
“What are you doing?” I asked him loudly. He smirked and leaned down to whisper in my ear
, “Bodyguard, remember?” I was rubbing my bruised head and leaning at an awkward angle away from his body, which was pressing closer to mine. I turned and noticed three angry truck drivers looking at us like we were crazy and I blushed.
Serenity giggled and tugged on my arm, pulling me into the bathroom.
I turned to the wall to give her privacy.
“So, I can't go to the bathroom alone now? If you are with me why is he out there?” Serenity went to the sink and I took my turn. She spoke away from me to give me privacy.
I mean, yeah, girls use bathrooms together all the time. However, sharing a one stall is reserved for long term, committed, best friend relationships.
“I'm sorry we should have prepared you better. See, we’re used to protecting and looking after people. It's in our nature and we take it very seriously. Extra caution is good right now.” She dried her hands while I washed mine.
“I’m just not used to having a shadow, and now I have three. I see what you’re saying though. I wasn't thinking about that.”
“It’s OK it’s our job to think about it. For a while there will always be someone in front of and behind you. Watching your front and your back. You don't know me, but we’re family. Your safety is our main concern right now.” She squeezed my arm comfortingly and asked, “Are we good?”
She was smiling very sweetly and I thought it sounded really nice, them caring so much. “Yeah,” I said, “We’re good.” She nodded and continued out of the bathroom. Ri was not inconspicuous. He looked exactly like a bodyguard standing there with his arms crossed watching the diner. I went after Serenity and he went after me.
When we got to the booth I could see Jason was standing vigilant too. He cracked his boyish grin as Serenity and I slid into the inner spots with the boys on the outside.
“Trinity, I’m glad you made it. It was touch and go for a minute.” He was referring to me slamming into Ri. His light hearted, teasing nature, was contagious. He was grinning at me and I said, “Yeah you should have seen the size of the truck that hit me.” I winked and he laughed big and loud. I continued, “It’s OK though, I totally kicked his ass.” Ri cocked his eyebrow and half grinned, while we all picked up our menus. I was quickly coming to think of it as his cocky grin.
“Score, all day breakfast,” Jason said. He continued, “I just hope they have -”
“PIE!” Ri and Serenity said this at the same time while laughing.
“What's the joke? Are you a pie addict?” I asked Jason.
“It is my life's mission to taste every pie on the planet. Did you know there are over 300-”
Serenity groaned, cutting him off.
“Don't listen to him, Trinity, he’s full of crap, and yes very addicted to pie.” Serenity said.
Then the waitress approached us. She was in her 30’s with short, bright, red, hair that was frozen in place by much hair spray.
She pulled out a pen and notebook, and barely glancing at us said, “What’ll it be.”
Ri responded, “I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to look yet, how about we do drinks?”
She looked at him and a big smile popped onto her cranky face. She popped her hand on her hip and leaned into him. “Why, sure sugar. What can I get you?”
She was obviously flirting. Ew, not that I could blame her, but she was way older than us. We rattled off our drinks and she kept eye contact with Ri while writing them down and then winked at him as she headed off.
Ri was very large and his arm kept brushing mine in the small seat. I had been trying to back out of his way covertly, but then he did it again and I pushed back to give him room and cracked my elbow on the wall loudly. “Ouch, dang it!” I doubled over clutching my elbow and everybody laughed.
“The biggest danger to you, is yourself,” Jason said laughing.
Ri turned to me and threw his long arm along the back of the chair.
His cocky grin was back.
“It’s OK I don't bite,” he said “Unlike someone else I know.”
I remembered the pepperoni event he was referring to.
“Hey, if you steal a girls pepperoni, there is going to be consequences,” I said with mock seriousness.
“Feisty, wonder what else makes her bite.” Jason said laughing.
I blushed.
Serenity elbowed him in the stomach.
“Hush you perv!” She turned to me. “I'm sorry, we can't take him anywhere.”
I laughed. I wasn't offended. Jason was odd, but not unkind, and he was fun.
In fact I realized I was having fun. The more time I spent with them they seemed less like strangers and more like friends.
Our waitress returned and even though I hadn't looked at the menu that was OK. I ordered pancakes with two slices of bacon and scrambled eggs.
When the waitress left Jason put out his hand for a fist bump, which I gave him.
“That's right, nothing better than breakfast, morning, noon, and night. Am I right?”
I giggled, “Yup, I can eat pancakes anytime.”
Serenity smiled and linked hands with Jason and he kissed her on the head and they began to talk amongst themselves.
I turned to see Ri grinning at me.
I smiled too, seeing him smile made me want to smile. I didn't fault our waitress, he was so swoonworthy.
“What?” I teased, “Something on my face?”
He chuckled. “No, you just look so, I don't know, scared, huddling over there with the wall.”
I blushed and scooted away from the wall a couple inches.
“I just wanted to give you some space. You’re just so, um,” I broke off. I didn't want to say large. In my head it sounded like I was calling him fat which he was not.
He laughed. “It’s OK. Yes, I'm used to being the biggest guy in the room. It makes me good at my job.” He got serious. “Actually, you do have a red mark on your head from our collision.” He reached out and brushed my hairline and then tucked my hair behind my ear. My heart stopped and then started double time. I shivered when his fingers slid over my ear, and I had butterflies and goosebumps. I looked down at my lap and felt the spot on my head.
“It’s OK. It doesn't hurt. No permanent damage done.” I said meekly. He leaned in closer and spoke quietly,
“Trinity, you’re not scared of me are you, beca-”
“No, of, course not. It’s not that..” I trailed off. I didn't know what to say. He thought I was awkward because I was scared but I couldn't tell him the truth, that he made me feel things I had never felt. That it was desire and not fear. I rubbed my arms to make the goosebumps go away. We were very close now and the butterflies were going crazy.
“Then what's the matter?” I looked up at him then. His eyes were so intense my heart flipped again. He was so beautiful. He glanced at my arm, I was rubbing. “Are you cold?” He started to reach out to touch my arm but stopped himself. “Sorry, I just- are you sure you’re not scared of me?” He leaned away a little to give me space.
I will not be a coward.
I will not be a coward.
“I swear, I'm not scared, just, you make me nervous, but not like that. You don't have to be sorry, I mean, you can touch me.”
Way to go, I chastised myself. If it wasn't bad enough I had stammered through that like a moron, I was also blushing furiously, and staring at my lap. Apparently my obvious flirting had rendered him speechless. I gathered courage and peeked up at him.
I gasped, “Your eyes,” Instinctively I leaned in and wrapped my hand around his neck to pull his face down. His eyes were glowing and I didn't want anyone to see.
Our faces were right together and I whispered, “Should they be like that in public? What if someone sees?”
He gave me a small smile. “Actually, that's just another mystery about you. Humans can't see it. Only supes. I don't know why you can.”
“Oh.” The calming sensation from my fingers on his neck was rushing through me. Mixed with the butterflies it was unlike anything I c
ould ever imagine feeling. I felt dazed, drugged, and really hot. All I could see were his lips and burning eyes. The he licked his lips and I let out a small whimper. This snapped me out of it and I yanked my hand away and leaned back, taking in gulps of air. I think I had forgot to breathe. “Ri, I'm so sorry, I don't know-” He leaned in close to me again and pressed all the way against me to whisper in my ear and repeated my earlier words. “It’s OK. You don’t have to be sorry. You can touch me.”
I couldn't speak. I just sat there breathing in his spicy scent. His body was putting off heat like a furnace but I had more goosebumps than ever before. His low voice speaking in my ear was pure pleasure. I curled my hands tight around the seat bottom because I felt like I might fall off, or pass out, from the overwhelming feelings coursing through me. I heard him make a soft growl type noise and I’m pretty sure he sniffed my hair.
Just then the waitress literally plopped our food down in front of us. It startled me so bad I yelped and Jason and Serenity laughed at me.
“OK you love birds. Let's eat!” Serenity said this while she gave me a wink.
They began to eat while I tried to remember where I was and slow my breathing down. I noticed they were all hunched over their food shoveling it in rapidly. It was incredible. They were the most beautiful flawless people I had ever met and they had turned into savages. Serenity had her face crammed into a huge chicken sandwich and mayonnaise, was sliding down her chin. I turned and Ri had the biggest double cheeseburger I had ever seen and it was half gone. I gaped. He winked and resumed eating.