In Good Hands (Protect and Serve Book 2)

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In Good Hands (Protect and Serve Book 2) Page 3

by Nadine Hudson

  As I turned my attention back to the white piano and its player, my eyes caught grey eyes piercing into mine. I squeezed Brant’s hand without realizing it as Finn and I stared at each other. His brows were pulled together slightly, his lips forming a thin line. He looked perplexed but was trying to hide it.

  My eyes drifted to the woman sitting across from him, long blond curls hanging down to her waist. She talked on her phone, and I tried not to frown as she reached out to Finn and placed her hand over his. He turned to her immediately.

  His features softened while mine grew more irritated.

  What the hell is he doing here?

  I took a deep breath, and then another and another. Who is Finn with, I asked myself?

  Well, there goes my night!

  “Hey.” Brant tapped his thumb against my hand. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded despite the countless questions rolling in my mind. Who’s that woman? Is that why he rejected me, he’s seeing someone? I closed my eyes for a moment as I inhaled slowly.

  Whoever she is, it’s none of my business. Whether a friend, relative, or his partner, it was none of my business. I was on a date with a great guy, and it didn’t matter that Finn and I were at the same restaurant.

  Of all the nights, we had to end up in the same place tonight!

  My eyes wandered to him and found him staring at me again. This time, however, his date was looking at me as well. The pang of jealousy I had felt previously worsened. She was stunning.

  Suddenly, I heard loud coughing and the sound of breaking glass. The music from the piano came to a stop, and a woman’s scream rang out. I was on my feet in seconds, all thoughts of Finn and his date wiped away as the cop in me jumped forward.

  Help! Someone help! He’s choking, my husband’s choking!

  Loud gasps erupted in the restaurant and I moved forward, making my way through the tables until I got to the man and woman on the ground. Her watery brown eyes met mine.

  “Help him, please!”

  I moved quickly and helped her get her husband upright. “I’m a police officer. Keep coughing, sir.”

  I moved behind the man and delivered five blows on his back before wrapping my arms around his abdomen. I inhaled deeply and gathered my strength, ignoring the fact that my dress was riding up my thighs as I gave him abdominal thrusts. He bucked forward and threw up something.

  His body grew weightless in my hand, and his wife and a waiter standing beside us grabbed him. Once the waiter helped him into a chair and gave him some water, he turned to me.

  “Thank you,” he breathed out heavily, his eyes closing momentarily, and I nodded as I patted his shoulder.

  “You’re welcome,” I told him, and his wife pulled me into a hug as applause erupted around us.

  We pulled apart, and I nodded to a few people who were still clapping and pulled my dress down. In the midst of it all, I had forgotten about everyone else.

  “Always rushing in,” a voice said behind me, and my body grew stiff.

  I turned around slowly and looked up into Finn’s eyes. He was staring down at me with a smirk. He looked good, and I found myself unable to speak as his signature scent drifted to my nostrils.

  He looked at something behind me, his eyes darkening for a moment before he looked at me again and then turned away. I watched him as he returned to his date, who was waiting for him by their table. I watched as they left the restaurant together.

  “That was amazing, Veronica!” Brant pulled me into a hug. Suddenly, he kissed me proudly, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off Finn as he walked out of the restaurant.



  Seeing Finn while out on a date two weeks ago had set something in motion. Our conversations at work remained somewhat strained, but a new kind of tension arose between us.

  At nights I dreamed about him, and during the day, I yearned to see him. I desired to kiss him even more than before. A sexual need so intense had birthed within me that I imagined myself in his arms each time I saw him at the precinct. It didn’t feel normal to be this attracted to someone, but knowing a relationship couldn’t happen made me want him even more.

  Seeing him with that woman had shown me just how much I wanted him. I wasn’t sure if he felt the same, but I knew he felt the tension between us. It was in his eyes, always.

  Right now, however, I was upset. It’s my first day since my two weeks of desk duty ended, and he’s late. I looked down at my watch as I tapped my feet impatiently. Of all the days Finn could be late, he picked this one. I was eager to get back out there with him, but with a more level head. I had no intention of going off on my own without any warning as I’ve done before.

  Another five minutes passed before Finn appeared.

  “What gives? You’re never this late.”

  He pocketed his phone and didn’t look at me as he walked around to the driver’s seat. “Good morning.”

  That was all he said before getting in, and I stood there for a while. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them again. I thought I had grown used to Finn’s random prickliness, but I was wrong.

  I got in the car, and neither of us spoke as he drove off. I soon forgot about him being late and rude as I rolled my window down. I smiled as the world flew by, then noticed the freshly cleaned smell in the car. Finn had indeed cleaned it, and I smiled a little. Had he cleaned it just because I was coming back?

  Don’t overthink it. He cleaned the car because it was probably dirty.

  Our radio crackled to life, reporting a robbery, but others quickly accepted it. I sighed with disappointment. Not to say it wouldn’t be great if there were no crime.

  “Did you really have to leave me waiting an hour and a half this morning?”

  “There was something I needed to take care of,” he answered simply before glancing my way.

  My anger died the moment his eyes landed on me. I looked away without responding. I was hyper-aware of him sitting next to me, my skin dotted with goosebumps, but I pressed my lips together. I can’t be feeling these things for Finn while I’m dating Brant. It wasn’t right.

  Brant and I have been great together. We had yet to take the next step and satisfy our sexual cravings, but I didn’t want to rush it. Maybe—just maybe—once that’s taken care of, my body would stop growing hot around Finn.

  “Will you be going to the award ceremony this weekend?”

  I groaned as I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I forgot about that, honestly, but yes, I’ll be there. Is it a private thing, or we can invite someone?”

  “Yes, you can invite your boyfriend.”

  I neither looked his way nor said anything, but the edge to his voice was clear. He either couldn’t hide his irritation, or he wasn’t trying to. Either way, I was laughing hysterically on the inside. No matter how much he tried to pretend, he cared about me.

  “Okay,” I mumbled.

  I wasn’t going to correct him that Brant wasn’t my boyfriend. If it was eating him up inside, I would let it. I didn’t care that I was petty.

  “So I guess you’ll be taking your girlfriend?”

  “She’s my ex.” He put on the turn signal, the sound of its clicking rattling through the car.

  “You two looked comfy. Is that how you are with all your exes?”

  “So you were watching me?”

  I snorted. “No more than you were watching me.”

  He looked my way, and I examined his eyes. A smile broke out on his face, and I shook my head as I laughed. It was the first time in weeks since we had shared a genuine laugh.

  “So?” I drawled.

  “Lindy and I dated for a year, but things fell apart when she moved away for work. We’re just friends now and meet up whenever she’s in town. Don’t you have an ex that you still speak with?”

  I twitched my mouth. I’ve only had three boyfriends, and all three relationships ended badly.

  “No.” I quickly thought of a way to change the subject.
“Is everything okay? You seemed upset earlier.”

  His hold on the steering wheel tightened for a second before it relaxed. “I’m fine.”

  Just like that, the tension between us returned. I shook my head as I rolled my window back up. It was setting up to be a very long day.

  Chapter Four


  I gave my card to the cashier and watched as she swiped it. I hadn’t gone shopping in ages, and trying to find a dress for the commemoration ceremony at work was a reminder that I hated it. Making decisions about silly things like food, clothes, and movies was the hardest thing for me to do. I thanked the cashier, and Beth and I made our way towards our favorite café to grab a bite to eat.

  The ceremony was tonight, and I was on the verge of dying from nervousness. Brant would be going with me, and between him meeting my father and Finn, I wanted to stay home instead. I hadn’t introduced my father to anyone in ages. In fact, I had only ever done that once. I couldn’t help being nervous.

  Deep down, I was uneasy but excited to see Finn’s face when Brant and I walked in. Over the past week, things had begun to slowly return to normal between us, at least conversation wise. Hiding what I was feeling for him had become more manageable, thankfully. On the inside, however, I was losing it. I knew seeing him tonight would be a double-edged sword. He’d said Lindy wouldn’t be there, but that still left me to wonder if he was seeing someone or not.

  If he was, I’d meet her for the first time tonight.

  I glowered at that thought. I shouldn’t care. So what if Finn was taking a woman with him? Brant would be there to support me. Brant was on his way to being my man, and I needed to release these feelings I was harboring for Finn. I just didn’t know how.

  “Stop worrying. That wrinkle between your brows is going to become permanent.”

  I looked over at Beth as we stepped onto the escalator. “I can’t help it. Wait, I don’t think this dress is going to go well with my black heels.”

  Beth looked down at the bag in my hand and made a face. “You’re right. I didn’t even think about that. We need to get you some new heels.”

  I groaned loudly. “I really want to stay home.”

  “Well, you can’t. You’re going home after this, I’ll do your makeup, and you’re going to that ceremony with a gorgeous man on your arm. Finn can go to hell.”

  I laughed. “Okay, okay. Finn called Brant my boyfriend the other day, and it seemed hard for him. Like the word would choke him.”

  “It should have,” Beth retorted.

  “There’s this tension between us now… sexual tension, and I don’t know how much longer I can fight it. I’m around him every minute of every day. I got a taste, Beth, and all I’ve been able to think about is getting more. He’s moody sometimes, but under all his brooding, he’s sweet and attentive.”

  Beth placed her hand on mine. “Do you think he feels the same?” I nodded, and she sighed. “I’m not sure what to tell you. You’re the one that has to be around him so much.”

  I shrugged. There was nothing to be done other than continue to shove my feelings far, far down. Finn was just a cookie I couldn’t have, and like a child, my need for that cookie grew more and more with being told I can’t have it.

  “So, how have things been between you and Brant then? You and I have barely been able to chat.”

  “It’s okay. I know you’ve been busy with the new collection you’re working on.”

  Beth bobbed her head, smiling proudly. “Yup, a designer’s job is never done. But don’t change the subject.”

  “We’ve been great. At first, I thought he’d be a good distraction from Finn, but no luck there since I have to see Finn’s face every day.” I rolled my eyes exasperatedly. “But Brant’s sweet, you know, I enjoy being with him. He asked me out for lunch a few days ago and planned a whole picnic on his roof.”

  I frowned, remembering how the date had gone. “He kept getting phone call after phone call and had to leave for work, but I enjoyed it.”

  Even though Brant and I spoke often and I had his full attention when we were together, I couldn’t shake a feeling that he was hiding something. I didn’t want to rock the boat and mess up what we were trying to build, so I kept my feelings to myself.

  “Okay, well, that’s all I’ve wanted for you. You can get rid of those cobwebs between your legs now. More importantly, have fun tonight, okay? Sneak a picture of Finn’s face when he sees you with Brant.” We both cackle with laughter. Beth’s life would not be complete without sexual references.

  A movement behind her caught my attention. My eyes narrowed when I saw Brant standing outside the café that Beth and I were walking toward. His head was down as he typed away at his phone, a Victoria Secret shopping bag in his other hand.

  I eyed the bag in his hand and smirked. Maybe he was shopping for a gift for me? However, he wasn’t dressed for work, instead wearing washed out jeans and a black polo shirt.

  “Brant?” I called out to him, and his eyes widened with panic.

  “Veronica? What are you doing here?” He moved the bag behind him as if trying to hide it, and I grinned.

  He was definitely shopping for a gift!

  “I’m out with my friend.” I hugged him, but he quickly released me, a worried crease between his brows. “I was just shopping for a dress for tonight. I thought you were going to be busy all day. What do you have there?”

  A woman came out of the café, her brown hair in a high ponytail. I was struck with a bolt of realization as she looped her hand through Brant’s. “Babe, they’re all out of those croissants you love.”

  No one spoke. I looked at Brant, his face red with discomfort.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me! Brant, you fucking ass!” Beth growled, and I quickly held her hand.

  “Um, what’s going on?” the woman asked as she reached for the bag in Brant’s hand.

  I smiled and shook my head. Deep down, I had known that Brant was seeing someone else. Sure he was a busy man, but not all of those phone calls were work-related. I had known that, and I had ignored my feelings.

  I inhaled deeply and exhaled. My chest began to tighten with the betrayal, but in the end, Brant and I weren’t an official item. Even so, I felt used.

  “Veronica,” he began to say, and I held my hand up, silencing him.

  “Don’t…don’t waste your time or mine with excuses,” I looked at the confused woman by his side, her brown doe eyes still moving from Beth to me. “Run while you can. You can do better than him.”

  I walked away without saying another word, and Beth pointed a nail at Brant’s face. My jaws clenched as I kept walking, my hold on my bag tightening. Dating just wasn’t for me. That was becoming clear.



  The award ceremony went by quickly, or maybe it was because I wasn’t paying attention. I clapped when everyone else did, and that was about as attentive as I was. I had walked away from Brant with my head held high, but once Beth and I got to my apartment, sadness had set in.

  Despite my feelings for Finn, I had liked Brant, but the truth was I had been using him in my own way. I was using him to keep my mind off the man that I truly wanted.

  Across the room, Finn was chatting animatedly with two other officers who had also been given awards. Of course, the moment he’d arrived alone, I had noticed and was selfishly thankful. I wouldn’t have been able to watch him with a woman on his arm.

  He was smiling from ear to ear as he mingled with everyone, and I was stunned at just how outgoing he was. I guess gatherings like this were the only time he became a social butterfly.

  “Hey,” Beth said as she placed her hand over mine, and I turned to her. “You okay?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  I wasn’t. I was far from being okay. I felt out of place, and a perpetual sadness was eating away at my insides while laughter filled the room around me.

  “Did you book the room for tonight?” I
asked, trying to make conversation.

  Beth moved her straight hair over her shoulder before pulling a room key from her purse and handing it to me. “Yeah, I’ve always wanted to stay at this hotel, so we might as well stay tonight.”

  Although she was smiling, she was still looking at me with worry, so I squeezed her hand and smiled for her benefit. It wasn’t the brightest smile, but it would have to do. I was just thankful Beth had offered to come with me. My night would have been worse without her.

  “I’m happy Brant showed his true colors when he did, before things got serious between us. I just feel like I wasted all that time on him, you know.”

  “I understand, screw him. There are plenty of men who would kill to be with you. It’s his loss. Now, are you ready to head to the bar? Tonight’s a girl’s night, and we’re starting early.”

  I saw my father approaching us. “Sure, I’ll meet you at the bar.”

  Beth nodded and walked away, and I met my dad halfway. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek. “You look amazing, Veronica.”

  I fanned myself with my hand, embarrassed. “Dad, stop.” He laughed, and I adjusted his tie. “You look good, old man. Your speech was perfect.”

  “Thanks.” He blushed proudly before his eyes grew serious. “So, where’s your date? I thought you said you were bringing someone.”

  My face fell, and as my lips parted to answer him, Finn joined us.

  “We’re not on speaking terms,” I mumbled, and Finn looked from my father to me with curiosity. “Congrats on your award, Finn. It was well deserved.” I told him before he could ask what we were talking about.

  He looked down at the small glass trophy in his hand. “Thanks.”

  I gently tapped my glass against his as if we were making a toast, finished my drink in one swig, and placed the glass on a table beside us.

  “I’ll see you later, Dad.”

  “Wait, there’s someone I want you to—”

  “I’ll be right back,” I turned away quickly, unable to stand being so close to Finn.


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