Everything Gained

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Everything Gained Page 5

by Carolyn Faulkner

  The only thing Nina could hope for was that he'd be lenient on her, and maybe give her a few less than the full fifteen.

  But she wasn't that lucky.

  He laid every one of those fifteen strokes down onto her bottom, only easing up on them slightly, in consideration of the sorry state her bottom was already in.

  But that didn't seem to matter very much to her. Even though they were well out into the country, and the police weren't at all likely to show up at their door, Gain still gave her a pillow to scream into.

  Nina could feel him tap against her bottom just before each stroke, as if he was marking out where he was going to strike before he whistled it down and it exploded against her bottom. She would have sworn that she could feel the welt rise even before he lifted the heinous rod, and as he added strokes, the atrocious throbbing in her bottom became a hundred times worse for those pinpointed stripes of agony he laid on.

  At ten, she was again thinking of reaching back, despite the fact that that was exactly why she was bent over right now, feeling the fiery lick of the cane every minute or so while she unsuccessfully tried to dance away from it. Gain must've read what was left of her mind at that point, because he was merciful and reached down to gather her wrists at the small of her back. He didn't neglect to give her any of what was coming to her, but he did help to keep her from earning any more.

  The last five were the worst of them all. Gain was a firm believer in making a lasting impression. They were all diagonal across the wheals that were already there, the very last one almost vertical down her the entirety of her backside.

  The moment it was done, he dropped the cane from his hand, not caring if she or he stepped on it and broke it into pieces. He gave her another piece of paper towel, on which she blew her nose quiet noisily, then lifted her gently up to the head of the bed, where he joined her immediately, using his a soft tissue to dry her tears.

  When Nina cried, it wasn't a particularly pretty sight. But then, he didn't want to evoke crocodile tears; his punishments were the real thing and they caused her very real pain. He looked down into very swollen red eyes that, except for the moisture, echoed the condition of her bottom. Her nose was red and runny, and her face was puffy and red in general.

  And he loved her even more right then than he had on their wedding day.

  He hugged her tightly, rubbing her back reassuringly, but she didn't seem to be calming down much.

  "Sweetie, sweetie! You've got to relax. It's all over and done with. I love you, honey. Everything's okay."

  She cried even louder, and clung to him, which was very unlike Nina, who was not naturally a clingy woman.

  He thought that perhaps she just needed to cry it out a little, and gave her some time before interrupting her wailing sobs again. "What is it, honey? You can tell me. I love you!"

  Eventually, her cries did die down, and she accepted another tissue from him, sitting up on his chest a little and looking down at him hesitantly, with her lower lip between her teeth. "I really didn't see him doing anything wrong before he came onto me today, Gain. I didn't try to lead him on or put up with anything I shouldn't have just to keep my job."

  So that's what it was. Gain pulled her to him, holding her tight against him and rocking just a little. "Oh, Nina, I'm sorry I said that. I was just crazy jealous at the thought that that man had had his hands on you."

  "I'm s-so s-sorry that you had to see that. I-I promise you I di-didn't see it coming - "

  Gain framed her face with his big hands, pressing his lips to the end of her nose, then, fleetingly, to her lips. "Honey, let it go. It's done. It's done."

  He held her, locked tight in his arms, until she'd calmed down, and the tears ended.

  Then he made love to her, pouring his heart into every movement, letting down every wall he showed to the public, every false face he was forced to wear while dealing with customers and even friends. With Nina, he was truly himself, and he loved her endlessly, and was determined to convey that to her, although he knew she was still suffering with the aftereffects off the spanking he'd just given her.

  In consideration of that fact, and her ravaged bottom, he rolled her onto her tummy and began to massage her, starting with her shoulders that were always so tense he didn't know how she stood it. He had gotten pretty good at this over the years, and was always very careful to temper his strength as he did it, digging his fingers gently but firmly into those taut muscles.

  He'd never gotten over the smooth ivory line of her back, though. Her skin was as soft as a baby's bottom, and fairly white since she burned instead of tanning, and he had never and would never let her use a tanning booth. When she sat on the end of their bed as she began dressing for the day, it was like watching a classical nude painting come to life. She was perfection in his eyes, and his were the only ones that mattered.

  He spent a little more time outside than she did, so there was a distinct contrast between his brown hands as they rubbed against her skin that only played up the physical differences between them. She was so small beneath his touch that he often felt like somewhat of an ogre in comparison, especially when he had to punish her. It didn't seem right, somehow, that someone who was as big as he was could inflict such pain on someone who was so much smaller than he was.

  But it worked for them.

  That was one reason he was able to continue to do for her what he did. If he ended up just mindlessly having to wale on her night and day - if the discipline didn't work for one reason or another and she was constantly having to be spanked for the same thing over and over - then they would have found a different way of handling things.

  But even this early in their relationship, it was simply the natural order of things between them, as was this. He would never get his fill of her. He couldn't imagine a time - even when he was ninety five and feeble - that he wouldn't come to life with wanting her whenever she walked into a room.

  Gain loved it that her groans were now of pure pleasure as he moved slowly down her back - completely avoiding the area that he knew was still throbbing - then down her calves to her feet, which had her practically singing in pleasure, and he hadn't made one sexual move towards her. Yet.

  When he had thoroughly rubbed and massaged and lotioned her feet, he moved to the backs of her arms, then gently helped her roll onto her back - hating the fact that she winced as her still sizzling bottom was abraded even by the soft cloth of their comforter.

  He helped her get settled into a comfortable position, then straddled her hips gently, the rampant evidence of his own arousal lying boldly against her stomach as he ignored it and leaned forward to dig his fingers carefully into her shoulders, then down the front of her arms to her hands, treating each finger individually, bending them back then forward together then separately, giving her thumb the same treatment. She had broken several fingers repeatedly while playing football with him when they were young, and he knew that her hands sometimes ached from it.

  Nina was on cloud nine, at least as blissed out as she had been agonized only a few minutes before. Dear God, this man was a menace and a wonder. He knew her too well, in so many respects. Nina's eyes filled with tears of pure pleasure and even purer love.

  As he moved away a bit, so that he had access to her thighs, Nina lifted her hand to cup his chin, forcing him to look up at her. Tears choking her voice, she whispered huskily, "Thank you, Gain."

  And he knew that she wasn't trying to convey her appreciation of the massage.

  Chapter Six

  If there was one thing that never failed to humble him, never failed to make him feel as if she'd reached out and steel toed kicked him in both the gut and the heart at the same time, it was the fact that after every punishment, no matter the worst or the least, she thanked him. Really, truly, deep down, gut level thanked him. Not facetiously or disingenuously, but with those swollen eyes grabbing his and shaking him with the depth of her love and trust in him.

  He didn't know what he'd do without t
his woman in his life, and he never intended to find out.

  He didn't say "you're welcome" back - it would have been entirely gratuitous. Instead he'd smiled softly, saying in a tone that mirrored hers for hoarseness, "Always," then continued to pleasure her in the best ways he knew how.

  Gain loved to take his time with her - and he knew that she appreciated that he did. So he approached her low and slow, not hurrying at any time, even when he knew she would have liked him to. Once he'd finished her massage, he started again at the top of her head, just touching her - not quite as gently as she could, with her woman's touch, but as gently as he could he laid hands to every inch of her - from her armpits to the curves of her ankles, and every where in between, especially certain spots that were fairly begging for his attention.

  As small as she was, and compared to him she was positively tiny, Nina had been amply blessed with pink tipped, full, firm breasts, which only served to accentuate her small waist. Oh, she would always argue with him that her breasts were too big - an argument she knew she was always going to lose - or that she was too fat, which was ridiculous. She was just about the right weight for someone of her size - and even if she wasn't, he liked a little meat on her bones. As it was he sometimes worried that a stiff wind would blow her away, even though he knew she was eating well.

  He liked to heft her breasts in his palm. They' weren't quite big enough to overflow his hand - they would have had to have been grossly outsized for her body to accomplish that - but they were just the right handful, as far as he was concerned. He rubbed the callused sides of his thumbs against nipples that were already rock hard, letting his fingers pinch slightly, then more firmly, twisting just a bit, just enough to make her arch a bit, then moan in a combination of pleasure and pain as her movements caused her raw bottom to slide against the fabric beneath it.

  "Mmmmmmmm," Gain sighed, drinking in her reactions like the addict he was, leaning down to capture each tip in turn, suckling and flicking with his mouth and tongue, then grazing each firmly with just the barest edges of his teeth, hearing her squeal again at the sharp sensations he was inflicting on her.

  Her eyes had drifted closed. Sometimes he liked to command her to keep them open, watching her avidly as her innermost feelings flitted through the backs of them while he mastered her with his hands and mouth.

  He laid his cheek on her flat tummy, one hand still clutching a rounded breast, the other possessively grasping the womanly curve of her hip, forcing her legs to open to accept him as he leaned the rest of his big body against her most private parts, carefully adjusting himself to make sure that she wasn't taking too much of his weight.

  In this position, he couldn't get but a slight whiff of her delicate female fragrance. He loved her scent; it could drive him crazier than almost anything. He adored the moment when she was beneath him, and he was slipping between her legs to join them together. He liked to dip his finger down between those soft folds and wet it in her juices, then bring it up to his nose, letting her perfume settle deep into his bones and purposely setting himself aflame with it.

  But this time was entirely for her, and he was glad he wasn't being tortured too badly that way, or he might just lose all control, as he had sometimes in the past, bending her over the nearest piece of furniture - not with punishment in mind, but rather with loving. He reckoned they'd christened most of the house both ways, at one time or another, especially the dining room table, which worked well for either - or both - purpose.

  Gain moved down very slowly, dragging his open mouth down past her belly button, to the top of where her pubic hair might have been, if she hadn't decided to keep herself largely shaved. There was usually a fine, downy coat of hair, but nothing long or tangled in the least. He brought his mouth even with that wonderful, warm grotto, licking it teasingly and making her shudder in his arms.

  He adjusted himself in a calculated manner, making sure that her legs were well up and back, and that his arms were leaning against them somewhat, holding them there, so that she had no hope of denying him access to any part of this luscious area, from stem to stern.

  "Ga-aiiiiiin!" Her voice became higher pitched as she stretched his name out, like a prayer or a curse, he wasn't sure which, and he knew she probably couldn't have chosen at that moment either, as his lips settled over the area her parted lips revealed, flicking slowly and insistently over that hard bud of flesh.

  He heard her palms slap the bed hard, then watched them grip the comforter as if it was a lifeline while he rocked his tongue back and forth over that pulsing bundle of nerves, riding her as she bucked and writhed and almost dislodged him in the throes of the passion he was building within her.

  Gain reached up with both arms, taking a firm hold of those twin peaks and pinching them tightly - a lot less gently than he had before, knowing that she could take it at this point, and that it would even add to her desire to be handled like that, with just a touch of hurt, there, where it was unexpected, and somehow, only right.

  "Ooooooh, Gain, please, pleeeeeaaassee!"

  He loved it when she begged. He didn't know what it was about it, but it made him want to drill himself into her hard and fast, made him want to make her scream and ride him back...

  But this was for her, not for him. He'd have his own time after he'd wrung a few thousand orgasms out of her. Or at the very least two or three.

  He made sure to keep her legs well spread as his right hand wandered down her side, then angled inwards, to the slick, hot area his mouth had been thoroughly enjoying, to present a thick finger at her entrance. Despite the fact that he was almost too big for her to handle, Nina had managed to keep herself extremely tight, and she always caught her breath whenever anything - even something as relatively small as his index finger - was slipped up inside her, and this time was no exception.

  She arched sharply again, riding that invading digit, and almost dislodging his fingers off her well worried nipple, but not quite. "Where do you think you're going, Nina Decker? You know I'm not going to let you go until you've exploded against my mouth at least once or twice, don't you?" He kept his voice at a very low, hypnotic pitch, knowing it wasn't so much what he was saying but more that admonishing tone that seeped into her brain and made her crazy with desire. "You'll never get away from me, Nina. Never ever. You'll never get away from this, either." He accented his little lecture by driving two fingers into her, right where she was sopping wet and waiting for him.

  Then he leaned over and took her into his mouth again, sealing his lips over her and plastering his hot, wet tongue against her barest essence, pressing firmly and just barely rubbing back and forth over her, determined to drive her over the edge.

  Nina's entire body was on fire, but most specifically where his mouth met her clit. He knew her almost too well for her own good; knew exactly what to say to her to make her absolutely crazy. She was moaning constantly, shifting her hips restlessly but not too much so, lest she dislodge him from his delightful task.

  Gain lifted his head to give her one soft order. "Put your hands beneath you, Nina."

  Although she made a pouting face, she did as she was told, knowing that this would be the frosting on the cake that would send her into a ripping climax.

  And she was right.

  In between long bouts of worrying that tiny square inch of woman flesh with the broad flat of his tongue, he would lift his head to whisper fervent words of firm encouragement. "That's it, sweetie. That's it. Let yourself go. You're completely safe with me, and I want you to just let go and come for me, honey. Come for me."

  The windows were closed, thankfully, because when she finally let loose she did exactly as he demanded and completely let go of all of the usual constraints she put herself under and just screamed at the top of her lungs, as hard as she could, convulsing violently under his lips and tongue while he rode out her storm, stuck to her like glue, moving with her, not letting her escape even the slightest second of the paradise that exploded around and insi
de her.

  When she finally sank back against the bed, her hips still twitching occasionally, he finally released his holds on her, slipping up alongside her to claim her lips with the same wild reverence he'd had for the rest of her. He could feel her relaxing back down from the incredible tenseness that overtook her body when she orgasmed, and he waited just the right amount of time before he let his fingers begin to drift back down to that highly sensitized area again, throwing a leg over hers to make sure that she couldn't deny him by closing her legs.

  Nina was multi orgasmic, but she required a very tender, knowledgeable touch in order not to simply be too raw after her first climax to come again. But he'd learned how to touch her in exactly the right way, not too hard, not too soft, and literally seconds later she was in the throes of her second pleasure, screaming loudly again with the sheer violent ecstasy of it.

  When she was still spasming from her third culmination in nearly the same amount of minutes, he adjusted himself a bit to the side, arching his own hips and driving himself into her abruptly, loving the way her head whipped back and forth, and those small hands came up to flutter against the muscular plates of his chest, almost in protest, but not quite - just as if it was too much pleasure for her to handle.

  Beneath him, Nina was trying to come to grips with the feeling of being filled by him so completely. It had never been a sensation she took for granted or that became at all rote. He always forced her body to comply with his demands, forcing it to stretch to accommodate his invasion, and it was always almost too much for her.

  And then he started to move, and she lost her mind yet again at his behest...

  "Gain? Earth to Gain? Come in, Gain?" Nina was in need of some physical comforting from her husband, who seemed to be just about as far away as he could be.

  "Huh"? What?" he asked, finally turning his head to stare at her blankly.


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