Jessica Coulter Smith

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by Her Wolf Savior


  Logan cursed as he stared into Mercy Woods. He’d stopped by Brianna’s store to see her and had followed her scent here. He shouldn’t have left Brianna without an explanation this morning. The last thing the fool woman needed to do was take a moonlit walk through the woods – especially during a full moon! Was she insane?

  Having been born a werewolf, Logan had control over his beast. While he felt the pull of the moon, he was able to fight the urge to change, but there were others who couldn’t. Logan had no doubt that a rogue werewolf was in town. Judging by the reports of witnesses, the wolf in question was bitten and not born. A bitten werewolf was a whole new ball game. They tended to be meaner, more aggressive, and couldn’t be reasoned with; if Brianna ran into the monster tonight, she'd be dinner for sure.

  Catching her scent, he quickly followed in her footsteps. It didn’t take long for the scent of another wolf and Brianna's fear to reach him. His heart kicked started, and his breathing quickened. His mate was in danger, of that there was no doubt.

  Racing through the woods, Logan only hoped that he could reach Brianna in time.

  Chapter Five

  Trembling, Brianna stared down the werewolf. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of crying or begging for her life. Never had she been so scared in her life, but she wasn’t about to let the beast know that.

  The werewolf took a step closer, leaning over her menacingly. A drop of saliva fell from its lips and trailed down her cheek.

  Brianna fought the urge to wipe it off. She stood still, as still as she possibly could, and stared up into the creature’s eyes. Finding her voice, she asked, “What do you want?”

  The werewolf threw back his head and howled; the sound sent goose bumps along Brianna’s flesh and made her skin crawl.

  The wolf looked at her again, a sinister grin forming on his lupine face. He advanced even closer, only inches separated them now.

  Brianna could smell its musky scent, like wet dog. As the beast crowded her against the tree, she tried not to gag. Its fetid breath blew across her face, and she fought the urge to turn away. Regardless of what happened, she wouldn’t cower.

  She felt its cold, wet nose skim her forehead as the creature sniffed her hair. Why isn’t he killing me already? Just get it over with!


  Logan burst into the clearing and stopped in his tracks. The werewolf had backed Brianna against a tree and was looming over her. Oddly, it didn’t seem intent on attacking her, if anything the beast seemed to be checking her out.

  Shifting into his wolf form, Logan let loose a growl.

  The beast turned from Brianna to face the threat behind him.

  Logan circled the man-like werewolf, waiting for the right opportunity. When the beast turned to look at Brianna, Logan struck, lunging for the creature’s throat. His jaws latched onto the thick, furry column. Growling, Logan pulled; intent on ripping the flesh.

  The werewolf placed his hand-like paws against Logan and shoved, dislodging him. Lunging forward, he snapped his jaws, missing Logan’s hind leg by mere inches. Throwing back his head, he raised a bone-chilling howl. Drool dripped from his open jaws as the werewolf watched Logan. Growling, he lunged for Logan again, this time clamping down on a foreleg.

  Logan yelped and tried to pull away. The beast’s jaws were just too strong. Realizing his only option was to hurt the monster, he twisted his head up toward the werewolf’s throat and snapped his jaws. He missed. The werewolf picked Logan up by the foreleg still clasped in his jaws and shook him, flinging him towards a group of large rocks.

  Logan hit the rocks with a sickening thud and a soft yelp. Dazed, he looked in the general direction of Brianna. The werewolf had her backed against the tree again. Logan struggled to his feet and stumbled. Picking himself back up, he managed to make his way over to Brianna.

  Logan watched as the beast terrorized his mate. He looked around the small clearing. Where’s a weapon when you need one? Remembering the solid silver blade he kept in his pants, he dashed toward his clothes. Shifting back to human form, Logan quickly threw on his pants.

  Reaching into his pocket, Logan pulled out the four-inch silver blade. Quietly walking up behind the werewolf, he decided a surprise attack was his best option.

  With a powerful thrust, Logan lodged the blade between the werewolf’s ribs.

  The creature threw back its head and howled. His massive paws were no use against the silver blade. Every attempt he made to dislodge the knife only dug the blade in deeper. While the beast was distracted, Logan pulled Brianna to safety. With her securely behind him, he whispered, “Make your way out of the clearing – slowly. Try to find the group you were with.”

  “I’m not leaving you.”

  “Brianna, just do as I said… please. I can handle myself."

  Brianna slowly crept toward the bushes. When Logan wasn’t looking, she ducked behind a tree, obscuring her body from his vision.


  The werewolf grabbed for the knife. Every time his claws slid along the metal, the blade rammed further into his flesh. How did a worthless man get the better of me?

  Turning to face his adversary once more, he realized the woman was gone. Sniffing the air, he detected her scent not far away; gone, but not far. Good, she can watch me tear her mate to pieces. The werewolf growled at Logan and stalked toward him. Being in human form put the other wolf at a disadvantage. Growling, the werewolf swung one of its massive arms toward Logan, claws extended.

  Logan jumped back, the wolf’s razor-sharp talons barely missing him.

  “Why don’t you face me, man to man?” Logan taunted, hoping the beast would shift.

  The werewolf threw back his head and howled. Watching Logan, he stalked toward him again. Throwing his arms wide, he planned on capturing the infuriating man, then ripping him apart.

  When the creature loomed in close, with its arms spread wide, Logan reached in and jerked the knife free, causing the creature to howl in pain again. While the beast was distracted, Logan lunged forward, slicing the knife down the werewolf’s torso. Blood dripped from the blade, proving his aim had been true. Now to finish it.

  The werewolf had blood dripping from the wound in its side and down its muscular torso, the red rivulets leaving tracks in his fur. He stared down at himself in shock. How did that happen? His rage renewed, he lunged for Logan again.

  Logan was prepared for the beast. The beast lunged again, but Logan sidestepped him. Thrusting the blade into the beast’s neck, the sliver blade slid in like butter. The werewolf swiped at the knife, but his clawed hands prevented him from grabbing the blade. He sank to his knees, choking on his own blood. Unable to control his body any longer, he shifted to his human form before sinking sightlessly to the ground.

  Logan stood over the man, panting heavily. Behind him, he heard the bushes rustle. Going on alert, he tensed and turned toward the sound, ready to fight another attacker if necessary.

  Chapter Six

  Brianna slowly walked toward Logan. She eyed the man on the ground, recognizing the tour group leader, Wade, immediately. She had sensed something was off with him from the very first. One of these days she'ld have to learn to trust her instincts.

  Throwing her arms around his waist, Brianna buried her face against Logan’s chest. “I was so scared.”

  Logan stroked her back. “Why didn’t you leave like I told you to?”

  “I couldn’t leave you,” she said, looking up into his eyes.

  A smile tugged at his mouth, but he refused to smile when the saucy wench had disobeyed his direct order. She could've been killed! The thought sent a chill through his body. He stepped out of her embrace and refocused his attention on the matter at hand.

  “Do you recognize him?” Logan asked with a nod toward the dead man lying on the ground.

  She nodded. “He was one the men leading the tour through the woods.”

  Logan eyed the body. �
��He won’t be giving any tours anytime soon.”

  Walking over to the man, Logan reached down and pulled his blade free from the man’s neck. Blood dripped down the blade. Logan the man was disgusted with himself for having to kill someone, but Logan the wolf was gleeful over his victory.

  Brianna stepped up behind Logan and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Are you okay?”

  He chuckled. “You get attacked by a werewolf, and you’re asking me if I’m okay?”

  She nodded. “I saw him bite you.”

  Logan winced and looked down at his forearm. Teeth marks lined the top and underside, but the blood had already dried. “I heal quickly.”

  “That doesn’t make it hurt any less right now,” she reasoned. “Come on, come home with me.”

  Logan raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you want me there?”

  Brianna nodded. “I’m sure. I don’t know how I feel yet about being a werewolf’s mate, but I know that I’m drawn to you. Even now, with a dead man barely a foot away from me, I want to feel your arms around me; I want you to tell me everything will be fine.”

  Logan reached out and gently caressed her cheek. “Everything will be okay, Brianna.”

  She gave him a small smile. “Then prove it to me. Let’s go back to my place and get you cleaned up.” Looking down at herself, she amended her statement. “Make that, let’s get us cleaned up.”

  A fire lit within Logan’s eyes and he moved closer, pressing his body against hers. “Are you suggesting we need a shower?”

  Brianna looked up at him, her breath catching at what she saw reflected in his eyes. “Yes.”

  “Together?” Logan asked.

  Brianna relished her memories of Logan’s warm skin sliding against hers, and a blush warmed her cheeks. “If that’s what you want.”

  He grinned and bent his head to hers, gently kissing her lips. “Start walking to your car. I need to clean this up.” He nodded toward the body.

  Brianna sucked in a shaky breath. For a moment, she'd forgotten about the dead man. “What will you do with him?”

  Logan shrugged. “It’s probably better if you don’t know.”

  Brianna nodded and started walking back through the woods. She only hoped she was heading toward her car. Getting lost in the woods once per night was more than enough for her.


  After Brianna had left, Logan turned toward the dead body. Sighing, he knew he had his work cut out for him. He looked up at the moon. Shedding his clothes, he shifted into his wolf form and walked a few feet into the shrubs, where he started to dig.

  Once the hole was large enough to conceal the dead body, he shifted back to his human form. Lifting the other werewolf, he dropped the man into the hole and covered him with the loose dirt. Logan pulled some fallen branches over the burial site, hoping it would remain hidden for a while.

  With his clothes back on, he surveyed the area one last time, making sure their presence was erased. It was, so he started walking toward the parking lot.

  Chapter Seven

  An hour later, Brianna slipped her nightgown over her head. She should've felt clean after taking a shower, but she could still feel the monster werewolf breathing on her, feel his drool on her skin. She shivered.

  Logan saw the shiver that ran through her body. He wanted to tell her she'd forget in time, but he wasn’t entirely sure she would. For that matter, he wasn’t sure what kind of a future they had together. After being attacked by a werewolf, how could she ever want to spend her life with one? He had heard of werewolves who found their mates, but were unable to stay with them. Over the years, they slowly began to lose their minds. Would that happen to him?

  “I’ll be in the living room,” he told her, heading for the bedroom door.

  “You aren’t going to stay with me?” Brianna asked in a quiet voice.

  “All things considered, I didn’t think you would want a werewolf in your bed."

  Brianna lifted her hand, beckoning for him to come closer.

  When Logan stood directly in front of her, she leaned her head against his abdomen. “Don’t you know that I wouldn’t have made it out of there tonight if it weren’t for you? That you saved my life?”

  Logan shrugged. “You’re my mate. It’s not like I was going to let him have you.”

  Brianna sat back and lifted her eyes to his. “Is that the only reason you saved me? Because I’m your mate?”

  Logan sat on the bed beside her. “I’m not sure. I know that was the driving force behind my actions, but I’d like to think I'd have tried to save any woman in trouble.”

  “You’re a good man, Logan. You may be a werewolf, but that’s only part of who you are. I was interested in Logan the man long before I knew there was a Logan the wolf; and I even liked the wolf.”

  “So what are you saying?”

  Brianna took a breath and slowly let it out. She looked up into Logan’s eyes. “I guess I’m saying that it doesn’t bother me that you’re a werewolf. The man in the woods had an evil heart, so it only makes sense that he'ld be evil when he changed into his other form. But Logan, you have a good heart. Regardless of what shape you take, you can’t change that; it’s who you are.”

  “So you think you could handle being with a werewolf?” he asked, not daring to hope it could be true, that things would work out for them after all.

  Brianna leaned against his side and rested her head on his shoulder. “I think I could handle being with this werewolf.”

  Logan pulled her into his arms, holding her tight, a smile curving his lips. He lifted Brianna’s chin. Her blue eyes fixed on his and her lips slightly parted. With a groan, he lowered his head to hers, capturing her lips in a searing kiss, claiming her as his. The call to claim his mate was strong. Logan wasn’t sure if he could be near Brianna much longer without laying claim to her. While he made love to her the other night, it wasn’t the same. If they were intimate again, he'd have no choice but to mark her, to make sure any other werewolf would know Brianna belonged to him. Pulling back, he caressed her cheek. “You are an amazing woman.”

  Brianna blushed. “No, I’m not. I’m just average.”

  Logan chuckled. “It takes more than an average woman to face two attackers in such a short time and still be able to hold herself together.”

  She shook her head. “It isn’t me that’s holding me together; its being here with you that's doing it, that’s giving me the strength I need to keep putting one foot in front of the other.”


  She placed her finger over his lips, stopping him from completing his sentence. “Being with you makes me feel like I’m more than I am, like I can be anything or anyone I want. When I’m with you, I feel your strength as if it were my own. And when you aren’t with me, I still feel like you’re part of me.”

  He shook his head. “All of that is because you’re my mate.”

  “Maybe, but either way it means that I belong with you, that you make me a better person, a stronger more capable woman than I already was.”

  He grinned. “Honey, you own a bookstore, a fairly successful one as far as I can tell. You were a capable woman long before I came along. A werewolf wouldn’t have a weak, simpering mate. The women chosen for us are strong, courageous, and more than capable of standing on their own two feet.”

  Brianna ducked her head, pleasure swirling through her.

  Lifting her chin, his thumb caressed her jaw. “Even if you weren’t my mate I'd have been drawn to you. Brianna, do you not realize how beautiful you are? Not just on the outside, but on the inside? There’s an inner light that shines through your eyes and draws people to you. Each of your regular customers sees that light, it’s why they’re drawn to you and your store. People can’t be in the same room with you and not feel compelled to be near you, to get to know you better.”

  She shook her head, “Logan, I…”

  “Hush. I don’t want to hear a
nother word. Regardless of what you think, you’re an amazing, accomplished, beautiful, sexy woman. You should be proud of who you are … I know I am.”

  Brianna’s breath caught in her throat at the look in his eyes. If she didn’t know better, she'd have thought he loved her. But it was way too soon for something like that. They’d only just met.

  Sliding her hand into his hair, she pulled him closer and brushed her lips across his in a quick, soft kiss. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” he asked.

  “For seeing all of that when you look at me; for saving my life, twice. But most of all, for making me feel the way I do.”

  “It’s I who should be thanking you,” he replied.

  “Why should you be thanking me?”

  He smiled. “Because I'd started to think I'd never find my mate. And then suddenly, there you were.”

  “That was just luck.”

  He shook his head. “No, it was fate.”

  With a smile, Brianna lay down on the bed and held her arms out to Logan.

  He pulled her into his embrace and kissed her softly. Slowly, he lifted her nightgown over her head and dropped it on the floor. He’d told her she was beautiful, but words could not do her justice. He’d never seen her equal and he’d been with plenty of women. But never again. For the rest of his life, this one woman was all that he would need, all that he would want, and the only one he would ever desire.

  He caressed her breasts, watching as her nipples puckered. Her skin felt like silk, and he never wanted to stop touching her. Parting her thighs, he looked at her glistening pussy and licked his lips. He lapped at her sweet nectar, his tongue softly stroking her pussy. When she gasped and arched against him, he grinned and licked harder, sucking her clit into his mouth. His hands gripped her hips as he suckled and licked harder and faster until she came, screaming his name.


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