Unwrapped Hearts

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Unwrapped Hearts Page 24

by Linzi Basset

  He smiled wryly. “It’s a rather backhanded way to express one’s love for another but we’ve always danced with each other from opposite sides of the dance floor. It was time to cut to the chase. I suppose wheeling and dealing comes naturally to me as a businessman and I approached this … courtship, if you wish, in the same way. I always looked out for you over the years. I knew everything you did, where you went. I got to know every aspect of your life … of you, from a distance. I want you in my life, so fucking badly, and I took what I believed would be the quickest route to get you by my side. I realized as I drove off just now how wrong it was.”

  He kissed her fingers and stared at the engagement ring for long silent moments.

  “I love you, Kayla. For the wonderful, caring and beautiful woman that you are. I want you as my wife, my submissive wife … but not like this. I blackmailed you into accepting my proposal. I can’t do it. It’s not how I want our life together to start but I also don’t want to waste another two years in wooing you. I’ve waited long enough.” He heaved in a deep breath and placed his fingers on her lips to quiet the question that sprang to her lips. “Our wedding is planned for nine days from today. I’m leaving on a business trip to Florida and will only return on the morning of Christmas Eve. I hope and pray that you’ll be walking down the aisle toward me. I am asking you now. Would you do me the honor and become my wife?”

  His fingers still pressing against her lips prevented her from answering.

  “I don’t want an answer, Kayla. I’ll be waiting for you inside the chapel on Christmas Eve. If you don’t arrive, I’ll accept that as your response.”

  When Kayla blinked it was to watch him walk to the door. He left without looking back. It took a desperate gasp of breath to realize she’d stopped breathing and it yanked her out of the completely comatose state.

  “He loves me.” The words sounded like a prayer to her ears. One of disbelief but doused with such hope and elation, it overflowed her heart with the emotions she could no longer contain.

  “YESSS!” The raw cry cracked against the ceiling as she pumped a fist into the air. She hugged herself with a silly smile on her face as she realized how immature she had acted but she didn’t care.

  Her one and only dream had come true.

  The man she had secretly loved for years felt the same. His heart belonged to her as much as hers belonged to him.

  “I’m getting married,” she whispered. Her eyes widened as the realization struck. “Christmas Eve! I have only nine days to get everything organized. Ooohhhh god! I need a wedding dress!”

  She stared at the glimmering ring on her finger. Excitement unfurled inside her like a rose starting to bloom. For the first time since Steele had mentioned the words marriage weeks ago, she felt like a bride-to-be.

  It was the best feeling she’d ever had.

  “Dave, I need to take a couple of days off. I don’t have much time to … what are you smiling about?” Kayla grumbled as she noticed the wide grin on his lips.

  “I’m just happy, girlie. I had my reservations about Steele’s proposal but after last night, I believe the young man is sincere.”

  “Oh, you do, do you? And what exactly made you change your mind?”


  “Me?” Kayla frowned her displeasure at him.

  “Yes, you. I don’t know what history the two of you have but there’s a definite spark that doesn’t just happen with anyone, and besides, you and he seemed very comfortable touching each other.”

  Kayla felt the blush rising from her chest. Dave just grinned.

  “And then, of course, there’s also this.” He pushed a document across the desk. “It requires your signature.”

  “What is this?” She picked it up and quickly scanned over it. She lifted amazed eyes at him. Pleasure shone like a beacon from his. “A partnership agreement? Steele sold you the shares?”

  “He did and even though he offered them to me at a ridiculous price, I insisted to pay market value. I felt it would be an insult to you if I got it offered on the proverbial platter.”

  Kayla felt the tears burn behind her eyelids but she immediately picked up her pen and signed it.

  “Welcome, partner, and believe me, I couldn’t be happier to call you that. Thinking back, it’s something Jade and I should’ve done a long time ago already.”

  “Ditto, and as my first official order as your partner, I am telling you to go home and arrange your wedding.” He shook a finger at her. “And I don’t want to see you back here until after your honeymoon.”

  “Honeymoon? Do you think Steele is planning to take me on one? I didn’t expect …” Her words dwindled away and were replaced with a smile so brilliantly happy that it threatened to blind Dave.

  “I guess I was right about a past between the two of you?”

  “Yes, but more than that, he retracted the blackmail marriage proposal this morning and officially asked me to marry him.” Her lips pursed with annoyance. “Not that he offered me the opportunity to say anything.”

  “Kayla, only you will know in your heart how you feel and what the right thing is to do, but looking at you now, I believe I better go and buy a tux.”

  Kayla smiled through happy tears. “You better. You’re walking me down the aisle.”

  “Ah, sweetest girl, now look what you’ve done,” Dave grumbled under his breath as he wiped his hand over his eyes.

  Kayla was around the desk and hugged him fiercely. “I said it before and I truly mean it from the bottom of my heart. You’ve become like a father to me and I’ll always treasure you for that.”

  “I love you like my own daughter, never forget that,” he rumbled next to her ear. “Now, get your little butt out of here and find yourself the most gorgeous wedding dress.” He caught her hand as she pulled away. “My treat.”

  Kayla shook her head but at the warm look in his eyes, capitulated gracefully.

  “It would be the biggest honor, Dave, but only if you go with and help me choose.”

  He groaned aloud with a pretend pained look on his face. He smiled as she chortled with laughter. “I’d be happy too.”

  “Wonderful! I just need to send a couple of emails. Shall we meet at my truck in an hour?”

  “That’s perfect. It gives me time to get the troops off to their worksites.”

  Kayla waved him out the door as she switched on her laptop. It didn’t take long for her to become engrossed in finalizing the latest quotes that needed to be done before she left. She was humming a happy tune when a movement in the doorway caught her attention. Her lips pressed together as she sat back in the chair, feeling tension building inside her as she silently watched Jade approach.

  “I made a mistake, Kayla, and I can’t tell you how sorry I am,” Jade lilted in a soft voice as she sat down juxtapose her.

  “I thought you’d left.”

  “I did.” She clenched her hands together. “I completely fucked up, Kayla and I don’t know how to fix it.”

  Kayla’s eyes narrowed as she noticed the fear in Jade’s eyes.

  “I assume you’re not referring to stealing Decadence Galore’s money or the debt you owe Steele Blake.”

  She shook her head and looked from left to right, anywhere but at Kayla.

  “I’m on my way out, Jade, spit it out. You’re clearly not here to pay me back the money you stole, so what are you doing here?”

  “I … I thought I could … could … I had the winning hand! It was supposed to be mine!”

  “I don’t believe this. Steele was right,” Kayla said under her breath. “You gambled again and lost everything? Good lord, Jade, don’t you ever learn?”

  “I had to try. I was supposed to win. I would’ve been able to settle everything with you and Steele. Come back to work.” The words rushed from her lips.

  “And do what? You don’t own shares anymore.”

  “I’ll buy them back! Please, just give me another chance!”

  “Like I d
id eight years ago? Why should I? Just to offer you another opportunity to keep feeding your addiction and lie to me? No Jade, I’m sorry. Besides, Steele already sold your shares. We signed the documentation this morning.”

  “You’re lying! Please, Kayla!”

  “I have no reason to lie to you. Dave bought the shares. He is now a full partner.” Kayla got up. Suddenly, she felt tired—of all the wasted years she’d been Jade’s crutch, emotionally and physically. “Even if Steele hadn’t sold it, I would never have taken you back as a partner, Jade. I don’t trust you anymore. I never will again.”

  “You don’t mean that.” Jade stared at her in total disbelief.

  “You didn’t think twice about the lives of the people you could’ve destroyed when you offered the company as collateral, Jade. If Steele hadn’t intervened, do you know what would have happened? The man you gambled against is a criminal, a crime boss. He wouldn’t have cared about me or any of them. They would’ve lost everything. I would’ve lost everything.” Kayla stood at the door and pointed through it. “I want you to leave.”

  “You can’t do this to me!”

  “I’m not the one doing it to you. You did it all to yourself. As a matter of fact, I’m giving you another chance … to get away. In case you forgot, there’s a warrant out for your arrest. You’re on your own, Jade. I suggest you go to the police and pay for your mistakes. Maybe that’s the only thing that can save you from complete destruction.”

  “I can’t go to jail, Kayla,” she cried in despair.

  “If you want to be on the run for the rest of your life, it’s your choice but hear me well. I’m done and I don’t want to see you again. The next time you arrive on my doorstep, I’m calling the police.”

  Kayla switched off her laptop, grabbed her purse and headed to the door. “I suggest you leave before I change my mind and phone them now.”

  Jade stormed past her and ran down the stairs. By the time Kayla got to the ground floor, it was to see her jump into a cab. Try as she might, she couldn’t conjure up the slightest feeling of guilt for being unmovable to her quest. If it had only been her that had been affected by Jade’s selfishness, she might have caved in. No matter how hard she tried, Kayla couldn’t get over the fact that Jade still showed no remorse that she could’ve cost all their employees their livelihood. Jade’s actions just know had finally broken the thread Kayla had clung to that she’d come around.

  “Excited for the wedding dress hunt?” Dave asked as he joined her seconds later.

  Kayla pushed all thoughts of Jade from her mind and smiled at him. “Surprisingly, more than I thought I would be.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Oh, my,” Kayla gasped as she finally turned to the reflection in the mirror. She had loved the wedding gown at first sight but now that she was all dolled up, the vision staring back at her was the most beautiful bride she’d ever seen. “I can’t believe it’s me.”

  “Believe it. You look stunningly gorgeous, Kayla.” Kim Butler stepped back and critically examined her handiwork.

  Although Kim was much younger than Kayla, they immediately connected when Prudence Blake invited her to join them in finalizing the wedding arrangements. They became good friends in a short period of time. Kim insisted on being her personal beautician for the wedding, seeing as the company she managed, Beauty and Spa Delights, specialized in offering bridal pampering packages. Kayla was only too happy to oblige.

  Kayla twisted and turned to see every aspect of her body in the dreamy dress. The pearl-colored mermaid gown was crafted in all-over crepe, with gorgeous long sleeves that featured illusion paneling and floral embroidery from the bateau-shaped neckline over her shoulders to her elbows for a seductive peek of her glowing skin. From her shoulders it was cut in a deep V-neck, leaving her back naked to the waist. The material molded her shapely hips before it flared from mid-thigh into a royal train as she walked. Her hair was gathered in a loose knot on top of her head with a long chiffon veil draped down her back and over her shoulders. She looked ethereal, like a forest nymph out for a stroll on a moonlit night.

  She smiled at Kim. “I can’t thank you enough. You’re a miracle worker.”

  “Not a chance in hell, girlfriend. You’re a natural beauty. All I did was to enhance what’s already there.” She walked around Kayla, pulling at a strand of hair here, adding a touch of blush there and generally made her feel even more like a real bride.

  “There … perfection,” Kim said as she stepped back, finally satisfied that not a hair was out of place. “Well? Are you ready?”

  The first trickle of unease trailed through Kayla’s body. Even though Steele had told her he would only return on their wedding day and wait for her answer inside the quaint and intimate wedding chapel at The Crown Plaza Hotel, she’d expected him to at least phone her. He never did.

  Suddenly doubt assailed her. What if he wasn’t there and all of this had been nothing but a—

  No! You’re not going to jinx your happy ever after with negative thoughts.

  “Hey, daydreamer, it’s time to go,” Kim said with a teasing laugh. “I’m sure Steele is waiting on tenterhooks by now, seeing as you’re already five minutes late.”

  “What? No! I can’t be late. Let’s go!” Kayla rushed toward the door. It would be a disaster if Steele believed she hadn’t arrived on time because she didn’t want to marry him.

  “Slow down, Kayla! I’m sure Steele knows it’s tradition for a bride to be late.”

  “Not this woman and not this bride. I’m never late for any appointment, my own wedding included.”

  “I guess we better hurry then. Here.” Kim handed her the simple bridal bouquet comprised of two long stemmed calla lilies bound together by a single pearl-colored satin ribbon as she rushed through the door. She had gotten dressed in a luxurious cottage close to the chapel, specifically built for the purpose of brides getting ready for the ceremony.

  Kayla didn’t notice the beauty of the snow-covered garden in her urgency to get married.

  “There you are. I was just about to go and fetch you,” Dave teased as she pushed through the heavy wooden doors of the chapel into the warm entrance hall. “Wow.” His voice lowered. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks, Dave.” Kayla fiddled with the stem of the flowers in her hands as she glanced furtively at the closed doors leading into the chapel. “Is he here?”

  He chuckled. “Where else would the groom be on his wedding day, girlie?” He took her hand and hooked it around his elbow. “Let’s get you married.”

  “Wait! I’m supposed to go first,” Kim said as she arrived out of breath. She leaned on the walking cane she’d been using for the past couple of days, seeing as her leg was growing stronger by the day.

  “Oh no! I’m so sorry, Kim. I completely forgot about your leg. But it’s your own fault. You’ve been jumping around the entire morning like an energizer bunny … without the aid of that cane, I might add!”

  “Yes, and I’m feeling it now,” she said, managing to catch her breath at last.

  “I want you to sit down once Dave hands me to Steele. I don’t want you to hurt your leg.”

  Kim waved Kayla’s concern to the side and winked at her as the familiar chords of the wedding march filled the atmosphere.

  “Here we go,” she smiled and slowly began walking towards the doors that were pushed open from the inside.

  Dave squeezed Kayla’s hand. “Ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be,” she lilted as he led her through the doors down the aisle. The world around her fell away as her gaze was caught by the magnetism of Steele’s gray eyes that seemed brighter than the snow outside.

  Her hand sizzled as he took it in his. His voice rasped raw and deep from his throat. “God, Kayla, you are a vision of such beauty, I’m battling to breathe.”

  Steele had to dig deep not to ravish her there and then when she smiled, one of such sweet surrender, it took his breath away.

  “Yes, Steele.
My answer is yes, I’ll marry you.”

  “Ah, love, you just made me the happiest man here.”

  The rest of the ceremony passed in a blur. Kayla was only aware of the man by her side, losing herself in the heat that emanated from him, pressed so close to her side. She only came back to the present when Steele turned to her and gazed into her eyes, the minister’s voice echoing through the church, “You may kiss your bride.”

  She reveled in the depth of emotion in his voice as his words rang through her mind.

  “Finally, you are mine.”

  “I hope you don’t mind spending our wedding night on a plane,” Steele said by way of explanation as Thomas brought the limousine to a stop next to a sleek blue and white Cessna Citation private jet. “But I’d prefer to get to our destination as quickly as possible.”

  “Which is where exactly?” Kayla asked as they boarded the plane. She looked around in awe as she took in the luxurious interior.

  Steele smiled at her wide-eyed fascination as she began to explore. He trailed indulgently after her.

  “A bedroom! Your plane has a bedroom?”

  “And a full bathroom as well.” He shrugged at her look of disbelief. “I fly around a lot; therefore, I had the plane designed around my comfort.” He glanced at the bed. “I have to admit, it’s the first time I’m looking forward to sleeping on board … not that there’ll be a lot of sleeping, mind you.”

  Kayla crossed her arms over her chest and frowned at the comfortable looking king size bed. “Exactly how many other women have you indulged in on that bed, Mr. Blake?”

  Steele crowded her against the wall. His chuckle was deep and filled with wicked intent as he nuzzled her throat. “I never mix business with pleasure, Mrs. Blake. You’re the first and only woman to ever sleep, or not sleep, in that bed with me.”

  Her eyes twinkled playfully as she draped her arms around his neck. “Are you intimating that I’m about to become part of the mile-high club?”


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