Death's Daughter

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Death's Daughter Page 9

by L. A. McGinnis

  Celine shook her head vehemently. “Even more reason to try this. I’m not leaving you two.”

  “Oh yes you are.” With a shove, Hunter pushed her backwards through the slight distortion shimmering in the air and Celine felt the cool wash of the portal as she passed through. But she stayed on the rocky ledge in the cave.

  Celine put her hands on her hips. “I already told you, I’m not going back alone.” Hunter looked helplessly to Tyr for help.

  “Celine, honey…” Tyr limped over. “C’mon, you know you’ve got to get home. There’s nothing you can do for us, we’re toast. Head home, sweetheart. We’ll hold out as long as we can.”

  “Look, I think we can hold out until tomorrow. We’ve got the high ground,” Hunter lied. “Go back to the Tower and get reinforcements. We’ll be waiting.”

  “Stop stalling, Hunter. This isn’t the time to be stubborn. How long do we have, Tyr?”

  “Don’t know.” He’d positioned himself at the opening, legs spread, his big body a flesh and blood barrier between them and whatever was coming. “I can’t hear them, but they’re stealthy. In the darkness I can’t gauge the distance, so who the hell knows?” Tyr shook his head, the sudden movement forcing him to brace a hand against the wall.

  Celine grit her teeth at their stubbornness. “Just trust me, damn it. All I need the two of you to do is asleep. It’s not that hard, just hang onto me and fall asleep. And then we’ll all go back together.”

  “How the hell are you supposed to do that?”

  “Syd and Mir figured out how to use the portal in Odin’s Throne Room,” Celine explained. “Or, at least, they figured out how to fix Odin’s magic so they could use the portal. Or something like that, I’m not good with the magicky part of this plan. But I do know how to pull you out of this realm and into the real one. If only you just…”

  “Yeah, I heard you. Fall asleep.” Tyr murmured, his gaze fixed on the darkness outside. The vaguest sound of scuffling carried up to them on the wind.

  “Time for debate is over. Lay down…here.” Celine indicated a place in the dirt. “And Hunter, lay next to him…here.”

  Hunter laid down and gave Tyr a look that dared him to disobey. He gimped over and lowered himself painfully to the ground, awkwardly laid himself next to Hunter.

  “Good. Now…close your eyes. You both have to relax.” Hunter’s hand crept into Tyr’s, his larger one enfolding hers as Celine told them, “I need you both to relax. Really try to relax.” Her voice hitched slightly as the sound of falling stone echoed through the cave. “That’s good. Relax. You’re so tired. So tired and you have to sleep. Let yourself go to sleep.”

  To her surprise, Celine watched sleep take hold of them, quicker than she’d thought it would, which was good. Just as Tyr’s eyes shut, feet thudded on stone outside, and she knew time had run out. Wrapping her fingers firmly in theirs, and squeezing her eyes closed, she drew a couple deep, calming breaths.

  “Fen, you’d better be on it, my love, or we are in deep shit.”

  Celine forced herself into the Dreaming. When the first, cold tendrils of the place wrapped their fingers around her, she breathed out a sigh of relief. Against the sounds of scratching and snarling, Celine yanked the three of them through the portal and into the Dreaming, just as sharp, black claws reached for them.

  Once inside the misty realm, Celine got her bearings. While they hadn’t exactly worked out the deets on how to get back, she’d been secretly hoping for some direct conduit between both realms. Keeping her hands firmly intertwined with theirs, she started along a meandering path. Dodging the countless specters and half -formed monsters, she made slow progress, feeling more and more lost with every step she took. Who needed landmarks when you had love to follow?

  Love to follow.

  Of course. All she had to do was find her mate.

  Fen was a complete and utter mess. A jumble of worry and alpha male protectiveness mixed in with all that love blazing in his big, huge heart. And all she had to do was follow him home, like a giant, blinking homing beacon.

  And Syd and Mir were doing their part as well, because as she drew closer to Fen, the mists began to whirl and dissipate, swirl apart. Until they formed a ghostly doorway.

  Keeping her hands firmly entwined with Tyr and Hunter, she tugged them along, trying to figure out how this whole thing would work. One step took her right up to the ever-changing doorway. The next one took her straight through it.

  And when she next opened her eyes, she stared up into Fen’s big blue ones.


  Waking up, the first thing Tyr noticed was Hunter’s absence.

  Then the lack of brimstone attacking his senses.

  Mir’s face swam into his line of vision, outlined against the halo of fluorescent light. Tyr blinked up at him. “I can’t believe you came up with such a stupid plan.” Then a small smile crossed his face. “And I can’t believe it fucking worked. We were dead. Wouldn’t have made it another day.” The thought sobered him up fast. “Another hour, most likely.”

  Christ. It had been so close. For both of them. “Where’s Hunter? I have to see her.” He went to swing his legs over the edge of the bed, and then collapsed, surprised he hadn’t passed out completely.

  “Uh, yeah, you aren’t going anywhere right now.” Mir’s face floated back into sight. “You’ve lost a shit-ton of blood. You were dehydrated, had a serious concussion, and three broken ribs. It nearly depleted my magic, healing your sorry ass, especially the gashes on your back. You, my friend, were a disaster.” His face was serious. “Honestly, I can’t believe you survived. Either of you.”

  “Only because of Celine. And you and Syd.” Tyr winced when he thought again about how close it had been. They had given up when Celine had stepped through that portal. He’d wrapped Hunter in his arms and been waiting for the first wave of monsters to pour through that opening. They’d resigned themselves to it. Maybe they’d even been good with it. Mostly. Sure, he’d had regrets, but still….

  Tyr pushed up to his elbows. Slower. This time the room stayed where it was supposed to be. “I’ve got to see her.” He knew he was a stubborn asshole, but there was some driving imperative inside of him. Suddenly, he couldn’t recall the exact color of her eyes. He did know he wouldn’t rest until he saw her.

  “Look, she’s in better shape than you. I’ll bring her to you. She’s been asking…” Mir looked out the window. “Anyhow, I’ll get her. You’ll be golden by tomorrow if you take it easy, but if you fall on your fucking face, I’m leaving you there, do you hear me?”

  Tyr figured it would be bad enough that Hunter would see him helpless. Finding him flat on the floor with his ass in the air would definitely be ten times worse. “I’m staying in bed. Fear not, oh Wise One.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Yeah. Fuck you too.” Gods, it felt good to be back.

  Tyr sat up straighter, stuffing pillows behind him, then shifted again, rearranging the blankets. What was he? A sixteen-year-old girl? They’d known each other for a thousand years. Been enemies for most of that time. So what was with this sudden case of nerves? The longer Mir was gone, the longer he waited, the more weirded out he became. He was the God of War for the gods’ sake, he called the fucking shots. He….

  Whatever skittering, random, bullshit thoughts his brain was firing off disappeared into the nether regions the second Hunter strode into the room. Tyr had spent countless hours with her. Nursed her back to health from maddened, soulless animal to woman. Had thought they’d die together on that godforsaken cliff in that godforsaken world. And still, she took his breath away. Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

  Hunter paused, shut the door behind her, put her back against it, waiting for him to say something. Do something. Fingers curling into the blankets, Tyr hardened his heart. She was a princess. And in truth, he wasn’t worthy of her. Never had been. And after the beating he’d taken, she probably thought he was worthless.

  “Are you quite f
inished feeling sorry for yourself?”

  “You don’t have any idea of what I’m thinking.”

  “I can practically hear every word, Tyr.” Her voice softened. “You are not weak. You would have died to keep me safe.” She focused those riveting eyes upon him, and his heart stuttered.

  “Truth is, I would have died too quickly and too easily to be much help to anyone, least of all you.”

  “If you’d only stop…”

  “Damn it, Hunter…”

  But she went on as if he wasn’t even in the room. “Do you know what that cave reminded me of, Tyr?” Her voice took on a dreamy tone, the kind that meant she was somewhere else, far, far away. “It reminded me of the cave in the Highlands. The one where you took me so I wouldn’t destroy everything I touched. Do you remember?”

  Tyr held his breath. For so long, he’d believed her so out of her mind, she hadn’t realized where she was nor what she’d done. He’d banked on it, as a matter of fact.

  “It was so beautiful, do you remember? The heather was just coming out, and the sky was so blue, at least on the clear days. When the storms would blow through, it would get cold and you’d build a fire in that little pit. But you stayed with me. You never left. That’s what these past few days reminded me of, Tyr. Of all those months we spent together in the Highlands.” Her voice took on a vulnerability he’d never heard, or never allowed himself to hear, perhaps. “It’s the only time I was ever at peace. Even though I was a mess. Even though I’d done…terrible things.”

  His breath just wouldn’t come. He thought she didn’t know.

  He thought she didn’t remember.

  “But then you took me home, and you did leave me.” Now there was a shimmer of tears in the words. “And I never saw you again. I was the one who finally had to come and find you.”

  “Hunter…” How could he convince her? She was better off without him. He’d thought she’d find someone. Had watched, and waited, and wondered long enough for it to become some kind of mystery that she hadn’t.

  “But I haven’t.” She smiled at him, a blazing, piercing smile that cut right through to the heart of him. “Do you want to know why I never found anyone?” She took a step closer to his bed, and he realized he wasn’t nearly as battered and bruised as he had supposed. “Because I already found you. Or you found me, on that battlefield, long ago. It doesn’t really matter, in the end. I should have given myself to you that night. God knows I wanted to. But what I wanted even more was to hurt you, which led to an eternity of… Whatever this is that we’ve been doing. This eternal back and forth. This messed up dance we’ve done for centuries.

  “It’s going to end. Right now.”

  In her extraordinary eyes, passion blazed like a firestorm, and for once in his miserable life, Tyr didn’t have anything to say. He knew if he tried to get out of bed, he’d end up on his ass. So he did the only thing he could. He opened both arms to her.

  “I can’t tell you why, either. I can only tell you, I won’t wait another second.”

  “Come here, love.”

  Crushed against him, Hunter filled up every hard, bruised edge he had, and he didn’t even care that his ribs hurt when he eased her down onto the bed. Tucked into his arms, he buried his face in her hair, and felt, for the first time in forever, the Fates smiling down upon him.


  It turns out blood loss, broken ribs, and a concussion don’t stand a chance when you’ve got the love of your life wrapped in your arms.

  But the fuckers sure conspired against him when he went to stand up. “Whoa, slow down, Tyr.” The entire room whirled as Hunter laid a firm hand against his chest and pushed him back down. Anger and resentment made his hackles rise, as he waited for the inevitable. For her to tell him he was weak and injured and fuck knows what else.

  “We have all night, you know. No sense in rushing anything.” Her smile beguiled as she slid out of her jacket, the weapon-laden leather landing on the floor with a solid clunk. She put a hand to her waistband, then paused, her eyes meeting his purposefully. “Unless you want to wait any longer?”

  “Fuck no.” The words slid out of him, as every drop of blood in his body rushed to his cock. But he was done talking. He was busy looking. Hunter was a lean, honed, killing machine. Every inch of her was breathtaking. His perfect match. As she shimmied out of her leather pants and kicked them to the side of the room, she stole his breath away. Given the fact he spent the majority of his life on battlefields, he’d never wanted a soft, pliable woman.

  No, this woman was who he wanted.

  Always had, always would.

  She was perfect. They were perfect.

  Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, Hunter looked him over, her gaze gobbling up every square inch of him, every bit as greedy as he was staring at her. When her fingers curled into loose fists, and her breaths quickened, Tyr asked, “Like what you see, princess?”

  “Oh, I do,” she whispered, stepping closer. “I very much do.” Another step and she closed the space, almost within touching distance. Except Tyr stayed put. Ever so slowly, she reached out and pressed a fingertip to his throat, then traced it down, over his collarbone, between his pecs, down along his abdomen and over the angry, still-healing scars, and lower still, to where the sheet tented up.

  “I tried, you know.” A half-smile crossed her face. “I tried not to fall in love with you. But I don’t think I was ever successful. I might have loved you from the very beginning. All of that hate, it was some form of twisted love, but I never wanted to admit it.”

  “What about now?” Tyr asked, now sure where this was all going.

  “Now it’s just love.” And in truth, that’s what shone in her golden eyes, brilliant and clear. Love with a hint of tears.

  Now Tyr did move, circling her wrist with his hand, drawing her in. “Then we’re even. Because I’ve loved you ever since the day I saw you on that horse in front of your father’s castle. So before we waste any more time, I believe you started something. Care to finish it?” A long, slow blink and then a creamy smile spread across her face.

  Climbing up onto the bed, she pointed out, “I’m not sure I should be starting anything with an invalid. Maybe the real question is, are you up for it?” Hauling her across him, Tyr groaned at the lovely friction of her body on his while need surged through his veins.

  He wanted her. Now.

  Hand tangled in her hair, he drew her into a gentle kiss. Slowly and sweetly, taking his time, stroking her velvety lips with his tongue. After fantasizing for so long about what she tasted like, she tasted like nectar. So luscious, he drove his tongue between her teeth and she sucked him in, devouring him with the kiss, her body twisting to align with his, hips grinding up and down along his cock. One hand braced on his chest, she reared back.

  “God, Tyr, I want you so damn bad. Right now.”

  He pulled her head down, kissed her again, feeling her body quake. Breaking away from her pink mouth, he stared hard into her eyes. “I’ve waited long enough for this,” he told her. “I’m taking my fucking time tonight. Which means I’ll give you whatever you want, angel. But it’ll be together. You okay with that?”

  She managed a faint nod, her eyes darkening to amber, her pelvis rocking up and down against his. His hands wrapped around her hips, stopped her while she groaned. “Now, now, none of that, you are going to wait for me.”

  “Tyyyyrrr.” She drew out his name as he slowly rolled her to the side, his ribs aching. The next second, he had her exactly where he wanted her, spread out beneath him, her hair a black curtain across the white pillow, a thin camisole and a slip of black panties the only thing between him and paradise. His only question was where to begin.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked softly.

  “Like what?”

  “Like you’ve never seen me before.”

  “Because I’ve imagined this moment for so long. And now that it’s finally here, I want to savor every second
of it.” Tyr slid a finger beneath the bottom edge of the camisole, meeting her eyes solidly before he began easing it up. Her skin… It was like satin. No, it was satin. Creamy, ivory satin, revealed a bit at a time, his fingers skimming over every perfect square inch, the slow, deliberate contact making her writhe beneath his touch. When he finally cupped her breast, his thumb brushing her nipple, she gasped and arched into his touch, mouth open, eyes closed.

  “Raise your arms.” He ordered gruffly. She complied, and using both hands, he drew the cami up over her head, his hips pinning her down to the bed. He couldn’t take his eyes from her, even though his ribs were groaning, head beginning to spin. Exposed to him, he brushed a hand along her curves, and her nipples peaked in its wake, before dropping to her lips and kissing her again, his tongue lazily tracing her teeth, then her lips. When he drove his tongue in deep and hard, Hunter took him, all of him, with the same sort of ferocity and gave back just as good, then moaned in frustration when he withdrew.

  True, his head was spinning. His ribs, half-healed or not, were screaming. But he’d be damned if he wouldn’t finish this. And the way Hunter looked beneath him, creamy perfection, he couldn’t have stopped if he’d tried.

  Dropping his head, he sucked in one nipple, then the other, teeth closing down on them, pressing ever so slightly, the slight catch in her breath all he needed to keep on going until she was panting. Skimming his lips up her neck and settling back on her mouth, he couldn’t get enough. Taste enough. Fast enough.

  “Tyyyr. Please.” She moaned again, her voice trembling, dangerously on edge.

  He released her wrists. “You keep your hands up over your head. Don’t move. Not a muscle.” Eyes half closed, she managed a half nod, her expression dazed. Slipping a hand under her panties, he found her soaking. “Fuck, Hunter. You’re so damn wet.” He slid a finger up between her center, then slid his finger into his mouth while she watched. “Damn, you taste good.”


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