Last Man Alive: Complete And Uncut (Taboo Erotica)

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Last Man Alive: Complete And Uncut (Taboo Erotica) Page 15

by Anya Merchant

  “The ship is too far away for us to be able to hear anything, especially from down here,” said Julius. “Let’s just hope that the detonator isn’t out of range.”

  They waited, and it felt as though every second that went by took an eternity to pass. After a few minutes, Julius began to hear loud footsteps from above. It was quiet, but he also thought that he could make out people arguing. And then, there was nothing.

  “That’s our cue,” he said. “I’ll go first. Jess, be ready to attack somebody if we run into a group. And Doc…just try to stay out of harm’s way.”

  The two women nodded to him, and then he began leading them upstairs.


  The lobby did not, at first, look any different. Julius held his gun out in front of him, and crouched low as he made his way up and into the hotel. The first guard he spotted was standing by the hotel, and luckily, she was facing away from him. He motioned for the doctor and Jess to stay put, and then slipped in closer, drawing up behind the woman.

  “Drop it!” he whispered, pushing the barrel of his pistol into her back. She complied without resisting, and Julius grabbed her rifle and slid it backwards towards Jess.

  “This is suicide!” cried the woman. “All of the other soldiers will be back here as soon as they check in on the boat.”

  “Thanks for telling us exactly what we needed to know,” said Julius. The woman also had a pair of handcuffs on her, and after strapping them on her, Jess led her over to a storage closet and locked her inside.

  “That’s one down,” said Julius. “Let’s head up to the next floor and see if we can find the rest.”

  “We can’t let our guard down, Julius,” said Jess. “The woman is telling the truth. We could end up back in the same situation if we aren’t ready to do some serious fighting.”

  “Don’t worry,” he replied. “We will be.”

  Julius led the group over to the stairway, and they began creeping into it. The power to the hotel seemed to have been restored, and as they made their way up, they flattened themselves against the bannister to keep a low profile.

  When they reached the door leading to the second floor, Julius again took point. He slipped through it, and this time, wasn’t as lucky.

  “Stop right there!” yelled a guard from the other side of the hall.

  He whirled, and fired a shot at her as she was attempting to turn on her radio. The bullet missed, but it was enough to compel the woman to put her hands in the air.

  “Where are the others being held?” he shouted. “Tell us now!”

  “They’re upstairs, on the third floor!” she said.

  Julius could hear footsteps approaching, and knew what was coming. He signaled for Jess and the doctor to take cover around the corner of the hallway, and then turned back towards the stairway, holding the captured guard in front of him.

  Something rolled out from the door, and Julius realized what it was just in time. He turned and shielded his eyes and ears as the flash bang grenade exploded. He was disoriented, unable to see or hear much, but he did manage to surmise that two soldiers had stormed onto their floor and opened fire.

  The bullets tore through the guard he’d been using as a human shield. Julius managed to roll over to the corner before becoming too much of a target, and Jess covered him from her position. He waited for a moment, feeling the vibrations in the floor of the footsteps drawing closer, and then leaned out and fired.

  Both of the soldiers were hit, and fell to the ground without even having time to retaliate. It was almost as though they had also been blinded by the flash grenade, and he realized that it was probably the first time the undertrained female unit had ever used one. A small amount of guilt weighed down on him as he watched his enemies lying on the ground, slowly bleeding out.

  “This is on them, Julius,” said Jess. “They didn’t have to come here. You didn’t have any other choice.”

  “I know, Jess,” he said. “I-“

  The sound of the stairway door opening broke him out of the moment. He pushed Jess and the doctor back behind the corner just in time, and a hail of bullets fired from an automatic weapon struck the wall behind them.

  “I’m here to repay you for what you did to me, Julius,” yelled Captain Song. “My mission is to bring you back alive. If I have to cripple your legs to do it, so be it!”

  Julius peered around the corner, and was surprised to see that the woman was alone. She walked towards him with a limp, but still had enough energy to lift up the rifle in her hands and shoot off another volley. He managed to pull back just in time, plaster from the wall splintering and showering his face.

  “You’re making a mistake, Song,” yelled Julius. “This situation is running out of control!”

  “I can already see that,” she replied. “You killed my girls. As soon as I’ve subdued you, I’m going to head upstairs and kill-“

  Her words were too much for Julius. He leaped out from behind the corner and fired his pistol wildly. The captain didn’t shoot back, and whether it was out of fear of injuring him or surprise, it made no difference. One of his bullets caught her in the shoulder and she fell back.

  Julius walked over to her quickly. She glared at him, and tried to lift up her weapon, but was too pained by the injury to manage it.

  “Fuck you!” Captain Song cried, spitting the words out.

  “You reap what you sow, Captain.” Julius squeezed the trigger and put a bullet in her head. This time, there was no guilt.

  “Come on, we need to get upstairs,” said Dr. Andreas. “We don’t know how much time we have!”

  Julius nodded and the group headed up to the third floor. They had forgone silence for speed, and hurried up the stairs with urgency. Julius threw the door at the top open and stepped out into the hallway without a moment’s hesitation.

  “Oh my god, Julius!” cried his mom. Down at the far end of the doors were the hostages, all of them sitting handcuffed up against the wall. There only appeared to be one soldier guarding them, and it was Lin. She had her pistol raised up at Julius, but he paid it no attention as he made his way over.

  “Are all of you alright?” he asked.

  “We’re fine, they haven’t hurt us,” said Maya. “What happened to-“

  “Stop right there!” cried Lin. “Nobody say a thing. Julius, put your gun down now and lie down on the ground.”

  “Lin,” he said. “We both know that isn’t going to happen.”

  “Shut up!” she cried. “Just shut up!”

  He kept walking towards her, not even bothering to train his own weapon on her. He stepped forward until the barrel of her gun was pushed right up against his chest.

  “Your Captain is dead Lin,” he said. “So are a couple of your friends.”

  She glare at him, and tensed her finger on the trigger.

  “I’m not scared of you, Lin,” he said. “In fact, I’ve learned something from you, and the rest of your unit. Something that is invaluable to know.”

  Lin didn’t say anything, and was listening to him, even though she seemed to loathe every word.

  “Things are not what they used to be.” Julius looked her directly in the eyes as he spoke. “I am not who I used to be. My role in the world has changed.”

  He reached his hand up and grabbed the gun. Lin didn’t resist as he slowly and gently disarmed her.

  “I’m not going to abdicate from the responsibility that has been placed on me,” he said. “I am going to work to get things back on track. To get history back on track. Regardless of how much effort it takes, or who I have to fight against, or what I have to give up.”

  Lin looked as though she was about to cry. She slowly nodded, and then Julius smiled at her.

  “Go back to the rest of your unit,” he said. “Tell them that you all should get on your boat and leave this island, even if they won’t listen. My friends and I are staying here, and we will resist any attempt made to destroy what we are trying to build.”

>   Lin handed him a set of handcuff keys, and then walked down the hallway and into the stairs. Julius watched her go, and felt a massive wave of relief wash over him.

  “Oh my god, you did it!” cried Anna. She began to laugh almost uncontrollably.

  “Nice going, Jewels,” said Dana. “You even pulled me in with that bit about responsibility.”

  Julius just smiled at them. They had a lot of cleaning to do.


  Clearing the bodies out of the hotel was the first order of business after everyone settled down. Julius and the rest of the women dragged the three who had been shot on the second floor out back, to bury next to the grave of Allison. The one still locked away in the storage room was released and given similar instructions to what he had told Lin.

  “I can’t believe you came back for us,” Maya said to him as they worked. “I mean, I knew that you would, but still…I was just so scared.”

  Julius smiled at her.

  “Think nothing of it,” he said. “I never for a moment thought about abandoning all of you.”

  He took point on digging one of the graves, and Dana went to work on another one. It took much longer than he had expected, but after a few hours, they were both in the ground. Julius wiped sweat from his forehead and turned to face the women.

  “This is only the beginning,” he said. “The days to come are going to be hard, but if we all pull together, we can make this work.”

  “Julius, you don’t even have to ask,” said Jess. “We’re with you, for now and the future.”

  He nodded to her, and then continued.

  “The first step is for us to become self-sufficient, and really turn this place into a home, instead of a momentary refuge. Jess, can you and Maya take a look at the feasibility of starting a food garden in the backyard? We have plenty of space, we can make it work.”

  “Sure,” she replied. Maya went and stood over near Jess, flashing Julius a smile as she went.

  “Dana and Anna, we need to repair some of the windows in the hotel,” he said. “On top of that, eventually I think locking the place down and turning it into more of a fortress could be necessary. Could you-“

  “Say no more, Julius,” said Anna. “We have it covered.”

  Dr. Andreas stepped over to him before he could give out any other assignments. She leaned over and whispered into his ear.

  “I have to talk to you, privately,” she said. “There is something you should know.”

  “Alright,” he replied. Julius quickly turned towards his mom, who was waiting for him at the edge of the group.

  “Mom, I will reassure you that I’m really okay later, right now there is just too much to do,” he said.

  Laura just smiled at him.

  “I know, Julius,” she said. “Go ahead.”

  The doctor led Julius back inside the hotel, and then down into her lab. There was still stray brick and dirt on the ground, along with the makeshift hole that lead into the tunnel. Dr. Andreas folded her arms and sat down in her chair, a worried expression on her face.

  “Listen to this.” She began fiddling with a small radio next to the table.

  “I didn’t think we got any sort of signals from this remote of a place?” said Julius.

  “It’s faint, but you can make out the important details.”

  The radio crackled to life, and after the doctor messed with the antenna a little bit more, he was able to hear what was being said.

  “I repeat, stay in your houses. Bombs are being dropped. We….update on the situation as soon…”

  The signal cut out. Julius looked at the doctor, and began to feel what he had felt so many times already in the past couple of days.

  “A war has broken out, Julius,” she said. “Most major cities have been bombed, throughout the world. Everyone is attacking everyone.”

  “Is this about me?” he asked. “Are they…are we in danger here?”

  “If we are, there is nothing that we can do about it,” said Dr. Andreas. “But I don’t think so…”

  She stood up, and then walked over to Julius. The look she had on her face was determined, but serious.

  “Julius, what you told the women outside was exactly what needed to be said.” Dr. Andreas fixed her glasses, and then continued. “But now I need to tell you something.”

  “The only way humanity as we know it is going to get back on track is if you start breeding. I realize how crude that sounds, but it’s the truth.”

  “What about the samples you took from me?” he asked. “Isn’t it possible for you-“

  “They all have decayed and died,” said Dr. Andreas. “I’m not even sure if you can get a woman pregnant, the way things are right now, but direct insertion of the semen, straight from your sex organ, is the last chance we have.”

  Julius didn’t say anything. He had known from the beginning that it might come to this. It wasn’t so terrible on the surface, but the idea of being forced into it made him feel almost like some type of science experiment.

  “It’s okay, you don’t have to do anything with this information immediately,” said the doctor. “There is no way for us to get back to the mainland right now. You’ll have plenty of time to come to terms with it, and act on it. I’ll talk to the rest of the women and make sure that everyone is on the same page.”

  Julius nodded slowly, and then started walking towards the stairs.

  “Dr. Andreas,” he said. “Thank you.”

  “No Julius, thank you.”


  Dinner that night was an elaborate affair, with all of them drinking much more than they should have. Julius was happy, and though he’d gotten no more news on the situation in the outside world from Dr. Andreas, he found himself optimistic of the prospects on the island.

  He was one of the first to retire for the night, feeling as though he needed to catch up on the sleep that had eluded him over the past couple of days. Maya gave him a kiss goodnight, and he felt himself feeling as though their relationship was progressing. Maybe she wouldn’t be too opposed to what would be necessary for them, he found himself thinking.

  He made his way up to the third floor. There were still a couple of signs of what had happened earlier that day, small bits of damage to the walls, little gunshot holes, but he ignored them and unlocked the door to his room.

  As soon as Julius collapsed down on his bed, sleep seemed to begin to overtake him. It had been a long week, and he felt as though he had finally earned his rest.

  “Sweetie? Are you awake?”

  He had left his door unlocked, and for some reason, Julius found himself being glad that he did. His mom slipped into his room and tiptoed over to the edge of his bed.

  “Yeah mom,” he said. “I’m awake.”

  Laura sat down on her son’s bed. Julius was still half asleep, but he felt immediately aroused, just from having his mom so close. Part of him thought that he might still be dreaming at first.

  “Julius, I just wanted to say how proud of you I am,” she said. “You did an incredibly hard thing today.”

  “Thanks, mom,” he replied.

  “I don’t just mean rescuing everyone, but the way you gave people hope afterwards.” She put one of her hands on Julius’s inner thigh, and he felt his cock begin to stiffen. “It’s something that only a true leader can do.”

  “Thanks mom,” he said. He felt like he could trust her more than anybody else in the island, and remembering what the doctor had told him earlier, he found himself needing to tell her.


  “Yeah honey?”

  Julius took a deep breath, thinking of the best way to phrase it.

  “Things have gotten very difficult in the outside world,” he said. “We might have to start thinking about things long term here on the island.”

  “Of course, sweetie, I know that.”

  “No…I mean, we might have to think about, keeping civilization going. Bringing new people into the world.” />
  Laura didn’t say anything. Julius felt like the silence was killing him after a few tense moments.

  “Mom? Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yes, of course,” she said. “It’s fine by me…I just, I’ll always be your mom, Julius.”

  “I know mom,” he replied.

  Laura moved closer to him, and began to rub her hand up and down his thigh. The back of it made contact with Julius’s rapidly hardening cock, and a small chill went through his body.

  “I’ll let you go and do what you need to do,” she said. “But for tonight, at least for one last time, your mommy is going to take care of you.”


  Laura cut his complaint short with a passionate kiss. Her hand finally wrapped around his cock and began stroking it up and down, making him almost gasp out loud with shock.

  “Mommy knows how to take care of this,” said Laura, jerking him off. He had slept naked, and the only thing she had on was a thin night gown, which she quickly lifted up and over her head.

  “Oh god, mom,” he moaned.

  “That’s right sweetie,” she said. “I’m your mommy, and I love you.”

  She pushed him back in the bed, and his hands almost automatically found their way to her breasts. Laura pulled back the sheets, and then positioned her body above her son’s cock. Slowly and confidently, she lowered herself down onto it, allowing her son to pierce up into her and finally crossing the final boundary between them.

  “Do you like that, honey?” she whispered. “Do you like the feeling of mommy’s wet hot cunt?”

  “Oh god mom, don’t talk like that,” Julius moaned.

  His hips began to thrust up. He didn’t want to like it. Part of him had feared from the very start of his mom’s escalations that they would eventually end up heading down a path that they couldn’t come back from. And this was then end of it. And it felt so incredibly good.

  “Don’t talk like what?” asked his mom. “You don’t want me to talk about what a dirty boy you are? Don’t worry, mommy is going to get you nice and clean…”


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