The Wizard Assassin

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The Wizard Assassin Page 2

by Whiskey Flowers

  “We will get you a practice blade” Sergeant Tenkay said as he noticed Dax’s action. “As for now follow me and I will see about getting you a place to stay.”

  Dax followed Sergeant Tenkay outside and into another massive building. There were rows of small beds and sturdy looking boxes at the end of each one. There were many people there already and most of them looked Dax’s age, none bothered to get up or even look at him as he came through the door.

  “Alright pick yourself one” Sergeant Tenkay said as he pointed to the beds. “This is where you will be staying for the next two months before we send you off to learn something else if you have time.”

  “Something else?” Dax said confused.

  “Not everyone in the army is a ground troop” Sergeant Tenkay replied. “If you show any kind of smarts or if you have a trade already, you will be put through other training. If you can read, write and know your numbers you would at least be considered to become a quartermaster. If you are good at detail and have a bit of muscle you can become a blacksmith. We even have jobs for thin, lousy fighters such as clothing and tent repairer. There are many things that need to be done in an army and depending on the openings we send people there. If the training is not too long you can ask to go but whenever the mages start their next class you are going to be expected to attend.”

  “I understand” Dax said as finding out people in the army did more than swing a sword was still surprising for him.

  “Good” Sergeant Tenkay said. “Tomorrow morning I will send someone to let you all know what is expected of you, the actual training starts when the sun is at its high point in the sky. You will receive practice weapons at that time but I must insist on taking any actual weapons you have on you including that sword you had earlier.”

  Dax searched through his bag and handed over his sword along with a small knife he kept in his left boot. Tenkay took them and left the room as Dax started feeling naked without at least one weapon. As a mage he figured he really didn’t need one but he still missed the weight on his hip and the feel of the handle of his knife digging into his leg.

  “What is your name?” said a lanky red haired man around Dax’s age, at least Dax assumed his hair was red from his bushy eyebrows.

  “Dax” Dax replied.

  “I saw you actually had a sword, are you rich or something?” the boy asked. Dax knew the reason why he was curious, not many people owned a sword and those that did had one made of poor quality. The military gave everyone a sword, they were mass produced and poorly made with flaws evident in some of them. Most in the military rarely practiced with their sword unless it was required and they were expected to give it back when their active service time was completed. Dax’s father got to keep his because it was especially given to him for gallantry and was made by one of the king’s own smiths. All black banders, as they were known got to keep their swords with a couple of exceptions. If Linus had killed fifteen of the enemy he would have had to give that sword up and take one with three bands. Banded swords could be given to sons in the military so that is why Dax had the one Sergeant Tenkay had taken but even then he would have had enough money to buy one. Dax had figured out how to use his wizard power for any number of small tasks, he and his father would take their wagon to the river and Dax could search the water with his magic and float any fish they found into a barrel. He could also help make ice to chill the drinks his mother sold at her stand in the hot summer heat or his favorite way of making money, helping out the carpenters. Linus knew how to work the wood and Dax’s magic helped him cut the wood and fuse it together. Everything Linus and Dax built looked like it was carved out of one piece of wood instead of many pieces nailed together. Dax’s parents were not rich, most of the money they made was either saved or spent on Dax’s education. To someone with nothing though Dax would seem pretty wealthy.

  “It was my father’s sword” Dax replied. “He was banded and they gave him the sword to keep.”

  “Oh” the red haired boy replied. “My name is Ruford but everyone calls me Red.”

  “Well met” Dax said as he reached out and grasped the other boys forearm. “How long have you been here?”

  “Six weeks” Ruford replied. “I was ready to leave as soon as I turned eighteen. Food is scarce when you have twelve brothers and sisters and in the army you get three meals a day when you are in garrison and at least two if you aren’t. It beats eating every other day, I have just been here watching the other class of recruits who graduated last week and eating.”

  “Did you learn any pointers?” Dax asked.

  “Yeah” Ruford replied. “Sergeant Tenkay is real relaxed but our trainers won't be. We have to stand a certain way and talk a certain way or we will exercise until we throw up.”

  “I figured that” Dax replied. “Did you see anyone throw up?”

  “Yeah” Ruford replied and smiled. Dax could see Ruford was missing his two front teeth as his grin got even wider.

  “I saw a guy vomit all over himself and his platoon trainer” Ruford laughed heartily thinking back on the scene. “It was so awful I couldn’t look away, after that though I have been trying to get my stuff together and I think I have a system going.”

  “What kind of system?” Dax replied.

  “Well I am going to try to blend in” Ruford said with a smile. “I don’t want to be the best of anything but I also don’t want to be anywhere near the worst. I see they pick on people who stand out, either because they are great or horrible. I aim to get lost in the middle somewhere until these two months are over.”



  Dax looked over at his opponent and ducked under the blow then brought his wooden practice sword around for a strike. His opponent blocked the move and went into a routine Dax had seen him use before, two head strikes, first with the forehand then the back hand followed by a left kick to the thigh then a plunge to the chest. Dax stepped into the first two strikes and blocked them both before lifting up his left knee and blocked the incoming kick. Dax waited for his opponent to move and dodged, instead of his opponent going right by him the man reversed the grip on his sword and whacked Dax hard in the stomach.

  “Gods dammit” Dax cursed as he lowered his sword. The blow hurt but Dax had a strong rippled stomach before he came to join, the different exercises he had done since he got there had made him even tougher.

  “You got nothing to frown about Recruit Davary” Captain Runes replied. “I am a noble, some families practice the sword as part of their education. I know your father taught you but he hasn’t had the instruction I have, he probably taught himself some of what he knows and he learned most of his training here. Once it was found out I wasn’t a mage I was given the best trainers money could buy, you are dueling a banded soldier.”

  “You are a banded soldier Sir?” Dax asked surprised. “But you are a noble.”

  “I know most nobles don’t bother with the enlisted” Captain Runes replied. “We are leaders and you are followers, at least that is old saying. I like to lead my men from the front, if there is any shit sandwich lying around I want to take the first bite. My men treat me a bit better and look at me differently, even you looked at me better when you found out I was banded.”

  “My father was banded” Dax replied. “He has two bands around his sword.”

  “I knew that already” Captain Runes replied. “You are one of the hard chargers we have here when it comes to the sword. I have looked into you and found out you are doing well at other things too. Your instructors say you are always near the top of your class. I went to the commandant about potentially having you sent with me to my unit, imagine my surprise when I found out you were a magic user.”

  “It is a small secret that anyone willing to search can find out” Dax replied. “I am supposed to train in magic whenever I am completely done with army training, I just hope I am able to do any follow on training here before I have to report. I heard about weaponmaster school and
I have my eye set on that.”

  “Weaponmaster?” Captain Runes replied. “It is a good school filled with advanced techniques and more weapons than just the sword. For the most part though you learn to duel one on one, I can't really say it is relevant in an actual battle since most battles involve more than one opponent. It is a good little badge to have on your uniform though, in my regular uniform I have one.”

  “Your regular uniform?” Dax asked.

  “Well I know you enlisted men look at officers differently” Captain Runes began. “Normally we are nobles or sons of some rich merchant or other. If I come in here with a bunch of badges people will either treat me like some great hero or some self-important prick. If I don’t bring any of those things soon you will forget you are sparring with Captain Runes and I just become one of the guys.”

  “What makes you come here anyway?” Dax asked. “You don’t work here as one of the instructors but I see you around often.”

  “I like to personally pick the men in my company” Captain Runes admitted. “Right now they sent us here for a couple of months to rest and relax, in a few weeks we will get our orders and head back out. Hopefully we will go somewhere other than the border with Saul, we have had so many skirmishes I am amazed outright war hasn’t broken out. My company is made up of primarily foot soldiers, I don’t know if that will change when I leave.”

  “You sound like you like those guys Sir, why would you leave?” Dax asked.

  “Because I have turned down four promotions in order to stay where I am at” Captain Runes replied. “If I turn down five I will be forced to get out of the army, the military is something I am good at. I came here to escape the embarrassment of being the only one in my family without magic. I am guessing the reason you came here to train instead of waiting for the magic trainers is because you know that hanging around a lot of mages while you are not one is going to be awkward.”

  “I am sure it will be more than that Sir” Dax replied. “From what I hear I look like my birth father.”

  “You do” Captain Runes admitted. “At least you look like you belong in the royal family. If we are being truthful though I think you wear it better than most of them do. I am guessing your mother is a pretty woman if she caught the prince’s eye and you came out a mix between them. Most nobles though, especially those with magic marry other nobles with magic with little regard to looks. They just want to keep the magic in their blood going, you probably know this already but the odds of two mages having a baby that is not a mage is less than one percent. I just happened to be that less than one percent, but then it was thought to be impossible for a mage to have another mage if the trait doesn’t run in both parents’ bloodlines. I admit I have heard of the royal bastard before but I didn’t know you were a mage.”

  “I am a wizard” Dax replied.

  “A wizard?” Captain Runes said then screwed up his face. “Well at least you got some magic, truth be told I am not sure which one of us got the worse of it.”

  “I like being a wizard Sir” Dax replied. “Me and my father have come up with a unique fighting style for me. I was never going to be accepted even if I was the strongest mage, I haven’t met many nobles but those I have are quite rude. They just look and point and call me the bastard, even some of my magic instructors were not that friendly even though they liked my father’s coin well enough.”

  “If you show the heart you have been showing here then I am sure you will do fine” Captain Runes replied. “Well I am going to have to call a halt to our sparring, I have my eye on another one here to join me since you won't be able to.”

  “Another?” Dax asked confused. “I am the best swordsman in this class by far.”

  “I am talking about one of your instructors, Sergeant Tenkay” Captain Runes replied. “I think he would be a good fit in my company and he keeps himself looking sharp at all times.”

  Dax watched Captain Runes walk away and looked around the practice field. There were two recruits that were faster than he was but they lacked the skill to use that to their advantage. There were five other recruits that were a head bigger than Dax and much stronger but they did not have the skill or speed to last for long. Dax figured his workout was over and was going to leave the practice field when Red came running up.

  “What were you and that one chatting about all lovey dovey” Ruford said.

  “Suck my cock” Dax replied and smiled at his friend. “We were discussing your mother and what kinds of different positions we can put her in after a pint of ale.”

  “I imagine any you wanted to with that thin little wanker of yours” Ruford replied laughing. “It is not like she will feel anything anyway.”

  “Well played” Dax replied laughing. “I had no idea Captain Runes knew all about my parentage, it is not like I shared my life with anyone here.”

  “I don’t even know about your parents or how you keep your uniform looking all crisp” Ruford said looking over Dax. “The rest of us look like slapped ass compared to you and you don’t drop any hints.”

  “You want a clean and crisp uniform?” Dax asked.

  “Fuck no” Ruford replied laughing. “I have spent over seven weeks hiding out, I don’t want to stand out now. I don’t think Sergeant Bliss even knows my name. He only knows you shining stars and the fuck ups. Still though, if I knew how you were able to get your uniform that nice it would win me a lot of free lunches.”

  “Well the only one that really knows anything is Sergeant Tenkay” Dax began. “Well and Captain Runes now, but my secret to getting my uniform this nice is that I cheat.”

  “I know your ass cheats” Ruford replied. “Most of us have made it a game to see when you clean your uniform but we are never able to. One minute your uniform looks as shitty as ours and the next minute you look like Sergeant Bliss, it is almost like it’s magic.”

  “It is magic” Dax replied. “I am a wizard.”

  “What the pit is a wizard?” Ruford asked.

  “It is almost like a mage but not as strong” Dax replied.

  “So you are a weak mage then?” Ruford asked. “What kind of an idiot you take me for Davary? I aint seen no mage before but I know they walk around carrying sticks and acting like something been shoved up their arse.”

  “Don’t believe me then” Dax replied. “To tell you the truth I was amazed during training it never came out.”

  “If you are a mage then I am the Queen of Saul” Ruford replied and crossed his arms.

  “Your Majesty” Dax said as he took a bow. “Seriously though, me and Captain Runes were talking about what comes after this training. I am certain I can get on with the archers if I wanted or even the cavalry but none of those interests me. What are you planning on doing?”

  “I plan on staying a foot soldier” Ruford replied. “I don’t want any specialty job because then you have to do actual work. I want to be able to blend in with any crowd and do little work. Of course I don’t think archers or cavalry do much of anything but there are more foot soldiers than any of them and foot soldiers always eat right after mages and officers. The rest have to wait and by that time all the good bits of food will be gone.”

  “Always thinking about your stomach” Dax smiled.

  “Of course” Ruford replied. “And after two years I will start getting paid for staying in. I aim to make this a life until I retire with a small pension from the military, then I will find me some young pretty girl to stick it to and raise up my own family.”

  “You have everything figured out” Dax replied. “I hope it works out for you. I want to go to weaponmaster training. I want to learn how to duel one on one and grow the skills I have already.”

  “Well good luck to you then” Ruford replied. “I won't be doing any such thing, maybe eventually though we will be in the same unit. Right now I think you have the best chance of making top recruit, it is between you and Harris. You can fight better than he can but he can do almost everything else better.”

  “I wouldn’t mind if it was Harris no matter how big of an ass he is” Dax replied.

  “Harris just comes from a long line of soldiers and thought he would be the best” Ruford replied. “Having you here must chap his ass but I don’t think he is even in the top five in the sword out of our class. He wants to be cavalry anyway and he is the best rider we have.”

  “I thought I heard something about his father being a cavalry man” Dax replied.

  “His Da is still in” Ruford replied. “He made it to the top of the enlisted ranks and is a stable master now, he doesn’t ride much but is in charge of housing the horses and breeding for the best temperament and ability. That’s where Harris learned everything, I think he is the best with the smaller cavalry bow, the long sword or anything else as long as he is on horseback.”

  “I can agree with that” Dax replied.

  “You ready to lose?” Harris said as he came up from behind Dax. Dax looked down at Harris and just smiled. Harris was a short, lightweight man that despite being a year older than Dax was, hadn’t even one strand of facial hair. Although everyone shaved Dax never saw any stubble and wondered why Harris always acted like he was the toughest man in the army. Despite his size, Harris was talented, Harris was the fastest blade in the class but he could not stand up to the muscle Dax could bring in any sword fight. Harris was in great shape but he was just too small to compete on the elite level Dax thought. Harris knew the rest well though, the only reason Dax could beat him in archery was because he could draw back the heavy bowstring for the long range shots. In land navigation, tactics and everything else though Harris was better. The trainers gave out points and overall Dax had only two more points than Harris had.

  “If I lose, I lose” Dax replied. “The only thing left is out of my control.”

  “Well I know I will get the ten points” Harris replied. “I will get that and first pick of assignments, you know there is only one per class.”

  “What are you talking about?” Dax asked.


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