Easy Charm

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Easy Charm Page 8

by Kristen Proby

  Then, at the evening wine time, a guest ate a cookie that had coconut in it and had a violent allergic reaction, needing a call to 911, and a trip to the hospital because he forgot to bring his EpiPen with him, not to mention he forgot to inform me of any special dietary needs.

  So by the time I fell into bed with Rhys last night, I was so exhausted that I was asleep before my head hit the pillow, and had to get up before him this morning.

  “I’m never getting laid again,” I grumble to myself and push a fresh pan of cookies into the oven.

  “We’re here to make sure that isn’t true.”

  I whirl to find Van, Charly and Kate grinning from ear to ear, standing just inside my kitchen.

  “How long have you been there?”

  “Long enough to hear you bitch about coconut and not getting laid.”

  I nod. “That about covers it.”

  “Well,” Charly says with a smile and lifts a bag from her shop. “We are here to make sure that sad travesty doesn’t happen.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Rhys called me, and he wanted to surprise you,” Kate says and claps her hands.

  “So we are going to help you get ready, and then the three of us are going to man the fort for the next twenty-four hours.” Savannah pulls the cookies out of the oven, turns it off, and takes my hand to lead me upstairs.

  “But I have to work.”

  “We’re working for you,” Charly says.

  “But you guys have to work.”

  “Jesus, is she slow?” Kate shakes her head. “We took the rest of today and tomorrow off so you can too, and so you can go have fun.”

  “Fun.” I follow my sisters into my bedroom, sit on the bed where directed, and frown at the three women. “I don’t have time for fun.”

  “Yes, you do.” Savannah takes the bag from Charly and pulls the contents out. “Now, Charly brought you some gorgeous new wedges. I’m totally jealous over these shoes.”

  “You’re welcome,” Charly adds as she emerges from my closet with my smallest suitcase and about seven outfits draped over her arm.

  The shoes are seriously pretty; black patent-leather with a peep-toe.

  It’s too bad I haven’t had time to paint my toenails.

  “So, we’re not allowed to tell you where you’re going,” Kate begins as she and Charly sort through my tops. “But we can say that you’re going out for dinner tonight, so you should wear something flirty and pretty.”

  I’m getting better at flirty.

  “And tomorrow is more casual.” Van grins as she finds some black lacy underwear in my drawer. With the tags still on them. “Who are you saving these for?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. They probably don’t even fit anymore.”

  “Yes they do,” Charly says and passes them to me. “Go put them on while we pick out your outfit.”

  “You guys got really bossy.” I march into the bathroom, leave the door open, and strip down to try the underwear on.

  “Come on, let us have fun.” Van calls from the other room “We never got to help you get ready for special dates before.”

  “You were at college, or married and off having lives of your own,” I call out calmly as I shimmy into the pretty underwear, then smile when it fits perfectly.

  “Oh, those are divine,” Kate says with a sigh as I walk out of the bathroom. “I have a weakness for pretty underwear.”

  “Rhys will love it,” Charly agrees with a nod. “But I think the wedges are better suited for tomorrow. For tonight, you need fuck-me heels.”

  “Do I own fuck-me heels?”

  Charly looks stricken as she dives back in my closet, then reemerges a few moments later with a sexy pair of black heels that I forgot I even owned.

  “These are awesome,” Charly says with a satisfied grin. “And perfect for tonight. And I might borrow them later this week.”

  “Your feet are bigger than mine,” I remind her.

  “Have I taught you nothing?” Charly asks with her hands on her hips. “Beauty is pain, Gabby.”

  “So, why do you think you’re never getting laid again?” Van asks as she approves a black dress that hits me mid-thigh, with white chevron stripes. “Rhys obviously likes you.”

  “Because I don’t think he wants it.” I wrinkle my nose and all three girls stop what they’re doing to stare at me.

  “Do we have to have the talk?” Van asks, then turns to Charly. “I told you we should have given her the talk.”

  “Well, she got pregnant and had a baby, and I just assumed she already knew the basics.” Charly shakes her head in disbelief. “Of course he wants it, sweetie. He’s a man.”

  “Well, we’ve kissed, and touched, and…”

  “Has he buried his face downtown?” Charly asks with raised brows.

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “He wants it,” she replies. “Guys don’t go downtown for nothing, trust me.”

  “Well, with Sam gone, he’s been sleeping in here with me,” I begin, then bump Kate’s fist when she offers it. “And I just figured we’d have actually had sex by now, but yesterday was a cluster and I was so exhausted last night, I was practically already asleep by the time I crawled in bed.”

  “Well, you won’t have that issue tonight,” Kate says with an encouraging smile. “Nothing at all to worry about. We have this covered, and you can just take the night off and have a good time.”

  “And by have a good time, she means get laid,” Van says helpfully. “You know, in case you didn’t know.”

  “Thanks,” I reply as I pull the dress over my head and step into my shoes. Charly zips me up from behind.

  “Oh, this looks fantastic!” she says with a happy smile. “Now, your hair and makeup.”

  “It’s just dinner. It’s not the prom or anything.” But I turn a circle, pleased with my reflection. How long has it been since I wore anything other than jeans or shorts? I don’t even remember.

  “Oh, here, put this in your purse.” Charly hands me a silver packet.

  “Just one?” Van asks with a frown, and I let the whole string of condoms fall in a long line, dangling from my fingers. “Oh, good.”

  “Well, whether he wants to do it or not,” I say with a giggle, “we’ll be safe.”

  “He wants it,” Charly says with confidence and kisses my cheek. “Have fun. Be safe.”

  “And please, get laid,” Van adds.


  Dinner was amazing, at my favorite restaurant in the Quarter, Café Amalie. Kate must have told Rhys to take me there.

  The food was delicious, Joe the waiter was kind and flirty, and my date was attentive, sexy and funny.

  I’ve come to learn that effort is attractive. Rhys is here with me because he wants to be, and he put a lot of effort into getting me here.

  Totally sexy.

  And if that wasn’t enough, he took me to the club that my brother, Declan, is playing in tonight. We have front row seats, so Rhys must have given Declan the heads up that we were coming.

  I don’t remember the last time I got to watch Dec perform. It’s been years. And there is nothing in the world like watching my handsome brother croon, sing, play the instruments like he was born to it, and flirt with the audience.

  He’s always reminded me of Harry Connick Jr., another New Orleans native musician. Like Harry, Declan is funny, and so damn talented.

  He’s singing a bluesy number I don’t know, his long fingers dancing over the keys of the piano, and he glances over at me and winks.

  I’m swaying in my seat, holding Rhys’s hand in my lap, soaking in the music and the strong, captivating man sitting next to me.

  Rhys leans over and kisses the crown of my head, then murmurs, “Are you having fun?”

  “So much fun,” I reply immediately. “I don’t remember the last time I heard Dec play.”

  “He’s good,” Rhys says, his eyes on Declan.

  “He’s the best.” I nudge Rhys with my shoulder
playfully. “And I didn’t get even a drop of the musical talent that Dec has.”

  “You have other talents,” he replies softly, his green eyes suddenly hot.

  “Like you’d know,” I mutter low, but suddenly Rhys’s arm is wrapped around my shoulders and his lips are against my ear.

  “Trust me, baby, I want you, and I’ll have you. But I’m enjoying this easy evening out with you.”

  I smile up at him as Declan finishes the song. He stands from the piano and sits on a stool with his guitar. “Ladies and gentlemen, I have a special guest here tonight.”

  He smiles down at me and I pray with all my might that he doesn’t pull me up on stage. I’m terrified of people.

  But he just gives me a tiny shake of the head and keeps talking.

  Because he knows.

  “My baby sister, Gabby, hasn’t heard me perform in about three years, and I’m pleased that she’s here tonight, with a special friend.”

  I raise a brow, but he keeps talking.

  “Gabby is one of the most special people in my life, friends.” His eyes soften on me. “She’s the best. And this is a song that our father sang to her, and that she now sings to her little one. I’d like to sing it for her tonight.”

  I hold my breath, and reach out for Rhys’s hand as Declan begins to sing the Johnny Cash version of You Are My Sunshine, and just like that, tears fill my eyes as I watch my big brother sing the song that’s more familiar to me than just about anything else.

  The guitar sounds…well, stringy is the only way I can describe it because I don’t play the instrument myself. It’s a slow, gritty version of the song, and I love every note.

  When he’s done, he comes off the stage to me, hugs me close, and whispers in my ear, “Love you, sunshine.”

  “Love you.” He returns to the stage, and I glance up at Rhys. “Thank you.”


  This evening has been nothing short of a fantasy. After the show, Rhys walked me back down Royal Street to a bed and breakfast and led me up the stairs, where our luggage was already waiting in our room.

  The room is beautifully decorated with antique furniture, lovely, bold colored linens and a huge bathroom is attached.

  “This is charming,” I murmur and turn to see Rhys’s eyes on me.

  “I watch you move and I can’t think straight,” he says as he slowly walks toward me. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are in this dress and heels?”

  “Charly says they’re fuck-me heels.” I swallow and watch his lips as they tip up in that half-smile that always does me in.

  “She’s right,” he says on a sigh. “I think we’ll leave them on for a few minutes.”

  “Okay. She also gave me condoms.” Jesus, shut up, Gabby!

  “Well, she’s a planner. We’re going to take this dress off.”

  I swallow again. “Okay.”

  He slowly turns me away from him and pushes my hair over my shoulder, out of his way, and then lowers the zipper of my dress and pushes it down my arms, and lets it simply fall in a heap around my feet.

  “Holy fuck,” he hisses between his teeth. His fingertips trace the straps of my bra, then the elastic of my panties around my waist and my whole body is on fire. Just the lightest touch sends goose bumps all over me.

  His lips graze my shoulder, then up my neck to my ear. “You take my breath away, Gabrielle.”

  I turn to face him and slide my palms up his torso, on either side of the buttons of his black button-down. When I reach the top, I unbutton the shirt, then push it down his arms and off, admiring the smooth, tanned skin that covers his muscled body. His abs are ridiculous. It should be illegal to look like this in slacks. I stick my fingertip in the waist of his pants, right over the zipper, and can feel the tip of his already-hard cock.


  “You make me crazy too,” I whisper and lean in to kiss his chest, right over his heart. “You’ve kept me crazy for days.”

  “You were so tired last night, baby.”

  “I know.” I smile softly and look up into his deep green eyes. “But I’m not so tired now.”

  He cocks a brow before lifting me into his arms and laying me back on the bed that’s already been turned down.

  Hmm…maybe I should offer turn-down service at the inn. I bet guests would appreciate it, for moments like this.

  “No thinking about work.”

  I glance up in surprise. “How did you know?”

  “You get a crease between your eyebrows.” He rubs the spot with the pad of his thumb, then gently brushes it down the bridge of my nose and settles beside me.

  “When did you take your pants off?” I glance around. “And grab condoms?”

  “While you were daydreaming about work.” He smirks and kisses my shoulder again, then drags the tip of his tongue up my neck and turns my face to meet his. “If, at any time, you need or want me to stop, all you have to do is say so.”

  I nod, fully trusting him.

  “How long has it been?”

  He wants to talk about this now?

  He simply raises a brow when I hesitate.

  “Since I got pregnant,” I whisper. His eyes widen, and then narrow with pure male possessiveness. “How long has it been for you?”

  And then he frowns.

  “Hey, I get to know too.”

  “More than a year. Maybe close to two.”

  “Right.” I roll my eyes, but he pins me beneath him, my hands in his, pressed to the bed above my head, and he kisses me deeply, until I am gasping for breath, then pulls back.

  “I don’t lie, Gabby. No one has interested me in a very long time. And I no longer waste my time with anything that doesn’t interest me.”

  I bite my lip and nod. “Okay.”

  “And I’m not going to take this fast.” He plants those full lips at the side of my mouth and nibbles, then drags his nose down my jaw to my ear. “I’m going to take my time. Your body will burn.”

  He tugs on my earlobe with his teeth.

  “You’ll be drenched.”

  “I already am,” I reply and wiggle under him, earning a deep chuckle.

  “You will beg for me.”

  “I don’t beg for anything.” But my voice doesn’t sound as sure as I’d like it to.

  “Oh, baby,” he whispers as he releases one of my hands and pulls his fingertips down my arm to my breast, still covered in the sexy underwear the girls talked me into. “Challenge accepted.”

  I think I’m in trouble.

  Or I’m in for the best experience of my life.

  His mouth wanders down my torso, leaving a wet trail. He sucks my nipples through the lace, then tugs it down and licks them some more, teasing them into tight nubs. Finally, he rips the last of my underwear off and tosses them over his shoulder.

  “The shoes stay.”

  It’s not a request.

  And damn if it isn’t sexy as hell.

  He nuzzles my belly on his way downtown, but rather than kiss me there, he flips me over onto my belly and continues the assault on the backs of my legs, alternating wet kisses and light touches over the delicate skin behind my knees and inner thighs. Finally, he grips my ass in both hands, spreads me apart and laps at my core, from my clit to my anus and back down again.

  “Oh my God!”

  “Jesus, you’re wet.”

  “It’s not my fault,” I reply breathlessly. “You’re sexy.”

  He chuckles and bites my ass cheek, then the other to match, and nibbles up my spine to my neck and speaks into my ear again.

  “Your body was made to make a man weep with joy. I want to fuck you, and spank you, and pamper you, all at the same time.”

  Jesus, he can’t say shit like that to me.

  “You like that?”

  I shrug, unable to move much from this angle, but God, I can’t talk either. I’m a big, tight ball of lust.

  “I think you do,” he whispers and bites the lobe again before kissing his way
back down. “I think you like it when I talk dirty to you.”

  I moan in agreement and tip my ass up, hoping for more attention, and he readily obliges, rubbing two fingers through my folds.

  “Your lips are swollen,” he says as he kisses down my back. “And your clit is coming out to play.”

  His thumb draws circles around the center of my universe, making me cry out.

  “Oh my God!”

  “That’s right, baby.” He repeats the motion, and slowly sticks two fingers inside me. “God, you’re tight.”

  I whimper, my hips moving in circles. Damn, if only he’d touch me a little harder, a little faster—

  And suddenly I’m on my back again and Rhys is kneeling between my legs.


  But he doesn’t push inside me. He just smiles and kisses back down my torso, over my belly, to my core, and pulls my clit between his lips, tugging just hard enough to send me over the edge.

  “Fuck!” I jackknife off the bed, but Rhys pins me down with his hand firmly between my breasts as he has his way with me.

  And it’s amazing. Like, the kind of shit you write home about.

  But it’s not exactly what I want.


  He shakes his head, and that makes my eyes cross.

  “Rhys, I’m serious.”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “I want you inside me!”

  He grins against my core. “That’s not stop or no,” he replies and drags that tongue through my lips and inside me, then back up to my clit.

  “You’re trying to kill me.”

  He chuckles. “You’re not ready.”

  “Sweetheart, I don’t think I could be any more ready.” I grip the covers at my hips and hold my breath as he kisses the inside of my thighs, my pubis, and finally kisses up my body.

  “Do you want me?” he whispers against my lips. The sound of a foil packet tearing open is the only sound as he hovers over me. I can smell and taste myself, and rather than answer, I pull his mouth down to mine, kissing him deeply, loving that our scents are mingling around me, and I reach between us, grip him firmly in my fist, and guide him to my entrance.

  “I need the words,” he growls.

  “I don’t just want you, Rhys, I need you.”

  He pauses, his eyes on mine, his hands framing my face, breathing hard. And finally, finally, he pushes lightly, just burying the tip in my wetness.


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