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Beth's Stable

Page 21

by Amanda Milo

“Hey,” I say, taking his face. “What can you do to make this situation right, where you don’t feel like this?”

  Normal Ekan would offer up a lecherous comment here.

  Ekan really must be broken, because he doesn’t. “Find a port with cog-damned good doctors. Have them take a look at him.”

  “Okay,” I say, patting his knee. “There you go. When?”

  “Already changed our course. The best ones we have access to are on the other side of this system, and we’re headed their way.” Almost forlornly, he takes up a lock of my hair.

  “Want to snuggle til you feel better?” I ask, a little disconcerted at this morose version of my enigmatic pirate.

  His eyes heat up a little, and seeing this makes me happy. “Yes. Always yes if you want to.”

  He moves behind me, dropping his long, muscular legs on either side of mine, which also happens to afford the front of his pants an intimate seat against the itty bitty scrap that covers my derrière.

  We stay like this, enjoying the simple comfort of being close.

  At least for a few minutes. “You’re poking me,” I point out, amused.

  Ekan snorts into my hair. “Please, narra; this is nothing. If I had my way I’d be poking you a lot more.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, his chest expands against my back as he sucks in his breath. “That was a jest. Poor taste—apologies.”

  Ekan apologizing for dropping a ribald joke? I bring his arm tighter around my middle, and enjoy a fresh burst of pleasure when he brushes his hand over my belly, spreading his fingers until he affectionately cups ‘our spawn.’

  A crazy idea takes hold of me. “You know what you need?”

  “You’re already here, Beth.” Ekan drops his heavy chin on my shoulder.

  I cover his hand with both of mine. Okay. Maybe I like Ekan like this. A lot. I drop my hands to Ekan’s thighs. Once I have leverage, I wriggle slightly—just enough to brush against his hardness.

  Ekan draws away a little. “Beth?”

  I twist enough to be able to see him. “You should get off.”

  His head jerks back and his brows shoot together, a brief but unmistakable expression of hurt crossing his face before he tries for a carefree smile. “Didn’t mean to smother you.” He starts to get up.

  I slide my hand down to his knee before he can move away. “I mean, get off-get off, you know, with me here—I’ll watch.” Yeah, I have a motive—I want to observe exactly what these pirates are packing because ohmygaaaah!!—it’s WEIRD.

  Now Ekan pulls so far away from me he’s almost leaning sideways. “‘Get off’ as in…”

  “Masturbate in front of me,” I confirm, nodding, trying to adopt a scholarly bearing.

  Ekan stares at me, his grey eyes almost silver with shock. “What?”

  I glance down at my hands. “I was wrecking plants in the greenhouse until Tiernan put me on sweeping duty, and I never did get all the dirt out from under my nails, so I’ll sit this one out. But you,” I meet his eyes, and smile, “You go right ahead. I’ll play cheerleader. Literally, if that’s your thing. You like pom-poms?”

  “What?” Ekan repeats, blinking.

  I drop my head back with a sigh before straightening and adjusting until I’m on my knees, facing him. “Get up. Whip it out. I want to see it.”

  Ekan’s jaw drops. He slowly pans his gaze from me to the rest of the room, like he’s not sure if this is real or not, or why or how it’s happening if it is.

  I move for the fastening of his pants.

  Ekan almost jumps off the bed—but, I’m happy to see, his eyes are starting to dance again. “Madam, please—I know it’s hard, but restrain yourself.” He slowly draws the heel of his hand along the thick outline of his erection.

  I smirk up at him. Now this is the Ekan I know. “You need music? Clapping? Compliments?”

  “I could always use a toy,” Ekan offers.

  “You have toys?” I ask with interest. “Next I was going to offer to service you with dirty hands.”

  Ekan looks considering. “I adore the idea of you having dirty, dirty hands you want to service me with. But I also enjoy your interest in my toys.” He raises a brow. “Are you certain you want to witness that?”

  I shrug, a maneuver he always watches with interest. “I’m intrigued. Let’s see you get off with a toy, please.”

  Apprehension seeps into his eyes. He tilts his head. “Now that I think on it, this might not be the wisest bad idea I’ve entertained. You’ve got me ready to avail myself of her now, believe me, but I can take her to another room.” He glances to the door like he’s thinking over options.

  I rear back a bit. “‘Her?’”

  Ekan turns back to me, and nods. “Vera.”

  I blink. “Oh yeah. This I have to see.”

  Ekan walks to his Comm panel, and calls, “Vera! Your presence is requested.”

  A moment later, there’s a crackle piped in through the speaker—which is odd, because the speakers on the ship are very clear—and then I hear Tiernan’s voice, a very annoyed, especially irritated-sounding Tiernan’s voice, and I realize he is the source of the crackle—he’s growling. “Teveker!”

  Ekan chuckles and presses the button so that he can drawl, “Did I interrupt? Only one of you is coming, huh?”

  A minute later our door opens, but it’s not Tiernan who enters, bent on beating Ekan to a pulp. I’m not prepared for the silver-skinned robot who sashays through instead, walking right to Ekan, and who, bending over, grabs her slim, non-pregnancy-swollen ankles. Because her rear end is facing me, I see everything as this position exposes a very realistic looking vulva.

  There’s something white sticking out of her… opening.

  I scramble off the bed, circling her so that my view changes immediately—and movement from Ekan has me glancing at him to see he’s not looking at the robot: he’s watching me.

  “Do you want me to send her away?” His worried look for me breaks as a small smirk flits over his expression. “You know, Tiernan won’t mind if I return her sooner rather than later.”

  I can’t answer him yet. My eyes are drawn back to the robot. Her face is blank—as in literally, whoever created her face gave her no expression. Two eyes, a nose, and two sculpted bumps that work as lips; but her features are all just suggestion.

  Her ears are notably elfin, even more pronounced than the guys’. She also has one perfectly round boob in the center of her chest.

  I can’t stop staring at it. “You have sex with her—with this?” I ask in a voice strained a couple octaves higher than my normal range.

  “I won’t if it upsets you,” Ekan says so, so seriously that I can finally tear my gaze away from the metal woman and focus on the alien. He looks super worried, which isn’t an expression I’m used to seeing on Ekan. He doesn’t take his eyes off me when he orders, “Vera; go.”

  “Wait,” I blurt, even as the robot immediately stands straight at his command, her boob rebounding against her chest for one bounce at her sharp movement, like one of those punching balloons on strings. “I… I want to see.”

  Ekan stares at me.

  Vera starts to go.

  I assure Ekan, “It’s okay. Believe me, you have me so curious. Don’t leave me hanging now.”

  Ekan watches me for a beat longer, but calls, “Vera; wait,” before she reaches the door. “Vera; your presence is requested.”

  She returns to him immediately, and bends over again. In horrified fascination, I watch as Ekan rounds her. When he gets to her backside, he grimaces a pained grin, and turns away to grab the trash can. He holds it out and says, “Vera; remove the sleeve.”

  Without even turning her head, Vera mechanically—robotically—reaches around herself to strip the white thing—which looks like a big, soppy, long condom once she pulls it from her slit.

  “Absolutely the height of rudeness,” Ekan mutters. But I see the flash of his mischievous smile; he’s aware he stole her mid-activity, and he finds th
is hilarious.

  He presses a raised area on Vera’s side and something ejects: it’s a triangular dart-looking thing. With deft movements, Ekan inserts it into her, and although I don’t have the view to verify, I’m pretty sure I know where he sticks it. His hands move to her hips, which conveniently swell out enough they make nice grips for a man’s hands.

  Wow this is weird. I can’t look away.

  I even crane my neck for maximum study. When nothing happens, I look up into the hesitant face of Ekan. “Well?” I urge him. “Get on it with it; I’m waiting.”

  With a surprised huff of laughter, the line of Ekan’s shoulders relax. His breath eases out, a big breath, like he’d been holding it, concerned with how I’d react. After another moment, his big, muscular thighs step up to frame Vera’s sleeker metallic ones.

  Then nothing happens.

  I tear my eyes away from Vera’s bizarre stillness to meet Ekan’s gaze again—but his eyes are fixed on the wall, and his mouth is set a little ruefully.

  “Problem?” I ask.

  “You could say that,” he says. “Remember how my cock likes you a lot? He’s not too comfortable with this situation. Could I ask you to, ah…” He brushes a rough hand up the back of his neck. “Offer him—me,” he corrects, no longer referring to his dick as its own entity, “some assistance?”

  A grin takes over my whole face. Strutting only a tiny bit, I take a step in his direction. “What can I do for you?”

  “Could you,” he swallows, the strong muscles of his throat shifting, “Kiss me?”

  My heart puffs up and goes a bit gooey. “Aww—am I making you nervous?”

  “You have no idea,” Ekan confirms, his nod telling me he’s having to summon up his courage to do this for me. “There is almost a galaxversally common trait among females: you can be very, very territorial.” He finally meets my eyes. “I don’t want this to upset you.”

  I hold onto him for balance and go up on my toes to give him a kiss to keep him from doing more talking. My stomach bumps against him, and he splays his hand right over my belly button, possessive. When I drop back down, I tell him, “I’d like to see what you Na’rith have, and what it looks like in action.” I wave to Vera. “It doesn’t get any better than this—a demo without another woman being involved.”

  Ekan takes my chin in his hand. “Good. Remember that. She’s not you, Beth.”

  He lowers his fly, and out pops his big, thick dick that I’ve gotten glimpses of, but definitely never got an eyeful with any real detail.

  “What’s this?” I ask, and after marshaling my own courage, I brazenly run a finger along an almost translucent sheath-addition the likes I’ve never seen.

  Ekan wraps his hand around the head of his shaft, and jerks his fist back, which retracts the sheath—and causes it to dial wider and expand around the base of his dick.

  I manage not to voice my yelp of shock. But it’s a close call.

  “This,” he says, following my gaze and correctly pointing out the organ I’m so mystified by, “Is a mating ring. It’s a flexible member that seals to our female, encompassing her from her slit to her clit. It enhances her pleasure, and once our seed is released, keeps it confined until the seal breaks, giving our sperm a bit of a time advantage in the hopes we can fertilize spawn,” he says with an oddly shy-appearing smile.

  Reaching out, I take him in my hand. Ekan sucks in a shocked breath, his hips surging forward and banging into Vera’s butt, catching my wrist between his thigh and her ass, which squishes slightly, the material of her behind reacting like some sort of spongy-rubber combo; squishy-bouncy, not quite real.

  “What is it?” Ekan whispers, his mouth tracing my cheek, his breath warming my face as he thrusts once into my grip, his mating ring cupping my hand, much warmer than my skin, and trapping me against Vera.

  “I’m thinking about Vera’s butt,” I say.

  “I’m not.” Ekan nudges at my cheek to make me expose my neck to him better. “I’m thinking of your rump.”

  I snicker. “So am I, actually. I was thinking Vera’s ‘recoil’ is not as nice as my butt, I feel pretty certain—” I let him go, and Ekan moans into my shoulder, “—and I feel weirdly proud of this,” I finish, feeling very pleased.

  Until I can’t pull back my hand. “Um, Ekan? Your ring won’t let go of my hand.”

  “Cog-damned inconvenient sometimes,” he says right against my ear, making shivers travel along my skin everywhere. “But I wouldn’t say this time was one of them.” He does something and my hand pops free.

  “Thanks for making your dick let me go.”

  “This is the strangest rut I’ve ever had,” Ekan mutters, before he swoops in for my mouth, kissing me until I want to shove Vera to the side and get myself some instead.

  But I don’t because we’ve come this far—I’d kind of like to see Ekan come all the way, so to speak.

  Ekan rests his forehead against mine, his eyes too close as he stares into my eyes, but he doesn’t pull away. “Guide me in, narra.”

  Instead of just shoving him in, I run my hand up and down his belly, making his skin jump and flicker. He sucks in a breath when my hand closes over his cock again—but I’m careful to keep my hand right behind his fat head, and to go nowhere near his seal’s capturing range. His eyes fall closed, and his nostrils widen, his breath coming faster against my lips when I pump him and tug him where I want him to go.

  This is kind of fun, I think to myself, and I laugh out loud, just once. It’s a surprised, power-filled sound. Ekan responds by hardening even more in my hand.

  I tease him, swiping my thumb over his tip and spreading his pre-cum on the hot, swollen knob of his cock.

  Ekan gunts harshly and warns, “I’m about to knock Vera down and take you in her place.”

  “Hold that feeling, you beast,” I tell him, and tug him forward a little more. The front side of my fist bumps Vera’s simulated girl parts, and I guide my alien’s head right to her opening.

  Ekan doesn’t move.

  I reach up and wrap my other hand around his neck, pulling him down enough that I can breathe into his ear and coax, “Come on. Cram your giant cock into that hole and fuck it.”

  Ekan takes Vera’s hips in a rough grip and thrusts into her hard. She jolts under him, but doesn’t change anything—not her position, not a movement of her head, not a sound. She’s only a masturbatory aid. She’s just a toy.

  Ekan fucks his toy like he hates her, his muscles shifting, jumping, straining—he’s beautiful in his power.

  And he fucks into her all the while staring right at me.

  The sound of his skin slapping the flexible material of Vera’s buttocks is loud and obscene. There’s no holding back on his taking her—his chest and sides and thighs and arms have muscles on muscles and they stand out to perfection with every one of his rough, powerful thrusts. There’s no finesse, and no concern for the form under him—she’s his cum receptacle, for real. He’s working her fast, I realize, so that he can come faster.

  As his heavy-lidded eyes stay locked to mine, I’m starting to feel more and more swollen.

  The scent of sex, and a silicone rubber smell, fills my nostrils. The rough tempo of Ekan’s breathing heats my ears as I circle him, watching his back muscles flex as he works and pumps into her.

  This is unexpectedly hot.

  “Beth,” he grits out, and I move to him.

  Eyes a little wild, Ekan catches me with a strong grip at my nape, finding my lips and kissing me hard, and my hand finds his heavy sac and I gently bring my fingers around it—and that’s how he comes—his dick inside Vera, and his lips on mine.

  We stay like that for a moment, both of us panting, and when I shift, my thighs slide, the wetness of my arousal having run down my legs. How about that. Watching Ekan get off for my curiosity-filled viewing satisfaction somehow made me crazy wet.

  Without a word, I take his wrist, and give him a hickey to match the one he was so jealous (ma
ybe even a little distraught) to see on his brother.

  Ekan’s other hand gathers my hair back so he can watch, before he wildly kisses my temple. Something between a purr and a growl is working behind his chest, and the sound is doing things to my insides that, if he knew he could have this effect on me, he’d never stop.

  Smiling at the thought, I bask in the intense heat pouring off of him as I finish making a mark on his skin.

  After a few moments, I lower his wrist and pull back a bit, glancing at the performance area between Ekan and Vera. “What now?”

  He drags his forehead against the inside of his arm to wipe the sweat from his brow. His eyes meet mine, taking measure, I think. “Now we break suction.” He inserts a blunt finger between his membrane and her skin, popping himself free. He catches my intent, curious gaze. “It won’t be this manageable with you. Just so you know.” At my questioning look, he offers, “You’ll be a little too exciting for it to release as smartly as this.”

  Ekan’s looking just a bit sluggish as he removes his cum-catcher sleeve from Vera. It’s no longer the small dart-looking thing that he inserted; it’s been fuck-stretched and now resembles the same collection device that she was wearing when she left Tiernan.

  Unlike Ekan’s really good-smelling, oddly arabica and coconut-esque frothy-filled sleeve, Tiernan’s was empty.

  We literally stole Vera from under him, and he didn’t get a release.

  He must be feeling terribly frustrated.

  I must seem too quiet, because Ekan’s face is suddenly in mine. He pushes a lock of my hair behind my ears, his eyes concerned as they search mine. “That wasn’t too much for you to see, was it?”

  It could have had the potential to be if I hadn’t been included. It definitely would have been if Vera was a threat in any way, but she’s not. She’s still bent over, staring vacantly at the far wall. She’s a tool, nothing more. “No,” I assure Ekan. “It wasn’t too much.”

  He blows out a breath so big it lifts my bangs, and he pops a kiss on my cheek. “Whew!” He drags me to his chest for a lazy, sleepy hug. Then he yawns in my ear, a satisfied sound. “We should probably send her back to Tiernan. And if you follow me back to the bed, I’d love to give you some relief for that pesky need that’s making you squirm.”


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