Erotic Classics II

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Erotic Classics II Page 137

by Various Authors

  “Don’t,—what are you doing?” shrieked Jenny, “put on your chemise,—you’re naked,—you’re naked,”—and she tried to pull up the chemise; but the woman stepped away from the clothes as they lay on the floor, caught up the chemise, threw it on the bed, and placed petticoats and stays on a chair by the wash-hand stand. I saw large hips, a mass of dark hair at her cunt, a large white backside, fine round thighs, and limbs; in brief a fine, plump, well-fed woman, a splendid sight. The innocence of the action was beautiful. “Oh! isn’t it nice and cool,” she said, “I’ve got so hot walking.”

  “Put on your things,—what are you doing?” said Jenny. “Oh! isn’t it nice!—I wish one could go in one’s skin this weather,” she replied. She scratched her motte-hair, and felt her arse, and seemed so pleased with herself. Then she looked under each of her armpits. “Oh! Lord how hot I am,—where is a towel?” She took one, and began gently rubbing herself with it under her armpits, put it down, and again scratched the hair of her motte.

  “I’m surprised at you,” said Jenny walking about, and I’m sure trying to prevent me from seeing her sister, though she always declared to me afterwards that she had no such intention. “Cover yourself, you’ll catch cold.” “Catch cold?—nonsense,—and you have the window shut also,—what do you shut it for?” “Oh! I can’t bear it open in thundering weather.” The fact was we always shut it when we went to the bed to exclude noise, and left the door open, to hear if anyone knocked at the street-door. “Put something on you at all events,” said Jenny, “it’s not decent.” “Decent?—you are modest all of a sudden.”

  “It’s delicious!” She walked round the bed to the window, opened it, came back naked as she was, and went on working at her dress; and so for a quarter of an hour did I see this handsomely-made woman naked, first her side, then her belly, then her bum came in view, till I was driven mad by the state of my penis which was throbbing with excitement, and urging me to frig it.

  “Well that will do,” she said as she finished, “the creases will never be noticed where they are,”—and she walked backwards to the bed, the short distance she was from it, and sat down at the edge just where the valance had dropped. With care I pulled the valance, and the seam opened more, but not much. I raised myself on my elbow, my eyes to the opening. There were the thighs and legs stretching out to the floor, her bum was at the mere edge of the bed, her cunt but about six inches above my nose. I had a wonderfully keen scent for the aroma of a woman, and swear I smelt her cunt distinctly, though I could not see it. She sat there for full five minutes, talking to Jenny about the dress, whilst I kept sniffing up the aroma from her flesh and her love-orifice, and feeling my quivering prick, whilst my greedy eyes gloated on the fat thighs, so far as I could see them.

  At length she turned round. “I’ll put my slippers on,”—and sitting down opposite the bed on the chair on which she had placed her petticoats, she put one leg up, and began unlacing the boot, then between and under the thighs I saw the dark hairy notch. She had scarcely put herself in that attitude before putting her foot down, she came to the bed, put one foot up, and there continued unlacing it,—and there was her cunt just visible, and within a foot of my greedy eyes, whilst she leisurely unlaced the boot on the bed, the other foot on the floor. Had I placed her there for the purpose I could not have done it better.

  “Oh! don’t,” said Jenny, “take your foot off.” “What’s the matter?” replied she as if just noticing Jenny’s excitement, “you’ve got one of your foolish fits on I think.” “You will dirty the bed,—take your foot off.” “Nonsense it’s quite dry, besides it’s on my chemise,—I wish you’d go and make tea, if you are in such a hurry,—one would think you had got St. Vitus’ dance,”—for Jenny in her agitation, and also to make noise to prevent any indiscreet movement of mine being noticed, had kept moving about noisily and restlessly the whole time.

  Silenced, she said no more, but still walked restlessly about, went at the back of her sister, and glared at the valance where she guessed my eyes were peeping. Her face was the picture of anxiety. But I did not look at that long, I was riveted on her sister’s form and dark-haired cunt; that cunt was at times slightly opened by the attitude she was in, and altered its shape as she moved. I saw the thick dark hair curling away until I lost sight of it in the direction of her arse-hole, and I could smell her cunt again I swear, my excitement grew intense, I could not keep my hand from my prick, I knew the delicate position I was in, the injury I should do the poor girl if found out;—but a spend in sight of that cunt and splendid pair of thighs I must have. I just touched myself, holding my breath restraining all emotion, gave one or two frigs, and a shower of sperm fell over my trousers. If any man might be pardoned for having a solitary pleasure, it was I, placed in such a lust-stirring situation.

  Chapter XXI

  I thought I had had my pleasure in silence, but I was wrong, I was heard, I had given a slight sigh. The anxious ears of poor Jenny heard it. She made increased noise whilst her sister went tranquilly on, and unlaced her boots without taking any notice or hearing me, whilst the last drop of sperm was running over, and I was still looking at her cunt, and sniffing.

  Then she stood looking at her boots. “Ah! this one wants soling,—where are my slippers?—where did I put them?” They were just under the bed, close by me. “Here they are,” said Jenny rushing to the side, and pulling them out she gave them to her sister who took them, but instead of putting them on pulled off both her stockings. “I’ll wash these tonight,” said she, “and darn them the first thing tomorrow,—I’ll cut my corns.” “Oh! do come down and have tea,—you can cut your corns after you have washed your feet tonight,—oh! put something on, and come.” “I won’t be long,—you go and make tea.” “No I shan’t, I know you’ll be an hour,—it will be spoiled.” “I can cut them so much better by daylight,—I cut my toe last Saturday night you know,” and without more ado she walked round the foot of the bed to the other side, where in front of the window was a small dressing-table, a looking-glass, and a chair by the side of it. She was now absolutely naked from head to foot. As she neared the window she said, “Oh! how delicious the air is blowing upon one’s skin,—I quite hate putting on my chemise again.” Jenny still kept moving about, and shuffling her feet; but the sister engrossed in herself, kept on talking about her dress, her Tom, the place she was going to on the morrow, and seemed to notice nothing. At length she placed one foot on the chair by the window, and began cutting her corns. And now I had a view of her backside and naked form from that side of the bed.

  When she had finished one foot, she put it down, and sat on the edge of the bed. “Poof! how hot it makes me stooping,—it makes me sweat,—but I’ll do the other,—drat the tight boots, they make corns,”—and up went the other foot. Out went my head, and up went the valance, but I was fearful of being seen, so took out my pen-knife, and cut a long slit in the valance. Then my eye was never still to her buttocks, but I could not see her seat of pleasure so well, so I took to the floor again, and saw her cunt better.

  Then she stood for a minute looking over a little white blind into the gardens. “There is Mrs. B——- and her daughter walking.” “Oh! pray put something on,—if they should see you.” “Impossible they can’t,”—and she stooped down, and began operating on the other corn. The cunt opened a little and so did something else, for out popped a pretty loud, short, sharp fart.

  “You beast,” said Jenny. “I beg your pardon,” said the sister, “I’m always windy when I have eaten hash, and drank beer,—I could not help it.” “It’s dirty,” growled Jenny. “You’re far enough off, and it’s better out than in,”—and ceasing to chuckle, and as if half ashamed of herself she went on corn-cutting without speaking, but that did not suit Jenny who soon began a conversation, and shuffling about. She made no further allusion to the fart.

  When she had finished it only seemed as if I had been looking at her there for a few
seconds, but on that side of the bed she must have given me ten minutes of that lascivious gratification. I was so engrossed, so delighted that even the fart did not amuse me; it annoyed me; for it made her alter her position, and withdraw from my lustful gaze, that charm which perhaps no one but her husband had ever gazed upon so long and so earnestly.

  Then she went back again to the other side of the bed, put on stockings and slippers, and getting up, “Where is the pot” said she, “is it this side or the other?” and began feeling under the valance within a few inches of me, but it was not there. Evidently it was usually there, indeed I know it was, but Jenny and I both pissed before we began to think of fucking, and I had put the pot under the washing-stand.

  “Not there,” shrieked Jenny rushing to the pot. The sister turned round and saw it, I peeped just in time to see her thighs open as she squatted, then came a heavy thump on the bed. The sister said, “What’s the matter?—don’t give way,—don’t be a fool now.” Then without pissing she got up, and came to the bedside. Poor Jenny excited beyond bearing by anxiety, had fainted on seeing her sister on the point of discovering me in searching for the pot.

  She shook Jenny, threw water on her face, and Jenny soon recovered. “What on earth’s the matter?—you give way, you do,—a woman need not faint like that, I’m sure,” said she angrily, “you scared me dreadful.” Jenny said nothing, but repeated that she wanted her tea, that thundery weather always made her feel sick and faint.

  “Well we will go down at once,—I did not think you were ill.” “You might have seen I was.” “I did not, but I’ll be ready in a minute.” Again she squatted on the pot, thighs wide open, belly towards me, pissed like a water-spout, and let one or two little farts of which no notice was taken, whilst I with cock stiff was looking on, and again frigging myself. I could not help it, for every turn, every movement she made was such as if done expressly to show off her naked charms, and drive me randy-mad.

  “Give me my nightgown Jenny, it’s at the foot of the bed, and I’ll only put my dress over it,—it’s so hot.” Jenny turned to take the nightgown from the bed. “I’ll just wash a bit,” said her sister, “I’m almost in a lather with heat and sweat.” Pouring out water in the basin she placed it on the floor, and turning towards the bed squatted, and sluiced her cunt, then rubbed it dry with the towel. “That has made me comfortable,” she remarked, and began putting on her frock.

  As she did so she remarked, “You have not emptied the pot today,—you should, it smells this hot weather.” “Yes I did,” said Jenny innocently. “Well then you’ve peed a lot.” “I’ve done it once or twice since morning,” said Jenny hastily.

  Then the sister went out first. When half-way downstairs I emerged from my hiding-place and listened, heard Jenny say, “I may as well empty the slops, you go and see if the water boils.” Up came Jenny. “Oh! I’m ready to die,—hish!—be quiet.” She emptied the pot and waters into a slop-pail, and went downstairs quickly whilst I followed her silently. I was covered with flue, and had managed to crush my hat; my trousers were partly unbuttoned, and one leg covered with spunk. We got to the ground-floor almost together, and there I stopped. So soon as I heard she was in the kitchen I moved along the passage, and slipped out, leaving the street-door ajar. Luckily a cab was close by, and I jumped into it. The first thing I did was to button up properly. I bolted past my servant as she opened the door to me, took another hat, wrapped the old one up in paper, and the same night tore out the lining, and threw both away in a bye-road.

  I was in an indescribable state of excitement after this delicious afternoon, and was seized with an almost delirious letch for the woman. I was sleepless for a night or two, scheming how to possess her.

  Early on the Monday I got to Jenny’s, and spent the rest of the day fucking, and talking of the sight I had seen. My imagination helped to allay my excitement, for the form of her sister though more beautiful than Jenny’s had still a family likeness to her, and as I clasped Jenny in my arms I pictured her as her sister, and enjoyed her as such.

  I was cautious in my disclosures, for I found that Jenny who had been most inquisitive about other women, and delighted to hear about how they talked, and walked, and pissed, and fucked; was annoyed when I talked of her sister’s nakedness. I ought not to have looked,—why I had seen more than she, her own sister,—a poor woman, and married, and she to have her thing looked at by a strange man,—her husband could not have seen more,—and so on. So though I described her sister’s charms I took care not to express any admiration of them, nor to say I had frigged myself, and felt desire for her. Jenny had not noticed that my trousers were undone, and sperm-soiled. I had not noticed that myself till I got out of the house on that eventful afternoon.

  On the Monday when I saw Jenny, she declared that another hour’s anxiety would have killed her. We found that the time from the minute the sister came into the bed room, to the time she went downstairs was two hours. Jenny thought that she must have been half-an-hour working at her dress. Jenny had walked round the room trying if she could see me, or if I was looking, but could only do so once or twice at the holes, or fancy she did; but the long tear in the valance through which I could see with both eyes at once, and just above which her sister had put up her legs, she had never noticed; nor did she believe me when I said that I could see the cunt when her sister’s backside was towards me, when near the window. So I made her lie down, and look from the floor whilst I stood naked, pretending to cut my corns. Then she said it was a shame of me to be peeping. She had a clear inspection from my bum-hole to my ballocks, and knew I had seen the cunt.

  She did not contend any longer. “Do you mean to say, that if you had been under the bed, and had known a naked man was cutting his corns, you would not have peeped out?” No she would not; but had it been a naked woman perhaps she would, Jenny replied. So after she had heard from me how much I had seen of her sister’s body, between her back-bone and her navel, and I had told her something which made her say, “Law has she!” though I can’t recollect what it was, the subject dropped. Then I learnt from her more about her sister’s wages, mode of life, and where she worked; for although the thing seemed ridiculous, I had a letch, and meant to try to put into that young woman if possible, though I had not then stroked Jenny many weeks. I liked variety.

  Chapter XXII

  On the following Sunday her young man was coming to London, and she was to spend the day with him at his relatives. Her sister was to keep the house, the husband was going elsewhere, so the sister would be alone,—all provided it was fine weather. Jenny had promised her Mistress that until her return she would never go out with her young man, and that is how Jenny kept her word. She knew I would not tell, would I?—I felt her cunt, and kissed her. “It’s not very likely, is it my pet?” Then she sniveled, said she was very wicked, and hoped God would not punish her.

  When I heard of this arrangement I lusted strongly. In vain I said to myself, “What again a married woman! in comfortable circumstances for her class, with two children,—a woman you have never spoken to,—can you expect to get her!” I did not expect it, but had a burning desire to see and speak to her, to look closely at, and have a chat with a woman whose privates I had seen so nakedly. It seemed to me to promise a titillating treat. Besides I had been so successful with women,—gay women had even been anxious to get me,—that a half-belief came over me, that if I had time, I could persuade even her to let me. Time was the difficulty, for she did not yet even know me by face (so I thought, but was wrong). At all events see her I would,—she was dissatisfied with her fucking, that I knew; she might be randy, and then be much less impregnable than she seemed; so I determined to see her on the Sunday that Jenny went out.

  I could think only of one powerful means of getting her, if anything encouraged a hope, and that was by money. I had not too much then, though getting better off, but determined if ten pounds would tempt her, that she should have
it. I was a long time I recollect pondering over the sum. The Sunday turned out fine, I put the gold in my purse, and went to the house just after their dinner-time, and after my luncheon, at which I fed myself up well, and to give me courage took an extra glass, for I had one of my nervous fits of funking come on, mixed with doubts about the morality of deliberately trying a married woman.

  She opened the door, I walked straight in. “Who are you?” “Where is the housemaid?” said I, “I have promised Mrs. W——to call and see from time to time.” “Oh! I’m her sister sir, my name is——, I sleep here every night sir, Mrs. W—— pays me to do so sir,—my sister is out sir,—I’m very sorry, but she is not at all well from being confined to the house so much,—I told her she might go to church,—it would be a change, and give her a little fresh air;—she will be back at half-past four sir.” “Oh! so you are Mr. So-and-So?” “Yes I am.” I walked into the parlours. There was a large beer-jug and two tumblers on the table, and ale in one glass. She rushed to take them away. “I beg pardon sir, but Mrs. W—— said we might sit in the parlours, when we have done work, and on Sundays besides, cause it’s so dull in the kitchens.” The woman was agitated at her sister being out, and at being caught drinking beer in the parlour; she thought I might make mischief, I suppose.


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