Erotic Classics II

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Erotic Classics II Page 190

by Various Authors

  Presently Fanny emerged, stark naked, a delicious object, her face covered with blushes, one hand shielding her breasts and the other over her cunt! I sprang to meet her and led her to the couch and made her sit on my knee, thrilling at the touch of her warm, firm, soft flesh.

  ‘What shall we do, Fanny?’ I asked mischievously as I slipped my hand down to her cunt and lovingly played with it. My caress seemed to set her on fire; she lost her restraint, suddenly threw her arms around my neck and kissing me passionately murmured, ‘Do anything you like to me, sir!’

  ‘May I suggest a little sucking first, and then some sweet fucking?’ I said softly. Her eyes beamed assent.

  I laid her flat on her back, opened her legs widely, and after feasting my eyes on her lovely cunt, I applied my lips to it and tongued her till she quivered and wriggled with delight. Alice had evidently taught her this delicious pleasure. I got on her and thrust my prick well up her; she clasped me delightedly in her arms, and letting herself go, passed from one spending to another, wriggling voluptuously, till she had extracted from me all I could give her, and which I shot into her excited interior with rapturous ecstasy—and between fucking and sucking we passed a delicious afternoon! In the enforced intervals for rest and recovery, I learned from her all about her sexual relationship with her mistress. She described the sensation of being provoked into spending by the sweet friction of Alice’s cunt against hers as something heavenly, so much so that the girls seldom did anything else but satisfy their lustful cravings and desires in this way. One evening, Alice apparently was very randy and insisted on frigging Fanny, first tying her down to the four bedposts, then making Fanny tie her down similarly and tickle her cunt with a feather till she spent three times. It was clear that the girls were devoted to each other. I asked Fanny what she thought would be the arrangement if we succeeded in converting Mrs. Blunt to their ways. She blushed and said she didn’t think it would affect her and Alice’s relations, and she hoped Connie would sometimes spend the night at Alice’s and give her a chance!

  Chapter VI

  A few days later I received a note from Mrs. Blunt saying that Alice was staying with her and she would be delighted if I would dine there with them quite quietly. I naturally accepted the invitation.

  I was somewhat of a stranger to Mrs. Blunt. I had met her more than once and admired her radiant beauty, but no more. Now that there was more than a possibility that she might have to submit herself to me, I studied her closely.

  She was more voluptuously made than I had fancied and was a simply glorious specimen of a woman, but she was something of a doll, rather shallow and weak-willed, and I saw with satisfaction that I would not have much trouble in terrorizing her and forcing her to comply with my desires.

  During the evening Alice brought up the subject of my rooms and their oddity and made Mrs. Blunt so interested that I was able naturally to suggest a visit and a lunch there—which was accepted for the following day, an arrangement that made Alice glance at me with secret exultation and delighted anticipation.

  In due course my guests arrived, and after a dainty lunch which drew from Mrs. Blunt many compliments, we found ourselves in the Snuggery. The girls at once commenced to examine everything, Alice taking on herself the role of showman while I, in my capacity of host, did the honors. I could see that Fanny was at her post of observation—and now awaited, with some impatience, the critical moment.

  In due course Mrs. Blunt and Alice finished their tour of inspection and made as if they would rest for a while.

  ‘What comfortable chairs you men always manage to get about you,’ remarked Mrs. Blunt as she somewhat critically glanced at my furniture.

  ‘You bachelors do study your creature comforts—and so remain bachelors!’ she added somewhat significantly, as she was among our deluded friends who planned a match between Alice and me.

  ‘Quite true!’ I replied with a polite smile, ‘so long as I can by hook or by crook get in these rooms what I want, they will be good enough for me, especially when I am permitted to enjoy the visits of such angels!’

  ‘That’s a very pretty compliment, isn’t it Alice?’ exclaimed Mrs. Blunt as she moved towards the Chair of Treachery which stood invitingly close, then gracefully sank into it. Click! The arms folded on her.

  ‘Oh!’ she ejaculated as she endeavored to press them back.

  ‘What’s the matter, Connie?’ asked Alice, quickly hurrying to her friend, but in a flash I was onto her and had tightly gripped her. ‘Oh!’ she screamed in admirably feinted fright, struggling naturally. I picked her up and, carrying her to the pulleys, made them fast to her wrists and fixed her upright with hands drawn well over her head, to Mrs. Blunt’s horror! As I approached her, she shrieked, ‘Help . . . help!’ pressing desperately against the locked arms and striving to get loose.

  ‘It’s no use, Mrs. Blunt!’ I said quietly as I commenced to wheel the chair towards the second pair of pulleys. ‘You’re in my power! You’d better yield quietly!’

  Seizing her wrists one at a time, I quickly made the ropes fast to them, set the machinery going and, just as she was being lifted off her seat, I released the arms and drew the chair away, forcing her to stand up. In a very few seconds she was drawn up to her full height, facing Alice, both girls panting and gasping after their struggle! ‘There, ladies,’ I exclaimed, as if well pleased with my performance, ‘now you’ll appreciate the utility of this room!’

  ‘Oh! Mr. Jack!’ cried Mrs. Blunt in evident relief, ‘how you did frighten me. I was sure that something dreadful was going to happen!’ With a poor attempt to be sprightly she continued, ‘I quite made up my mind that Alice and I were going to be . . .’ she broke off with a silky, self-conscious giggle.

  ‘I gladly accept the suggestion you have so kindly made, dear lady,’ I said with a smile of gratitude, ‘and I will do you and Alice presently!’ She started, horrified, stared aghast at me as if she could not believe her ears. She seemed to be dumb with shocked surprise, and went deadly pale. I was afraid to glance at Alice lest I should catch her eye and betray her.

  With an effort, Mrs. Blunt stammered brokenly, ‘Do you mean to say . . . that Alice and I . . . are going to be . . . to be . . .’ She stopped abruptly, unable to express in words her awful apprehension.

  ‘Fucked is the word you want, I think, dear Mrs. Blunt!’ I said with a smile.

  ‘Yes, dear ladies, as you are so very kind, I shall have much pleasure in fucking you both presently!’

  She quivered as if she had been struck, then screamed hysterically, ‘No, no! I—I won’t! Help! Help! . . . Help!’

  I turned quietly to Alice (who I could see was keenly enjoying the trap into which Mrs. Blunt had fallen) and said to her, ‘Are you going to be foolish and resist, Alice?’

  She paused for a long moment, then said in a voice that admirably counterfeited intense emotion, ‘I feel that resistance will be of no avail, but I’m not going to submit to you tamely. You will have to . . . force me!’

  ‘Me also!’ cried Mrs. Blunt, hysterically.

  ‘As you please!’ I said equably. ‘I’ve long wanted a good opportunity of testing the working of this machinery; I don’t fancy I’ll get a better one than you are now offering me, a nice long afternoon—two lovely rebellious girls! Now, Mrs. Blunt, as you are chaperoning Alice, I am bound to begin with you.’ And I commenced to unbutton her blouse.

  ‘No, no, Mr. Jack!’ she screamed in dismay as she felt my fingers unfastening her upper garments and unhooking her skirt—but I steadily went on with my task of undressing her, and soon had her standing in her stays with bare arms and legs—a lovely tall slender half-undressed figure, her bosom heaving and palpitating, the low-cut bodice allowing the upper half of her breasts to become visible. Her flushed face indicated intense shame at this indecent exposure of herself, and her eyes strained appealing towards Alice as if to assure herself of her sy

  ‘Now I will give you a few minutes to collect yourself while I attend to Alice!’ I said as I went across to the latter, whose eyes were stealthily devouring Mrs. Blunt’s provoking dishabille. ‘Now, for you, dear!’ I said, as I quickly set to work to undress her.

  She very wisely was adopting the policy of dogged defiance and maintained a sullen silence as one by one her clothes were taken off her till she also stood bare-armed and bare-legged in her stays. But instead of pausing, I went on, removed her corset, unfastened the shoulder straps of her chemise and vest and pushed them down to her feet, leaving her standing with only her drawers on, a sweet, blushing, dainty, nearly-naked girl on whose shrinking trembling figure Mrs. Blunt’s eyes seemed to be riveted with what certainly looked like involuntary admiration!

  But I myself was getting excited and inflamed by the sight of so much unclothed and lovely girl-flesh, so eagerly returning to Mrs. Blunt, I set to work to remove the little clothing that was left on her. ‘No, no, Mr. Jack!’ she cried piteously as I took off her stays. ‘Oh!’ she screamed in her distress when she felt her chemise and vest slip down to her feet, exposing her in her drawers only, which solitary garment, she evidently concluded from the sight of Alice, would be left on her. But when, after a few admiring glances, I went behind her and began to undo the waist-band and she realized she was to be exposed naked, Mrs. Blunt went into a paroxysm of impassioned cries and pitiful pleadings. In her desperation she threw the whole of her weight on her slender wrists and wildly twisted her legs together in the hope of preventing me from pulling her drawers off. But they only required a few sharp tugs—down to her ankles they came! A bitter cry broke from her, her head with its wealth of now disordered golden hair fell forward on her bosom in her agony of shame. Connie Blunt was stark naked.

  I stepped back a couple of paces and exultingly gazed on the vision that met my eyes. Close in front of me was revealed the back of Mrs. Blunt’s tall, slender, naked figure, uninterrupted from her heels to her up-drawn hands, her enforced attitude displaying to perfection the voluptuous curves of her hips, her luscious haunches, her gloriously rounded bottom, her shapely legs.

  Facing her stood Alice, naked save for her drawers, her face suffused with blushes at the sight of Connie’s nakedness, her bosom heaving excitement not unmixed with delight at witnessing the nudity of her friend and trepidation at the approaching similar exposure of herself. I saw from the stealthy gloating glances she shot at Connie that she was longing to have a good look at her but dared not do so, lest her eyes should betray her delight, so I decided to give her the opportunity. I went over to her, slipped behind her, passed my arms around her and drew her against me and, holding her thus in my embrace, I gazed at the marvelous sight Connie Blunt was affording to us as she stood naked!

  She was simply exquisite! Her pearly dazzling skin, her lovely shape, her delicious little breasts standing saucily out with their coral nipples as they quivered on her heaving bosom, her voluptuous hips and round smooth belly, her pretty legs, her drooping head exhibited her glorious golden hair, while, as if to balance it, a close clustering mass of silky, curly, golden-brown hairs grew thickly over the region of her cunt, hiding it completely from my eager eyes! In silent admiration I gloated over the wonderful sight of Connie Blunt naked—till a movement of Alice recalled me to her interests. She was keeping her face steadily averted from Connie, her eyes on the floor, as if unwilling to distress her friend by looking at her in her terrible nudity.

  ‘Well, how do you like Connie now?’ I asked loud enough for Mrs. Blunt to hear. She shivered; Alice remained silent.

  ‘Aren’t you going to look at her?’ Alice still remained silent.

  ‘Come, Alice, you must have a good look at her. I want to discuss her with you, to have your opinions as a girl on certain points. Come, look!’ I gently stroked her naked belly.

  ‘Oh! Don’t, Jack!’ she cried, affecting a distress she was not feeling. Connie glanced hastily at us to see what I was doing to Alice, and blushed deeply as she noted my wandering hands, which now were creeping up to Alice’s breasts.

  I seized them and began to squeeze them. ‘Don’t, Jack!’ again she cried.

  ‘Then obey me and look at Connie!’ I said sternly.

  Slowly Alice raised her head, as if most reluctantly, and looked at Connie, who colored hotly as her eyes met Alice’s. ‘Forgive me, darling!’ cried Alice tearfully, ‘I can’t help doing it!’ But her throbbing breasts and excitedly agitated bottom told me how the little hypocrite was enjoying the sight of Connie’s nakedness!

  ‘Now, no nonsense, Alice!’ I said sternly, and I gave her breasts a twist that made her squeal in earnest and immediately rivet her eyes on her friend lest she should get another twist. And so, for a few minutes, we silently contemplated Mrs. Blunt’s shrinking form, our eager eyes greedily devouring the lovely naked charms that she was so unwillingly exhibiting to us! Presently I said to Alice, whose breasts were still captives in my hands, ‘Now, the plain truth, please—speaking as a girl, what bit of Mrs. Blunt do you consider her finest point?’

  Alice blushed uncomfortably, pretended to hesitate, then said shamefacedly, ‘Her . . . her . . . private parts!’

  Connie flushed furiously and pressed her thighs closely together as if to shield her cunt from the eager eyes which she knew were intently looking at it! I laughed amusedly at Alice’s demure phraseology and said, ‘I think so too! But that’s not what you girls call it when you talk together. Tell me the name you use, your pet name for it!’

  Alice was silent. I think she was really unwilling to say the word before Mrs. Blunt, but I mischievously proceeded to get it out of her. I gave her tender breasts a squeeze that made her cry, ‘Oh!’ and said, ‘Come, Alice, out with it!’

  Still she remained silent. I let go of one of her breasts and began to pinch her fat bottom, making her wriggle and squeal in grim reality, but she would not speak!

  Seeing that Mrs. Blunt was watching closely, I moved my hand away from Alice’s bottom and made as if I was going to pass it through the slit in her drawers.

  ‘Won’t you tell me?’ I said, moving my hand ominously.

  ‘Cunny!’ whispered Mrs. Blunt in hot confusion.

  ‘You obstinate little thing!’ I said to Alice with a laugh that showed her that I was only playing with her. ‘Cunny!’ I repeated significantly. ‘Well, Alice, let Mrs. Blunt and I see your cunny!’—and as I spoke, I slipped the knot off her drawers, and down they tumbled to her ankles before she could check them with her knees, exposing by their disappearance the lovely cunt I knew so well and loved so dearly, framed so to speak by her plump rounded thighs and her sweet belly.

  I sank on my knees by Alice’s side and eagerly and delightedly inspected her delicious cleft, the pouting lips of which, half-hidden in their mossy covering, betrayed her erotic excitement! She endured with simulated confusion and crimson cheeks my close examination of her ‘private parts,’ to use her own demure phrase! At last I exclaimed rapturously, ‘Oh! Alice, it is sweet!’ As if overjoyed, I gripped her by her bottom and thighs and pressing my lips on her cunt, I kissed passionately! ‘Don’t, Jack!’ she cried, her voice half-choked by the lascivious sensations that were thrilling through her.

  Seeing that Alice was perilously near to spending in her intense erotic excitement, I quitted her and went across to Mrs. Blunt, by whose side I knelt in order to study her cunt.

  ‘Oh, Mr. Jack! Don’t look, please don’t look there!’ she cried in agony of shame at the idea of her cunt being thus leisurely inspected by male eyes—and she attempted to thwart me by standing on one leg and throwing her other thigh across her groin.

  ‘Put that leg down, Connie!’ I said sternly.

  ‘No, no,’ she shrieked, ‘I won’t let you look at it!’

  ‘Won’t you?’ said I, and drew out from the bases of the pillars between which she was standing two
stout straps, which I fastened to her slim ankles in spite of her vigorous kicking. I set the mechanism working. A piercing scream broke from her as she felt her legs being pulled remorselessly apart, and soon, notwithstanding her desperate resistance and frantic struggles, she stood like an inverted Y with her cunt in full view!

  ‘Won’t you?’ I repeated with a cruelly triumphant smile as I proceeded to blindfold her, she all the while pitifully protesting. I noiselessly set Alice loose and signaled to Fanny to join us, which she quickly did, stark naked as directed. The three of us knelt in front of Connie, I between the girls with an arm around each, and with heads close together delightedly examined her private parts, Alice and Fanny’s eyes sparkling with undisguised enjoyment as we noted the delicate and close-fitting, shell-pink lips of her cunt, its luscious fleshiness, and its wonderful covering of brown-gold silky hairs! She quivered in her shame at being thus forced to exhibit the most secret part of herself to my male eyes.

  I motioned to the girls to remain as they were, detached myself from them, leaned forward and gently deposited a kiss on Connie’s cunt. Taken absolutely by surprise, Mrs. Blunt shrieked: ‘O-h-h!’ and began to wriggle divinely, to the delight of the girls, who motioned to me to kiss Connie’s cunt again, which I gladly did. Again she screamed, squirming deliciously in her fright. I gave her cunt a third kiss, which nearly sent her into convulsions, Alice and Fanny’s eyes now sparkling with lust. Not daring to do it again I rose, slipped behind her noiselessly and took her in my arms, my hands on her belly!

  ‘No, no, Mr. Jack!’ she cried, struggling fiercely, ‘don’t touch me! . . . Oh-h-h!’ she screamed as my hands caught hold of her breasts and began to feel them! They were smaller than Alice’s, but firmer, soft, elastic and strangely provoking—most delicious morsels of girl-flesh. I toyed and played with them, squeezing them lasciviously to the huge delight of the girls, till I felt it was time to feel her cunt. Releasing her sweet breasts, I slipped my hands over Mrs. Blunt’s stomach and her cunt.


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