Surrender My Love (Love in Bloom: The Bradens): Cole Braden

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Surrender My Love (Love in Bloom: The Bradens): Cole Braden Page 21

by Melissa Foster

  Jon shook his head. “You mollycoddle the hell out of your patients and their families. Let it go. He’s a man. He’ll deal with it.”

  Cole crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes.

  “Fine. But I still think you’re babying him.”

  “It’s called good patient care. I want his daughter to get her treatment, and the more buy-in from her dad, the less guilty she’ll feel for letting him down. And don’t even get me started with that. I know there’s a part of that guy that’s not beyond a misplaced guilt-inducing word or two. Just do it for me.”

  “You’re sure about this?”

  “Sure I want Leesa in my life? Absolutely. Sure about leaving my patient load to you? No. It’s a shitty thing to do.”

  “Don’t worry,” Jon said. “Paybacks are hell.”

  “Hopefully it’ll be worth whatever payback you come up with.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  LEESA SAT IN her car, parked at the end of Andy’s street, where she’d spent the last hour willing herself to drive down the block. After seeing Chris, she’d gone home to have another good cry. She’d cried not only for the truth Chris had so graciously bestowed upon her, but for the relief that had swept through her at his understanding, his acceptance of who he was, and for knowing what she’d needed when she hadn’t even known herself. She cried because there was a tiny sliver of light that had come out of this mess. And she cried because she knew that she couldn’t be with Cole unless she could put this all behind her—and that was the part she hoped she was strong enough to do.

  As the afternoon sun dipped behind the trees and the evening turned gray, she remained parked at the end of Andy’s street. She simply couldn’t get herself to start the car and drive. She remembered all the times she had driven down this street, excited to see what progress she and Andy could make. She’d spent countless hours with him, helping him not only with his schoolwork, but also in dealing with the emotional aspects of losing his mobility while his friends were out skateboarding, biking, and hanging out. Andy had taken root in her heart, the way any child she’d worked closely with had. She’d wanted him to do well and to get through his physical healing and schoolwork without being held back, but she’d always been careful to keep their relationship professional. She was still trying to figure out where she’d gone wrong. She’d never talked about girls or dating with Andy. She’d never talked about her personal life with him or led him to think they could be anything other than teacher and student. The shock of that terrible morning came rushing back. The surety that there had been some misunderstanding—that Darlene had somehow mistaken what Andy’s father had said. She simply couldn’t fathom the accusation, or any reason Andy would want to hurt her in that way.

  She drew in a deep breath, accepting her new reality. It had happened, and she’d survived it.

  That’s what she needed to focus on. She didn’t have cancer. She wasn’t in jail for something she didn’t do. She simply had to pull up her big-girl pants and start over.

  And she needed to reclaim her reputation.

  With that thought fueling her resolve, she cranked the engine and drove down the block toward Andy’s house. Her heart was beating so fast she worried she’d be unable to walk, much less talk, when she got there. His father’s black Buick was in the driveway, parked beside his mother’s efficient Subaru wagon. The urge to keep going was stronger than the urge to breathe, but she forced herself not to chicken out and parked across the street from the modest Colonial.

  She could think of a dozen things she could do right now to procrastinate, like calling Lena—who would conveniently talk her out of doing this—or Tegan, who would be so supportive Leesa was sure she’d break down and cry. She could call Cole, who she knew would lead her in whichever direction she asked him to, or she could even call Tempe, who would probably reassure her of her strength and fortitude.

  She angled the rearview mirror until she could see her reflection. I’m the only one I need right now. No one else can do this for me, like no one else could have endured the hurt after Dad died. She lifted her chin, wondering what Andy and his family would see when she stood in their doorway. Would they see the woman in jeans and a blouse who had helped Andy through so much, or would they see a villain?

  She fisted her keys in her hand and stepped from the car, immediately seeking the hood for stability. She stood there, breathing deeply, feeling like she was about to step into a lion’s den at feeding time, but believing, truly believing, that after the initial shock and discord that was likely to play out took place, they’d talk things through and clear the air.

  She heard voices coming from the backyard as she crossed the street. Okay. This would be easier, right? Not being confined inside their house?

  She walked on shaky legs around the house, following the voices to the backyard, where she found Andy and his father sitting at a round table on their patio, dinner plates in front of them. Andy pushed food around his plate as his father spoke. One plate was set off to the side, a fork stuck in a piece of meat, resting on edge of the plate. Oh, man, she hadn’t even considered that she might interrupt their family dinner.

  She debated retreating before they could see her, but Andy looked up, his eyes landing directly on her. He looked smaller, frailer than he’d been just weeks earlier. He smiled for a second, maybe two, like he was happy to see her, before his father’s gaze shifted to her and the man was on his feet, closing the distance between them. Andy was right behind him, pushing his wheelchair along the patio. Conflicting emotions swept through her. He looked so young, so fragile. How could she expect him to apologize?

  Mr. Darren closed in on her, stealing her oxygen with a harsh glare and reminding her exactly why she’d come. Her hand dropped to her side, fidgeting nervously with the seam of her jeans. He stood a few inches from her, his dark eyes angry, his jaw tight.

  “H-hello, Mr. Darren,” she managed. “I’m sorry to interrupt.”

  “You shouldn’t be here.”

  She shifted her eyes to Andy, despite her best efforts to remain focused on the man before her. Andy shifted in his chair behind his father.

  “I was hoping to talk to Andy.”

  “He has nothing to say to you.” His father moved into her line of sight.

  She swallowed the fear threatening to bring her to her knees and forced her shaky voice from her lungs. “I just wanted to…”

  “Dad,” Andy said from behind him.

  “Andy, you have nothing to say.” His father stood between them, an immovable wall.

  “I…I just wanted to see how Andy was doing,” Leesa explained.

  “He’s fine, and he’s been through enough—”

  Andy tugged on his father’s sleeve, and his father grabbed his hand. Andy struggled to free himself, and his father tightened his grip. In that moment she knew her presence was only making things worse for Andy.

  “It’s okay. I’ll go.” She’d been a fool to come here without a witness anyway. Anything could have happened, and then it would be her word against theirs again.

  “Andy, settle down.” His father released his hand and remained in front of his wheelchair.

  She took one last look at Andy, and her stomach sank at what she saw there—regret, fear, and something else unsettling she couldn’t pinpoint. She hesitated as she turned to leave. Her stomach tightened, her legs were weakening by the second with the reality that not only was she not going to clear her name, but that she’d been selfish enough to want that in the first place when Andy clearly had bigger issues than her to deal with.

  She took a step away, the look in Andy’s eyes searing into her mind.

  Desperation. That’s what that look was. She was sure she’d looked the same way the day she’d been accused and every day thereafter for a long time. The thought stopped her in her tracks.

  She turned to face Andy. His father’s face was red, the veins in his neck bulged, but the look in his eyes was no longer angry. It was pleadin
g. Leesa forced herself to look beyond him to the boy she was sure needed to be set free, and she willed the words to come.

  “I forgive you, Andy. Things are going to be okay.”

  She wasn’t sure if she added the affirmation for his sake or for hers, but as she left the yard in a trembling mess of barely restrained tears, she hoped it was the truth—for both of them.

  Tears blurred her vision as she drove away. Her heart going crazy, and she was breathing so hard she felt like her lungs were burning. But as she wiped the tears away, her vision cleared, and so did her mind. She felt as though a veil had been lifted from before her eyes, giving her clarity. She was never going to get what she thought she needed. Andy wasn’t about to fess up to his lie. She rolled down her window and breathed in the cool night air, filling her lungs completely for what felt like the first time since she’d been accused. At a stoplight she noticed the message light on her cell phone. She picked it up with shaky fingers and scrolled through the texts.

  Tegan: I’ve called twice. Please call me back so I know you’re alive and well.

  Tempe: Are you okay? Remember, what happened wasn’t your fault.

  Lena: Sorry I told you not to talk to Andy, but…you know I love you. I don’t want you to get hurt any more. Call me.

  Leesa’s thoughts returned to Andy and the look in his eyes when his father silenced him. She didn’t know why she’d put so much importance on him admitting that he’d lied. He was a kid who’d made a stupid mistake. She’d always known that, and he was obviously paying the worst price of all of them. He’d looked forlorn and distraught, and it had hurt to see him that way. But once she’d recognized the look in his eyes for what it was, she’d known. He was too mired down with guilt to even think straight. He might not have understood the levity of his accusations at the onset, but now he clearly did. She knew now that his words would have been the icing on the cake, but she didn’t need icing on a cake. The help Andy needed would have to come from another source. His parents, therapists. The right people for the job. She’d needed to come back to forgive him, to set him free. And in doing so, she’d set herself free, too.

  She didn’t want to be back here where the accusation still seemed so fresh and her own home felt wrong. She didn’t need to be here to keep the memories of her father, of her childhood, alive. They were part of her. They would always be part of her. And she knew now that even if someone, somehow, recognized her as Annalise Avalon, the teacher who was accused of touching a teenage boy, she was strong enough to hold her head up high and say, Falsely accused, and move on with confidence.

  The light changed as she picked up the phone and hit Cole’s speed-dial number and the speaker button. She couldn’t wait to tell him she was coming back, and she hoped he still wanted her. As she turned down her street, her call went to voicemail. Fresh, happy tears slid down her cheeks as she left a message.

  “Hi. It’s me. I didn’t get too far with Andy, but—” The phone slid from her hand at the sight of Cole stepping from his car. His dark eyes swept up the road. She threw the car into park as a smile tore across his cheeks and reached his gorgeous dark eyes. He came around the car as she pushed the door open and leaped into his arms.

  He smelled heavenly, and when he sealed his lips over hers, he tasted like home, love, happiness. He tasted like her future.

  “You’re here,” she said as their lips parted. “I told you not to come, and you’re here.”

  “I missed you too much to wait another second. Are you okay?” He pressed his lips to hers again in another incredible kiss, and she melted against him.

  “Andy didn’t admit he lied.”

  “I’m sorry. I know you hoped for an apology.”

  “I did, but once I got there and saw how conflicted he was, I realized that wasn’t what was important. I’ll probably never get an apology, and that’s okay. It turns out that’s not what I needed after all. I told Andy that I forgive him, and even though I’ve never felt like I blamed him for what happened to me, somewhere deep inside I must have. I must have not only blamed him, but I must have been even angrier at him than I allowed myself to believe, because forgiving him set me free, too. I’ll probably always worry about someone bringing up what happened, but—”

  “Angel.” He kissed her again, and the kiss said more than words ever could.

  She wanted to tell him that he was what she needed—his faith in her, his arms around her—but when their lips parted, before she could get a word out, he said, “I love you. I love you for who you are, past and all. If you need to look over your shoulder, I’ll look first. If you’re scared, I’ll keep you safe. Come home with me, Leesa. Move in with me. Build a life with me. Let me fight your battles with you. Let me love you in all the ways you deserve to be loved.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  COLE LAY BESIDE Leesa with the breeze from the open window beside Leesa’s bed brushing over their naked bodies. Leesa was draped across him, her thigh over his, her cheek against his chest, and she was fast asleep. The sun was just beginning to peek through the sheers, promising to smile down on them today. He threaded his fingers through her hair, marveling at the settled feeling inside of him. Normally, he’d pop out of bed for a run, or his mind would already be ticking through his patient load for the day or tests he needed to follow up on. Surprisingly, even as he drew those thoughts to the forefront of his mind, they didn’t remain there. Thoughts of Leesa were too present to allow much else. He hadn’t been sure what to expect when he’d driven to Towson yesterday, and if he were honest with himself, he wasn’t exactly sure what he’d say to her when he finally saw her. He’d thought he’d made up his mind not to pressure her to come back to Peaceful Harbor.

  But then he’d seen her car and his pulse had quickened.

  And then he’d seen her face through the window, and his heart had leaped.

  And when she was in his arms, he was powerless to restrain his love for her, and the words came effortlessly. By some grace of God, she’d agreed to move in with him. Afterward they’d made love, and she succumbed to the numb sleep of a satisfied lover. He watched her sleeping beside him and knew that if she’d said she needed to stay in Towson or move to Baltimore, he’d have given up his world to be with her.

  Her hand moved sleepily over his chest, drawing him from his thoughts. She lifted sleepy eyes to his and smiled. “You really are here. It wasn’t just the best dream ever.”

  He leaned in for a kiss, and she met him halfway. “I’m really here. I was so worried about you. How are you today? Any thoughts about the promises we made last night?”

  She moved up so they were eye to eye and touched his scruffy cheek. Her brows knitted together. “Yeah, I have some thoughts.”

  His heartbeat kicked up, and as he turned his face to her hand and kissed her palm, he waited for her to say more.

  “I like your promise to always be with me.” She pressed her lips to his. “And I like my promise to move in with you.” She kissed his cheek, and the worry that had toyed with him disappeared, replaced with desire as her hand dropped to his erection. “But there was one promise we didn’t make.”

  He tried to think past the feel of her hand stroking over his hard length, but she knew just how to touch him, just how to whisper, to make his mind fuzzy and his body hot. “What…promise?”

  She pressed a kiss to his chest and flicked her tongue over his nipple, sending shocks of lust straight to his cock.

  “Leese…” Holy hell he wanted to be inside her.

  “Mm, you like?” She kissed a path across his chest and teased his other nipple. Every flick of her tongue made his erection twitch in her hand. “Oh yeah,” she whispered, “you like that.”

  In one swift move, he wrapped his arms around her and shifted her body beneath his, perching on his elbows above her smiling face. Her thighs fell open, and the tip of his arousal pressed against her wet center.

  “The promise?” he panted out. “Tell me before my brain stops func
tioning. I’ll promise you anything.”

  She lifted her hips and shifted south, pushing the wide crown into her heat.

  “Leese,” he warned. “We need a condom.”

  “I know,” she said as she leaned up to kiss him. “I just wanted to feel you for a second.”

  “With how good you feel, if you sink down any deeper, you’ll get us both in trouble.”

  She grinned, and he growled, which drew a sexy laugh from Leesa as he pulled out. She pressed on his hips, keeping him against her.

  “Last night, before we made love, you said you were going to cut back on working long hours and not bring work home. I don’t want you to change for me, Cole. I love who you are. I love how you care about your patients and that you read over their charts at night so you’re prepared for the next day. You captured my heart while doing those things. It’s who you are, and I respect that part of you. Please don’t change.”

  He touched his forehead to hers and closed his eyes for a beat. How had he gotten lucky enough to find someone who accepted him for who he was? And would that lead him to lose her somewhere down the line? Would she feel neglected?

  She must have seen the conflict in his eyes when he opened them, because she touched his cheek again in that soothing way she had and said, “And I promise you that if I ever feel like you’re ignoring me, or like we need more couple time, I’ll tell you before it becomes a problem.”

  He swallowed past the emotions threatening to claw through his chest.

  “Leese, I don’t want to start out wrong. I adore you, and I want you to know that with every ounce of your soul.”

  “I do. I promise.”

  “Okay. I promise, too. But when you eventually marry me, and we have a family, I’m changing my hours for good. Because when we have babies, I want to be right there with you every evening, every weekend, marveling at every milestone and every smile of the little people we bring into this world together.”


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