Wannabe in Wyoming (Antelope Rock Book 1)

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Wannabe in Wyoming (Antelope Rock Book 1) Page 10

by J. B. Havens

  “I would’ve made sure someone had told you. I never would’ve left you hanging like that. But that’s all the in past. Nothing to worry about anymore.” Before she could dwell on the subject, he changed it. “So, how was your day?”

  He was grateful when a smile reappeared on her face. “It was fantastic! I had another horseback riding lesson this morning, and I’m getting pretty good at it, if I do say so myself. We’ll definitely have to go riding while you’re here. But the best thing that happened was the phone call I got this afternoon. Do you remember the Brodericks? I told you they’re the ones who own the alpaca farm I went to check out.”

  “Yeah, I remember.”

  “Well, they called to say someone they know in the alpaca community passed away last week. It’s a small operation, but no one in the man’s family wants to take it over, so they’re looking to sell it! And the Brodericks immediately thought of me! Me!” Nathan suppressed a laugh at how animated she was with her hands as she spoke. The more excited she got, the more they flew around his computer screen. A buddy’s wife was Italian, and it was a big joke among their friends that the woman couldn’t think of a thing to say if they made her sit on her hands while she tried to talk.

  “There’s one male alpaca and eighteen females. The sale would also include all the equipment and some feed and other stuff. And the ranch’s longtime foreman is willing to relocate to continue looking after the herd. According to Gail, the asking price is very reasonable and the foreman is a really nice guy. She’s met him several times, and he does a great job with the animals. None of the farm owner’s family lives locally anymore, except one nephew who’s the executor of the will. He has no interest in the farm, so he just wants to get rid of everything as soon as possible.”

  “That’s awesome, Willow. What do you have to do next?”

  “Well, I have to go meet with the man’s nephew. Since you’re coming next Saturday, I was hoping you’d take a ride with me to check out the farm—maybe on Monday? It’s only about an hour and a half from here. I mean, I can schedule it for after—”

  “I’d love to go,” he interrupted. “I don’t know a damn thing about alpaca farming, but I can do some research before then, so I know what everyone is talking about.”

  “That would be great, but you don’t have to do that. Trust me. I’ve been doing research all day, even though I did a lot before and after visiting the Brodericks. I’ve bookmarked so many websites, it’s ridiculous. Gail also said, if I do buy the operation, I can call them anytime I need help or if I have questions. They’ll also introduce me to people in the alpaca farming community. Apparently, there’s a big, private group on Facebook, so it looks like I’ll have to get back on that, at the very least.”

  “Well, when you do, send me a friend request. You can look me up by my email address, otherwise you won’t find me because of the privacy settings.”

  “Great! I’ll do it as soon as we hang up.” Like the night before, they ended up talking for hours without realizing it. Five hours to be exact. When Nathan noted the time, he reluctantly told her he needed to get to sleep, since he had to report to duty at 0700. “Can I Skype you tomorrow night? Same time?”

  The blush he loved on her cheeks rose to the surface again. “I’d like that, yes.”

  Lifting his hand to the screen, he traced her jawline with his fingers. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

  He saw her breath hitch at the endearment, and her cheeks got even redder. “Goodnight, Nathan.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Zipping up his computer bag, Nathan waited his turn to deboard the plane. It felt like a thousand starlings had taken flight inside his gut, and not for the first time. He was so excited, yet nervous, to finally meet Willow in person. He just wondered if the feelings he’d developed for the woman on paper, the phone, and the internet would carry over to the living, breathing version. And would she feel the same for him?

  It was great to be dressed like a civilian again and not have to shave every morning. He’d been like a teenage girl packing his luggage yesterday, trying to decide what clothes looked good on him to make a positive impression on Willow, yet not look like he’d put too much effort into it. He didn’t know the first thing about seriously dating a woman. The past fourteen years in the Army hadn’t left him much time for it, and when he did get a chance to spend time with someone, it never went beyond a night or two. He wasn’t sure if the chemistry he felt between him and Willow would feel the same in-person, but he was determined to be optimistic and hope for the best.

  He pulled his carry-on from the overhead compartment and followed the line of people off the plane. His palms were sweaty around the handles of his bags, and his stomach rolled with anticipation. He hadn’t checked any luggage but still followed the signs to the baggage claim, as that was where they’d decided to meet. He wavered between wanting to run or drag his feet. What-if scenarios fought for supremacy in his head. What if she doesn’t like me? What if I don’t like her? What if this is all just wishful thinking on both our parts? What if she’s not really ready to date? What if she doesn’t want to date a soldier who’ll have to return to Kansas for the next five months before he’s free to move wherever he wants? What if she found someone else during that time? A fellow rancher would be a better fit—a man who knew the land and what it took to live and work there. He knew exactly dick about working on a ranch, beyond the ability to ride at a rudimentary level.

  He mentally slapped himself and strode forward. What would be would be. He needed to have faith that the person in her letters, on the phone, and on Skype was who she really was.

  The crowd in front of him cleared as they split in different directions, and then he saw her. She stood on her tiptoes, waving a large sign that read, “Pen Pal Extraordinaire!” She wore a bright pink t-shirt that showed off her inked sleeve, jeans, and pink Converse high-tops. Her rich brown hair barely brushed her shoulders and a giant smile lit up her face. She was so beautiful it staggered him, nearly stopping him in his tracks.

  “Nathan!” she practically screamed, drawing the attention of everyone around them. He grinned and jogged to her. The sign fluttered to the floor, and her arms opened in welcome. He dropped his bags with a thump and not giving himself a moment to overthink it, gathered her into his arms. He tightened his embrace around her torso and lifted her while burying his face into her neck. Her hands clasped the back of his head, and her legs encircled his waist. He bit back a groan at the feel of her warm, soft body against his.

  “You’re really here,” he murmured against her throat, breathing her delicious scent deep into his lungs, hoping to keep it there forever. “I’m sorry. I just . . . I couldn’t not touch you. Holy hell, woman, you smell amazing.”

  She giggled in response, pulling back from him enough to cradle his cheeks in her hands. “So do you, and don’t apologize.” Her fingers were featherlight against his jaw where she stroked the stubble he was powerless to prevent after mid-day. “You can pick me up anytime you want.” She kissed him softly on the cheek. “But for now, put me down, so we can get out of here, soldier.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” His face felt hot and tight, and he made no attempt to temper his wide grin. Several people in the area were smiling at them, clearly thinking they were celebrating a long-overdue reunion.

  Setting Willow back on to her feet, he picked up both of his bags, slinging one over his shoulder and holding the other so he could keep his right arm free. She grabbed the sign she’d dropped and rolled it up to carry. Unable to stop touching her, he slid his arm around her shoulders and tucked her against his side. “Is this, okay?”

  “More than.” She put her arm around his waist in response, squeezing slightly. “It should be awkward, right? But it’s not.”

  Kissing the top of her head, he walked her out of the airport and into the parking lot where they stopped near a white F-350. “This is yours?” he asked in shock. “This is huge for you, isn’t it?”

  She step
ped away from him and pulled keys from her pocket before unlocking the truck with a beep. “It was my father’s and much newer than my own beat-up Chevy. I use mine on the ranch and this one for going anywhere I don’t want to risk breaking down.” She opened the crew cab door and gestured inside. “You can put your bags in here. It’s supposed to start raining soon, and I wouldn’t want them to get wet in the bed.”

  Following her instructions, he took care of his bags and climbed into the passenger seat. He watched in amusement as she had to use the running board and do a small hop to get herself into the driver’s seat. Looking over at him, she narrowed her eyes. “You laughing at me, Nathan?” It reminded him of their first phone conversation when he’d said almost the exact same thing to her.

  “Yup.” Reaching toward her, he tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “You’re adorable.” Her tresses were like silk between his fingers, and he wanted nothing more than to bury both his hands in them and pull her into a kiss. But he hesitated. Was it too soon?

  “What put that look on your face?” Her wide hazel eyes blinked at him in question.

  “I was thinking about kissing you, but I wasn’t sure if I should or not. I don’t want to make you feel pressured.” Jesus, Casey, way to blurt it out.

  Grinning impishly, she scooted closer. “Well then, how about I kiss you?”

  Before he could say anything in response, her lips were against his own, and his eyes fell shut as warm and tingling sensations exploded from his lips, racing to his chest and throughout the rest of his body. Licking the seam of his mouth, she silently asked for entrance, which he gladly granted. She tasted like cherry Chapstick and something spicy that had to be all Willow.

  Giving in, he filled both his hands with her hair and took control of the kiss. Dragging her body closer to his own and angling her head the way he wanted it, he dove deeper and harder into her mouth with his tongue. He kissed her like a starving man as his cock hardened in his pants and his heart beat a frantic rhythm. He groaned at the feel of her in his arms and the taste of her on his lips drove his need to a critical point.

  He forced his mouth away from hers, so he could pepper kisses down her neck, licking and softly sucking as he went. Letting go of her hair, he slid his hands down the sides of her throat, noting the rapid beat of her pulse, to her shoulders. Bypassing her tempting breasts, he rested his trembling hands above her hips. His chest heaved with his ragged breathing, and a tortured groan escaped him. “Willow . . .”

  “Nathan, kiss me again,” she whispered breathlessly from where her forehead rested against his shoulder.

  Tipping her chin up with his hand, he gripped her jaw gently and gave her what she’d asked for. Never say he was a man to deny a lady anything. He swallowed her moans and soft whimpers, driving them both higher until he was sure he was about to come in his jeans.

  “Baby, hang on.” Pulling back from her, he attempted to catch his breath and calm both his racing heart and his painful hard-on. “I want you. More than I can put into words, but I don’t want our first time to come with a charge of public indecency.” With a final peck on her lips, he retreated to his side of the truck. He shifted his hips a little before putting on his seat belt, leaving enough room so as to not strangle his already throbbing cock. Trying to get his desire under control, he ran both hands down his face. “I guess my worries over a lack of physical chemistry between us are unfounded, huh?”

  Smirking, she started the truck, which roared to life, vibrating the seat beneath him. That she was perfectly capable of handling the large vehicle was just another thing about her that turned him the fuck on. “Apparently so, Captain Obvious.”

  He barked out a startled laugh at her snark. “That’s Staff Sergeant Obvious, Wannabe. Now, let’s go before I forget where we are and finish what that kiss promised.”

  “You’re gonna have to do better than that if you want to dissuade me, soldier.” Despite her warning, she put the giant truck in reverse and backed out with ease.

  “Fine then. How about this?” He placed his hand over hers on the gear shift, halting her movements. “The first time I make love to you, it’s going to be in a bed, where I can spread you out and lick every inch of your delicious skin from your toes to your chin. Though, I’ll be stopping at those perfect breasts of yours for a while.” Her lust-filled gaze was glued to his own, and color dotted her cheeks. “I’ll save the sweetness between your legs for last. I’m going to make you come on my tongue. I want your legs gripping my head and shaking, before I move and slide so deep inside you that you’ll be sure you can feel my cock in your throat. We can fool around in this truck some other time, but I want to be in a bed the first time we’re together, where I can spend hours exploring every inch of you. Understand?”

  Willow swallowed, her throat bobbing, and he couldn’t help but imagine those same muscles gulping him down and stroking the head of his dick.

  “I, uh . . . I un-understand,” she stammered as her fingers gripped the gear shift under his so tightly that her knuckles were white. Hazel eyes bore into his blue ones, seeming to look right into his soul.

  A loud honk from behind the truck made them both jump. They’d been so lost in each other they’d forgotten she’d backed the vehicle out of the space, blocking both lanes of the parking lot.

  “Let’s get out of here. I’m hungry.” Grinning wolfishly at her, he made sure she understood he wasn’t talking about food.

  The expected rain began about three quarters of the way through the ninety-minute drive to Skyview Ranch. It wasn’t long before it was coming down in buckets. Willow flicked the wipers on high and concentrated on the road. “Damn, I was hoping to get back to the ranch before the storm started.”

  “I missed the rain,” Nathan said as he stared out the passenger window. The scenery was a blur amid the downpour. “And the snow too, though we did see it occasionally over there, especially in the mountains.” He glanced over at her. “If they’ve never been there, most people don’t realize the dessert gets damn cold at night and in the winter.” His gaze fell on a flash of color on her left wrist—it was the bracelet he’d sent her. It was only a nylon thread strung with cheap glass beads in varying shades of amber, but seeing her wearing it and treasuring his gift thrilled him.

  “I love rainstorms.” Glancing at him, she smiled before turning her attention back to the road. “Driving in them? Not so much, but we’re almost there. I haven’t experienced winter here yet, but from what I understand, it comes early and stays late. That reminds me of another thing I need to get ready for—I don’t have the kind of heavy winter clothes you need around here. Ginger, the girl who did my hair, was telling me that my normal lightweight hats and gloves won’t cut it in temperatures that fall below zero on a regular basis. Not to mention a snow shovel and rock salt. In Philly, the city took care of the sidewalks—I didn’t have to deal with it much. Now I have a whole driveway and paths to the barns to contend with.” She bit her lip and rolled her eyes. “And now I’m talking about the weather like a total loser. You must be so impressed.”

  He grinned at her. “Hey, I’m the one who brought up the rain and stuff, so it’s my fault we’re talking about the weather. And don’t talk about yourself that way. You’re not a loser. You just babble a bit when you’re nervous, which is cute and totally fine because I’m nervous too.”

  “You didn’t seem that way at the airport.”

  Laughing, he agreed, “I guess not. That was different because I’d thought of little else but kissing you for weeks now. Maybe you’ll decide later that you don’t like me too much after all and send me packing. This way, at least I got my kiss.”

  “The chances of that happening are very slim, soldier. I like you and your kisses just fine.”

  “Just fine? I’ll have to try a little harder next time then, huh? If just fine is your impression.”

  She opened her mouth to say something but stopped before speaking. He didn’t push her —the last thing he wante
d to do was pressure her or make her uncomfortable—so instead, he changed the subject to the movie he’d watched on his iPad during the flight, asking her if she’d seen it before.

  The rest of the drive passed uneventfully. They spoke of their plans to see the alpaca farm on Monday, what meals they’d like to cook during the week, and about horseback riding. While he had every intention of taking her out on that date he’d promised her, he didn’t want to eat out every day. He wanted . . . no needed, to spend time getting to know her without the distraction of other diners around them. But that didn’t mean he didn’t want to meet some of the people she’d befriended in Antelope Rock.

  “By the way, how the hell did they end up naming the town Antelope Rock? Aren’t wild antelopes only in Africa or Asia?”

  She smiled. “I thought the same thing when I got here, but according to Jeremiah, there are pronghorns that live in Wyoming and the surrounding states. They aren’t really in the antelope family, but they look similar, and many people call them American antelopes or pronghorn antelopes. So, I guess that’s where they got the name for the town. Most of the people that live here just call it the Rock.”

  Willow turned down a long dirt lane—well, mud lane at the moment—and they passed under a rusted metal sign that read, “Skyview Ranch.”

  After pulling up to the house and putting the truck in park, she gazed out the windshield at her home, which was partially hidden by the pouring rain. “Here we are. Skyview Ranch. My home.” Her nerves were obvious, and he tried to think of what he could do or say to put her at ease. The truth was, he was nervous as hell too.


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