He Loves Secrets (Complete Box Set Parts 1-3) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

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He Loves Secrets (Complete Box Set Parts 1-3) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) Page 5

by Alexa Brookes

  “I fucking said turn around,” the man growled, thrusting the barrel of the gun towards Ann’s face. Slowly turning around, Ann dropped her hands, doing her best to reach for her phone without seeming to be too obvious.

  Before she was able to place her finger tips on her phone, the man grabbed Ann by her hair and pushed her against the wall. Knowing that the man still had a gun, she did her best to stay calm under the extreme amount of stress she was feeling. Putting all of his weight against Ann’s petite body, the man began to slide his hand up Ann’s shirt. Fighting against the man with all of her strength, Ann began to scream as loudly as she possibly could. The man hit Ann on the back of the head with his gun; Ann fell to the ground and everything went black.

  When Ann awoke, she found that her top had been taken off and that the man was having his way with her breasts. Realizing the disparity of the situation that she was Ann, she began to act without thinking. Quickly lifting both of her hands up, Ann dug her finger nails into the man’s eyes. As he screamed, she lifted her knee up to kick him in the groin. As he doubled over in pain to the side of her, Ann saw the gun that he had been using laying at her side. Quickly scooping the gun up in her hand, Ann pointed the gun at the man as she kicked him in the groin again. Walking back towards her car while still facing the man, Ann threw herself into her car and sped away.

  Ann drove for a good fifteen miles before deciding to stop her car. Pulling into a well-lit gas station, Ann pulled out her phone and called Justin.

  “Hey, babe. Where are you? It’s late.” Justin answered in a cooing voice, after the phone rang a few times.

  “Justin, I’m not going to be home for a while longer. I have to go. I love you.”

  Before she was able to hear Justin’s response, she hung up. Getting herself back on the road, she heard her phone continuously ring for the following ten minutes. Ann focused on finding a police station to report the crime; she could still feel herself shaking.

  As Ann spotted a police station, she quickly stopped her car and ran inside. She paced nervously as she waited to be seen and when a police officer walked towards her direction, she immediately began to start talking. The police officer lead her back into a private room as she explained the details of her encounter with the man who had sexually assaulted her.

  After her entire story had been finished, Ann went into a complete state of numbness. The police officer that she had been talking to shook her arm into to get her attention again.

  “Is there anyone you would like us to call for you to drive you home?”

  Nodding her head, the police officer gave Ann a polite smile while leaving the room for a second. When the police officer came back in the room, she was carrying a plastic bag and a t-shirt and sweatpants.

  “I’m going to need you to remove you remove your clothing, so we can analyze it for DNA.”

  Ann nodded her head again and began to undress as the police officer turned her back towards Ann.

  Ann placed all of her clothes on the table and dressed herself again. Once she was done, she plopped herself down on a chair again and began to cry. The police officer turned back around and held Ann’s hand.

  “You are going to be okay, sweetheart. I promise you we’ll find the son of a bitch who did this to you.”

  Ann looked at the police officer, who was a woman who generally seemed to care about Ann’s situation.

  “Now, I’m going to grab you a hot cup of coffee and you can call whoever you need to in order to come pick you up.”

  The police officer moved a phone that was on the desk over to Ann while she prepared a cup of coffee for Ann.

  Dialing Justin’s number, Ann put the phone up to hear and listened to the ringing bore into her hears.

  “Hello?” Ann heard the phone receiver, feeling a rush of panic race over her body again. It felt so good to hear Justin’s voice; it had been such an incredibly long day and couldn’t wait to wash it off of her.

  “Justin,” Ann sobbed into the phone, “I need you to come pick me up.”

  “Ann? Is that you, baby? Are you okay? Where are you?”

  Seeing that Ann was still too distraught to talk, the police officer walked over the phone and took the phone from Ann.

  “Hello, this is Deputy Clark from Howard County Police Department. If you are able to, you are going to need to drive up here and pick up Ann. No, she isn’t under arrest. No, no, she didn’t do anything wrong. No, there hasn’t been an accident. I will let Ann discuss with you what happened. “

  The police officer passed the phone over to Ann and Ann desperately hugged the phone to her ear. She could still hear Justin asking a million questions, but she didn’t have the emotional energy to provide him with any answers. She heard Justin hang up the phone, but she still continued to hold the phone up to her ear, counting down the seconds until he arrived.

  A half of an hour later, the door to the room that she was staying in opened. As Justin walked in, Ann felt a huge rush of relief course through her body. Justin jogged over to Ann, scooping her up into his arms.

  “Baby, I’m here. It’s okay.” Justin lifted Ann up and began to walk back to his car with her in his arms.

  “Put me down, Justin.” Ann demanded, finding herself to be slightly irritated for no apparent reason.

  Justin gently placed Ann back down on her feet and she continued marching over to Justin’s car. Opening the door, she threw herself in his car and leaned the passenger seat all the way down. Justin got into the car and looked at Ann with concern taking over every inch of his face.

  “Ann. . .”


  “What happened?” Justin inquired, gently squeezing Ann’s hand.

  Turning her head to look at Justin, Ann felt tears beginning to pour out of her eyes.

  “I was in my car, getting ready to drive home from work. A man knocked on my door and asked if I had any money on me. I didn’t, so I walked over to the ATM by the corner of my office. He held a gun to me and hit me on the head with it. When I woke up, he was on top of me. . .”

  “Did he . . .?” Justin whispered and Ann could hear the anger in his voice.

  “Did he what?” Ann asked Justin.

  “You know . . .”

  “No, Justin. He didn’t.

  Justin squeezed Ann’s hand even tighter and began to drive Ann home. Finding herself to be completely exhausted by the trauma she experienced, she quickly fell asleep in the feeling of knowing that she was safe.

  Chapter 4

  When Ann awoke again, the sun was brightly shining through her window and her phone read 12:24.

  “Oh, shit.” Ann cursed at herself and she quickly sat up. Before she was able to get up, a throbbing pain in the back of her head that forced her to lay back down.

  Turning over on her side, she found Justin laying on his side, staring at Ann.

  “Hey, baby. How are you doing?”

  “My head is fucking killing me. And I’m pissed off because I’m late to work.”

  “Babe?” Justin called out to Ann, scooching himself closer to Ann.


  “Do you remember what happened last night?”

  “Yeah, I came home and you fixed chicken parmesan. I fell asleep early because I had a busy day at work.”

  Justin gave Ann a startled look and began to get out of bed.

  “Justin, what are you doing?”

  “Don’t you move, Ann. Okay? Please just listen to me and stay there.”

  Ann felt a bit of worry jolt itself through her body as she realized how serious Justin was being. Justin threw on a pair of short and a t-shirt and walked himself to Ann. He grabbed a pair of her sweatpants and placed them on the bed.

  “Swing your legs out.” Justin demanded.

  Ann listened to Justin and watched him as he put on her sweatpants.

  “Justin, what are you doing?”

  “Last night, you fell and hit your head. You need to be seen by a doctor.” Justin exp
lained, doing his best to lie to Ann without raising any suspicion.

  Ann nodded her head and followed Justin down the stairs and into his car.

  Once Ann arrived at the hospital, she was immediately rushed to receive a CAT Scan. Justin pulled a doctor aside and explained the details of what Ann had told him the night before.

  “While she may have a concussion, I do not believe that that is the reasoning behind her memory loss.” The doctor explained to Justin.

  “What else would cause her memory loss if it isn’t a severe concussion?” Justin demanded, furrowing his eyebrows together in frustration and confusion.

  “Severe trauma can cause the brain to forget things, especially the trauma received. Ann may forget about this situation for a day or even maybe a week; the memory of the trauma may never come back. Amnesia is common in situations like the one Ann experienced; it’s how the brain best deals with trauma. It’s best you not worry about her not remembering.”

  Justin nodded his head and watched the doctor walk away. The door to the CAT Scan room opened up and he followed Ann back to her room.

  An hour later, the doctor came back to update Ann on her results.

  “There is good news and bad news I have for you.” The doctor explained as Justin leaped out of his chair.

  “The good news is, is that you do not have any brain swelling.”

  Justin sighed a breath of relief at the news and continued to stare intently at the doctor.

  “What’s the bad news” Justin asked, extremely inpatient.

  “The bad news is, is that you’re going to rest for a few days. No work, no excessive labor. With a busy woman like you, I can imagine that that’s going to be difficult for you to follow.” The doctor explained with a wink and a small chuckle.

  Ann nodded her head and smile at the doctor’s joke.

  “Thank you for your time, Doctor.” Ann replied. The doctor nodded his head and walked out of the room.

  “See? I told you, I’m fine.” Ann teased Justin.

  Justin nodded his head and sat back down in his chair. While he was incredibly grateful that Ann was okay, he still couldn’t help himself from feeling completely worried for Ann. He prayed that the memory of the night would never come back for her; she seemed to be back to her old self, as if nothing had ever happened.

  Ann’s sweet voice interrupted Justin’s thoughts.

  “When we get out of here, you’re so taking me to lunch. I’m famished.” Ann stated with a smile, changing herself back into her street clothes.

  “How is your head, babe?” Justin inquired.

  “It still hurts, but not as bad.”

  Helping Ann walk back to Justin’s car, Justin drove Ann to a local diner to get lunch. Once they had their orders placed, Ann began to stare at Justin.

  “I don’t remember seeing my car in the parking lot this morning. Where did it go?”

  Justin almost spoke the truth to Ann, but remembered that he needed to do his best to keep the memory suppressed. He ran through his head to come up with the best lie he possibly could.

  “Don’t you remember, babe?”

  “Remember what?”

  “You sold it off to a charity! You said you wanted to get a new one, so you gave your car away to charity.”

  A puzzled look drew across Ann’s face as she did her best to remember selling her car off.

  “Hm, that’s funny. No, I don’t remember. Oh well, it must have not been that big of a deal.” Ann chuckled as she took a sip of her water. Justin smiled back at Ann and reached his hand across the table in order to give Ann’s hand a little squeeze.

  Once their meal arrived, Justin watched Ann stuff herself on several different dishes. As Ann looked up, she caught Justin’s eye.

  “I’ve never seen you eat like that,” Justin spoke with raised eyebrows and a smile on his face.

  Ann giggled at his statement. “I’m sorry if I made a pig of myself; I was just incredibly hungry. I think that’s the hungriest I’ve been in a while.”

  Justin smiled at Ann and finished up his meal. By the time the couple was headed back to Ann’s apartment, it was nearly dark.

  Ann turned her head to watch Justin drive. Ann leaned over in her seat, brushing her lips against Justin’s neck.

  “I love you,” she whispered in Justin’s ear. He smiled and whispered back to her, “I love you too. I’m glad you’re doing better, babe.”

  As Justin spoke, Ann began to run her tongue across Justin’s neck, running her lips up to the bottom of his ear. A moan escaped Justin’s lips as Ann slid her hand down towards Justin’s crotch. Gently massaging his package with her hands, she continued kissing Justin’s neck, moving her lips further down his body towards his crotch.

  Justin found it extremely difficult to concentration with Ann’s warm mouth moving further down towards his crotch. He began to search for a private parking spot to be able to continue with Ann. As he pulled into a parking lot, he had the fight the urge to lean his head back as Ann’s warm lips began to move themselves up and down his shaft. As he stopped the car, he let his hands wonder across Ann’s beautiful body.

  Ann leaned back in her seat and pulled Justin on top of her. Justin ripped off Ann’s shirt and sweatpants, running his fingers across all of the delicate crevasses of Ann’s body. Ann’s body purred in response to his delicate touches; Ann grabbed Justin’s hair and pushed his head down towards the delicate spot in between Ann’s legs. His tongue danced across Ann’s clit and her body twisted and turned in response to the pleasure. Ann sat up and pushed Justin down as she climbed on top of him. As Ann slipped Justin’s cock into her wet cavern, she wrapped her fingers around Justin’s throat, gently squeezing.

  “Oh my God,” escaped from Justin’s lips as he firmly grasped Ann’s breasts. As she quickly picked up speed, Justin watched as her breasts bounced after every thrust of her hips against hers. Grinding her hips against Justin’s, a loud moan escaped Justin’s lips as he exploded inside of Ann.

  Ann let out a huge sigh of satisfaction and leaned forward to kiss Justin.

  “I love you, Ann.” Justin gasped, pulling her in close to him to hug her.

  “I love you too, babe.” Ann purred, nuzzling her face against Justin’s neck.

  Justin reached his hand up to run his fingers through Ann’s hair. He pulled back as Ann winced once he touched the back of her head.

  “Are you okay?”

  Ann nodded her head and laid her head back down on Justin’s chest.

  “My head is still sore from falling last night, I guess. It just feels like I have a giant bruise on the back of my head.”

  Justin sighed, as he felt completely frustrated that he could do nothing to help Ann. Running his fingers across Ann’s back, he felt her breathing beginning to slow down. A small snore escaped her lips and he smiled, knowing that she fell asleep on top of him. Justin turned his head over and tried to fall asleep too; he didn’t want to move Ann, though he didn’t want to sleep in the car either. He felt inner peace as he felt Ann’s heartbeat pounding against his chest.

  Chapter 5

  When Justin awoke the next morning, the sun was just beginning to rise. Gently shaking Ann’s arm, he watched as lifted her head up to greet Justin.

  “What time is it?” Ann asked while yawning, stretching her arms out across Justin’s body.

  “I don’t know babe, but look,” he replied, pointing at the multi-colored sunrise that was just appearing over the edge of the parking lot.

  Ann turned to face the sun as she re-dressed herself. Blowing into her hands, Ann shivered a bit as she turned on the car’s heat. Justin moved himself closer to Ann, as he put his arm around Ann’s shoulders. Ann placed her head on Justin’s shoulders and admired the rising sun.

  Justin drove back to Ann’s apartment as the sun had fully risen. While the two of them walked into Ann’s house, Justin grabbed Ann’s hand. A confused look passed over Ann’s face.

  “What is it?”

  “I just love you, Ann. I truly do.”

  Ann smiled and pulled Justin in for a passionate kiss.

  “When will I be able to get back to work?” Ann inquired to Justin.

  “Once your head stops hurting, babe! It hasn’t even been two days yet. And besides, it’s Saturday. Why don’t you lay down on the couch and I’ll massage your feet while we watch a movie?”

  Without any argument, Ann laid herself down on the couch in her living room, placing her feet on top of Justin’s lap. Justin gently massaged the back of Ann’s calves and the bottom of Ann’s feet. Two hours later, Justin heard Ann beginning to snore again. He gently lifted her feet off from the top of his lap and covered her up with a blanket. Kissing her forehead, Justin went to go work on ensuring that everything was still running smoothly as his job.

  When Justin arrived back at Ann’s apartment, he found Ann preparing a large meal in the kitchen. Walking over to greet Ann, Justin wrapped his arms around Ann’s shoulders, kissing the top of her head.

  “I missed you today, sunshine.” Ann spoke to Justin, squeezing his forearm.

  “I missed you too, baby. It was hard not seeing you all day.”

  Ann turned around and grabbed Justin’s face, pulling his lips closer to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and she planted a passionate kiss on his lips. Justin wrapped his arms around Ann’s waist, giving her an incredibly tight hug.

  “How’s your head, darling?”

  “It still really hurts. I took some medication today to see if that would do anything. It did not help, but I sure do hope that this pain goes away in a few days. I hate being like this.”

  Justin nodded his head in understanding and began to observe the large variety of food that Ann had prepared.

  “What’s all this for, babe? You’re supposed to be resting.”

  “I got incredibly bored just sitting here by myself all day. It was nice to just be able to focus all of my energy in cooking today, instead of just sitting around picking my brain. I fixed some of your favorites, just because I love you. I know that I’m supposed to be resting, but I figured something that required minimal effort, like cooking, would something that would be okay for me to do.”


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