He Loves Secrets (Complete Box Set Parts 1-3) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

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He Loves Secrets (Complete Box Set Parts 1-3) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) Page 7

by Alexa Brookes

  “First, you are a complete dick when I tell you that I’m pregnant. And now you pull shit like this? I know exactly why you are too; you don’t work hard enough during the day. If you truly worked hard for your money, you would be dead ass exhausted and wouldn’t have time to go out and cheat on me.” Giving Justin the nastiest glare that she could possibly manage, Ann abruptly pushed herself back from the table and ran up into her bedroom, slamming the door shut. She threw herself down on her bed and began to punch the pillows in front of her.

  “With the way Justin’s been acting recently, it would make so much sense that he’s cheating. I just really can’t believe it, I must be in shock; for fuck’s sake, I’m a sexy ass billionaire. How could he possibly do better?” Ann sputtered to herself, not putting out any effort to calm herself down.

  Jumping out of bed, Ann threw open her bedroom door and stormed down stairs, back to the kitchen. She saw Justin laying his head down on the table and it was very obvious that he was sobbing his eyes out. Stomping over to the kitchen table, she slammed her fists down on the hard wood which created a loud thud that startled Justin.

  Finding a sense of courage, Justin got off of the chair and got on his knees. Looking up at Ann, he began to breathe deeply and attempt to explain to Ann that he was truly honest to him.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Ann bellowed, staring down at Justin.

  Grabbing her hands, Justin began to weep.

  “Ann, I have no idea what’s happening. I truly do love you . . . I don’t know what’s happening . . . I’m so scared of losing you,” he muttered in between gasps for air. “You are the woman of my dreams and you mean so much to me. I can’t imagine my life without you. I try so hard to make you happy, but recently all I’ve done is make a mess of our relationship. I swear to you that I’m not cheating on you; I swear on every single breath that I take. You mean so much to me and I would never be stupid enough to cheat on you,” he began to cry even harder at the mention of the word cheat.

  A moment of silence hung in the air like an invisible wall for several minutes. The only notable sound between the two of them was Justin sniffling. After several minutes, Ann pushed back her chair and left the room, leaving Justin on his knees. Before much time passed, Justin followed Ann into the living room. As he entered the room, he saw Ann laying on the couch, her head buried in the pillows on the couch. Gently sitting himself on the floor next to Ann, Justin laid his hands across Ann’s back; it was almost as if he could feel her emotional pain radiating through his body.

  Justin felt a small rage building inside of his body; why would someone call up Ann and tell her that he was cheating on her? The more that he thought about the phone call Ann received, the angrier he became. Reaching his hand up, he began to run his fingers through Ann’s hair. A gentle sigh escaped from Ann’s body as she contemplated the situation that her and Justin were in. Hearing the sound of distress escape her mouth, Justin move himself closer to Ann to attempt to provide comfort for her. Placing his head on Ann’s shoulder, Justin closed his eyes and listened to Ann’s heartbeat.

  “Justin.” Ann began with a soft voice.

  “Yes, my love?” Justin whispered back, wrapping his arm around Ann’s waist.

  “Are you being truly honest with me?” she sniffled, wiping a tear that was falling from her eye.

  Moving himself even closer to Ann, he placed his nose next to Ann’s nose, staring into her beautiful eyes.

  “Ann, I swear. I do not know how to prove it to you, but I promise you that I’m not. Baby, I love you.”

  Ann gave a faint smile and turned around with her back facing Justin. Lifting himself on to the couch, he wrapped himself around Ann, gently kissing her cheek. Ann lifted her hand up and squeezed one of Justin’s fingers, trying to provide him with a little bit of reassurance. Turning over, Ann stared into Justin’s eyes. Placing her hand on Justin’s cheek, Ann leaned in to whisper in his ear.

  “I love you, Justin,” she whispered, gently kissing Justin’s cheek.

  “I love you too, sunshine.”

  “Can you move over any? I have no room.” Ann asked.

  “Babe, I’m trying not to fall off the couch, I’m sorry.”

  Ann let a smile chuckle escape her lips and she pulled Justin closer to her.

  “I have plenty of room, babe, scooch over.” Ann gently tugged on Justin’s body, motioning for him to move closer to him. Laying her head on Justin’s chest, she closed her eyes, completely exhausted by the emotional rollercoaster she had just partaken in.

  Chapter 4

  By the time Ann woke the next morning, the sun had barely risen across the horizon. She found herself in her bedroom, covered in several warm blankets.

  “Baby?” Ann called out.

  Justin poked his head out of the bathroom, flashing Ann a big smile.

  “Good morning, my love.” Justin said, sliding into bed next to Ann. “How are you doing, my love?”

  “I’m doing okay, baby. I’m having a bit of cramping in my belly.”

  A concerned look passed Justin’s face, with worry filling his eyes.

  “Is that normal babe? Is everything okay? Are you going to be okay?” Justin bombarded Ann with questions, rubbing his hand up and down Ann’s belly.

  Ann smiled and pulled Justin’s hand up to her lips, kissing the back of his hand.

  “Yeah, babe. I’m fine. My doctor told me that cramping is normal within the first four weeks of pregnancy.”

  “How long have you known that you were pregnant, babe?”

  “I suspected that I was two weeks ago; I just felt different. I took the test yesterday. So, I would say that maybe, I’ve been pregnant for three weeks, maybe more.”

  “Promise that you are going to be okay, baby?”

  “I swear, babe,” Ann smiled, pulling Justin in close, giving him a big kiss.

  “What are we going to name it if it’s a boy?” Justin asked, sliding down to rest his head on Ann’s stomach.

  “Why do you think it’s going to be a boy?” Ann chuckled, rolling her eyes in a jokingly manner.

  “I was just asking what it!” Justin retorted, giving Ann a big, cheesy smile.

  “Well, what if it turns out to be a girl?”

  “If it’s a girl,” Justin stated, pulling up Ann’s shirt to expose her belly, “I will love her just as much or even more than a boy.” Justin began to kiss Ann’s belly, squeezing Ann’s hand. “But, what will we name it if it’s a girl?”

  “I don’t even know, honey. I haven’t gotten that far into thinking about my pregnancy. There’s so much more we have to think about before we even get to a name!”

  Laying his head back down on Ann’s belly, Justin stared at Ann’s remarkable face. Taking a second to glance at Ann’s alarm clock, Justin realized that he was running late to work.

  “Babe, I’ve got to get going, I’m late for work. There’s a meeting I’m supposed to be running today and I need to get there early.” Giving Ann a quick kiss on the lips, he jumped out of bed and ran to the door.

  “I’ll walk you out, Justin.” Grabbing a robe, Ann jumped out of bed and followed Justin out towards the front door.

  “When you get home, I’ll have a warm meal prepared for you. It’s getting chilly out!” Ann told Justin sweetly, wrapping her arms around herself to keep warm.

  “’Thank you so much, babe. I’ve got to get going now.”

  Ann kissed Justin goodbye as he went off to work and laid herself down on the couch once he had left. Ann felt cramping beginning to start getting worse, almost as if it was her time of the month. Grabbing her phone, she made several phone calls to her doctor. While she knew that her doctor told her that cramping was normal during the first few weeks, Ann could not shake the feeling that something just wasn’t right. A surge of panic rushed through Ann’s body after her doctor did not pick up after several phone calls.

  “I pay for a private doctor and this is the type of shit treatment I get?”
Ann exclaimed, enraged that her doctor was not picking up.

  Realizing that it was still early in the morning, she did her best to stay calm. The cramping she was feeling was getting increasingly worse, so she decided to walk into her room to get a heating pad. As she stood up, she noticed that a pool of blood had collected on the couch, where she was just lying. In a state of panic, Ann ran into her bathroom, hoping it was simply a deep cut in her leg that was causing the bleeding.

  As she ran into the bathroom, she stood in the tub and began to remove her robe, along with her pants. The more layers that she removed, the more she realized how bad that bleeding truly was. Attempting to take deep breaths to stay calm, Ann removed her underwear and saw that her underwear was completely soaked with blood.

  A loud sob escaped Ann’s mouth as she slid down the bath tub wall. Holding her head in her hands, she began to sob uncontrollably. Justin’s face flashed in her mind and she began to cry harder. After the fight they had, Justin had seemed to be so much more hopeful and excited about the baby. She didn’t want to disappoint him, especially if it was true that she was having a miscarriage.

  Reaching for her phone, Ann dialed Justin’s number. After several rings, Ann received Justin’s voicemail. Dialing his number again, she received the same result.

  Refusing to give up, Ann continued to redial Justin’s number; Justin’s phone continued to ring and Ann began to sob even louder. She found herself hyperventilating and did her best to slow her breathing. After the third phone call she had made, Justin still wasn’t picking up his phone. She threw her phone across the room, laid herself down on the bathroom floor, and began to sob her eyes out.

  Several minutes later, Ann’s phone began to ring. Jumping out of the tub, Ann ran across the room to pick her phone up. It was her doctor calling; a ping of panic ran through Ann’s body as it hit her how real the situation was.

  “Ann, hi, I received several phone calls from you. Is everything going okay?”

  Ann was hoping that the concern of another human being would help comfort her, but it only made her cry harder.

  “Doctor. Dickson, I’m bleeding profusely. I think I may be having a miscarriage.”

  “Ann, the first thing that I need you to do is to take a deep breath. It’s very hard to understand you when you are crying to hard. I heard you say something about bleeding. Please, restate everything you just said.”

  “I stood up from the couch and there was a giant puddle of blood that was where I was sitting. I am having really bad cramps and have been ever since I woke up this morning. I am in so much pain and I think I’m having a miscarriage. I need to see you immediately.” Ann managed to sputter out as the tears continued to fall from her eyes.

  “Ann, yes, please come in right away. Do not drive, Ann. I repeat, do not drive. Call a taxi or get someone to drive you. I will see you soon.”

  The Doctor hung up, leaving Ann to struggle by herself. Slowly standing up, Ann stumbled into her bedroom and threw on a pair of sweatpants. Giving Justin one more phone call, she walked out of the room and walked to her car.

  Her Doctor’s warning echoed in her mind as she sat herself down in her car.

  “I’ll be fine. I haven’t lost that much blood and I’m only dizzy because I was crying so hard. I am going to be okay.” Ann chanted to herself, attempting to calm herself down as she began to drive.

  While Ann began to drive towards Doctor Dickson’s office, she tried several breathing exercises to calm herself down; she noticed that she was getting increasingly dizzy.

  “I need to pull over,” Ann stated to herself. Turning on her turn signal, she began to turn her car towards the side of the road. Just as she was about to park her car, everything went black.

  Chapter 5

  Once the meeting had finished, Justin decided to send Ann a nice text message to let her know that he was thinking about her. Pulling out his phone, he saw that he had received twelve missed phone calls from Ann. Immediately dialing her back, he got nothing but her voice mail. After calling Ann back several times, he grew increasingly worried about Ann.

  Justin decided to give Ann’s neighbor a call. After several rings, Ann’s neighbor picked up.


  “Hi, yes, it’s Justin, your neighbor.”

  “Oh, hi, Justin! How are you doing?” The woman replied.

  “Hi, Kris. Have you seen Ann today?”

  “Actually, I have Justin. I saw her leaving the apartment just a few minutes ago, actually.”

  Justin stayed silent for a second, thinking back to the conversation him and Ann had that morning. He remembered that she said nothing about having work that morning.

  “What was she wearing, Kris?”

  “Sweatpants and a tank top.”

  “Okay, thank you so much!”

  Justin hung up and phone and began to pace the room.

  “Where could she possibly be?” Justin thought to himself. He wouldn’t be super worried about her if she only called once or twice. However, she called him twelve times; he knew that she would only do that if something several times. Continuing to pace the room, he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to remain calm.

  Several minutes later, Justin’s phone rang; it was a number he did not recognize. Picking up immediately, a tone of panic rang through his voice.


  “Hello. Is this Justin?”

  “Yes, to whom am I speaking to?”

  “My name is Emily. I’m a friend of Ann’s. I just wanted to inform you that Ann is at the hospital; she’s been in a car accident.”

  “Oh my God, is she okay?” Fear coursed through Justin’s body. He prayed that Ann was okay and that the baby was okay.

  “She has some cuts and bruises.”

  “I’m going to be over right away. Thank you so much for the phone call.”

  Running towards the nearest elevator, he waited impatiently on the ride back down to the first floor. He was definitely panicking; his hands were shaking and he was sweating. Running down to his car, he jumped in and sped away, without even putting on his seat belt.

  Speeding towards the hospital, he gave a silent thanks for the lack of traffic that was on the road. When he arrived at the hospital, he slammed his car door shut and began to jog towards the hospital. Pushing the doors open, a woman who looked oddly familiar began to walk towards him.

  “Hi, I’m Emily. We spoke on the phone briefly.”

  “Hi, Emily,” Justin’s eyes darted around the hospital, in a panic search for Ann.

  “Follow me, Justin. I’ll take you go the Early Pregnancy Unit.”

  “Excuse me?” Justin asked, not entirely sure that he heard the nurse correctly.

  “Ann is currently in the Early Pregnancy Unit.”

  “Why? Is she okay?”

  “I’m not allowed to disclose that information to you because you are not her spouse. The only reason I knew to call you because you, Ann, and I had lunch last week. I figured I would save you the pain and the stress and call you.”

  Nodding his head, a million different thoughts began to flood Justin’s head. He was panicking now more than ever; his heart felt like it was going to pound its way through his chest.

  After more than five minutes of walking, Justin finally arrived at the Early Pregnancy Unit. Emily walked Justin to a private room and stood beside the door. Justin gently opened the door, almost dreading the pain that he was going to see Ann in. Taking a deep breath, Justin pushed the door all the way open, seeing Ann laying down in bed.

  “Oh baby,” Justin muttered, bursting into tears as he saw the state Ann was in.

  “Hey, sunshine.” Ann gave Justin a weak smile as he walked into the room.

  Justin quickly walked over to the bed and gently sat down. Grabbing Ann’s hand, he began to rub his face on Ann’s hand, softly crying.

  “Babe, what happened? Are you okay?”

  “I’m just really sore. I’ve got a few cuts and bruises, but I
completely totaled your car.”

  “But, what happened babe?”

  “I got really dizzy and I think I may have passed out and drove the car into a concrete barrier.”

  Justin leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on Ann’s forehead.

  “But, why are you in here, babe?”

  A shadow of sadness passed across Ann’s face. She turned her head and began to cry. Moving himself closer to Ann, Justin began to furrow his eyebrows.


  Before Justin was able to get a response out of Ann, a doctor walked into the room.

  “Hello, I’m Doctor Klesh. Sir, I am going to need you to leave the room.”

  Justin looked back and forth between the Doctor and Ann, trying to piece together what was happening. In a state of loss, he slowly nodded his head and left the room. Closing the door behind him, he put his ear to the door and tried to listen in on the conversation Ann and the Doctor were having. He couldn’t hear anything specific coming from the conversation they were having, so he walked himself over to a bench by the room. After several minutes passed, Justin began to pace the hallway. Half of an hour later, the doctor left the room, giving Justin a curtesy nod.

  Justin ran back into Ann’s room, panic running wild through his eyes.

  “Baby, are you okay? What happened? What was he doing?”

  “Justin, please sit down.”

  “Ann, what is it?” Justin grew a little teary eyed as he examined the distress on Ann’s face.

  “This morning, after you left, my cramps started getting a lot worse. I started bleeding really heavy and I got so scared. I kept calling you and my doctor, but nobody picked up. Finally, my doctor called me back and told me that I needed to see him,” Ann kept speaking faster and faster, completely distraught. “He told me not to drive myself, but I didn’t listen. I was so worried about the baby, Justin. I was crying so hard, I hyperventilated and drove into the concrete barrier.” Ann’s voice began to trail off towards the end of explanation and she began to cry again.

  Justin sat on the edge of Ann’s bed and began to stare blankly at nothing in particular. He was in a state of shock; while he was incredibly grateful that Ann was alive, he couldn’t wrap his head around everything that Ann had just told him.


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