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Rock Radio Page 13

by Lisa Wainland

  He looked at his watch and started walking back to meet Dana. Away from the beach, he came back into reality and crossed the street to find the Java Café.

  As he was walking he saw her.

  Her raven hair was unmistakable. He hurried his pace to catch up. He saw a man come up behind her and place his hand on the small of her back. Dana turned toward the man and wrapped her arms around his neck. Cody stopped dead in his tracks. The man bent down and kissed her briefly. He saw Dana smile and take his hand as they walked toward the parking lot.

  Cody felt his heart drop.

  Small town kid, big city girl.

  Who was he kidding? He turned away and headed back to the hotel.


  Chapter 29

  Monday morning was awful for Jonny. He went to work knowing he needed to tell Heather their fling or relationship or whatever the hell she wanted to call it was over. Jill was suspicious. He didn’t want more problems in his marriage. He needed to end it. Immediately.

  Heather was waiting for Jonny outside his office. She arrived early for her internship that day, staking out Jonny’s office, passing by every five minutes, waiting for him to arrive. When she saw him coming down the hall she rushed to his doorway.

  He couldn’t help but look her up and down when he saw her. Today her red hair was pulled into pigtail braids. She wore a short plaid skirt, knee high socks and a white button down shirt. The not so innocent Catholic school girl was ready to teach him a lesson.

  “Heather,” he said, avoiding looking at her. She knew how to get to him every time.

  Heather saw her outfit had the desired effect. She followed him into his office, closed the door and sat in the chair opposite him, crossing her legs. “Why haven’t you put me back on the air?” She immediately cut to the chase.

  “Heather, you’re still an intern. It’s great that you got on the air once, most interns don’t even get that opportunity.” Jonny took his place behind the desk. It was his office, he was in control.

  “Most interns don’t sleep with you. Or do they?” She uncrossed and re-crossed her legs slowly giving him a peek at her lacy panties.

  Jonny cleared his throat. “No, Heather, I’m not that kind of guy.”

  “So I’m special…?” It was more of an affirmation than a question.

  Jonny saw a window of manipulation. “Of course you are.”

  “So when can I get back on the air?”

  “Is that why you were with me?” He chose his words carefully, trying to rewrite history.

  “You mean is that why I slept with you?” Heather wasn’t going to let him get away with minimizing their affair.

  Jonny, unknowingly pulled at his collar. “Yeah, right.”

  “Now Jonny, I’m not that kind of girl.”

  “Sure you’re not,” he snickered.

  She pouted. “I take offense to that. I really like you. I thought you really liked me too.” For once, Heather was serious.

  “I do like you Heather.”

  “Good because the on-air stuff is only part of why I’m here.” Heather twirled one braid between her fingers. “I miss you Jonny, it’s been a while since we’ve been together. I’m beginning to think your feelings changed.”

  “No, Heather, I still feel the same way.” Jonny chose his words carefully.

  “I was beginning to worry.” She relaxed in her approach.

  Jonny smiled, smooth as ever, he hadn’t lost his touch.

  “I missed your smile, too,” Heather said. “That’s why I got us our favorite room.” She pulled a motel key from the waistband of her skirt.

  Jonny gulped.

  “I thought you might want to go out to lunch today.”

  Jonny thought fast. He knew he shouldn’t, but looking at her…what was wrong with him? Didn’t he decide just yesterday to end things and work on being a better husband to Jill? But Heather. He couldn’t help himself when he saw her. He loved the way she looked up to him, eyes wide with respect. Today, she looked so sexy in that outfit. She had an awesome body and she knew how to use it. And she wanted to use it with him. She wanted him because he had power. He liked how it felt, to be in control, to control her.

  And it was so much fun to control her.

  “So Heather…is one-thirty good for you?”

  Chapter 30

  Larry Carter waited impatiently by his phone. He re-mailed the card to Dana on Friday and knew it got to the station on Saturday. He purchased a delivery confirmation from the post office to be certain. The toll free number said his mail was delivered to WORR at exactly three twenty eight in the afternoon. He realized Dana didn’t work on Saturday, but that was okay, she would certainly receive it on Monday. Larry knew Dana didn’t go on the air until six p.m., but he also knew that she usually arrived at the station earlier in the day. He’d watched her walk into work many times before noon as he sat in his small rusty green car in the radio station parking lot.

  Larry took the day off from work. He didn’t want to be working at his stupid bookstore job and miss Dana’s call. No, this was an important day. It could be a life changing day and he didn’t want to ruin it because he was helping some idiot find the Science Fiction section. Geez, these people were literate, they were in a bookstore by choice for goodness sake. Couldn’t they read the signs and help themselves?

  It was now twelve-thirty and while Larry knew it was still early, he felt himself get anxious as the minutes passed. He was certain Dana would call when she got the card. As soon as she got the card, he corrected himself. She said she would be looking out for it. Larry wondered if Dana thought about him and his card all weekend, waiting in anticipation to see what he had sent her. It got him excited just thinking about it.

  Then why wasn’t she calling him?

  Dana was probably no better than The Bitch that left him. They were all alike, only caring about themselves. He thought Dana was different.

  Anger started to take over. Larry stopped himself and picked up the phone.

  “WORR,” the woman cheerily said.

  “Hi, can I speak with Dana Drew?”

  “I’m sorry, hon, Dana’s not in yet.”

  Larry brightened. “Thanks a lot.”

  Dana wasn’t there yet. She hadn’t seen his card, his picture, his poem. Larry had misjudged her. Jumping too fast to conclusions…again. It always seemed to get him into trouble. You have to stop doing that, he scolded himself.

  No, Dana wasn’t at work. When she did get in she would see his token of affection and call. She most certainly would.

  After all, they were connected.

  Chapter 31

  Dana arrived at work Monday at two o’clock. She wanted, no needed, to talk to Jonny.

  She was still in shock over the weekend’s events. Sam’s turnabout was unexpected. After their talk at Ivy’s, Sam went back to his friend’s house to grab his stuff. She took the time in between to drive by Java Café. She hadn’t forgotten about Cody. She wasn’t sure what she’d say if she saw him, or even if she’d stop at all, but she felt she needed to go to find out.

  She parked the car across the street and waited. One o’clock came and went. No sign of him. She got out of the car and went inside, curiosity getting the best of her. He wasn’t there either. She stopped the hostess.

  “Hey, I’m meeting a friend here. He’s about six one, brown hair.”

  The hostess motioned around the restaurant. “That’s about half our clientele.”

  “This guy’s gorgeous.”

  The hostess smiled, “Like I said, look around, gorgeous is a dime a dozen around here.”

  Dana scanned the restaurant. He definitely wasn’t here. She consulted her watch. It was one-thirty. He was a no show. She was right. Flaky rock star. She made the right decision getting back with Sam. Sam was real. Cody was a fantasy.

  But if she was so sure, why was she so disappointed he never showed?

  She went back home to find Sam already there, unpacking. T
his was right, she told herself. Things were getting back on track in her life. But something still felt a little off with him there. It felt wrong when he was gone, but somehow his return didn’t right that feeling.

  Sam seemed so happy when she walked through the front door. He held her close and told her again how much she meant to him. She had replayed that scene a million times over in her mind since he left, but it didn’t have the same feeling as it did in her dreams. She felt empty and sad. Time will heal she told herself. But she was unsure of her decision. She knew talking to Jonny would help her sort out her feelings. He was like family. He would be straight with her.

  She walked down the hall and looked for Jonny in the studio, but he wasn’t there. She walked around the console and saw he had voice-tracked his entire shift.

  “Jonny, Jonny, what are you doing?” she wondered out loud.

  Jonny was her friend, always had been, but he had a wandering eye. It was the one trait of his that she could not reconcile in her head. On the one hand he was like her big brother, watching out for her at work and in her personal life. Whenever she’d start dating someone, she’d always hear from him, “You tell ‘em if they hurt you they’ll have me to deal with.” When she started dating Sam, Jonny told him that to his face. Not that anyone took him seriously, but the fact that he was a guy who cared a great deal for her came through, the fact that Dana was someone very worth caring about and to be cared for.

  Then there was the side of Jonny that was like every guy he’d ever warned her about. She couldn’t understand why he was so afraid of her getting mixed up with a guy who’d hurt her when in reality he was that guy. How could he warn her and then do the same thing he warned her about to his wife, Jill? It was a question Dana couldn’t answer. It was the question that gave her pause every time she saw Jonny. Jill was a nice person who obviously loved her husband very much. The mere fact that she stuck with him through the lean times and followed him from small market to small market for his career said volumes about her love and dedication to him. Dana was still searching for that kind of love and Jonny had it…why was he trying so hard to throw it away?

  She walked back to her office and went inside. Slipped under the door was her mail and among it a bright red envelope.

  She picked up the card and saw her name written in childlike print. The return address read Larry Carter. Larry, the creepy listener. She opened the envelope nervously. It gave her a bad feeling. She pulled the card out. A picture of a rose specked with dew was on the front. She opened it hesitantly. Paper clipped to the inside was a picture of Larry and her from the remote at Scully’s.

  Dearest Dana,

  Roses are red

  Violets are blue

  You were meant for me

  And I was meant for you



  Oh jeez, this guy was off kilter. It made her a bit nervous. Below Larry’s printed name was his phone number. Did he expect she would call him? Dana wanted to dismiss the card like she had so many other wacko listeners who thought she was their best friend or next girlfriend. Dismiss it like she had the other listeners who came to every remote, sent flowers or gift baskets. But something about this card was different, something in the childlike writing and simplistic poem sent up a red flag.

  Something in the picture.

  Larry was serious, more serious than the others she sensed. She set the card on her desk with the envelope and made a mental note to herself to tell Jonny about it.


  Where the hell was he?

  Chapter 32


  That’s what Jonny saw after making love to Heather for the second time that afternoon. She was insatiable - rubbing, kissing, caressing…telling him how amazing he was. Heather was something else. Jonny loved how he felt around her. Like someone important, which, he was. Jill saw Jonathan Roeker. Heather saw Jonny Rock. Their romp made him forget about Jill and his promise. After all, why should he end a good thing?

  Heather languished naked on the bed and pulled a cigarette from her purse. She lit up and took a long drag. “You want?”

  Jonny wasn’t a smoker, but took it anyway. A cigarette after sex was nice sometimes.

  “Jonny, it was too long between our times together.” She traced circles on his chest with a single pink fingernail.

  He took another drag and blew the smoke slowly from his lips. “I agree.” He did.

  “Can’t we see each other more…outside of work. I want to go to dinner with you.”

  “Heather you know that can’t happen…I’m married.”

  “But you don’t love her.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Then what are you doing here with me?” Point.

  “Fooling around.” Counterpoint.

  Heather pulled away. “I hate it when you say that. You make me feel so cheap, like I don’t mean anything.”

  “If I didn’t want to be with you I wouldn’t be with you.”

  “Are you with me just for the sex?”

  “No,” he lied.

  “That’s good to hear.” She looked up at him with a smile.

  He brushed her pigtail away from her face. “Is it?”

  “Yes, it is, because Jonny Rock, I’m starting to fall in love with you.”

  Chapter 33

  Jonny returned to the station quickly. It was nearly five o’clock. He was gone too long. He slipped in the employee entrance.

  “Jonny,” Joel the guard said.


  Jonny rushed up to the studio, his heart racing.

  Heather was falling in love with him.

  He was in over his head. Way over.

  Dana was waiting for him in the studio reading a magazine.

  “Oh, are you on the air now?” She looked at her watch.

  “Very funny Dana,” Jonny said running his fingers through his messy hair. He was upset, tense and didn’t need her clever crap now.

  “Jonny, I don’t know what you’re doing, but I don’t think it will end well.”

  “Dana, there’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Why don’t I believe that?”

  “I don’t know…maybe it’s because you’re so negative,” he snapped.

  “Cool it Jonny, believe it or not, I’m looking out for you.”

  “I’m under stress.” He tapped his fingers on the console repeatedly.

  She slammed the magazine down. “Obviously.”

  “So what do you need? Did you come in for a reason or just to break my balls?”

  “What crawled up your butt and died?”

  Jonny leaned over the console and took several deep breaths.

  “I hope you’re counting to calm down, ‘cause I don’t deserve this Jonny. I’m not the one bringing your world to an end.”

  Jonny inhaled deeply. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”

  “Look…I’m not one hundred percent sure what’s going on, but I have a pretty good idea it involves Heather. You better watch it, you could get in big trouble…and I don’t just mean with your wife.”

  “Nothing’s going on,” he said tersely.

  “Be careful Jonny.”

  “So why did you come in Dana? I assume you have something to tell me. This clearly is not a social call.”

  “I’d appreciate if you’d drop the angry bit for a minute…I really need your advice.”

  Jonny sat down on a stool and put his headphones on, pushing one side back so only one ear was covered. “Talk to me.”

  “Sam called me this weekend. We got back together.”

  He genuinely looked shocked. “Come again?”

  Dana breathed deeply. “Sam called me…”

  “No, I heard you, I just wasn’t sure I understood you.”

  “He apologized, said how much he missed me and moved back in.”

  “So why don’t you sound happy about it? I thought this was what you wanted.” Jonny flipped through his liner cards. As long as
he was back, he’d go live and take it off autopilot.

  “I thought so too, but, I don’t know. It doesn’t feel like I thought it would.” Dana looked away.

  “Sometimes what you think you want isn’t really what you do want.”

  “That’s pretty deep.”

  “He hurt you pretty bad. That’s hard to erase. Besides, I thought you were head over heels with the rock star.”

  Dana looked up and snickered, “Joke was on me on that one. He wasn’t who I thought he was.” She felt a pang reliving the realization he never showed up to meet her. “That’s just it, Sam is real. We have a lot of history…we can have a future together. He’s a good man, stable.”

  “Good…stable…if I’m out of line, tell me, but you didn’t mention love.”

  “I do love him,” she said defensively.

  “Okay, then I support you. If he truly makes you happy then I’m happy for you. You deserve some happiness.”

  “Everyone does. Including you,” she said raising her eyebrows with a smile.

  “Thanks for your benevolence. Hang on song’s ending,” he waited for the last notes to play, “Hey kids, it’s Jonny Rock here with you on a beautiful afternoon. I’ve got new music from Soundgarden and Creed right after the break. Don’t go anywhere.” He pushed the button to fire the commercials and turned off the mic. “So how’s everything else?”

  “Here’s something weird. It’s that chronic listener guy again.”

  Jonny looked concerned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Check this out.” Dana pulled Larry’s card from where she’d stashed it in the back of the magazine.

  Jonny read the card and studied the picture. “He likes you Dana.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of…I mean like genuinely afraid. It’s different from anything I’d ever been sent by a listener before. It’s creepy.”

  “I think you’re reading too much into it. He’s a listener who likes Dana Drew. I wouldn’t worry about it.”


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