By Honor Bound

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By Honor Bound Page 26

by Denise A Agnew, Kate Hill, Arianna Hart

  By the taste in her mouth, they were dirty socks too. The pounding on her door had stopped. Probably had the wrong address. Annie never got visitors in the daytime, everyone knew she worked evenings and slept in. Could it be the press?

  Annie slipped on her robe and crossed to the door. When she peeked through the peephole no one was there. Opening up the door she poked her head into the hallway and looked around. Not a body in sight. On her doormat was a vase of beautiful long-stemmed red roses.

  “Oh!” Her heart caught in her throat. Who could those be from? “Don’t get your hopes up, Forbes, they’re probably for someone else.” Even with her cynical side trying to keep her hopes in check, a faint tremor shook her fingers as she reached for the envelope stuck into the beautiful bouquet.

  It was addressed to her! So it wasn’t a mistake. Her heart beating in anticipation, she pulled the little card out.


  You are cordially invited to dinner at the Officers’ Club, nineteen hundred hours tonight.



  Fondly? What the hell was fondly? Screwing her damn brains out was a little more than fond! Was this his way of brushing her off? He’d treat her to a nice dinner, then tell her it’s been fun, but… Probably thought she wouldn’t make a scene at the OC. She’d show him a thing or two, boy. She was taking out her shortest skirt and her highest heels for tonight. If he wanted to kick her to the curb, she’d make him eat his heart out.

  Picking the roses up and bringing them in her kitchenette, Annie couldn’t help but stick her nose in for a deep sniff. Guilt flowers or no, they were still beautiful. Mace might be an ass, but he had style.

  * * * * *

  Mace was sweating in his dress uniform. What if Annie didn’t come? She’d bolted from the camp outside the hospital fast enough. Maybe what he felt was all one-sided after all?

  Just when he was ready to march over to her house, a murmur went through the club. A goddess in a screaming red dress and ice-pick heels came into the room. Mace’s jaw dropped when he saw that the sexy blonde was Annie. His Annie!

  The fire engine red dress was low-cut and only came to the middle of her thighs. As she turned to look for him, he saw that it tied behind her neck and left her back completely bare. All he could think of was one little tug and her breasts would spill free.

  Looking around the room, he bet every other horny GI in the place was thinking the same thing. Standing up, Mace waved to her and watched breathlessly as she came over. His tongue was practically hanging out of his mouth by the time she got to the table. Remembering his manners, he was trying to charm her after all, he held out a chair at the table for her.

  As she sat, he caught a whiff of her perfume and a glimpse of her cleavage. His body went on immediate alert, all systems go! He had to take a deep breath to control his urge to lay her across the table and see what she had on under the dress.

  Down boy! You’re supposed to charm her, not attack her!

  He cleared his throat before attempting to speak. “Thanks for coming tonight. You look beautiful.”

  She smiled brightly at him, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Thank you for the roses, they’re lovely.” She looked down at the menu and not at him. “I’m surprised they let you out of the hospital so soon. I figured you’d be under medical care for a few more days.”

  “I promised to be careful and get lots of rest, so they let me go. I wasn’t critical so I don’t think they minded. The beds were needed by other folks in worse shape than me.” Mace moved away from the tempting view of her cleavage and quickly sat in his own seat, hiding the boner of a lifetime.

  Annie took a sip out of her water glass and looked around. “I haven’t been to the OC in a long time. It looks nicer than I remember.”

  “Not nearly as nice as my present company.”

  Startled eyes turned towards him for the first time. “Uh, thank you. I suppose I’d almost have to look better now. You pretty much saw me at my worst.”

  “If that was your worst, I’d say you had nothing to worry about. I thought you were lovely then, and I think you’re just as beautiful now.”

  “Oh my.” She looked back down at her menu.

  “Are you blushing?” Mace was amazed a simple compliment could stain her cheeks so easily.

  “Seems kind of silly, huh? I mean, it isn’t like we don’t know each other already.”

  “We do and we don’t. Our relationship started with a bang.”


  “And we didn’t get a chance to go through the normal stages.”

  Annie looked up at him quickly and opened her mouth, but the waiter chose that moment to relay the night’s specials to them. Mace didn’t care if he ate MREs as long as he had a chance to work on Annie.

  He had no idea what he ordered, but the waiter left them alone and that was all that mattered. Mace reached across the table and held Annie’s hand.

  “I’m glad you came tonight. After you ran off yesterday I didn’t know if I had done something to offend you.”

  “No, Colonel Michaels ordered me home to get some rest, and I didn’t have a chance to get back to you.”

  “I see.” Bullshit.

  Her eyes met his again. “Look, if you’re doing all this, the roses, the fancy dinner, and everything as a goodbye present, it’s really not necessary. I know the drill; I won’t put any strings on you.”

  “Is that what you think this is? A goodbye?”

  “Isn’t it?” She pulled her hand away and sat back in her chair.

  “No, it isn’t.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “I like to call it a date.” It was his turn to lean back. Let’s see how she handled that.

  “A date?” She looked bewildered.

  “Yeah, you know, a guy, a girl, you have a nice dinner than I try to talk you into the back of my car.”

  “Isn’t it a little late for that? You already hit a home run; it seems a little late to be trying to get to first base.”

  “Now that’s where you’re wrong. You deserve to be courted, and I’m going to do it.”

  “Courted? I don’t get it. You already got what you wanted; you don’t need to go through the dating ritual at this point.”

  “Wrong again. I’m not even close to getting what I want.” Mace leaned forward and captured her gaze.

  “And what is that?” A delicate eyebrow lifted.

  “You. And not just for a quickie in a janitor’s closet. I want the whole package and I’m going to take whatever measures necessary to get it.”

  “Mace, I’m flattered. Really. I had totally expected you to brush me off tonight. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you want to court me.”


  “But I think once a little time passes and you’re on your next assignment, you’re going to change your mind.”

  “Is that a challenge?” He really hoped so. There was nothing he liked more than a challenge.

  “No, just the facts.”

  “As you see them.”

  “As they are.”

  “Tell me one thing, just one thing and I’ll let this idea go.” Mace held his breath. He was gambling here. If she didn’t answer the way he thought, he was dead in the water.

  “Okay, what?”

  “Do you want to end things?”

  Mace almost stopped breathing completely as she fidgeted with her napkin and looked anywhere but at him. Finally, when he thought he was going to have a heart attack before the soup course she looked him right in the eye.

  “No. God help me, I know it’s insane, but no.”

  “Then sit back and enjoy the ride, baby.”

  Chapter Ten

  Annie’s apartment was starting to look like a florist shop. Every day for the past two weeks she’d gotten a delivery of flowers from Mace. Some were wildflowers with little poems attached, some were carnations with just his signature, and there were roses by the score,
in every color of the rainbow.

  Every night Mace stopped by her apartment to take her out to the movies, for a drive, to dinner, they even went to the circus when it was in town. And every night, he left her at the door with a chaste kiss.

  It was driving her insane!

  Her body knew what delights he could give her and was not happy about being denied them. One night they had gone on a little country road in Virginia and Mace had pulled the car over so they could look at the stars. He’d wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, giving her a little peck on the cheek.

  She’d wanted to climb on top of him and tear his clothes off!

  Mace in his dress uniform was a sight to behold, but the man in a pair of faded jeans just about stopped her heart on the spot. Annie was so sexually frustrated she thought her pantyhose were going to catch on fire! If they didn’t have sex tonight, she was going to have to do something desperate. Like tie him up and have her way with him.

  With visions of Mace’s studly body spread-eagle and bound to her bed, Annie undid a few more buttons on her shirt and put on the shortest shorts she could find. A knock at the door sounded before she could finish putting on her makeup.

  Hustling to the door in case it was another delivery of flowers, Annie was surprised to see Mace in his BDUs—battle dress uniform. Pulling the door open, she got a good look at his face. His eyes were shielded and his expression was serious. A lump lodged in her throat.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” She opened the door wider so he could get in.

  “I got my orders today. I ship out tomorrow morning for the sandbox.”

  The lump dropped from her throat to the pit of her stomach. “For how long?”

  “I don’t know. There’s a group of Rangers that needs to be picked up. I’ve got to do it.”

  She would not cry, she would not cry. “Of course you do. That’s your job.”

  “I know, but you’re my life.”

  Damn, that wasn’t fair. Tears streamed down her face.

  “I wanted more time to convince you I was serious about you. About us, but this will have to do.”

  Mace reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring box. “I had planned on giving you a month or two to get used to having me around, but the military had other ideas. I can’t leave without knowing you’ll be here when I come back. I love you with all my heart, Annie. Will you marry me?”

  Opening up the black velvet box, Mace pulled out a platinum and diamond ring that sparkled in the light of the living room.

  She put her hands to her mouth and gasped. Tears were streaming from her eyes as her heart stopped beating.

  “Is that a yes or a no?” A tiny drop of sweat ran down his cheek.

  “Yes! Of course it’s a yes! I didn’t need a month. Hell, I didn’t need two weeks! I knew I loved you the day we were rescued!”

  Jumping into his arms, Annie rained kisses all over his face while tears continued to pour from her own.

  “You could have clued me in, you know. I was sweating bullets all the way over here.”

  “I was afraid to make a scene. I wanted to be strong and let you go with no strings attached.”

  “I want the strings; hell, this is the biggest string I could find! Start shopping for a dress, baby; when I get home, we’re having the splashiest wedding this place has ever seen.”

  “How about we plan it together when you get back.” She refused to say if.

  “We can do that, but be prepared for a quick engagement. Once I get back, you’ll have a month to get it all organized. I won’t be able to wait any longer than that to make you mine.” He slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her hand.

  “I just want you to come back.” Could she stand to lose him?

  “Baby, make no mistake, I will be back. Hell, I had more injuries on leave than I ever did in battle. I’ll be back.”

  “How long do you have before you have to report?”

  “I have to be on base by ten tonight.”

  Annie grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall. “Then we better hurry. We only have two hours to give you enough memories to last until you come back to me..”

  Pushing him down on her double bed, Annie yanked off her shirt and pulled off her shorts until she was clad in only her black bra and underwear. She’d been hoping he’d see them, now she was glad she wore them.

  “Slow down, baby, I’ve wanted to make love to you on a bed since the first time in the closet.” Mace pulled off his brown tee shirt and untied his boots.

  “We’ll go for style points on round two, right now I want you hard and fast.” She undid the fly of his pants and ripped them down his legs. Grasping his cock, Annie crouched down until she could pull it into her mouth. She’d never gone down on a guy before, but tonight she was willing to discover all sorts of new experiences.

  “If you keep that up, I can guarantee it’ll be fast.”

  Mace’s fingers twined in her hair holding her to his dick despite her protests. She was dying to feel him inside of her, but wanted to give him as much pleasure as she possibly could. His breath was coming in uneven gasps, and he pulled her away suddenly.

  “I want to be inside you when I come. Lay down, I have to get you caught up to my speed.” Mace pulled her down next to him and captured her mouth in a blazing hot kiss.

  His wandering fingers undid the snap on her bra and pulled it loose, setting her breasts free.

  “Oh God, I’ve been going crazy wanting to touch these beauties.”

  “I’ve been going crazy wanting you to touch them!”

  “I had to prove to you that I wanted you for more than your body.” He sucked a nipple into his mouth and slid her underwear down her legs.

  “I believe you, honest! Now fuck me before I die!”

  His fingers were so close to her clit she wanted to scream. It would take the barest of touches to send her over the edge, she’d had two weeks of foreplay.

  She lifted her hips, trying to get his finger to touch her in the right spot.

  “Not yet, baby. I’ve been dying to taste you.”

  Taste her? This certainly was her night for new experiences.

  Mace nuzzled her breasts and gave her nipple one last lick before sliding his body between her legs. His lips worked their way down her stomach and stopped at her belly button. The feel of his hairy chest against her was making her pulse with need, and the anticipation of what was to come was killing her.

  Dipping his tongue into her navel, he swirled it around a few times before drifting lower. When he slid one finger inside her sheath, she almost came on the spot. Mace ratcheted the need burning through her even more by blowing over her clit.

  “Mace, I love you. I really do, but if you don’t touch my clit right this very second I’m going to kick your ass!”

  “Oh, a tough girl. I like it.”

  The warm touch of his tongue on her nubbin shot her over the edge in record time. His finger drove in and out of her as her body quivered around it. Annie’s heart felt like it was going to fly out of her chest before she was done.

  She’d barely come back to earth when she felt the tip of his cock probing her entrance.

  “I finally have you under me.”

  “Not for long.” Before he was fully sheathed inside her, Annie wrapped her legs around him and flipped him over.

  Sitting astride him shoved his cock so deep inside her, it felt like they could never be separated. Rocking slowly she built up the pace, leaning backwards so he rubbed against all the right spots.

  Leaning up, Mace kneaded both her breasts in his hands, sending her into a pleasure coma.

  “Under, over, as long as I’m in you, I’m happy. Although I must say, the view from this position is fine indeed.” Mace’s smile went straight to her crotch, stimulating her even more.

  “The view from up here isn’t so bad either.”

  Moving forward, Annie held onto the headboard and picked up the pace. Mace fell back and gra
bbed her hips, driving himself up into her as she bucked against him.

  “Come with me, baby.” One finger slipped between them to tease her clit yet again.

  Annie felt the heat spreading out in waves from her center, growing hotter and hotter. Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, Mace slammed her down on his shaft with two quick, hard jerks and she exploded in a shower of stars.

  Mace gave a hoarse shout under her then his breath stilled as his cock jumped inside of her. When he opened his eyes and looked into hers, Annie could see all the love he had for her. How could she have ever doubted him?

  “I love you so much.” She dropped a kiss on his lips before rolling to the side to cuddle up close to him.

  “It’s about time.”

  “Hey, anything worth having is worth working hard for, right?” Annie held up her hand and looked at her ring sparkling in the fading light.

  “Do you like it? I thought it suited you, classy yet strong.”

  “I love it. It’s perfect, but it could have been plastic and I would have loved it because it came from you.”

  “You mean I spent all that money and I could have got you plastic? Give it back,” he teased.

  Annie punched him in the arm. “Idiot. You’d have to pry this thing off my cold, dead body.”

  “Ouch, hey, watch it, tough girl, you’re damaging government property.”

  “You watch it, Captain. Keep shooting your mouth off and I’ll tie you up and punish you.” Annie thought of her earlier fantasy and snickered.

  “I always knew you had bondage tendencies.”

  * * * * *

  Annie stood silently by and watched Mace get on the cargo plane that would take him to the Middle East. She stood next to all the other wives and girlfriends that watched their loved ones leaving yet again. She prayed silently that he’d come back safely to her.

  As he climbed into the plane, Mace turned and spotted her in the crowd. Blowing her a kiss, he lifted his left hand and pointed to his ring finger. Raising her own left hand, she blew a kiss back. She had his ring and his heart, God willing she’d have the rest of him too.



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