The Last First Date

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The Last First Date Page 4

by Ryder, Rocklyn

  Believe me! It's easy to think with my pussy when I'm thinking about Reagan. Or kissing Reagan. Or laying in bed watching TV at night with Reagan while we see how close we can get without crossing the line.

  Tonight we are finally going out on our first date.

  It sounds so silly and we're definitely doing everything backwards! We started with "I love you," moved straight to happily ever after, have been courting for almost 2 weeks now, and we're just finally going out on our first real date tonight.

  I'm so nervous I stab myself in the eye while I'm putting on my mascara.

  Reagan makes me feel totally comfortable. Being with him is like coming home after a hard day.

  Still, my hands are shaking and my stomach is doing flip flops while I get ready.

  Because I know tonight, I'm breaking the pact.

  Crazy or not, what I feel for Reagan is real and I one hundred percent believe him when he says he loves me and talks about our future together.

  Reagan is the guy I wish I'd waited for.

  He's the man I'm going to marry, he's going to be the father of my children, he's the man I'm going to bicker with about taking out the trash and folding the laundry...and I'd be lying to myself if I didn't admit that I'll go out of my mind if I wait much longer.

  When the doorbell rings I jump in surprise but I'm ready-- in more ways than one.

  "Wow!" Reagan says when I open the door after he rings the bell a second time, "You"

  I'm not the only one that looks wow.

  Reagan's standing on my doorstep with a bouquet of roses in his hand. His short blonde hair is neatly combed back from his forehead with a touch of product to keep it in place instead of in the "let it do what it wants" thing he usually has going on.

  He's freshly shaved, smells amazing, and looks seriously edible in a button down silk shirt and dark slacks.

  "I've never seen you in anything but jeans," I manage to choke out, trying not to trip over my tongue hanging out of my mouth.

  Damn, I don't care about dinner at all, I want to pull him inside and have my way with him right now.

  "Yeah, you clean up pretty good yourself, girl."

  He hands me the roses while his eyes move up and down my body in a way that heats my core and dampens the skimpy little thong I'm wearing in anticipation of later.

  "Why did you ring the bell?" I laugh as I take the roses into the kitchen and find a vase for them.

  Reagan's had a key to my house for over a week. It's pretty much his place too already.

  "It's our first date, Moll," he tells me. "A proper gentleman does not just let himself in, he gives his girl a chance to make a grand entrance."

  Laughing, I set the vase on the table and give him a little spin that makes the skirt on my dress flare out.

  Reagan whistles in appreciation.

  "Do that again," he jokes, lowering his head to indicate that maybe the dress is a tad shorter than I realized.

  I know I'm blushing as I give him another show, wondering if he can see the bright red thong I'm wearing for the occasion.

  "If we don't get to the Hitching Post, I'll be eating something other than the rib eye I was going to order."

  The growl in his voice sounds dangerously sexy and when he pulls me in for a kiss before we go, I feel the hard ridge of his cock digging into my belly.

  One more kiss and I could easily be convinced to skip the fancy steak house dinner and stay here instead.

  Fortunately one of us has some self control.

  "Com'on," Reagan gives me a softer kiss before taking my hand and leading me toward the door, "we have reservations at seven and I've been looking forward to showing you off all week."

  "You're showing me off?" I pick up my purse and give him an appraising look as I lock the front door on our way out, "I think I'm the one that's getting to do the showing off tonight."

  "You can show me off all you want," he says, "I just want all the local boys to know they missed their chance. Molly is officially off the market."

  As he takes my hand and helps me into his truck, I know the local boys never had a chance.

  "Ready?" he asks as he puts the truck in gear and we head toward the only really nice dinner place in town.

  "Absolutely," I answer, giving him my hand, knowing that I'm going on my last first date.


  The Hitching Post is Landsburg's answer to fine dining. When I first came to town, I passed by a few times and always thought it was just the local watering hole. From the road, it looks like your standard dive bar with a lot of old timers sitting on stools lining the type of standard bar that comes with bowls of peanuts and pretzels, covered with cigarette burns and carved initials.

  Little brother set me straight right off the bat and dragged me in to prove his point.

  Turns out, the guy that owns the place used to be the personal chef on some rich guy's private yacht-- the kitchen is straight up 5 star fare, with a rustic, but elegant dining room past the bar.

  And since the only other place in town that serves high class meals is the Boat Dock Cafe where Spence is working and the Boat Dock is only open till 2 in the afternoon-- the Hitching Post is the place to bring your girl for a fancy dinner date.

  So that's where Moll and I had dinner.

  The steak was great, the wine was probably good too but I'm not much of a wine guy so what do I know.

  Mostly, my girl looked incredible.

  Everybody got to see us together and if there was anyone left in Landsburg that hadn't heard, they know now that me and Molly are together.

  I seriously thought about popping the question tonight. Lord knows I had the ring with me. I ordered the ring the same day I signed the lease on the new shop. It's been riding around in my pocket for weeks now, waiting for the right moment.

  Tonight was our first real date and in the long run I guess I just felt like maybe we're already moving fast enough. Or maybe I'm just being a little selfish in wanting to spread out our special occasions so we get more memories and more anniversaries to celebrate.

  So I pay for dinner and help Moll into my truck with the ring still in its place in my pocket, waiting for its own moment.

  When that moment comes, it's gonna be amazing. I just want to make sure my proposal is special. It needs to be its own memory for us and that's what makes me drive Moll back to her place without mentioning it.

  It's coming though.

  Damn! If there was the slightest doubt in my mind about Molly being the woman I'm going to marry, tonight cleared it right up. She's perfect for me.

  "You coming in?"

  Something about her question sounds a whole lot less innocent than it ought to and it yanks me right the fuck out of my thoughts.

  "Sure," I answer without much thought.

  After all, we've spent most of the last couple of weeks together and that's included a couple of slumber parties.

  Molly waits while I lock up the truck and then she takes my hand and practically pulls me through the front door of her house.

  She's been looking good all night in a dress with a short skirt that flares out when she turns too fast or when she twirls, like she does now, because she knows I like the way it almost gives me a peek at what's underneath.

  "Damn, woman," I growl in her ear, pulling her tight against me so she can feel what she does to me, "you've been teasing me like that all night."

  With Molly in heels, we line up just right so when I push my hard dick against her, I can feel it settle into the Y where her thighs come together to meet her sweet little pussy.

  "Who says I'm teasing?"

  Molly whispers, giving me a wink that has me thinking her hallway's way too long as we head toward her bedroom.

  "You start talkin' like that and you're going to get my imagination running," I tell her, biting at her ear till she squeals.

  Damn, I have been enjoying finding creative ways to make her squeal.

  That's the cool thing about
the pact she made with her friends, knowing we're waiting on the big event means the make out sessions are extra hot.

  We've been getting to take our time and really get to know each other, in every way, and right now I'm thinking of which ones are my favorite.

  Molly coos as my lips brush her throat.

  "What's going on in your imagination?" she asks.

  Her hands are all over me, sliding down my shoulders, squeezing my biceps, running over my chest.

  "Well for starters, you're naked in it."

  I give her a little grin while my fingers work at the little buttons on the back of her dress till it falls off her shoulders.

  "And those titties are in my mouth."

  As soon as I have her bra off, I wrap my hands around her breasts.

  Believe me, my imagination never does them justice, and I think I've got a good imagination.

  Molly moans, throwing her head back and running her hands through my hair while I take one of her nipples between my teeth.

  Gently lowering her onto the bed while I suck on first one hard bud and then the other, I manage to get my shoes off while Molly's fingers work their magic down the length of my cock.

  She's got my shirt off and her dress is around her waist.

  I need to taste her juicy little cunt tonight and feel her clench on my fingers while she comes for me.

  It's hard to leave those gorgeous D cups of hers but there are so many other parts of my girl that need kissed and licked and sucked.

  Trailing kisses over her skin, I move her dress down and out of my way as I go. Pressing my lips along the edge of her ribs and the dip to her belly button while my hands tug a little more impatiently at the wad of fabric that was her dress, I can't help but think about our future.

  It's so fucking hot to think about what's ahead of us; the new business, working side by side, getting married, turning Molly's house into a home for us and a gaggle of kids...that always gets me.

  Like right now, kissing my way down her stomach, thinking about when I'll be kissing our baby bump and how fucking sexy Molly's gonna look with this flat stomach swollen with our babies.

  By the time she wiggles her hips to help me get the dress over her sweet ass and off entirely, I'm so fucking hungry for her I almost lose my load at the sight of the skimpy little red thong she's wearing.

  Holy shit! Has this been under that pretty blue dress all night?

  I can't believe I missed it all those times she teased me with a twirl.

  "Shit Moll," I gasp, "what's the occasion?"

  She's a simple country girl. Tonight was the first time I've even seen her in a dress. She's all jeans and t-shirts and plain cotton panties that are still sexy as fuck but are a long way off from the naughty bit of string running between her thighs right now.

  "Does a girl need a special occasion to wear something sexy?"

  Her voice is a mix of dangerous purr and innocent question and she doesn't fool me for a second.

  "Nope," I assure her, dragging my finger over the see-through red triangle that's only pretending to cover her soaking wet pussy, "but if I'd know this was under that dress all night, I'd have a harder time waiting to get home."

  "I don't want to wait any more."

  Her words are clear as a bell but apparently I don't catch on real quick.


  At first I'm not sure he even heard me. And if he keeps doing that, I don't know if I'll have enough breath left in my lungs to make the words again.

  Reagan's fingers slip under the edge of my thong and glide along the seam of my pussy.

  I'm so wet already I can feel it when he touches me.

  "You might have to wait a little longer, Babe," he says, "I like taking my time and watching you squirm."

  "No, Reagan--" I lift my head to look down at him.

  His dark blonde hair is a mess from me running my fingers through it. His silk button down is somewhere out in the living room, or maybe in the hallway, or maybe on the floor, but it's not on him anymore. His tan shows even in the dim light inside my bedroom and the muscles ripple across his back and shoulders as he lifts his head to look back at me.

  "I don't want to wait anymore," I barely manage to breathe out, "I-- I want to make love to you tonight."

  I can't believe I just said that. I can't remember the last time I used the term "make love" and I can't believe saying it now has my nerves going haywire. I swear I feel as nervous as if this was really my first time which is silly because I wasn't this nervous for my actual first time.

  Maybe there's a reason for that.


  Reagan's voice loses its sexy huskiness. In a second he's back beside me, lying face to face and pulling me into his arms in a protective and caring embrace that feels safe and warm but definitely not as hot and bothered as we were five seconds ago.

  "Hey girl," he coos at me, swiping a strand of hair out of my face, "what's wrong?"

  I can't help it. My emotions are all bubbling up to the surface at once and I feel my eyes sting with tears that don't make any sense to me.

  "Moll," he tells me seriously when all I answer him with is a shake of my head, "I love you. I want to spend the rest my life with you doing the whole happily ever after picture together. You know that, right?"

  I nod and sniff and try to figure out how we got from super sexy time to this and wondering if I just fucked up what I'd thought was going to be our magical night.

  "You know I think you are sexy as hell and I want to make love to you so bad it hurts-- literally sometimes."

  I laugh with him and it helps with my emotions.

  "But I'm in no hurry," he quickly adds, "I don't want you to think I'm getting impatient. When you're ready, I'm still going to be here."

  His finger rest below my chin and brings my face to his.

  "I know you will, Reagan," I whisper after he kisses me softly. "I know you love me and I love you too. I know you'll wait as long as it takes just as much as I know you aren't going to change your mind and disappear as soon as you get what you want."

  "No chance of me disappearing, Babe, because what I want is forever with you."

  "And I want that too," I whisper before kissing him again. "The pact was never about waiting till my wedding night, it was about who we would have waited for if we could do it over.

  "Reagan, that's you."

  "Damn, Moll."

  He looks at me with love and respect so pure it makes my heart pound.

  Then he kisses me so deep that it makes my panties even wetter than they were before.

  "You're sure?"

  His voice is muffled against my neck as he asks between kisses.

  But he knows damn good and well I'm sure and as much as I love that he wants to double check, I love that his fingers have slid back into my panties even more.

  It only takes a few seconds before we're back where we left off, with Reagan's mouth on my clit as he holds my soaked thong aside.

  His fingers easily slide inside me as his tongue works magic that has me gasping for breath.

  "Damn you taste good, Baby." I hear him whisper against the inside of my thigh in that husky voice that sounds so sexy.

  All I can do in response is moan though because Reagan's mouth is back at work. His tongue slides along the sensitive seam of my sex and his fingers continue their mission to make me squirm.

  He's got me panting already but when his thumb circles my clit I come undone.

  As soon as I stop seeing stars, while I'm still struggling to catch my breath, I already want more.

  "Please fuck me, now," I manage to ask between the little shock waves that rock my body each time Reagan's tongue passes gently over my incredibly sensitive pearl.

  "Somebody's bossy tonight," he jokes softly. "What if I want to make you come like that again?"

  It's easy to flip him onto his back when I push against his shoulder with my knee when I roll. But he doesn't try very hard to fight me on it.

  "You're absolutely welcome to do that again," I say, "after you fuck me properly."

  He laughs but it turns to a groan when I start my way down his gorgeous body with my mouth.

  "You keep that up and you're going to get your wish," he growls as I push his slacks away and take the tip of his thick cock between my lips.


  Molly's mouth is hot and almost as wet as her pussy.

  Just thinking about what it's going to feel like when I slide my hard rod inside her tight little tunnel is almost enough to set me off before I get the chance. Or maybe it's the way her mouth is clamped around my shaft with her tongue flicking it's way down my entire length as she takes me damn near all the way down her throat.

  It's hard to concentrate on control when she's doing that but she made it clear she doesn't want to wait for my cock anymore and I need to make sure I don't disappoint.

  So even though I want to let her keep running her hands over my abs and gripping my thigh with one hand while she strokes my dick with the other, I manage to turn the tables on her again and pin her under me.

  "If I don't stop you now we're gonna be waiting for round two before I get to come in that sweet little cunt of yours," I growl at her before I kiss her hard.

  Molly lifts her hips to tease my cock between her legs.

  My girl likes it when I talk coarse to her and it's sexy as fuck the way she moans into our kiss when I slide my shaft against her wetness.

  "Then you'd better not make me wait any longer," she tells me. "I want to feel you inside me, Baby."

  She doesn't have to tell me again.

  The head of my dick lines up to her entrance and I hold my breath.

  Molly looks like like heaven spread out underneath me. Her hair is wild on the pillows, her eyes closed, her lips parted and her breathing heavy.

  In the dim light I can see her skin flushed from her cheek bones to her breasts.

  My heart is beating double time and I can feel myself shaking as I slowly push into her body.


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