Crazy Twisted Love (Crazy Love Series Book 3)

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Crazy Twisted Love (Crazy Love Series Book 3) Page 19

by MF Isaacs

  The final decision came when I heard the guest bedroom door slam shut. I could hear the murmur of voices that I believed were Curtis and Jimmy. I’d just sat up in bed as Curtis was quietly opening our bedroom door. He was surprised to see me sitting up and automatically assumed that the slamming of the bedroom door woke me up. “Did Shelley slamming the door wake you up?”

  “I was already awake.” I answered quickly because I knew as soon as he undressed I would be completely distracted at the sight of him. He took his time pulling off his boots and socks first. His sweater and jeans were next and soon he stood in just his tight boxer briefs.

  “Hot Stuff, if you don’t stop looking at me like that I can’t be held responsible for what happens next. I’d love to fuck you right now, but I really need to fill you in on why Shelley is slamming doors.” It took effort to focus on what he was saying because my mind had already gone in the direction of him fucking me.

  “What happened?” I slowly rolled to my side to watch him climb into the bed beside me.

  “After I tucked you in, I found Jimmy sitting in the living room by himself. He said Shelley was reading in bed. I asked him if he was ready to get married. He told me he’s having a hard time with guilt because he’d experienced so much and she was a virgin when they got together. He was in the middle of telling me that he’s worried she’ll leave him if, or better yet when she finds out all the things he’s done. He asked if I was worried about you finding out,” I smiled at him knowing that he’d been worried about my reaction until he actually told me. “It felt good telling him that you already know about it. He was in the middle of telling me all the things he’s worried about telling her when I saw her standing in the hallway. I don’t know how much she heard, my guess is she heard most. if not all of it.”

  If I thought I had a lot of things racing through my mind when I was lying in bed by myself, it turns out it was nothing compared to right this minute. I was instantly cataloging the positive, negative, and mixed thoughts while thinking about Shelley. Just because someone is a virgin, it doesn’t mean that they are ignorant to the fact that not everyone has only vanilla sex. My biggest mixed thought was that I didn’t know if she is going to be ignorant about his past. If she has an open mind, I think they have a chance. I looked up and saw Curtis watching me process everything he’d said. When our eyes connected, he leaned in and kissed me softly. It was reassuring me that he knew it was a lot to process. I wondered what his thoughts were, did he want to help them or was he secretly hoping this would be a deal breaker? “What happened after she slammed the door?”

  “I told him it was time to talk to her. Then I shared the advice that Amy and Luke have given me, it’s up to them to determine what their relationship is going to be like. What works for us, might not work for them. They don’t have to follow rules that society has set out. I might have also told him that you and I would be here if he needed us to talk to her. I don’t know that I have much to offer her, but I thought that you might have insight into what she’s thinking. I am sorry if I overstepped my bounds by offering your help without asking you.” I could see the concern in his eyes when he admitted to volunteering me to help Shelley.

  It warmed my insides knowing that he was worried about the fact that he’d offered my help without asking me first. I was willing to talk to her. I might not have been a virgin or innocent of sexual exploits when I met Curtis, but I still had to come to terms with the thoughts of Curtis’ past. My worries may not be the exact same as hers but I had them just the same.

  “I don’t know that I’ll be any help, but I’d be happy to talk to her. I love that you’re willing to talk to her as well. Not much we can do about it right now, but if necessary, we’ll do what we can tomorrow.” I was done talking. I was awake and I saw once again that I was the one Curtis was most concerned about. Not Jimmy who might be losing his relationship, and not Shelley who just got the shock of her life. The feeling of being number one for him sparked something inside me that confirmed he was my number one too.

  I might have bouts of insecurity but it won’t be due to the way he treats me. I might wonder what he is really thinking but only because I haven’t asked him yet. I am sure there will be days that he will say or do something that hurts my feelings but it won’t be intentional. Understanding that means I also understand that I have the responsibility to keep in mind his insecurities and his worries about what I am thinking. It’s my job to prevent myself from hurting his feelings or saying something that might.

  My new mission between now and our wedding will be to be his biggest supporter. To help obliterate any insecurities he might have and to leave him no doubts about my love for him. “I love you. I know this has all happened faster than I ever expected but it doesn’t change the truth. I know there will be days when one or both of us will struggle to get things right, but I want you to know that I am committed to making this work for us. I love the advice that Luke and Amy gave you. I love my sister and Greg, but I have known forever that I don’t want a marriage like they have. I know I am past participating in threesomes but it doesn’t mean that I can’t appreciate them from afar. I also can’t guarantee that I won’t drink tequila ever again.” I couldn’t help giggling because he tickled me when I said that.

  He was done with our conversation and I was totally okay with that. Instead, he made slow passionate love to me. This time we kissed our way through our mutual orgasms, stifling the normal sounds out of respect for our guests.


  I was overwhelmed with the love and understanding that Natalie has given me. I know I am lucky she has welcomed Jimmy and Shelley, but mostly Jimmy into our home. I know I couldn’t have welcomed someone from her sexual past into our home. I am simply just not built that way. I have normal concern for Jimmy and his possibly crumbling relationship with Shelley. That concern is nothing compared to my concern for Natalie when it comes to her helping Shelley.

  The next morning, I woke up with Natalie’s warm body in my arms. We took our time getting ready, a joint shower followed by helping and watching her get dressed. There is something about knowing what she’s wearing underneath her clothes that makes me feel like we have a secret, which I guess we kind of do. There was plenty of touching and kissing but nothing more than that. Before facing our house guests, we agreed that we were willing to help them so long as it wasn’t at the expense of our own relationship and happiness.

  Shelley was in the kitchen when we made our way down the hall. It was clear from her appearance that she didn’t get much sleep last night. I didn’t know all the rules of pregnancy so I asked before assuming, “Do you drink coffee?” she confirmed that she usually allows herself one cup a day. “There is a great coffee shop not far from here. Would you like to check it out?”

  I think she thought I was offering to take her, which I guess I would if she wanted me to. I was actually thinking it would give her and Natalie an opportunity to talk without us around. “Sure. Natalie, would you be willing to go with me? I can drive and you can show me where to go.” Just like that, the girls are gone. I can only keep my fingers crossed that Shelley is willing to hear Natalie out. Otherwise our first New Year’s Eve together is going to be rough.


  I knew the instant Shelley asked me to go with her to the coffee shop that she needed someone other than Jimmy to talk to. I’ve been there, a few times. Unfortunately for me those times were usually when I discovered that I really didn’t have the friends I thought I had. That saying, ‘I may not always be there with you, but I will always be there for you’ Isn’t always true. Ends up, I didn’t have anyone who was always there for me. I could be there for her, it didn’t matter that I just met her the day before.

  I gave her directions to the coffee shop that Amy took us girls to the day after Christmas. I figured if nothing else happens, a little retail therapy might make her feel better. Not to mention their baby stuff is so fricking cute. We ordered our drinks and muffins; she ref
used to let me pay and told me to go find a place to sit. I was thankful that she was going to carry my drink; I was still new with the walking with the air cast.

  When she sat down with me I could see the wheels turning and the questions formulating. I didn’t want to overwhelm her or bombard her with my life or, better yet, sexual experience. I want her to feel comfortable talking frankly about her thoughts and feelings. I figured the worst that is going to happen is she will judge me. Honestly, at this point in my life, that isn’t a big deal.

  “Curtis told me what happened last night, he wasn’t sure how much of the conversation you heard but figured it was probably most of it. I’m sure that was a huge shock for you. I can tell you about when I found out, but honestly I was in a completely different situation than you so it’s not something that I think will even help.” I tried to gauge her reaction, but her expression didn’t change any.

  “You weren’t already engaged and pregnant when you found out.” She hit the nail on the head. I wasn’t engaged or pregnant, I had the choice to continue my relationship with Curtis without it affecting anyone else.

  “Exactly. But I did already love him. I’d already started planning our future in my mind. Sounds creepy, doesn’t it? Wait, don’t answer that. Let me just tell you, before I met Curtis I did the party girl scene. I’d explored sexually, I’d seen it and done it which means when he told me, I didn’t feel like I had room to judge him. He let me sleep on it and then the next day he dropped a bigger bomb on me when he told me he’d just walked away from a committed relationship with a man and a woman. So, I agree my situation was different, but in many ways, it was more than what you are dealing with.” I continued watching her to gauge her reactions. She didn’t flinch when I said I’d seen it and done it. She also didn’t seem surprised by Curtis’ past relationship.

  “I feel stupid. I have been in love with Jimmy since eight grade. We went to the same school; I was the shy nerdy girl who sat in the back and gazed at the popular jock. I dreamed about being his girlfriend, thankfully he was too busy with sports to date. I’d heard that he went a little wild once he left for college. When I ran into him at a party, I finally took my chance and talked to him. We ended up spending most of the night talking. I knew right then I wanted him to be my first. When I told my girlfriend that I was leaving the party with him she begged me not to. She told me the stories she’d heard. She told me that he shared girls, she told me that he preferred threesomes. I called her a liar. I told her she was jealous I was finally getting something I wanted and she wasn’t going to ruin it. I didn’t look back. I left that night with him. He refused to sleep with me that night; instead, he kissed me and held me.

  “Not long after that he took me to watch him play soccer. Apparently, it was the one time that Curtis played, I watched the two of them play and interact together and it was like they were connected in a way that I can’t even explain. I remember wondering for most of the game if what my friend had said was true. If it was, I knew in my gut Curtis was the other guy.” She wasn’t pissed, she wasn’t even surprised. I think she was mostly just mad at herself because she didn’t believe her friend.

  “Wow, I don’t know what to say. Did you guys talk about things last night? I know for me, I worried that I would never be enough. I worried that he would want to add someone or share me. While I have done it, I knew for myself it wasn’t something that I wanted long term. If I am going to marry someone, I want it to just be the two of us. I can appreciate the sexual appeal, because let’s face it sometimes two is better than one. But having already been there and done that, I know the same physical thing can happen with toys. Did you hear the beginning of the guys’ conversation last night when Jimmy said he was worried that you would be disappointed that you hadn’t gotten to experiment before getting married?”

  She chuckled, “He tried to say that to me last night when we talked about it. It pissed me off because I thought it was his way of getting to do it with me. I honestly can’t see the appeal, not sure if that will change when I get older but right now, it’s the last thing on my mind. I’m not attracted to women and Jimmy is more than I can handle as it is. I worried before this that I wouldn’t be enough sexually simply from the stand point of not having any experience compared to him.”

  “I have two things to say then I think we should shop. One, the advice that Amy and Luke gave Curtis; only you guys get to decide what your relationship is going to be like, what works for us won’t necessarily work for you. The second thing falls in line with that advice, only you get to decide if his past is going to prevent you from having a future. If you decide you are going to accept it, then acknowledge it and don’t be afraid to talk about it. That was one of the things I told Curtis, he asked if I had any questions and I told him I was sure they would pop up and I wanted to be able to ask them when they did.” Our muffins were demolished and our coffees were cold, as far as I was concerned it was time to shop.

  “Thanks Natalie. I needed this. I know in my heart we’re going to work through it, but part of me is struggling with it because I feel lied to. Not the acts themselves but the fact that he kept it hidden. Makes me wonder what else he is hiding.” She was gathering the trash as I slowly got myself up.

  “I know. I think that should be one of the things you tell him. I don’t know what he’s thinking at this point, I only know what Curtis shared with me. Based on that, it sounded like Jimmy was worried that the acts themselves were going to be an issue. Okay, enough worrying or thinking about all that, for just a little while. You’ve got to come see all the stuff this store has. They have the cutest baby shit ever.” Just like that, we walked away from the heavy relationship bullshit and walked into the store that could possibly fix everything.


  The girls had been gone for three hours. I was totally prepared for them to be gone for an hour, when two rolled around I worried that maybe Natalie helped Shelley leave the country. Thankfully, Shelley sent Jimmy a picture showing him the stack of baby stuff she was buying. I could see the relief physically roll off him.

  When they walked into the house, both girls were carrying an arm load of bags. Natalie handed me the stuff she’d gotten for the kitchen and then handed Jimmy the other bags she was carrying for Shelley. She looked exhausted and I knew she needed to get her leg up, especially if she was going to make it until midnight.

  Shortly after the girls got back the pizza Jimmy and I ordered arrived. We all ate and visited about wedding plans, theirs and ours. As soon as we’d finished eating, Natalie said she needed a nap and I gladly offered to nap with her.

  I carried her to our room; I slowly stood her up and stripped her down. I knew I was the luckiest bastard in the world. This was a perfect chance for me to show her how lucky I feel. I kissed her top to bottom and bottom to the apex of her thighs. I love the taste of her pussy, I would never get enough. This time when her orgasm hit, she didn’t hold back. If anyone was listening, they heard all about her love of my tongue. It spurred me on, I didn’t stop after just one, I let her fuck my face and tongue much the same way she lets me fuck hers.

  I couldn’t wait for her ribs to heal so I could flip her around and fuck her in different positions. As it was, I had her lay on her stomach with her leg together, I straddled them and pulled her ass cheeks apart. It wasn’t enough, I pulled her hips so her hips were tilted just enough to slide myself into her hot, wet core. I instructed her to rub her clit because I wasn’t going to last, this position just tightened her pussy to the point where it was hard to move. One last look down at where I stretched her open and I was shooting blast after blast into her.

  Three hours later we woke up and repeated the process. This time she only let me eat her through one orgasm and I let her suck me until I was desperate to sink balls deep.

  I think, if anything, we might have sparked make up sex for Jimmy and Shelley because they were still locked in their room when we made our way out of ours.

  Jimmy came
out a few minutes after we did and was ready to celebrate New Year’s Eve. Shelley was a little more reserved when she made her way out, she couldn’t make eye contact with Nat or me. I wasn’t sure if she was embarrassed by us and our noise or by them and whatever they might have done. Wasn’t my concern either way.

  Now that it was time, I was thankful that we were heading over to Steve and Hannah’s house. We decided to pack a change of clothes just in case we decided to stay the night. We stopped by the store for drinks and snacks. The girls were responsible for food; Jimmy and I were in charge of getting the drinks. We picked up Tequila; Vodka; microbrew variety twelve pack; Mike’s hard lemonade; a couple bottles of champagne and Margarita Mix. We met the girls at the front of the store and thankfully they had picked up non-alcoholic beverages because we missed those.

  Nat took one look at our cart before raising an eyebrow at me, “Margarita’s, my favorite.” She winked at me before reminding me, “I’ve warned you about what happens when I drink tequila.”


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