Fury & Darkness (Warriors of the Wind #3)

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Fury & Darkness (Warriors of the Wind #3) Page 2

by Anna Hackett

  A warm breeze swirled around them and twined with his wind. It brushed the dark curls back off his hard face and his eyes widened.

  He stared at her. “You’re Aurae.”

  Chapter Two

  Luca’s stare was fierce and Rayne’s chest went tight. Dammit, she wasn’t supposed to reveal that she was Aurae—one of the women who could control the seasonal breezes.

  “Why the deception?” he demanded.

  “I was sent to watch you.”

  “Spy!” he spat out the word.

  “To observe. I can’t tell you anything else right now—”

  He gripped her arms again. “You will talk. You’ll tell me everything.”

  Rayne raised a brow. “I know you’re used to people hurrying to obey your orders—” she lifted her chin “—but I won’t.”

  Something shifted in his eyes and she felt the brush of his power. God, it was immense.

  The wind blew up around her, ruffling her hair and suddenly, Rayne couldn’t move. She pushed against the wind, but couldn’t budge an inch. Dammit.

  Luca stepped back, a cool smile on his face. He raised a hand and Rayne’s body lifted off the ground. Her stomach dropped. God, his wind was so strong.

  “If you won’t talk willingly, then I’ll make you talk.”


  He grabbed her and Rayne found herself tossed over a broad shoulder. She struggled, but he wrapped one arm around her tightly. Rayne gritted her teeth as he snatched up his jacket, and strode out of the square. She could probably get free, but she’d hurt them both in the process.

  “We’re on the same side,” she said.

  “Really? Then why the lying and sneaking?”

  “The leader of the Aurae didn’t want us to get involved.”

  Luca made a rude noise. “Right. Much better to watch the world devolve into chaos as the Tempest Winds spread pride, lust, anger, and greed across the planet.”

  Rayne stared down at the ground, trying not to look at his muscled ass under the tailored suit. She hadn’t been sent to notice how Luca Venti looked under his sharp suits and crisp white shirts. She actually agreed with him. She hated that the leader of the Aurae wouldn’t let them act.

  But damn the man, he could at least listen. Rayne knew everything about Luca. She’d studied him and his brothers all her life, but the last week had shown her that he was a hell of a lot more stubborn and volatile than she’d ever guessed.

  Finally, he reached a building, pulled keys from his pocket, and a second later they entered. The scent of dust and wood reached her nose. She lifted a head and saw they were in a construction site. Instantly, she knew it was one of the lovely old Venetian homes flanking a canal near the Piazzo San Marco that Venti Enterprises owned and had under restoration.

  Luca dumped her on the bare concrete floor and the air rushed out of her with a whoosh. Large windows showed the shadowed canal outside, and inside the place was stripped bare, filled only with tools and supplies. He grabbed her wrists and a second later, they were tied together with rope and hard knots.

  She tested her bonds and scowled at him. “This isn’t necessary.”

  He moved over to a stack of bricks and sat on them, resting his hands between his knees. Her scowl deepened. Even when he was being an arrogant, bossy alpha male, he was so damn good-looking.

  “I want to know about the Aurae. Everything.” He enunciated the last word clearly.

  Rayne rose up on her knees. “No.”

  A window slammed open and his wind rushed in—cold and brisk. It brushed over her skin, raising goose bumps. Her gaze locked with his.

  “Tell me,” he said again.

  She shook her head, never taking her gaze off his. The wind increased and a chill ran through her.

  “Tell me why you ran away and went into hiding. Why you refuse to help? Who is your leader?”

  The cold was starting to sting her bare skin and she shivered. “The last time the Aurae got involved with the Tempest Winds, we were almost destroyed.”

  Luca leaned forward, a frown on his face. “I thought the Aurae mated with humans and slowly your numbers dwindled.”

  Rayne’s stomach tightened to a hard point. “There’s a lot more to it than that. It’s why I was sent to…monitor the situation.”

  “To hide in the shadows like cowards.”

  “No. To survive.”


  “No.” The cold was frigid now and her teeth started to chatter. She saw ice forming on the wall. “I’m not authorized.”

  He made an angry noise and shot to his feet. “I will be obeyed.”

  And Rayne would never submit, give in, or give up.

  “Or what?” She tossed her head back. “You’ll lose your temper and become the very thing you hunt? Do your worst, Warrior.”

  Stubborn, infuriating woman. Luca watched the wind push Rayne’s hair off her face. The determined glint in her eyes challenged him on every level.

  He didn’t need this distraction. He needed to focus on Caecius.

  “Fine. Tell your leader to stay hidden and do nothing. The Warriors of the Wind will do their jobs. We will do our duty and protect humanity.”

  “You need help,” she said between gritted teeth. “Those men you fought almost killed you and you liked it.”

  Luca’s hand curled into a fist, anger hot in his veins. “I wouldn’t have let them kill me.”

  “And if your rage had taken over?” A huge shiver wracked her body. “How many of them would you have killed?”

  A muscle ticked in his jaw. “I can control my vice. I will defeat Caecius.”

  “You don’t have to do it alone. I’ve broken the rules and gotten involved. I want to help you.”

  “No.” You’re better alone. Frenzied whispers were carried on the wind. You’re stronger when you embrace your anger. “I work alone. Go home, Rayne, and stay out of my way.”

  “I can’t do that.” Deep emotion scored her words.

  He tilted his head. “Why?”

  She shrugged, her gaze dropping to his hands. His torn, bloody hands. “I have my reasons. I won’t stand by and do nothing.”

  “Then you’re an obstacle I will remove,” he said darkly.

  Suddenly, a warm breeze rushed inside. It pushed against the North Wind. Luca frowned and summoned more power. She was surprisingly strong.

  Her breeze pushed back and suddenly the warmth of it slammed into Luca, knocking him backward. It also warmed his skin and broke through the haze of icy anger.

  He straightened and blinked. He saw the ice slicking down the walls and that’s when he realized Rayne was shivering. Cazzo, he’d lost control.


  She leaped to her feet, and he saw her hands were free, the rope on the floor. She stood there, her chin-length hair shifting on the breeze and her skin glowing brightly. “You want to fight me, Warrior? Let’s do it.”

  “I don’t want to fight you.”

  “Don’t stand there and do nothing!” She darted forward and slammed a kick into his gut.

  Luca grunted and went back one step. “Stop.”

  She moved forward to attack him again and Luca was done. He grabbed her, and spun her until her back pressed against his chest. As she twisted, he tightened his arms around her.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he growled against her ear.

  “You couldn’t,” she snapped back.

  “I don’t need your help—” Something skated over his senses, like a cold ripple. Luca tensed and lifted his head.

  Rayne stilled. “What?”

  All of a sudden, the windows shattered and a boom echoed through the building. Luca dived to the ground, covering Rayne’s body with his. Broken glass rained down around them.

  A second later, Luca leaped to his feet. He raced for the door.

  As soon as he stepped outside, he smelled it. Smoke.

  Luca swore and broke into a run. It took him a second to realize th
at Rayne was running beside him, keeping pace.

  “It’s coming from the Piazza San Marco,” she said.

  Luca picked up speed and broke out into the famous square, right in front of the ornate architecture of the Basilica San Marco. The space was packed with people.

  He glanced at the end of the long arcade of buildings on the north side. His gut cramped. The Hotel Venti San Marco was on fire.

  People were running and screaming.

  Luca’s jaw was tight. He skidded to a stop not far from the burning building. Orange flames rose high, devouring the hotel. From inside, he heard screams and saw the movement of people who were trapped.

  “Oh, God,” Rayne choked out.

  He looked down at her and saw her staring at the burning building in horror. Anger roared through him and his hands curled into fists.

  He wasn’t immune to fire. He couldn’t rush in there to save the people. Helplessness churned in his gut. The buildings in the square were all pressed against each other and only a few stories high. The fire would spread and burn the entire piazza to the ground.

  Then he heard laughter on the wind.

  He looked up. On a nearby roof, looking down at the burning devastation, he saw Caecius’ familiar muscular form.

  Luca’s rage didn’t boil or bubble. No, it turned cold as the frigid waters of the Arctic.

  He wanted to go after the damned Tempest Wind, but he focused on the movements inside his hotel—his people.

  He lifted his hands and called the North Wind. Bring me the clouds.

  Wind howled through the piazza. He blocked out the noise of the fire, Caecius’ laughter, the screams of the victims.

  What he couldn’t block out was the quiet presence of the woman beside him. But it seemed to help ground him. Clouds gathered overheard, boiling and churning. Rain started to fall.

  The flames sizzled and hissed. He lowered his gaze to Rayne. “If you want to help, then help the injured.”

  He spun, stalking through the crowd. He strode into a nearby alley and once he was out of sight, he called his wind again. He jumped into the air and the North Wind gave him the push he needed to fly upward. He landed on the roof with a bend of his knees.

  Caecius stood a few feet away.

  Luca didn’t bother talking. With his icy rage riding him hard, he launched himself at his enemy.

  “Bring it on, Warrior.” Caecius’ bearded face was edged with amusement. “I feel your rage. It feeds me and makes me stronger.”

  Luca swung out with his right fist, and followed with his left. But Caecius had survived many battles over many lifetimes. Even being trapped for centuries by the Keeper of the Winds hadn’t diminished his skills.

  The Tempest Wind slammed a kick into Luca’s gut and sent him staggering. With a growl, Luca charged again, slamming blows into his opponent.

  The rain continued to hammer down on them, and the scent of water mingled with the stench of smoke and ash. The smell fed Luca’s rage. He knew that many of his employees were dead or horrifically injured down below.

  For each blow Luca delivered, he took one. It was a hard, brutal fight and neither of them were holding back. Two of Caecius’ punches hit Luca’s already injured ribs and he staggered. He sucked in air, his vision wavering.

  Caecius bent low and swiped out with his foot. Luca stumbled and fell…right near the edge of the roof. He glanced down at the burning hotel below, then jumped back to his feet.

  Rain sluiced over them, plastering their hair and clothes to their bodies, but Luca ignored it. The fury running through him energized him, made him stronger.

  He had to free Caecius from his mortal body and banish him back to his prison.

  Then something hit the roof tiles beside them—hard. Bang. Bang. Bang. Screams from the crowd below echoed upward.

  Hailstones pelted the roof around them.

  The North Wind had brought the hail. Luca smiled. Good, another way to hurt Caecius. One stone hit the Tempest Wind in the head, making the man curse.

  Luca let out a savage laugh and embraced his anger. He raised a hand and more deadly balls of ice slammed around them.

  Chapter Three

  Rayne climbed up a pillar and reached above her head for a handhold.

  Rain poured down her and her clothes were soaked. Grimly, she pulled herself up to the first set of windows, balanced on a railing, then leaped upward. Her hands caught ornately carved stone and she climbed up to the second set of windows.

  She had to get to the roof.

  Below, she heard the escalating screams of the crowd. Hail rattled down with violent fury.

  A hailstone hit her shoulder with brutal force, causing her to lose her grip with her left hand and swing outward. She kept her right hand clamped to the stone and pulled herself back in. Her heart hammered against her ribs.

  Dammit. Venti was going to kill them all. Ignoring her aching shoulder, she kept climbing.

  She reached the top and hauled herself over the ledge.

  Then she saw them.

  It was the first time she’d seen one of the Tempest Winds in real life. At first glance, Caecius didn’t look like an evil monster. In fact, except for his dark beard, he looked similar to Luca. Same powerful build, dark hair, and chiseled face.

  But she knew he was pure evil. She felt it pumping off him. He embraced the vice his wind carried and infected as many people as he could with it.

  She glanced at Luca’s face…and froze.

  He was smiling, his eyes the same frosty white-blue she’d seen earlier. Her heart gave a solid thump. Anger was driving him and taking him over.

  If he gave into it fully, he’d lose himself, and he’d become as rotten as Caecius. If Luca joined the Tempest Wind…the two of them would destroy the world.

  Caecius lifted a hand and several tiles tore off the roof. They shattered and deadly shards flew at Luca.

  Luca waved an arm and most of the projectiles blew off track.

  But one got through. Rayne watched Luca jerk, a shard of terracotta lodged in his gut. He let out an enraged roar, gripped the shard, and yanked it out. Then he lifted a hand. More tiles flew up into the air and arrowed at Caecius.

  Rayne ducked down, and saw Caecius dodge. The Tempest Wind was grinning. She was sure he sensed that Luca was on the edge.

  She had to stop this.

  Rayne sprinted across the roof. As she neared the men, she dived forward.

  And tackled Luca to the ground.

  He roared, twisting to look at her. His eyes narrowed. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Helping you!”

  Luca turned his head and then slapped a palm against the tiles.

  She followed his gaze and saw the Tempest Wind running along the rooftop. He leaped into the air and landed on a neighboring building.

  Luca sat up. “I have to catch him.”

  She gripped his arms. “No! Not until you get control of yourself.”

  “I am in control.” He stood, dragging her with him. “You let Caecius escape.”

  “You’re pelting the crowd below with hailstones the size of baseballs, Venti. You’re hurting more people. You, not Caecius.”

  Luca’s mouth thinned to a hard line and she saw her words didn’t register through his rage.

  How to reach him? Then she remembered seeing him in the darkened square, taking a beating from those men. Letting those men hurt him. Gathering her courage, she threw a punch, catching him in his rock-hard bicep.

  He took a step backward, but didn’t fall. His hands curled into fists. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “You need to snap out of it.” She lifted her hands. “The pain, it helped you regain control. So attack me.”

  A deep frown cut across his face. “No.”

  She kicked out again. A wicked roundhouse that caught him in the jaw. His head snapped back.

  “Fight me,” she yelled.

  He shook his head, but she saw the way his jaw clenched tight. She mo
ved in low and snapped a chop to his thigh.

  This time he growled and lunged forward.

  She braced herself for a hit. Instead, his big body rammed into hers and took her to the ground. She fell flat on her back with an enraged Warrior of the Wind on top of her.

  Damn, he was heavy. She stared up at his face and felt his chest rising and falling rapidly. She stayed still, watching him. The rain had plastered his dark hair to his head and his white shirt stuck to his bronze skin. He felt icy cold.

  She bucked beneath him. “Fight me.”

  “No.” His eyes were ice-white.

  She wanted to scream. She’d failed. Doing something, taking action, had achieved nothing. And she’d failed Luca too. She stared into his handsome face. He’d spent a life dedicated to protecting the world and he was becoming the very thing he’d fought against. He deserved better.

  Rayne cupped the sides of Luca’s face and pulled his mouth down to hers.

  She moved her lips against his and he froze. His big body tensed above hers, then he made a choked sound and his tongue delved into her mouth.

  His hand moved to her face, moving her head to deepen the kiss. Oh, God. Rayne forgot where she was, sliding her tongue against his.

  Luca Venti kissed exactly how she’d expected him to—hard and all-consuming.

  She slid her hands down to his broad shoulders, her fingers digging in and her hips lifting. She felt something else under the hard, delicious rapture of his kiss. A need. Like he needed her kiss to survive, like she was the air he needed to breathe.

  Damp heat hit Rayne and she pressed her thighs together. When Luca raised his head, she moaned at the loss of that mouth.

  His gaze locked with hers and she saw a swirl of deep blue in his ice-white eyes. As she watched, his irises returned to blue and his skin warmed. Thank God.

  He cupped her cheek. “You are either very brave or very stupid.”

  “I’ll go with brave.”

  Those strong fingers stroked her cheek, his eyes so intense that she was having trouble breathing.

  “I’ve heard the Aurae can help a Warrior control his vice—”

  Her muscles tensed. She’d heard the myths as well. “I’m not sleeping with you for the good of mankind!” She shoved at his chest but he didn’t move. “I’ll do what I can to help, but when I take a lover, it’s because I want to, because it’s my damn choice. I didn’t come here to fall naked at your feet like all the other women in your life, Venti.”


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