Fury & Darkness (Warriors of the Wind #3)

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Fury & Darkness (Warriors of the Wind #3) Page 10

by Anna Hackett

  Soren watched Skye nibble on her bottom lip. He wanted her to choose him.

  The constant whispers were silent—a reprieve he was thankful for. With them in his head, they’d demand he take what he wanted from her. But for some reason, her choosing him was important.

  She licked her lips and he swallowed a groan.

  “Yes, I want to kiss you, Soren.”

  He scooped her out of the chair and sat with her in his lap. She went stiff for a second, but then relaxed. “This is all you, cara. Whatever you want.” He touched her hair. Now it was drying and it was once again an angelic shade of gold. “Whenever you want it.”

  She lifted a hand and traced his face.

  Then her hands cupped his cheeks and she leaned forward. She paused, took a deep breath, and pressed her lips to his.

  For a second, neither of them moved. Soren’s hands tightened on the armrests and he forced himself not to take what he wanted.

  Her mouth moved over his, gentle and hesitant. Then a tiny moan escaped her and she deepened the kiss. Soren parted his lips, and felt her hands slide into his hair. He tried to keep some control on the desire roaring through him. Easy. Easy. He slid his tongue against hers.

  She moaned again, pressing into him. Her breasts felt so good against his chest and his cock was so hard it hurt. He was so turned on and wanted her so much, but he forced himself to take it easy. With great difficulty, he pulled back. “How was that?”

  Her eyes were a little unfocused, her hands still clenched in his hair. “Wonderful.” Her voice was breathless.

  He disengaged her hands and sat back in the chair. She watched him with a tempting look of confusion and frustration on her face.

  “I want you to sing for me again,” he said.

  “What?” She frowned, shifting in his lap. “You’re ordering me to sing?”

  “A request.”

  She sighed, and started to move from his lap.

  He gripped her arm. “Stay. If you want.”

  She hesitated, but then relaxed against him. Then she sang.

  As her lilting voice filled the room, Soren settled back against the chair. As the song filtered through him, he watched her face and all the emotion crossing it. It intrigued him, entranced him. He wanted to feel everything she did. More than just the driving greed consuming him.

  A memory burst into his head. Watching four, dark-haired boys running ahead of him. Shouts, teasing taunts, the oldest boy with blue eyes holding out a hand to Soren to pull him up.

  The sound of clapping filled the room. “Bravo.”

  Skye’s voice faltered and cut off. Soren pushed to his feet, setting her aside. The doors to the terrace were open and a man stood just outside, partly hidden by the shadows of the dying day.

  He was tall, with wide shoulders, a shaved head, and golden eyes. He was smiling, but it didn’t show in those burnished eyes.

  “A pretty little songbird you have, Venti. I hope you’ll share.”

  Skye made a tight noise in her throat.

  Soren gripped her arm and squeezed, but never took his gaze off the man. “Who are you?”

  The man’s smile sharpened. “Oh, you must be very, very far gone to have forgotten everything. You’re so close to joining me and embracing the greed.”

  “Who are you?” Soren repeated.

  “Apeliotus,” Skye said. “He’s one of the Tempest Winds.”

  Soren scanned the intruder. He was powerfully built and Soren sensed the raw power in him.

  Skye straightened. “He’s the Southeast wind and revels in its vice of greed.” She looked up at Soren. “He wants you to join him.”

  Apeliotus stepped inside. “Together we’d be unstoppable. We could have everything we wanted.”

  Soren felt his gut tighten.

  “We can amass a fortune like no one has seen before.” Apeliotus lifted a hand, his face lit with greed. “We can take every little thing we want. No one could stop us.”

  Soren’s pulse quickened. The Tempest Wind’s voice was compelling, and he promised everything the deep, dark desires crouching within Soren wanted.

  “You wouldn’t need a woman like her.” The man waved a dismissive hand at Skye. “You could have a harem of willing women far more clever and beautiful.”

  Soren frowned. Skye was beautiful, and clever, and kind.

  “Buxom brunettes, svelte redheads, leggy blondes. Whatever you wanted, Warrior, we’d find them and take them.”

  Soren liked blonde hair. Hair that looked like champagne. “I want you gone. Now.”

  Apeliotus frowned. “Riches. Women. Power. Isn’t that what you want?”

  Si. No. Soren looked at Skye, her eyes were wide and her cheeks pale. He hated that she was afraid.

  “What I want is for you to get out of my house.” Soren lifted his hands.

  The East Wind rushed into the room in a chaotic, humid swirl. It pushed at the Tempest Wind, knocking him back several steps.

  “It’s her,” Apeliotus hissed. “She clouds your mind and drowns your vice.” He shot her a venomous look. “Meddling Aurae.”

  He raised his own hands and the Southeast wind rose up, tangling with Soren’s wind.

  Soren pushed back harder, but so did Apeliotus. A huge blast of wind caught Soren off guard. It knocked him off his feet and he slammed into a table, sending a lamp crashing to the floor in a shatter of glass.

  Then he heard Skye scream.

  Soren leaped up, just in time to see the Tempest Wind carrying a struggling Skye toward the terrace doors. She was kicking and flailing, but no match for the bigger man.

  “No!” Soren charged forward, but Apeliotus broke into a sprint and carried Skye out onto the terrace.

  “Let me go.” Skye slammed a punch into the man’s head. He let out a low growl and spun around.

  His gold eyes crashed into Soren’s.

  “Let her go,” Soren said.

  “I will let nothing get in the way of you joining me, Warrior.”

  The Tempest Wind launched into the air, pushed up by his wind. Skye’s screams grew louder.

  Soren sprinted across the terrace, desperate to reach her.

  Apeliotus flew up above the gray, churning lake. Then, in a sharp change of direction, he sped downward, diving into the cold waters.

  Taking Skye with him.

  Chapter Four

  Skye flailed her arms. Cold water closed around her, filling her mouth and nose.

  Apeliotus arrowed downward, pulling her farther into the dark, cold depths of the lake. She fought against his hold, but he was too strong. Her hair floated across her face and her chest started to burn.

  She tried to keep her mouth closed but her oxygen-deprived body wouldn’t let her. Her mouth opened in a silent scream, bubbles rising in front of her face. Water flowed into her mouth. Choking, she continued to fight.

  Lethargy crept in, making her movements slower, uncoordinated. A strange clarity clicked into place and she stared into the dark waters of the lake, wondering what lay ahead.

  She thought of her sister. Oh, Rayne. Her sister would blame herself for this.

  Then Skye remembered the vivid taste of Soren and the feel of that kiss. Her hand clenched in the water. For the first time in her life, she’d touched a man without the horrors of her past rising up. All she’d thought about was him and how she’d felt, the desire, the heat deep inside.

  She wanted more. More of Soren.

  If she died here, then Soren would be lost.

  Apeliotus released her and was gone. She hung in the water and didn’t have the energy to move.

  There was a wild explosion of bubbles around her.

  Suddenly, she was yanked upward.

  Skye flew through the water and broke the surface. Air hit her face. She had a dizzying aerial view of the lake before she coughed, water spilling from her lungs. She clamped her eyes closed and focused on trying to get air into her chest.

  She was crushed against a hard male chest
and seconds later, she was being laid out on the cool tiles of the terrace. She looked up at the cloudy sky. The clouds weren’t quite so dark or dense as before.

  Hands scraped her hair back off her face. “Skye? Skye?” Soren’s handsome face leaned over her. “Tell me you’re okay. Per favore.”

  She tried to talk but it ended up in a coughing fit. Gentle hands helped her sit up.

  “I’m okay,” she managed.

  “Madre di Dio.” Soren released a long breath, his gray eyes boring into her, taking in every inch of her face. “Come on.” He scooped her up into his arms.

  Too tired to do anything else, she slid an arm across his shoulders and leaned her head against his neck. He was so warm.

  He took her into a bedroom decorated in shades of dark blue. A huge wooden bed dominated the space. She saw a man’s watch on the bedside table and a small pile of discarded coins that had been emptied from a pocket. A white shirt was tossed over a chair. His room, she realized.

  He carried her through to the adjoining bathroom and her jaw dropped. The space was enormous and covered in creamy travertine tiles. One wall was covered in mirrors that reflected back how small she looked nestled in his arms. And how wet and bedraggled.

  A large claw-footed tub sat against the back wall. He set her down, urged her to sit on the edge of the tub while he sat on a stool. He flicked on the water.

  “We need to get you warm.”

  Soon steam was rising and he sprinkled some fragrant oil into the water. Then he turned, reached behind her and slid down the zipper of her dress. Her breath caught in her chest.

  His gaze moved to her face as his hand gripped the neckline. Slowly he pushed the dress until it slipped, baring one shoulder.

  When his hand went to the other strap, she grabbed his wrist.

  His fingers brushed her collarbone. “I won’t hurt you. I want to take care of you.”

  She trembled and a curl of heat snuck through her belly. Now or never, Skye.

  “They sent me here to seduce you.” The words blurted out of her. “Aurae are supposed to soothe the vices of a Warrior of the Wind. And sex is usually the quickest way for that to happen.”

  His eyes narrowed and she held her breath. He’d be angry and she couldn’t blame him.

  Instead, he smiled. “You haven’t done a very good job.”

  Her nose wrinkled. “I know. Because I am not a gorgeous bombshell and I don’t like sex.”

  “You have your own brand of beauty, Skye.” His fingers brushed her skin again and this time her shiver had nothing to do with the cold. “Beauty is about what’s on the inside.”

  The way he looked at her…she almost believed him.

  “And something tells me you haven’t experienced good sex.”

  She stared at his face and swallowed. Instead of her seducing him, he was seducing her. “I’ve had sex. And not just the abuse I suffered.” She’d refused to be defined by what had been done to her. She’d tried to have normal relationships, they just hadn’t been very successful.

  His knuckles brushed down between her breasts. “Have you ever wanted a man so bad it hurt? Have you ever felt desire so strong your panties were soaked?”

  She blinked. No. She’d never experienced anything like that.

  His voice lowered. “Have you ever wanted to touch a man’s cock so much you couldn’t think of anything else?”

  “No.” She licked her lips. “I didn’t want to…be intimate with you under false pretenses.”

  “No pretenses now, Skye. Just you and me.”

  She released his hand.

  Soren pushed the dress down. It pooled at her waist, leaving her breasts bare. She’d taken her wet underwear off earlier after the storm and the air made her nipples tighten.

  His gaze moved over her breasts. “So pretty.”

  A moan welled in Skye’s throat.

  “Do you want me to touch you, bella?”

  She nodded and then felt his fingers stroke over her nipples. Sensation burst across her skin and arrowed downward. He tugged on one nipple, while his other hand cupped her other breast. Through the swirling steam, she saw their reflection in the mirror and a rush of damp heat hit between her legs.

  Soren pulled her to stand and the dress fell to her ankles, baring her completely to him. He glanced down, his gaze tracing her flat belly, the flare of her hips, her legs, before he looked back at her face. “Let’s get you warmed up.”

  He lifted her again and set her in the tub. Skye blinked. That wasn’t what she expected at all. He urged her to sit down and she sank into the warm water. Oh, that was good. She sighed.

  “I’m sorry he took you.”

  She splashed some water on her chest and face. “It’s not your fault.”

  “It is. You warned me.”

  “You’ve lost your memory, Soren.”

  “Well, it’s time I remembered.”

  “You can’t force it. Give yourself a break.”

  He took a cloth from a drawer in the vanity and dipped it into the water. Then he brought it to her back. He washed her and she enjoyed the rhythmic strokes on her skin. She wished it was his bare hand.

  “Do you give yourself a break?” he asked.

  She glanced over her shoulder. “I’m starting to. Therapy’s helped me accept that my past isn’t my fault. I want to move forward.” She studied the strong lines of his face. “I want more.”

  Something dangerous flashed in his eyes. “Let’s dry you off.”

  He took her hand and helped her out of the bath. She should have felt embarrassed or shameless. She’d never stood naked in front of a man, never wanted to before.

  Soren grabbed a thick cream towel off the rack. He held it up. “May I?”

  She nodded. When he kneeled at her feet and started drying her ankles, she just couldn’t breathe. He stole her breath, her inhibitions, her fears.

  He moved upward, caressing her calves, her thighs. A quick brush of the towel between her legs and her belly jumped, fire igniting deep inside her. He continued upward, sweeping one part of the towel over her belly and the other up her back. He ran it along her spine.

  Then he covered her breasts. As he rubbed, her knees trembled. The fabric was rough against her sensitized nipples. He smoothed the towel over her shoulders, so close she could feel the heat of him, and was nearly swamped by his amazing scent.

  “Can I touch you?” he asked.

  Quiet words but with need buried deep. “Yes. Please.”

  The towel dropped and landed at her feet. Her breath hitched, but then his big, warm hands cupped her breasts again.

  She moaned. His touch was electric. He followed her curves, plumping them up, his thumbs brushing her nipples over and over.

  “I want to kiss these pretty nipples,” he murmured. “Is that okay?”

  She nodded.

  He bent his head and sucked the peak into his mouth.



  She nodded again rapidly.

  He switched to the other breast, sucking on her, scraping her gently with his teeth. She buried her hands in his hair. At the same time, he pressed one open palm to her belly. His finger delved into her navel and then moved lower. He traced over her hip bone. Lower.


  “Yes. Please. Touch more of me.”

  He ran his fingers through the blonde curls at the juncture of her thighs. One finger slid over her, where she was damp and tingling. He stroked her, parted her and then eased one finger inside her tight warmth. Skye moaned, shifting against his hand.

  She felt his knuckles brush against her clit and she jerked. She was melting. Soon she’d be nothing but a puddle of need. He worked another finger inside her and she bit her lip, riding his hand.

  “Skye? Do you want more?”

  Her hands gripped his shoulders, to anchor herself and keep her from flying apart. “Yes.”

  Soren’s fingers pulled out and then thrust back inside her. S
he didn’t have time for memories, there was only the exquisite sensations. There was only here and now.

  “You are so beautiful, bella. So sweet.” He pulled his fingers out of her and she watched, wide-eyed, as he brought them to his lips and licked. He groaned.

  His stormy gaze met hers. “You taste so good. I need to taste more of you.”

  She nodded. He turned her around and she gasped, everything in her clenching tight. She couldn’t speak, all she could do was spread her legs a little wider. She wanted this. She wanted everything this man could give her.

  “Put your hands on the edge of the tub. And hold on.”

  She hesitated. Ghosts lurked, but they warred with the new, intoxicating sensations rampaging inside her.

  “You have to say yes, bella, or I won’t do it.” Soren ran a hand along her spine, making her arch into him. “You have to say yes, or I won’t put my mouth between your legs and lick and suck you. I’ll only do what you want me to do.”

  She shuddered. This time it was her choice and she was taking what she wanted.

  She leaned forward and gripped the cool ceramic, then glanced back over her shoulder. “Yes.”

  Intensity was stamped on his face. He dropped to his knees, his hands circling her calves, then sliding up to her thighs. He palmed her buttocks, kneading the plump flesh.

  Her breathing came in sharp pants as she waited. She felt his warm breath on her inner thighs and she shivered.

  And then he put his mouth on her.

  Oh, God. She jerked, her hands clenching on the bath’s edge. So good. So incredibly good.

  He wasn’t rough. His tongue delved and flicked. Inarticulate cries ripped from her throat. He explored every part of her, shock waves of pleasure washing through her.

  Soren sucked her clit into his mouth, driving her to the edge of sanity. Her knees trembled. He sucked harder and she felt the hint of his teeth.

  Her body stiffened and all the mind-blowing feelings coalesced inside her. Her lower belly contracted to a hot, hard point in desperate need of release.

  “Soren. Please.”

  The sweet taste of Skye was driving Soren out of his mind. He loved her urgent, restless movements. Her breathy little cries.


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