Wilson's Hard Lesson

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Wilson's Hard Lesson Page 45

by K. Anderson

She turned off the television and Paul put down his book. Paul sang the first verse of the song. It had a simple tune. Jess listened. She found herself getting drawn in by Paul’s voice.

  “You try,” he said.

  Jess was embarrassed. She hated her singing voice. “Nah, I hate the way I sound.”

  Paul looked at her and said, “Sing it. It is the best way to learn.”

  There was something in the way he told her to sing that made Jess tingle and she knew she couldn’t refuse. Very quietly she sang,

  “Here little fishy fishy swimming in the water.” She looked at Paul’s face for approval. “Go on,” he directed.

  “Where my dear are your sons and daughters?” Jess continued.

  She searched Paul’s face for approval. He sat there listening but not giving open praise. Her desire to please him and win a “good girl” compelled her to keep singing. She finished the song and smiled.

  “Good. Now you can sing it to Denver tomorrow night,” Paul said.

  “Thanks,” Jess replied, a little crestfallen at the lack of praise for her singing.

  Paul turned back to his book and Jess flipped on the television. She really didn’t care what was on now. She just wanted to be able to sit next to Paul while she tried to figure out what she could do to please him. She settled on a random crime drama. Her eyes moved from the screen to Paul and back to the television. She willed him to move his left hand from the book to her thigh and just rest it there. She didn’t want anything more than just to feel his warm palm resting on her leg.

  When the show’s credits began to roll, she realized she had been secretly willing Paul to rest his hand on her thigh for forty-five minutes. She was tense just waiting for him to notice her and touch her. Her heart rate was elevated and she felt anxious.

  Jess turned off the television and went to the den. She pulled on a loose tank top and a pair of boy shorts that exposed the bottom of her ass cheeks. She walked back through the living room to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water from the fridge. She stood with her back to the living room and sipped the water, hoping Paul would notice her.

  She finished her glass, disappointed that nothing had come of her subtle flirtation. She began to walk back to the den.

  “You want me, don’t you?” Paul said softly as she crossed the living room.

  Jess stopped and stared at Paul’s feet. Hearing this aloud made her fantasy concrete. Yes, she did want him. But she did not want to betray her sister. She couldn’t find the words to say, “Yes,” because that would solidify that she was hitting on her sister’s husband. She raised her eyes to meet his.

  “Maggie and I have an agreement. I do what I want. But, I agreed to take her needs and desires into consideration before I do something. I could take you, but that would hurt Maggie. I don’t want drama in my house.” Paul said.

  Jess nodded and turned to go to the den.

  “That doesn’t mean we can’t negotiation something.” Paul continued.

  Jess turned back. She didn’t know what he meant by this. She furrowed her brow and gently pierced her lips and looked at Paul.

  “Normally I tell Maggie if I am going to sleep with another woman. I want her feedback. If you and I play together, you cannot tell her. Ever. It would hurt her too much. She would eventually come to accept that I made my decision and it is within our rules, but I do not want to make her do that. Can you promise me that you will never mention anything to anyone?”

  Jess felt her heart pounding. She could have what she wanted but it would require a lifetime of lying to her sister and her husband. She thought for a minute and as much as she hated the idea of hurting both of them, but the idea of Paul’s hands on her was too much to turn down.

  “Yes,” she said and returned her gaze to the floor.

  “Good. Then tomorrow I will drop off Jasmine and Denver with my mom for the night. I will be back at 6:30. I want you showered, fully shaved, no make-up, and your hair in a twist. Wear that long skirt you wore yesterday and a black loose fitting top. Be ready and sitting on the couch when I return.” Paul delivered his precise instructions.

  “Now go to bed.”

  Jess walked back to the den. She closed the door and stood there, unsure of what to do with herself. She had hoped that her flirtation tonight would have ended with Paul taking her to the bedroom and they would fall into bliss. Instead, she had a to-do list for tomorrow and was unclear if she and Paul would actually sleep together. She hoped they would. Her hard nipples and wet lips told her that her body craved this but it was odd he had not simply taken her tonight.

  She got into bed and turned on the computer. Her brain was raced through different scenarios and concentrating on a movie was too much. She put on an old romantic comedy she had seen seven times and began to doze off.

  Chapter Six

  Paul returned from work at 5:30 p.m. the next evening. Jess was playing Candyland with the kids.

  “Are they ready to go?” Paul asked as he entered the kitchen from the garage.

  “Yep. Their backpacks are packed and they are ready to see grandma.” Jess said.

  “Good. Grab your backpacks guys and let’s go! Jess, I will see you in an hour.” Paul ushered his kids out the door and closed it behind him.

  Jess found herself breathless with the acknowledgement of the looming deadline. She began to prepare for the night. She turned on the shower, stripped down and looked at herself in the mirror as it slowly fogged over. Am I really going to do this”, she asked herself. Can I really do this to Maggie? And Rick? The thought was almost immediately replaced with an image of Paul walking in behind her and touching her breasts.

  She stepped into the hot shower. She dutifully shaved. She washed her hair and exfoliated herself with the vanilla body wash she brought. She paid special attention to the parts she hoped Paul would be most interested in tonight. She toweled off and put her hair up in a twist.

  She picked up her clothes and went back to the den. The clock said 6:10. Twenty minutes and counting. She pulled on a black thong and a matching bra. They were nothing special, simple black spandex/nylon numbers but it was the sexiest thing she had brought with her. She slipped into the skirt Paul had specified. The brush of the tank top on her skin gave her Goosebumps.

  Ten minutes until Paul returned. She went to the living room and sat on the couch. She could hear the clock in the kitchen: tick, tick, tick. She adjusted herself. Cross-legged? No, they should be uncrossed and my feet on the floor. Tick, tick, tick. No, Indian-style, that will work. Tick, tick, tick.

  She heard the garage door open. Feet on the floor crossed at the ankle was the final position she opted for, as she heard Paul close the garage door in the kitchen.

  He set the keys on the table. She heard him take off his suit jacket and loosen his tie in the kitchen. Jess though her hearing must be heightened because she could hear every move Paul made. He walked into the living room.

  “Good. I see you followed my instructions.” Jess nodded and smiled.

  “We need to set some ground rules.” Paul said as he sat in the recliner across from Jess.

  “Of course.” Jess said quietly.

  “First, when we play you call me Sir. Do not do that outside of our time like this, but when we begin something, you are to call me Sir, and Sir only.” Paul instructed.

  Jess nodded.

  “Second, I need you to be safe. When we are together, if at any time, for any reason, you are too uncomfortable to continue, I want you to say the word “red.” You can say this is something is too physically painful, if I trigger some emotion you need to deal with or any other reason. But when you say red, we stop everything. Understood?”

  Jess nodded.

  “Say red for me.” Paul instructed.


  “Good. Now I need you to think about what you like, what you don’t like, what you want and what you don’t want. I will give you a minute then ask you some questions.” Paul continued.

>   Jess sat there for a minute trying to figure out what was going on. She had never experienced anything like this. With Rick they just launched into kissing. Things would progress in a pretty standard fashion. Rick had never asked what she liked and didn’t like. They didn’t set rules for sex. She didn’t even know where to begin.

  “Would you be okay with me tying you up?” Paul asked.

  “Yes.” Jess said. She hadn’t even considered this as an option, but it didn’t bother her.

  “Are you okay with being blindfolded?’ Paul asked.

  “I think so.” Jess hesitated.

  “Fine. Do you have any body parts that are injured or any health issues?” Paul continued.

  This was a weird question to Jess. She thought about it. “No, not really.”

  “Okay. I want you to listen to me carefully tonight and follow my instructions exactly.” Paul finished.

  “Sure.” Jess said.

  “No, it’s ‘Yes, Sir.’” Paul corrected.

  “Yes Sir,” Jess replied.

  Paul stood up and walked over to Jess. His index finger trailed down her face from her forehead over her cheek to her chin. He tilted her head up so she was looking him in the eyes.

  “Are you going to be a good girl for me?” he asked.

  Jess swallowed hard, “Yes Sir.”

  “Good. I want you to stand up, go to the middle of the room and face me.” Paul instructed.

  Jess did as told. She planted her feet and turned to look at Paul. He hadn’t kissed her or touched anything more than the side of her face, but she found herself turned on. Confused a bit at where this whole game was going, but she was definitely excited to find out.

  “I want you to stand there and breathe slowly.” Paul instructed.

  Jess nodded and breathed in.

  “Good, breathe out.” Paul let her exhale. “Slowly, keep going,” he said.

  Jess slowed her breathing and kept her eyes on Paul. She felt her heart pounding in her chest and she wanted him to touch her with every cell in her body.

  Paul began to approach. He walked behind Jess and came close. He placed his hand on her upper arms and slid them down to rest on her belly. She felt his breath moving her stray hairs in her bun. He just stood there, breathing with her, his hands resting on her belly.

  She noticed that their breathing had synced up. As she inhaled, she felt Paul’s stomach gently touch the small of her back. As she exhaled she felt his breath on her neck. She wanted to beg him to just touch her but something instinctively told her that she needed to just wait.

  Feeling Paul’s hands on her stomach and his arms wrapped around her, her breathing quickened. Paul noticed this and backed away.

  “Close your eyes,” he commanded.

  “Yes Sir.” Jess closed her eyes. She heard Paul pull something from his pocket and approach her. Her body went on full alert. Paul slipped a leather blindfold around her eyes and fastened it tight at the back of her head.

  “Keep breathing,” he instructed and backed away.

  She heard Paul begin to walk around the living room. She couldn’t figure out exactly what he was doing. He would walk a few steps, stop, then move again. She didn’t know if he was setting up something, if he was just watching her, or what. Finally, her curiosity took over.

  “What are you doing Sir?” Jess asked.

  “I am in control. You don’t need to worry about anything. Just stand there and breathe like I told you.” Paul replied.

  Jess stood there, listening. She heard the click of the lighter three times. Then Moby came on the stereo. Paul approached her. She felt his hands on her shoulders.

  “Do you want me to touch you?” he asked.

  “Please Sir,” Jess exhaled as she said this.

  She felt Paul’s strong fingers trace her collar bones. He slowly ran his index finger to the base of her left collarbone then let it slide down her sternum over her blouse, down to her navel. He stopped and removed his hand. Two fingers traced the top of each breast.

  There, in the living room, blindfolded, with Paul touching her, Jess wanted to cry out, “Please take me!” but she remained quiet. His fingers worked their way back up to her neck, then behind her ear. He leaned in and whispered, “Raise your arms over your head.”

  As instructed, Jess gently raised her arms. Paul’s fingers traced her bicep down to her freshly shaved armpit. He lifted her shirt over her head. Jess inhaled quickly when she was exposed.

  “You didn’t do as I said,” he said firmly.

  “What do you mean?” Jess asked.

  “What do you mean Sir,” Paul corrected again.

  “Sorry. What do you mean Sir?” Jess repeated.

  “I told you to wear your skirt and top. I did not tell you to wear a bra,” Paul clarified. “If you and I are going to play, you need to learn to pay attention to exactly what I say. I will tell you what you need to do.”

  “Sorry Sir,” Jess demurred.

  “Let’s correct this,” Paul said as he unclasped the bra and pulled it over her arms. Jess lowered her arms. “Did I tell you to do that?” Paul asked.

  “No Sir,” Jess replied and put her arms back up.

  “Remember, I am the one in control here. If you need to change something, ask permission before you do it. I get to make those decisions for you,” Paul explained patiently.

  “Yes Sir,” Jess replied.

  She stood there, arms still held over her head. “You may put your arms by your side.” Jess lowered her arms. Paul stepped behind her and came in close. She felt him reach around her and cup both breasts. She was under so much tension she wanted to climax with just this simple touch.

  Paul squeezed each breast then ran his fingers over her nipples.

  “Please Sir, I want you to take me,” Jess implored.

  “Not yet. You need some training to be a good sub for me. I will let you know when it is time. You must practice listening and obeying me first.”

  Paul’s words made Jess want to throw a tantrum. Rick simply got to the point of sex with her. True, she didn’t get the same feeling of tension and excitement with them as she did Paul, but it was torturous to have to wait for his commands when all she wanted was to feel him inside her.

  “I am going to do something. I want you to follow my instructions exactly. Tell me your word to stop something,” Paul directed.

  “Red Sir.” Jess said gently.

  “Good. Now I want you to clasp your hands together above your head,” Paul instructed.

  Jess did as told. Next, she felt Paul winding a thin rope around each wrist and secure a knot, binding her hands together. He pulled on the rope so her arms bent behind her head and her wrists sat near the back of her neck. Her breath quickened.

  Paul held the rope, keeping her hands back behind her head with his right hand. His left hand began to explore Jess’s body. She felt it on her neck, then shoulders, down her sternum to her belly, back over her waist and up to her right breast. He squeezed her nipple gently between his fingers. Jess let out a light moan.

  “I am going to ask you some questions. I need you to be honest,” Paul said as he moved and squeezed her left nipple.

  “Yes Sir,” Jess panted.

  “Has anyone ever tied you up?”

  “No Sir. Never.” Jess replied. Paul’s fingers squeezed her breast and lifted it up a bit.

  “Have you ever wanted a man to be in total control in the bedroom?”

  “I don’t know,” Jess replied honestly then felt a need to explain.

  “I like it when Rick tells me what he wants or asked for something. I just never really thought that a guy would take total control.”

  “Fine. Do you like what I am doing to you?” Paul inquired.

  ‘Yes, very much Sir.” Jess replied with a smile.

  She felt Paul bend forward then his lips were centimeters above her right nipple. “Please Sir,” slipped out.

  Paul stood up. “Please Sir, what?” he asked.

/>   “Please Sir. I want you to suck on my nipples,” Jess replied.

  Paul bent forward and drew Jess’s left nipple into his lips. He held it there for a minute. “Like this?” he asked.

  “Yes Sir.”

  He bent forward and flicked her nipple with his tongue.

  “Or do you like this?” he asked.

  “Both Sir,” Jess’s voice was breathy.

  Paul stood up again. He lifted the rope up and lowered Jess’s arms in front of her, hand still bound. He put his hand on her waist and held the rope in his other hand.

  “I want you to follow me. I won’t let you fall.” Paul said.

  He took a few steps to the left and Jess followed.

  “Good, stand here.” Paul positioned her next to the oversize ottoman.

  “Did you follow my instructions exactly with your skirt?” he asked, knowing full well she had not.

  “No Sir,” Jess bowed her head.

  “Well then, you may have to suffer the consequences for your actions.” Paul taunted gently. He dropped the rope and slipped her skirt to her ankles. He stood up and held Jess’s hand.

  “Step out of your skirt,” he instructed.

  Jess did as told.

  “Now sit on the ottoman behind you.” Jess lowered herself to the edge of the ottoman. “I have more questions for you, but I need you to be in a more open position,” Paul said.

  Jess felt him kneel in front of her. He took the long length of one rope end binding her wrists and began to wrap it around her right thigh four times. His hands pushed her legs wide and he secured the right side rope to the foot of the ottoman. Paul repeated the motions on Jess’s left thigh.

  Jess sat there, thighs tied wide open, hands bound in front of her, blindfolded, wearing only the black thong she put on earlier.

  “Are you comfortable?” Paul asked as he slipped a finger between her thighs and the rope to check for bind and make sure they weren’t too tight.

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Good, let’s continue with my questions. When did you first have sex?” Paul began.

  “Twenty-six,” Jess replied. She heard Paul take a seat in the recliner directly across from her.


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