Wilson's Hard Lesson

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Wilson's Hard Lesson Page 83

by K. Anderson

  “You came in here just to ask me that nonsense? A man just can’t be happy?”

  “You are the epitome of a serious dude with a stick up his ass. You always look angry.” David resented Daniel’s response, but it wasn’t like he could refute it.

  “Shut up,” David said and glared at his brother. “I’ve had a good day, I’ve learned new things, and I’m progressing in my goals.” Daniel raised his eyebrow at this.

  “What goals?” Daniel asked. David and Daniel seldom spoke with each other about their personal lives, but given the recent developments, Daniel happened to know one of David’s goals. David gave a wicked smile and leaned back in his chair.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” David asked and Daniel frowned. Daniel could tell just by looking at David that he had something cooking under his sleeve. Daniel was also sure that it was something that he wouldn’t like. “Go and make your own goals and stop worrying about mines little brother,” David said with a wave of his hand. He was ready for Daniel to dismiss himself, but the man held his ground.

  “Are you seriously about to marry some random woman just so you can inherit the company?” Daniel knew that this was more than likely the reason behind David’s ‘good mood’.

  “Mind your business Daniel. What I do with my life is my business and not yours.” Daniel raised his voice then.

  “Do you know how crazy that is, David. Besides weren’t you the main one talking about you’d never get married? You’re supposed to get with a woman because you care for her, not for money or material things.”

  “Get out Daniel; you don’t even know what you’re talking about.” David stood up then. He wasn’t going to let Daniel or anyone else get in the way of what he’s after. “I don’t know why you’re so concerned about the whole thing anyways. I should be the heir for the mere fact that I’m the eldest. Now leave me to my work and go manage my employees.” David saw the angry expression that went across Daniel’s face at that moment and he couldn’t help the small smirk that stretched across his face. Daniel bothered him on a daily basis when it came to him just inviting himself into David’s office. It was time for Daniel to get a taste of his own annoying medicine,

  “Bastard,” Daniel said in between clenched teeth and David merely walked passed him and stood in front of the door waiting for his brother to take his leave.

  “Name calling will get you nowhere, now please grow the hell up.” David’s jaw tensed as Daniel made his way slowly over to him. Daniel couldn’t stand David’s arrogant attitude and David couldn’t stand the fact that Daniel thought he was good enough to run their father’s company.

  “You will never find true happiness if you choose to continue using people for your own selfish needs.” Daniel said and walked through the door.

  “Humph, I’ll obtain every ounce of happiness that I can milk from this world just by taking it.” David turned his head and slammed the door in his brother’s face. “There,” David said as he locked his door. After, walking back to his desk, David logged into his email to see if anybody emailed him regarding his ad. David made sure to include his picture in his ad because David knew that any sane woman wouldn’t turn him down. David was a looker and he knew it. After logging into his account, David sighed when all he saw was business related emails.

  “Just be patient. I’m sure emails will come rolling in soon.” David said and closed his eyes as he pictured what kind of women would reply to him. Daniel stood outside of David’s door still shocked that his brother slammed the door in his face.

  “He says I’m childish, but he slams the door when someone’s trying to confront him about his dumb ass ways.” Daniel sighed and made his way outside. Talking to his brother sometimes left a sour taste in his mouth and it mentally drained him. Daniel wanted to get some fresh air before he did something that he would regret because he didn’t take a liking to getting a door slammed in his face. Daniel walked out of the door and stretched as soon as the sun hit him.

  “This is more like it,” Daniel said and looked over at the ranch. Jeffery thought it would be a good idea to have his company’s office building built on the same land as the actual cattle ranch. He told the construction workers that he wanted to see with his own eyes that the ranch was doing alright. In some aspects that was a good idea; however, Daniel could live without walking outside of the headquarters to the smell of fresh manure.

  “Hello Daniel,” Daniel looked towards the direction of the soft voice that greeted him and was surprised to see Lydia, David’s personal assistant, approaching him.

  “Hello, Lydia. It’s very rare to see you outside. Are you checking out the ranch?” Daniel asked and Lydia shook her head causing her ginger locks to shake.

  “No, Mr. Marshall wanted me to pick up a few items from the store for him.” Daniel shook his head.

  “You know, you can call my brother David when you’re with me. I won’t tell him or anything like that.” Lydia laughed at that and shook her head.

  “Mr. Marshall is a vital man in this company; I’d feel awkward calling him by his first name.” Daniel thought that was a load of bologna but he didn’t say what he felt.

  “Does he treat you right? Is David disrespect to you?” Daniel could tell that Lydia tried her best at everything that she did. But David was a perfectionist and a control freak that preferred for things to be done a specific way, his way to be exact. Even though Lydia tried to hide it, Daniel didn’t miss the slight blush that darkened Lydia’s cheeks.

  “Oh yes, he treats me real good.” There was no mistaking the lust in her voice. Daniel already had a sneaking suspicion, but Lydia’s response confirmed that they were sleeping together. Daniel inwardly sighed. He personally felt that David was being highly unprofessional when it came to sleeping with one of his employees, but it specifically pissed Daniel off because he knew that David was using Lydia for his own sexual gratification.

  “I’m glad to hear he’s treating you well.” Daniel tried his best to not allow his sarcasm to show. Lydia pulled out her phone then and gasped.

  “I’ve got to go now, Daniel. I’ve kept Mr. Marshalls waiting too long.” They said their goodbyes and Daniel held the door opened for her. Daniel watched after Lydia for a while, disappointed that she fell victim to David and then out of nowhere a thought flashed through his mind.

  “Is that idiot going to try to marry, Lydia?” Lydia was the only woman that Daniel knew of that David saw on an everyday basis so he wouldn’t put it passed David to pretend that he fell for Lydia and take it to the next level by proposing to her. “That bastard,” Daniel said and he could feel anger building under his skin.

  Chapter Five

  “Damn I needed that,” David groaned after he pulled out of Lydia and readjusted his pants. David decided to stay later that night because his workload was starting to pile up and Lydia was ‘nice’ enough to volunteer to assist him. Lydia sat up on the sofa that David had just pounded her into, and fixed herself up.

  “Glad I could be of assistance, Mr. Marshalls.” David didn’t give Lydia a second look as he made his way back to his desk and grabbed some Kleenex. He dabbed at the beads of sweat that had formed on his forehead and mopped the back of his neck.

  “You can go now; I don’t need you anymore tonight.” David said coldly. Lydia flinched at the harshness of David’s words and stood up.

  “Are you hungry? I can grab you something to eat right quick. What are you in the mood for?” Readjusting his tie, David took his seat and clicked on the keys of his keyboard to turn his computer off of sleep mode.

  “Nothing, I told you that I didn’t need your assistance any longer. Didn’t you hear me the first time?” David got exactly what he needed from Lydia, now it was time for the red haired woman to make her leave. Blushing, Lydia decided to be bold and walk closer to David instead of exiting his office. Her boldness however was met with an angry frown. “What do you want? I asked you to leave,” David knew the younger woman liked him, but he didn�
��t have time for her childish ways.

  “Mr. Marshalls…” Lydia said hesitantly. “Have I done something to offend you? You’re a lot more… cold towards me lately.” Sighing, David finally decided to look the woman in her eyes.

  “Look, you know our arrangement. When I want some, you give it to me and then be out on your merrily way. Why are you lingering around today?” Lydia blushed at how blunt the accountant was being.

  “I just wanted to talk to you a little longer. Is that such a bad thing since we make love so often? I wanted to see if maybe you wanted to catch a movie or go out to din….” David raised his hand out in front of Lydia’s face in attempts to silence her.

  “That’s not going to happen, Lydia.” The anger in David’s voice was apparent as his personal assistant tried to cross the boundaries that had been set for her. “This is the extent of our relationship. If we’re not having sex, then you are working for me and vice versa. There will be no dates, no talk of the future, and no getting to know each other. If this is what you’re after from me, then I suggest you hand in your resignation.” Lydia’s cheeks went crimson at that moment and she quickly looked away from David. She couldn’t believe that she had just been told that either she’s an object to be played with for David’s amusement, or she was just another replaceable employee. She couldn’t help the hurt expression that lingered on her face.

  “I… I know. You’ve just been so stressed out here at the office that I thought a change of scenery would help you.” That wasn’t a complete lie. Lydia did want David to get out of the office so that he could unwind a little, but she wanted him to relax with her because the truth of the matter was she was head over heels for the man. After working for David for two years, she saw a particular strength behind his elegant and rough exterior. Lydia was highly attracted to strong men and she couldn’t help but be attracted to her sexy boss. When they first had sex, David made his attentions clear that this was all she was going to get from him and that there was no chance of them dating. Lydia thought that if she waited a little while longer, all of that would change. Apparently she had been wrong about that.

  “No, I’m fine please do not worry about me. Now, I’ll be more at peace if you’d leave so that I can do my work without interruptions. You’re being a nuisance.” Tired of the verbal abuse, Lydia took her leave.

  “Have a good night, Mr. Marshalls.” After closing David’s office door behind her, Lydia made her way towards the entrance with fresh tears streaming down her face.

  “It’s about time I cut her off, she’s becoming bothersome.” David said and logged into his email. As soon as he was logged on, his thick lips produced a feral grin. In his inbox were several emails about his mail order bride ad. “It’s show time,” David said and clicked onto the first email.


  Daniel walked through the ranch inspecting every animal to make sure everything was alright before he made his leave.

  “Alright everyone, let's round up,” Daniel called out and the several people who maintained the ranch walked over to him covered in all sorts of filth. “You’ve all did well today and I’m sure my father would be pleased with how well you are maintaining the ranch.”

  “It’s cause we love what we do,” Jordan said smiling as he placed his hands behind his head. Daniel smiled back at him and then looked at the rest of them.

  “Ha, you’re only saying that because it’s pay day and I’m the one with the checks.” Daniel reached into his jacket and pulled out several white envelopes with each of their name on them. “Alright, take the money and go home.” Everyone walked up to Daniel and took their envelopes.

  “Have a good evening,” they said and made their way towards the locker rooms so that they can get themselves cleaned up before they went home.

  “Right, same to you,” Daniel said and looked up at the sky. He was exhausted and he was ready to get home as well.

  “Any plans for tomorrow, Daniel?” Jordan asked.

  “Yeah, sleep.” Daniel said and Jordan laughed. The workers were going to get a three day weekend because veterinarians were going to be on call to make sure the cattle were doing well health wise. For the next three days, the animals would be looked after by the vets per the request of Daniel’s father. Daniel didn’t know why the vets agreed to pretty much do someone else’s job, but Daniel was pretty sure it had to do with money. Jeffery Marshalls after all had plenty of money.

  “Well, I hope you get some sleep boss man and stop stressing so much about what your father told you. I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.” Jordan said and made his way towards the direction that his co-workers just went.

  “If only it were that easy,” Daniel mumbled and started making his way back to the building so that he could pack up. Just as he reached for the door, the door swung open with so much violence that he thought whoever it was that was opening the door would run him over. “Jesus!” he shouted as the door narrowly missed him.

  “Oh! I’m sorry, I should’ve been more careful.” Daniel paused as Lydia stood in front of him wiping at her eyes quickly. Is she crying? Daniel wondered to himself. He tried to get a closer look at her eyes, but Lydia kept her head down as if she was trying to avoid making eye contact.

  “Is everything alright? You look like you’re having a bad day.” When he saw Lydia earlier that day, she was as happy as can be. This sudden change in her left Daniel perplexed.

  “Yes… yes, I’m fine. I’m in a hurry though so I’ll be leaving. Enjoy the rest of your day.” Lydia pushed passed Daniel and hustled towards the parking lot.

  “Damn, what’s gotten under her skin?” Daniel asked smoothing down his shirt. He walked through the massive doorway and went straight to his office. It was apparent that something was definitely wrong with Lydia, but she didn’t seem like she wanted to talk about it. Daniel thought that even though she worked for David, she could talk to Daniel about things that she didn’t feel comfortable talking to David about. “David,” Daniel said as a thought finally occurred to him. Whatever was wrong with Lydia, he was sure that it had something to do with David. Grabbing his car keys and wallet, Daniel made his way to see his stuck up, brother.

  Daniel hated to see women in pain, especially when he knew it was his brother’s fault. Daniel didn’t like the stereotype, but he was aware that he was the type of man who wanted to save any ‘Damsel in Distress’. Daniel was still crossed with his brother from earlier, but he had to, at least, tell him he should treat Lydia with more respect. Unlike other times, Daniel barged into David’s office without any warning. Daniel was surprised when he found the room empty.

  “Tsk… I guess I’ll wait then.” Daniel said and walked towards David’s desk. He wasn’t trying to be dramatic or anything like that, but that looked to be the case as Daniel lowered his muscular frame into David’s chair. As he waited for a few minutes, Daniel decided to check to see what games were going on over the weekend on David’s computer. What Daniel didn’t realize was that David left his email opened and Daniel couldn’t stop his eyes from getting wider. “What the hell…” Daniel said unable to believe what he was reading. “David’s looking for a mail order bride?” Daniel knew that David would stoop to any means necessary to get what he wanted, but this… this was an all-time low for his older brother.

  Chapter Six


  You are definitely a beautiful woman with a good head on your shoulder. You cook, clean, and you’re educated? That is definitely a rare thing with younger women in today’s age. No, I do not mind that you’re only twenty-three years old. Age is nothing but a number, but don’t worry, my eyes are not on women younger than twenty-one, so don’t think too much about my previous statement. You asked me about what I enjoyed doing in my spare time and that is simple; I like catching up on my reading, working out, and playing golf with some of my friends. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a date because I haven’t found the right woman. I guess that’s why I’m on the internet now looking fo
r companionship. I’m not getting any younger and would love for my father to see me married and with a family. Believe me when I say this, I’m sure that you’d find me favorable. I respect the fact that you’d want to correspond with me a little bit before you’d consider becoming my bride and I agree with you. Tell me a little about yourself that would make you stand out from the crowd. You’ve already said great things about yourself, but I’m sure there’s more.

  I look forward to your email.


  David Marshalls.

  David grinned at the contents of his email before hitting send. After a few days of going through the incoming emails regarding his ad for a mail order bride, David had finally found someone who was attractive enough to get him to compose an email to her.

  “I had to tweak a few of my characteristic, but I’m sure the outcome would work out in the end.” David had done more than ‘tweak’ some of his attributes; David intentionally lied to have a favorable outcome. It pissed him off that Rachel wanted to ‘get to know him’ a little more before giving him the answer that he knew that she’d give. “Life can’t be that easy I suppose,” David told himself and signed out of his email. This was definitely one of the many reasons why he didn’t date. Women took too long in coming up with answers for everything in David’s opinion.

  “I hope this part goes by quickly. I don’t have the time or the patience for this to drag out too long.” David was willing to spend money on getting her to him. Rachel lived in New York, so he knew that the expense was going to be a little bit on the pricey side. The money was not a problem though; it was the mere fact that he had to spend it on someone else that angered him. “What am I going to tell the old man though?” David hadn’t considered what to tell his father once he up and married this woman out of nowhere. Would he take Rachel to meet this father first, or will he just spring her existence on him when they were about to tie the knot? “This whole thing is becoming such a pain.”


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