Moonlight Menage

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Moonlight Menage Page 13

by Stephanie Julian

  Other thoughts, dark thoughts tried to inch back into her mind but she pushed them away and instead focused on the feel of Nic’s fingers as he smoothed gel around the small puckered hole of her back channel.

  “Just hurry,” she whispered, to both of them. “Please.”

  “I’m not hurrying, Ti,” Nic said as one hand rubbed up the center of her back in a rough caress. “No way. Now don’t tense.”

  She felt the slightly smaller head of Nic’s cock press against her anus and her body wanted to tense. Instead, she forced herself to relax.

  Nic took it slow, stopping to let her get accustomed to the feel of him when he had the head lodged just inside.

  The burn of stretching tissue made her gasp, the sensation making her yearn for more.

  But she couldn’t force the words from her mouth as Duke held her even tighter, tucking her head under his chin and keeping her from moving at all.

  Immobile and burning with desire, she felt every tiny thrust and retreat of Nic’s cock as he worked it into her. It seemed to take forever and her entire world narrowed down to this room and these two men and the sensation of being caught between them.

  Nic whispered something behind her, something she didn’t understand but language was beyond her at the moment. She could only feel.

  And when Nic had sunk as far as he could go, she felt like she’d explode with the force of their desire.

  Then Duke began to pull out and lightning flashed through her at his slow retreat. She began to think she couldn’t live through this, that it would be too much for her. She couldn’t open her eyes, couldn’t move, her body under the control of these two men.

  Nic and Duke began a wicked dance, rough and unsure at first, but all the more enticing for it. Their labored breathing filled the air around her, their hands held her steady as her body wanted to shift and move.

  And when they finally found their rhythm and quickened the pace, she began to burn.

  It started between her legs but spread from her thighs and down to her toes and up through her torso and arms. Her fingers tingled and her lungs tightened.

  Her love for them, theirs for her, made her heart fill to bursting. They moved together and when one groaned, each of them felt it. She was sure of it.

  They were one and she never wanted it to end. Their bodies connected, they moved as one until, finally…

  She burst into climax. The force of it caught her off guard and her cry echoed throughout the room. Her body bore down, drew them in, closed around them.

  And triggered Duke’s and Nic’s orgasms as well.

  She felt their release, felt their seed fill her.

  Nearly insensate now, she closed her eyes and drifted in the heat created by the two men she loved.

  Chapter Eight

  Nic dragged himself out of a deep sleep, knowing by the struggle that he hadn’t slept as long as he should have.

  But he wanted to waste as little time as possible unconscious today.

  Turning his head, he checked the clock on the bedside table. 9:38 a.m. Three hours down. Twenty-one to go.

  Tira’s warm body curled into his side and behind her, Duke was plastered against her back, his face partially hidden by the golden length of her hair.

  Duke looked exhausted and Nic knew he hadn’t slept as much as he’d needed to heal completely. Duke hadn’t been as injured as Nic but the guy had been hurt. His body needed some downtime.

  So he wouldn’t wake Tira or Duke just yet. He’d wait a few more minutes then he’d slide down her body, pressing his mouth against every inch of skin he could reach. He wouldn’t linger until he reached his destination. He wanted to wake Tira with his mouth on her pussy while Duke filled her mouth with his cock.

  Wanted her to be lost to desire and naked in this bed that he’d built specifically for her. For them.

  He refused to believe today was all he and Duke would have with Tira. No way was he giving her up now that he’d had her.

  Even though she believed it, he’d make her see the error of her ways. And she’d enjoy every second of it.

  Tomorrow morning, he’d make her understand that this is where she belonged. No matter how much time he had. Or didn’t have, as the case may be.

  He and Duke had let her run for years. Utter stupidity on their part.

  He intended to cure that.

  Right now, though, he just wanted to savor the feel of her in his arms, her silky skin pressed against his. Her deep, rhythmic breathing brushed against his chest, raising gooseflesh and his body temperature, not to mention pumping blood into his cock. Her breasts pressed into his skin, warm and soft, and the trimmed hair on her mound teased his thigh.

  Behind her, Duke stirred, his breath feathering her hair, his hand tightening on her hip. Even in sleep, Duke never really lost that guarded expression, as if he was always looking behind him, waiting for an attack.

  It sucked that his best friend, a man he considered his brother, felt he had to be so damn wary all the time. Duke never stopped being a soldier. Not for five minutes.

  Even now, Nic was sure the guy was dreaming of ways to keep Tira safe, to figure out who had kidnapped her six months ago, how it was linked to the kidnapping of the eteri Kaine was currently obsessing over…and how to find a way to cheat Nic’s death.

  Nic knew Duke’s greatest fear was failing to save Nic when the time came. Since Tira’s vision all those years ago, Duke had been holding a silent vigil, watching over Nic like a guard dog, making sure Nic didn’t do anything stupid to bring about his own death.

  Nic sometimes felt like a child on a short leash with overprotective parents, of which he already had two. Well, three, if you counted Duke’s mom. But Kathryn… Well, he didn’t want to think about her now. He didn’t want to be pissed off and whenever he thought about Kathryn, he got pissed off.

  The woman had been as close to him as his own mother growing up. She and Duke’s dad, Varro, had loved him like a son. And as much as he loved his own parents, there’d been something special about Varro.

  The guy’s laugh had lit up a room. Nic had never had any doubts as to why Kathryn and his own mom, Roni, loved him so much. Nic’s dad, Frank, would have done anything for Varro.

  When Varro and Frank had been sent in to deal with the Malandante bastard who’d been kidnapping and raping young lucani females, the Mal had gotten one spell off before Frank had torn the guy to pieces. Varro had thrown himself in front of the bastard’s latest victim, saving her life but forfeiting his own.

  Before he’d died, Varro had made Frank promise to take care of Kathryn and Duke, something Nic knew his father would’ve done even if Varro hadn’t asked.

  It had nearly driven his parents mad when Kathryn had disappeared with Duke shortly after Varro’s death. Nic and his parents had felt betrayed, abandoned. Devastated. They’d lost Varro, the glue that bound their nontraditional family, and then they’d lost Kathryn and Duke.

  And even when they’d returned, months later, things hadn’t been the same.

  Duke and Kathryn had just appeared one day after almost six months away. Duke had refused to talk about the scar on his face and Kathryn… Kathryn had been different. She’d changed even more than Duke.

  Duke had come back a soldier. Hardened. Almost unemotional. Battle scarred.

  Kathryn had trained him to be invincible. They’d spent so much of their time away as wolves, Duke had had trouble holding his human form during the full moon, something they’d learned to do by the time they were fifteen. Duke had been twenty by then.

  And Kathryn hadn’t stayed. She’d spent a few days at the house, talking to Nic’s parents while he and Duke began their legion service. But she wouldn’t sleep at the house. She left every night in her pelt to run.

  Then one morning, she just didn’t come back. She disappeared for months and when she finally returned to check on Duke, the veneer of humanity she’d clung to after Varro’s death had faded to almost nothing.

Duke sighed again, snapping Nic back to the here and now. He watched as Duke shifted, crowding against Tira, pushing her even more fully against Nic. Trapping her between them.

  Where she should’ve spent the years since she’d turned eighteen.

  More than eight years lost. And only one day to spend together?

  Fuck that.

  If he was going to buy the farm in a matter of weeks or months, then she was damn well going to stop running and make a few memories to remember him by.

  Okay, maybe he was holding on to a little anger at the fact that she’d kept him and Duke at arm’s length for eight fucking years.

  But they’d been just as guilty for letting her get away with it. Yeah, there’d been extenuating circumstances. Her mother. The boschetta. Duke’s guilt.

  And Nic’s death wish.

  That’s what Duke said he had. A death wish.

  Which was bullshit. Nic had a death sentence hanging over his head. That didn’t mean he wanted to die. But it also meant no matter what he did, he had a set time and place to die.

  So he’d become something of an adrenaline junkie. So what?

  He loved the high he got from jumping out of airplanes or off bridges with only a bungee cord around his waist. He loved to race cars, motorcycles, boats…

  And have sex. He’d had a lot of sex with a lot of women.

  But none of the other women held a piece of his soul like this woman did.

  Sweet, warm-hearted Tira. Beautiful. Kind.

  Sexy and oh so hot.

  Moving carefully so he didn’t disturb her, he maneuvered himself down her body until he could get his mouth on her breasts. With a quick glance up to make sure he hadn’t woken her, he flicked his tongue over her nipple, wetting it and blowing a soft stream of air over it until it puckered and pebbled. His mouth watered to suck her into his mouth but he restrained himself. He wanted to tease her but not wake her. Not yet.

  Next, he moved lower, brushing his lips against the soft skin below her breast, breathing in the warm, sweet smell of her body.

  He barely touched her with his hands, let his fingertips graze down her ribs to her stomach. Sighing, she shifted her hips, seeking. Already he smelled her sweet arousal, teasing him.

  He shifted again, farther down the bed until his mouth was right above her mound. Her thighs pressed tightly together but, with gentle pressure, he stroked a finger along the crease, easing her legs apart until he could see the plump red lips of her sex.

  Tira still slept but her body was aroused, hot, wet. Wanting.

  Behind her, Duke moved and Nic looked up into Duke’s dark gaze, still a little cloudy from sleep but watching every move he made. Nic glanced at Tira’s perfect mouth, slightly parted in sleep, then looked back at Duke.

  Nic saw comprehension pass through Duke’s gaze before he nodded. With a few slight adjustments, Nic and Duke moved Tira until she lay crosswise on the bed. As her eyelids fluttered open and she took a deep breath, Duke turned her head and bent to kiss her as Nic spread her legs and put his mouth on her.

  She moaned, the sound muffled by Duke’s mouth, and she relaxed for a second before her body recognized it was under an erotic assault.

  Then she tensed, her thighs tightening against his hands as he kept her spread so he could lap at her.

  This time, he refused to treat her with kid gloves. He wanted to make her come hard and fast. Then he wanted to bring her off again slower but still with his mouth. Only then would he get up on his knees and take her with his cock while she sucked Duke off.

  He glanced up to see Duke ravaging her mouth, kissing her like he was starving for her. She kissed him back with just as much passion and Nic settled in to get her off.

  With his rigid cock pressed against the warm sheets, he lapped at her sex, taking the taste of her into his mouth and swallowing it down like nectar. She was creamy and smooth, her lips bare and silky. She wanted to move but he wouldn’t let her, holding her still for his tongue to slide into her in fast thrusts before slowing to take leisurely licks.

  When he’d made her so wet she glistened, he moved to her clit. Baring his teeth, he nipped the tiny bundle of nerves and felt her entire body shiver. Above him, Duke’s arm crossed her body, holding her to the bed while Nic held her hips. They had her under their control, exactly where they wanted her.

  Nic’s entire world narrowed down to Tira’s pleasure. Every tightening of her thighs, each muffled moan, the way her hips tried to lift off the bed to push her pussy further against his mouth even as she kissed Duke feverishly.

  He teased her unmercifully, worked her into a frenzy with his teeth and tongue then pulled back and sank his fingers into her sheath. She tried to move, tried to urge him to go faster but he refused to be rushed.

  Pumping his fingers inside, he stroked her inner walls while his tongue played over her clit. The little nub hardened even further as he pushed her closer to the edge.

  When he heard her gasp, he paused to look up. Duke’s expression had hardened with lust and he’d pulled away with a groan. As Duke repositioned himself higher on the bed, Nic pulled Tira a few more inches toward him.

  Her eyes were closed as she turned toward Duke, her cheeks rosy with desire, her lips puffy and moist.

  And when Duke slid his cock between them and she started to suck, Nic groaned in unison with Duke.

  Nic watched her suck Duke into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing with each pull before he pulled out to have her suck only on the tip. Tira’s tongue played around the tight skin, as Duke’s hands sank into her hair and cupped her head so he could fuck her mouth.

  Duke went slow, clearly savoring the sensation of Tira’s mouth on his cock. And her expression showed only bliss.

  But her hips writhed, her body aching for more.

  And Nic intended to give it to her.

  Rising to his knees, he moved forward, sliding his thighs under her ass until her sex was almost where he needed it to be. Then, wrapping one hand around both her ankles, he rose to his knees as he lifted her, one hand on his cock to guide him into her.

  Even as tight as she was because of her arousal and the position, he slid into her in one smooth motion. His balls slapped against her ass as he started to thrust, hard and unrelenting.

  Duke held her wrists above her head much as Nic held her ankles. Each man moved to his own rhythm and Tira accepted them both.

  Already close to the edge, Nic felt an electric jolt every time he slid into her clenching sheath. His cock swelled, full to bursting but he didn’t want to come yet.

  He wanted this feeling to last hours, days. The pleasure pounding through his body ravaged all his nerve endings, throwing him into a place of sensation that was almost transcendent.

  It felt like the rush he got from jumping out of a plane or hitting one-twenty on an open stretch of highway on his Harley.

  His climax pooled and threatened in his balls. Watching Duke slide in and out of her mouth pushed him too close to the edge but when he dropped his gaze, he caught sight of his own cock shuttling in and out.

  With a groan, his control snapped. Tossing back his head, he buried himself as deeply as he could, his cock pumping his seed into her body.

  With his free hand, he brushed her clit, once, twice, and felt her tighten even further around him as she came.

  And with Duke’s muttered “Fuck”, he joined them.

  * * * * *

  “Come on, Sleeping Beauty. You need a shower. And Duke needs to help us keep our strength. We need food, man. Now.”

  Duke forced his heavy eyes open and turned toward the sound of Nic’s voice.

  Tira lay beside him on the bed, the warm, sweat-slickened skin of her side pressed against his as she lay with her eyes closed though not asleep. Her chest rose and fell in a fast-paced rhythm as she tried to catch her breath.

  Duke was right there with her. He felt like he’d just run a marathon.

  While Nic… He looked strong enough to run one.

nbsp; Nic’s normally pale skin no longer held the gray tinge he’d had since the ceiling had fallen on him. His green eyes were bright, no longer dull with pain.

  Nic looked a whole hell of a lot better and that made Duke’s lips curve in a smile. The feel of Tira against him made his blood run thick and hot through his body and he just wanted to lie here and have her again.

  He hadn’t realized—

  Nic ripped the pillow out from under his head and hit him with it.

  “Sex later. Food now.”

  Duke’s immediate response was to give Nic the finger, to which Nic replied with a laugh. “Yeah, I love ya, buddy, but you’re not my type. Now, the beautiful lady…” Nic reached over Duke to lift Tira off the bed and into his arms.

  As Nic lifted her, the silky strands of her hair trailed across his chest and upper stomach, making him groan. And her husky laugh as she wrapped her arms around Nic’s neck was a sensual punch in the gut.

  Rolling to his side, he watched Nic carry her to the attached bath where he stopped when she put her hand on the doorjamb. Looking over Nic’s shoulder, she smiled at Duke.

  “Aren’t you coming?” she said.

  Duke’s breath caught in his chest as he hesitated. Yeah, he wanted to join them but he’d figured Nic would want time with her alone. And Duke would never want to get in the way. But when the expression on Nic’s face turned wickedly erotic, Duke realized Nic didn’t see him as a rival. He’d wondered about that. Worried about it, how they’d actually handle this situation if it ever came up. How they’d—

  “Duke.” Nic’s steady tone dragged his gaze from Tira’s. “Did you honestly never wonder why I built the shower to hold three people? Hell, I’ll actually help you cook later.”

  Two sets of eyes gazed at him. Waiting. For him.

  Rolling to his feet, he started toward them. “I’ll do the cooking. We need to actually be able to eat the food.”

  Tira’s smile spread until he could barely see her eyes then she started to laugh. Sliding a hand into her hair, Duke tugged until she bent her head back. He kissed her hard, caught her sigh in his mouth and felt his pulse race when she kissed him back.


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