Finally Us

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Finally Us Page 4

by Quinn Ward

  “Hey, we’re heading over to the bonfire. You guys coming?” Chris asked. I looked to Gabe and he nodded. It was like a case of body-snatchers; him wanting to stay and me wishing he knew how badly I wanted to head back to our room. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but it’s gonna be fun.”

  Gabe turned, resting a hand on my hip. “You up for it?”

  No. It turned out organized, forced socialization was draining.

  I shrugged. “Yeah, we can check it out.”

  So much for all that compromise my mom drilled into my head. The smile Gabe flashed before telling Chris to lead the way turned me into a puddle of lovesick goo. I promised myself I wouldn’t spend the entire year being Gabe’s little puppy, following him all over campus.

  Fun, it turned out, was a bit of an overstatement. The bonfire was little more than students passing flasks to spike their drinks as they talked about all the parties they’d heard about for the weekend. Definitely not my scene.

  The only upside was Gabe and I laid out a blanket near the edge of the circle. I was testing the waters, because eventually I’d have to find the balls to come out. Both of us leaned back, and I inched my hand towards Gabe’s behind us until our pinkies touched. His eyes shone in the firelight when he looked at me, but it was more than that. He let out a contented sigh and I realized these small changes might be enough for now.

  A while later, I leaned closer to him. “You about ready to get out of here? I think we could have a much better time back in our room.”

  “Yeah?” He wiggled around on the blanket, drawing my attention to the bulge in his shorts. No questions about where he was hoping tonight would go. I wanted that, even if I couldn’t come out and say it.

  For a moment, I closed my eyes and leaned in, wanting to feel the stubble of his jaw abrading my skin as we kissed. Someone cleared their throat behind us and I shot back. The lust in Gabe’s gaze was briefly replaced by disappointment that I couldn’t let myself just be with him.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered. He shook his head and stood to face Chris. The guy had a knack for turning up everywhere at the wrong time.

  “You guys heading to the after party?” he asked. It seemed strange for a senior to invite freshmen to parties, but maybe that was how this school worked. After all, this wasn’t high school.

  “Nah, I’m about done with human interaction for the day,” Gabe announced in the way only he could without coming across as a huge dweeb. “We’re gonna head back to the dorms.”

  “Oh, sure.” Chris raised an eyebrow as he looked between us. He traced his tongue across his lower lip when his gaze landed on Gabe, and I felt a possessive urge building inside of me. He was my boyfriend, and I wasn’t a fan of other guys checking him out. Of course, other guys wouldn’t know they were doing anything wrong if I didn’t do more than rattle the closet door every once in a while. “Maybe next weekend.”

  “Yeah, maybe,” Gabe told him. He snatched up our blanket and shoes. I followed him to the boardwalk, leaning on him for support as I rinsed my feet.

  “You could’ve gone to the party,” I told him, not wanting him to feel like he had to go wherever I was. Once school started, there’d be plenty of time when we’d be on our own.

  “I could if I wanted to,” he countered. “Turns out, I have a much better proposition on the table for tonight.”

  “Yeah? What’s that?” I asked, a teasing lilt in my voice.

  Gabe leaned in, nipping my ear where anyone could see, and it took everything in me to keep the anxiety at bay. “Unless I’m mistaken, I’m pretty sure this sexy guy invited me back to his room for some naked time.”

  “Mmm, that does sound enticing.” I cautiously reached out to brush the back of my hand over his prick. “You should probably get back to his room before he chickens out.”

  Gabe took off at a sprint, taunting me about being too slow. I scooped up the blanket he’d dropped and took off after him at a leisurely pace.

  My stomach flipped, knowing this was the first time we’d truly be alone since arriving in Wilmington. Well, our first time ever, really, since we’d always had to worry about parents in the past. He’d said we’d go at whatever pace was comfortable for me, but I knew I could easily be swayed to go further because I wanted him to be happy. I actually hoped he tried nudging me out of my comfort zone because, left to my own devices, I’d waffle forever.

  The drive back to campus was quiet, but there was so much sexual tension in the air, I was surprised Gabe didn’t find the first dark parking lot available to strip me. The Jeep lurched to a stop and he got out, rushing to open my door. Gabe reached for my hand as we made the walk across the parking lot. While we waited for the elevator to our floor, he lifted our joined hands and kissed my knuckles. “It’s going to be fine.”


  “Just because no one else will be in the suite, don’t worry about what we do or don’t do. All I want is to be with you and chill. Total relaxation. That’s the goal for tonight.” The elevator doors opened and I followed him inside. Gabe leaned against the back wall and it felt right to slide in next to him. He slid his hand around my waist and pressed a chaste kiss to the side of my head. “I think I’m going to like living here with you.”

  “Back at ya,” I said, cringing because it sounded stupid to my own ears. All too soon, the doors opened and the panic returned. Or maybe it was simply anticipation for what was to come, not only in the next few minutes, but over the course of the next four years. Turning down Duke to go to school with Gabe was a good plan.

  The music we heard as soon as we got off the elevator grew louder as we approached our room. It was obnoxiously loud once Gabe unlocked and pushed open our door. Apparently, we weren’t alone in the quad.

  “This doesn’t have to change anything,” Gabe reassured me. He pulled me closer so my back was pressed against his chest. I groaned when he ground his dick against my butt. “I want you, Trev. We don’t have to do everything tonight, but I can’t wait any longer to at least feel you.”

  Walking to the bed was awkward, but we somehow managed. He unbuttoned my shorts and pushed them over my hips. I stepped out of them as I sort of waddled through the room. Next, I kicked off my shoes while he stripped me out of my shirt. When I turned to face him, my entire body heated with embarrassment. My hands dropped, covering my erection.

  “Don’t hide from me, sweetheart,” he whispered before nibbling on my ear. “I want to look at you.”

  “You’ve seen me before,” I protested.

  “Showering after gym class so doesn’t count,” he argued as he ran his palms over my chest. He bent down, sucking on my collarbone. “Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to not stare at you? That would have been suicide for both of us, but fuck if I didn’t want to. You were always so damn gorgeous.”

  “I’m not.” I was scrawny and pale, not toned and tan like he was thanks to always being in one sport or another.

  “You are.” His thumbs traced over my nipples, and I wasn’t proud of the high pitched keen that escaped from me. God, that felt good. I arched my back, wanting him to keep playing. “You’ve always been beautiful to me. The only part of you I was allowed to memorize were these pretty, pink nipples. I always wondered if they were sensitive.”

  “Why don’t you find out?” My breathing was ragged, my dick leaking, and dang it, I needed him to get the answer to his question.

  “Hmm, I think I will.” He spun me around, pushing me onto the mattress. “Fuck, Trev. You’re like an all-you-can-eat buffet laid out for me. I don’t know where I want to start.”

  My dick twitched when he dragged his tongue between his lips.

  “You’re overdressed.” I tugged at the hem of his shirt. Gabe wasted no time stripping, tossing clothes all over the place. I’d worry about the mess later. I was too turned on to lecture him right then. When he caught me giving his naked body a slow down-up perusal, he rested his hands on his hips. “God, you’re so cocky

  “All part of my charm, baby,” he quipped. “Now, are you going to let me have a little snack before bed?”

  Gabe pushed me to the back of the bed. I jumped when my butt made contact with the cold cinder blocks. The discomfort was instantly gone when he laid down next to me, shifting me onto my back with his body draped over mine. He planted sweet kisses along both of my shoulders before working his way to my nipples. My back arched off the bed when he sealed his mouth around one at the same time his hand curled around my dick.

  I wanted to watch him. I wanted to touch him and reciprocate but I couldn’t do anything other than clench my eyes closed and pray like hell that I lasted longer than two pumps of his broad hand on my shaft.

  “Gabe,” I pleaded, my head thrashing from side to side. It turned out I had a lousy imagination because feeling his hot flesh pressed against mine was like nothing I’d dreamed of. “Need… wait... gonna…”

  Gabe didn’t wait. Instead, he tossed a leg over mine and started rutting against me as he bit my other nipple.

  Yes. The answer to his question was my nipples absolutely were sensitive. Gabe laughed, not releasing my skin and did some funky little twist of his hand on my dick. That was game over. My back arched so fast I nearly threw Gabe off of me as ropes of cum coated his fist. He kept using the fluid as lubricant, not stopping until I swatted his hand away.

  “Sorry,” I muttered, burying my face in Gabe’s hair. God, that was embarrassing.

  Gabe leaned over the edge of the bed to grab his shirt. He quickly wiped up both of us. If I hadn’t been so wiped from the fresh air and an intense orgasm, I would have been hard again as I watched him lick his hand clean. “Baby, you have nothing to be sorry about. That was fucking hot.”

  “But I came in like five seconds.” Because pointing it out if he hadn’t already realized was the perfect way to draw more attention to my hair-trigger.

  “Yeah, and that was better than the hottest porn I’ve ever watched.” He slid up, laying his head on the pillow next to mine. “And in case you missed it, you weren’t the only one. Finally getting to touch you, feeling you fall apart and knowing I did that? Fucking amazing.”

  There was a hint of bitter tang when Gabe licked his way into my mouth. His arms tightened around me, and we made out until the central air kicked on, blasting cold air over our naked, sweaty bodies.

  “Let’s get dressed and go to sleep.” He sounded like he was already halfway there. Okay, maybe it wasn’t the worst thing in the world that I came fast; it’s not like he lasted much longer than me. If we didn’t build up our stamina, we’d give a whole new meanie to the word quickie.



  The first week of school was like a dream. We were in the honeymoon phase, not only as far as being college students rather than the children we were a few months earlier in high school, but also as a couple. Like every year since kindergarten, I woke up before the birds, springing out of bed and anxious to get to my first class. I showered, savoring the extra time since the rest of the suite was still asleep, then made Gabe his first cup of coffee.

  When it finished brewing, I sat it on the dresser we’d decided to use as a makeshift nightstand and perched myself on the edge of the bed. I ran my fingers along the length of his spine, still amazed I could touch him like this whenever I wanted. He grumbled and buried his head beneath the pillows. I bent over, placing one tender kiss against his shoulder blade, chuckling when he stirred a bit more. Allowed my hands to drift to the small of his back, pressing past the waistband of his sleep pants. “Mmm, come back to bed.”

  “No time,” I told him, even though it was still nearly an hour before the dining hall opened for breakfast. If I crawled back into the bed with him, we’d fall back to sleep and miss our first classes. Or even better, he’d wake up and we’d lose track of time making out. “I made you coffee.”

  He rolled to his back and sat up, eyes still closed as he reached for the steaming mug. “God, I love you,” he sighed after the first sip.

  I tensed, still uncomfortable with how easily he threw the phrase around. I wanted to laugh it off but didn’t want to risk my reaction hurting his feelings if he was serious.

  “Seriously, Trev, why are we up so early? My first class isn’t until ten,” he complained.

  “Yeah, well mine’s at eight, and you said you wanted to eat together since we don’t have any of the same classes this semester.”

  “I’m beginning to think I was overcompensating for the whole having to keep us a secret for so long,” he grumbled. He threw back the blankets and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. When he stood, it put his morning wood on full display. We jerked off together enough times I was certain I could sketch his body in perfect detail, but I was ready for the next level of intimacy. While I was trying to work up the courage to pull down his pajama pants and lick the tip of his dick before drawing him into my mouth, Gabe disappeared into the bathroom.

  When he returned, he laughed.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You.” He crossed the room and kissed the top of my head. “You’re sitting there concentrating as though you’re trying to work out a complex math equation.”

  “Nope. Just trying to wake up,” I lied. So far, Gabe opted for a snail’s pace with our relationship. I’d hinted a couple of times that I wanted more, but he always reminded me there was no need to rush anything. It was sweet, but also incredibly frustrating. And now was not the time for me to grow a set of balls and tell him what I wanted, because I wasn’t sure I could handle any sort of rejection before having to face a lecture hall of new faces several times today.

  “That’s your own damn fault. We could have still been sound asleep, but you’re the freakazoid would has to get up before the alarm for the first damn day of school. You’d think that’d wear off eventually.”

  “Maybe it will, but this is a huge day.” I was practically bouncing on the bed by this point. Gabe shook his head and grabbed his shower caddy. “Once you’re dressed, we’ll head down for some breakfast. Tell me, are you going to walk me to class like a good boyfriend would do?”

  “I might,” he responded playfully. “Is your first class in the same direction as Port Java?”

  “Of course,” I scoffed. “I’ve known you your entire life. Do you seriously think I’d suggest you walk in the opposite direction of your beloved coffee with a scoop of ice cream?”

  I thought Gabe was going to cream his pants the first day we’d walked into Port Java and he saw that they offered hot and cold drinks with ice cream in place of sweetener. At first, he’d resisted because the ice cream would cool the coffee too much to be any good, but after the barista told him he could order one and she’d make him something else if he didn’t like it, he was hooked. Ever since then, Gabe’s primary source of exercise had been walking to the coffee shop at least twice a day.

  “You’re too good to me.” He kissed me once more, then headed off for the shower moments before Seth’s alarm blared on the other side of the wall. While he was gone, I pulled clothes out of the dresser for him. It wasn’t weird, I told myself, because I was simply trying to save time, not dictating his wardrobe choices. The fact he wouldn’t walk into his first classes looking like a rumpled mess was simply a bonus.

  Gabe kissed me quickly before getting dressed. It would’ve been so easy for me to tug at his towel, leaving him naked with his long, slender cock at the perfect height, but I didn’t. Damn priorities.

  We walked to the dining hall together, loading up with enough food to get us through the day. Seth sat alone at a table in the corner, so I cocked my head for Gabe to follow me over there. The kid seemed like he was struggling to make friends, and I knew the pain of being the weirdo no one wanted to sit next to.

  “Hey, you guys ready for today?” Seth asked as we approached. His eyes widened as we sat next to him. “It’s so weird to think we only have to take a couple of classes each day. I thought it’d be
more like high school, where we had to juggle a ton of classes and books.”

  “I’m totally down for a few hours of learning and the rest of the days free,” Gabe replied. I shook my head, because he still thought it was going to be easy with so few classes. He was woefully unprepared for how much harder classes would be this year.

  “Yeah, well I’m going to reserve judgment for now,” I told them. “My classes this semester are killer.”

  “I still don’t know what you’re trying to prove. You’re going to make the rest of us look bad, taking as many credits as they’d let you right off the bat,” Gabe teased. He bumped his shoulder into mine, sending the bitter sludge that passed for coffee in this place onto my plate. Nothing looked less appetizing than residence hall scrambled eggs soaked with coffee.

  “Sorry.” He switched plates with me and instantly started eating the eggs. Sometimes, I wondered if there was anything the man wouldn’t put in his mouth⁠—other than my dick, because that hadn’t happened yet no matter how much I hoped it would.

  Seth watched the two of us but didn’t say anything. I felt like the subject of a research study with his critical analysis. He shook his head quickly, curled an arm around his plate, and started shoveling food into his mouth. It was the move of someone who was used to food disappearing before he finished. The kid had a story, and I was pretty sure it’d make our problems seem like a fairy tale.

  The alarm chimed on my phone, alerting me it was time to head to class. Gabe chuckled, grabbed our trays, and told me he’d meet me at the door. Seth wished us luck and we returned the sentiment.

  Gabe offered to walk me all the way to the lecture hall, but I dismissed him when we got to Port Java. I wasn’t ready for that level of public attention. He stopped himself from kissing me and turned away with a frown. Before I could second guess myself, I reached for his hand.


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