Stefan's Scandal [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Stefan's Scandal [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Josie Dennis

The show of affection wasn’t surprising but the circumstance surely was. A glance at the prickly-looking earl told her she needn’t worry. He seemed quite used to Michael’s openness and that only increased her fondness for Millicent’s husband.

  “I’m grateful for your hospitality, Gabriel,” she said.

  The earl nodded. “Mrs. Holmes will have one of the footmen show you to your room, Madeline. And I’m so glad you can visit with Millicent and Michael.” He lifted his dark brows in Michael’s direction. “God knows they could use a break of sunshine in this interminable winter.”

  She flushed again, then turned when a footman appeared in the doorway. It was the tall, blond, handsome one she’d noticed on the drive.

  “Miss Crowley?” the young man said.

  Ooh, his voice matched his looks. Deep yet as bright as his sparkling blue eyes. What was he saying? She could only stare up at him.


  His lips twitched and she suspected he was fighting a smile. Well, she wouldn’t be laughed at. Not in front of her family and the earl.

  “Yes?” she said, lifting her chin.

  His blond brows rose just a fraction, then he gave a curt nod. “Mrs. Holmes asked me to show you to your guest room, miss.”

  She heard a snigger behind her that she easily recognized as her brother’s. Ignoring him, she sailed past the pretty footman out into the hall. She had to stop a moment later, however. She had no idea where she was going.

  “Perhaps we’ll have to find a new first footman as well,” her brother said.

  “Really, Michael,” came Millicent’s reply.

  “This way, miss,” the footman said as he joined her.

  She gazed into his gorgeous eyes and heat coiled in her belly. “What is your name?” she managed to ask.

  He leaned down a little, bringing his pretty face closer to hers. “Hugh.”

  “Hugh,” she breathed. “Please show me to my room. Hugh.”

  He blinked his long lashes, then straightened. “Right.”

  She followed him up the grand staircase to an open door. Peering in, she found a lovely room decorated in golds and pinks. It was furnished for comfort and style and there was a fire crackling behind the grate of the little gilt-trimmed fireplace.

  “This is just lovely!” she cried, rushing into the room. “Hugh, isn’t this lovely?”

  Hugh’s cheeks reddened a bit and he clasped his hands before him. “Lovely.”

  She heard something in his tone that she chose to take as a compliment. What better time to practice her flirting and maybe find a bit of the adventure she was seeking on this visit?

  “You know, Hugh.” She came closer to him. “I’ve never been in a room alone with a man before.”

  “M–miss, I’m the footman.”

  She pursed her lips and reached up to place her hand on his broad chest. “Are you saying you’re not a man?”

  He gazed down at her, heat flickering in his eyes. “I am a man, miss.”

  She beamed up at him. “That is a very good thing, Hugh.”

  “And why is that?” he asked, his voice low.

  She laughed a little and stepped back. “Because I need a bit of help.”

  Taking quick steps to the door, she peered out and then closed it.

  “Help, miss?” he asked, suddenly close behind her. “What sort of help?”

  Taking a breath, she turned. “Do you read novels, Hugh?”


  She came close to him and his scent reached her. He smelled warm and fresh, and utterly delicious. “Yes. Gothic, romantic novels. Do you read them?”

  “I never have, no.” His lips twitched again. “But I suppose I could play along.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You have a sense of humor.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  She laughed again. “This is going to be just delightful.”

  He blinked down at her. “You have me at a disadvantage, miss.”

  “Oh, and you must call me by my name. Madeline.”

  “I cannot.”

  “You most certainly can.” She went up on her toes in an attempt to meet his gaze. “I can’t have you speaking so formally when we’re making love.”

  He frowned and swiftly stepped back from her. “If that is all you need I shall leave you to your privacy, miss.”

  When he stepped toward the door she pressed herself back against it. “Wait. What happened?”

  He stood ramrod stiff, all signs of good humor gone from evidence. “Please let me pass.”

  “Not until you tell me how I offended you.”

  His full lips thinned. “I have my duties and I respect my position.”

  “Are you saying I…” Her words from earlier came back to her. “Oh, you thought I was asking you to…Hugh!”

  He paled. “Weren’t you?”

  “I was asking you to read with me, Hugh. Aloud.”

  His features smoothed, and a small smile came onto his handsome face. “Miss, what you must think of me.”

  “I think you are precisely perfect.”

  A bit of color came back into his face and the effect was startling. “Perfect? For what, Madeline?”

  The sound of her name on his lips sent a spark through her. “How late do you work, Hugh?”

  His eyes roamed over her, then met hers. “Very late, I fear.”

  “And your work as valet?” At his look of surprise she shrugged. “My brother mentioned that the first footman has been filling that position lately.”

  “I help Mr. Crowley with his dress, yes.”

  She trailed her fingers over the lapel of his impeccable jacket. “And my brother’s room is just down the hall.”

  He covered her hand with his. She thought he would take her hand from him but instead he slowly stroked her skin. At last he seemed to be enjoying this game as much as she was.

  “Yes, it is,” he said.

  “Then we shall be able to meet now and again?”

  He whispered what might have been a curse, then nodded. “Yes, Madeline. Easily, I suppose.”

  She quickly touched her lips to his and he pulled back.

  “Good night,” he said, easing past her to make his escape.

  She let him go, waiting until the door clicked closed. What had she done, asking him to read with her? It was instantaneous but inspired, really, and an excellent way to practice her flirting. She wouldn’t worry about his initial reaction when she thought she wanted so much more from him. He’d seemed almost angry in that moment, as well as hurt.

  Nevertheless, she now had something to occupy her during this visit. Spending time with Hugh would surely be enlightening, though he might be a bit put out when he learned she’d failed to bring any of her books to Hawksfell.

  The flirting, and maybe even the kissing, should be most delightful. Besides, she could only bask so long in the glow of her brother and Millie’s happiness before going mad.

  And why not try to grab a bit for herself, if only for a little while?

  * * * *

  Stefan shifted in the seat as his driver approached Hawksfell Manor. The place was impressive. He’d known the late earl reveled in his Hawk curse but he supposed the man had their gift with money as well. He still couldn’t think of the late earl as his father, however. He doubted he ever would.

  Even from their vantage point far from the house, Stefan could see there was a line of servants outside on the drive, braving the brisk February chill to greet the present earl’s long-lost brother. Stefan shifted again. It was passing strange that the Earl of Hawksfell hadn’t seemed to hesitate in welcoming Stefan for a visit to his family home. Well, his housekeeper had told him that the earl recently welcomed another half brother. Perhaps nothing ruffled the man. Stefan admitted to himself that he was already impressed with this new relative. That was certain.

  “We are here, my lord,” the driver announced.

  Stefan blinked as the car smoothly stopped. When his door was op
ened by the driver he stepped out and resisted gazing up at what was now his family home. It was even more extraordinary up close. That he couldn’t deny.

  “Welcome to Hawksfell Manor, Lord Constantine,” a portly, impeccably dressed man said with a dip of his head. “I am Carstairs, the butler.”

  “A pleasure, Carstairs. Thank you.”

  “Mrs. Holmes, my lord,” a stately woman who could only be the housekeeper said with a small smile. “It is very nice to meet you.”

  Stefan wondered just how much this woman knew about his newly discovered relationship to the earl. At the warmth in her eyes and tilt of her head, he would guess she knew quite a bit.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Holmes,” he said evenly.

  Those warm eyes sparkled and he felt drawn to this motherly woman. Before he could do something impulsive like take her hand, he turned toward the rest of the servants. They were deferential but obviously cold as well. He wouldn’t make them wait any longer to go back into the manor.

  “Let us go inside,” he said to Carstairs. “I’m sure the earl is waiting for me.”

  “Indeed, my lord,” the butler said. “He and his family have been most eager to make your acquaintance.”

  His family. Yes, the earl was married. Again that sense of strangeness struck him. Just what awaited him inside?

  As he passed the line of servants he saw they were the usual collection seen at a large estate. Neat and good looking, and exceptionally turned-out. One of the footmen caught his eye. First footman, if he knew anything about placement and decorum. He was quite pretty. With blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a strong, lean build, this first footman stirred Stefan’s Hawk beast. There was little surprise there. Since learning the truth of his parentage he’d been so twisted up that he hadn’t allowed himself the freedom to find release.

  He met the footman’s gaze and smiled. The man’s eyes widened and his well-formed lips parted slightly. Stefan silently cursed and took purposeful steps to keep up with the butler toward the entrance of the house. He wouldn’t consider seducing a member of the earl’s staff. Not when he only just arrived with a newly found familial tie to the man.

  “The earl is awaiting you in his study, my lord,” Carstairs said.

  “Of course,” Stefan said for no other reason than that an answer appeared necessary.

  He had the impression of high ceilings and stately decorations as he followed the butler through the home, once more confirming that this branch of the Hawk family did very well with money. When the butler stopped in front of an open door, Stefan’s heart skipped.

  “Lord Constantine to see you, my lord,” Carstairs said.

  “Ah,” the earl said from within. “Send him in, Carstairs.”

  The butler waved him in and swiftly disappeared. Taking a breath, Stefan stepped over the threshold and stared at the man standing behind the desk. The Earl of Hawksfell. His brother. Damn.

  “Welcome, Lord Constantine,” the earl said. “Please sit.”

  Stefan gave a short nod and stepped closer. He could scarcely breathe as he took in Gabriel Hawk’s features. To say it was like looking into a mirror wouldn’t be a lie, but it was more than that. There was an understanding. A welcome he’d never before glimpsed.

  “Thank you, Lord Hawksfell,” he said as he sat.

  The earl stared at him for a long moment, then sat across from him. “My God, you look just like Matthew.”

  Stefan started. “Matthew?”

  “My brother.” The earl flashed a quick smile. “Our brother.”

  It was a good thing he was seated because the floor seemed to shift slightly.

  “Our brother,” he repeated. “Matthew.”

  The earl waved a hand. “Forgive me, Lord Constantine.” One eyebrow arched. “Or, Stefan?”

  Stefan nodded. “Yes, please.”

  A smile tipped one corner of the man’s lips. “And I’m Gabriel to you, please.”

  Stefan was able to take in a longer breath at last. “Gabriel.”

  Gabriel’s smile widened and he folded his hands on the desk. “Now, you are welcome to stay here as long as you like. I’m hoping that will be a good amount of time? You’ll want to get to know the rest of the family.”

  “I hadn’t thought…” Stefan nodded. “I’d very much like to stay, Gabriel. Thank you.”

  “Matthew will likely be here for dinner. He lives in the Dower house.”

  “On the property?”

  “Yes. You see Stefan, I, um, have discovered over this past year that I like having family close by. Patrick and Graham are but a stone’s throw from Hawksfell and they visit often.”

  “Family visits,” Stefan said softly.

  “I take it you’re not used to such?”

  “Not in the least. My mother was seldom home and my father, our father…” He barked out a laugh. “Well, he was never in my life.”

  “Trust me, count yourself fortunate for that absence.”

  Stefan looked into Gabriel’s dark eyes so like his own and knew he spoke the truth. The late earl must have been a bastard in the truest sense of the word.

  “That is some comfort, I suppose.”

  Gabriel studied him for a long moment, then sat back. “Well. I’ve taken the liberty of seeing you put in the bachelor’s wing, Stefan. I take it you’re still battling the beast?”

  Stefan’s mouth dropped open. “Beast? I thought I was the only one who thought of it as such.”

  Gabriel laughed softly. “Hardly. We, all of us, have dealt with the curse in one way or another. I only ask you to be circumspect.”

  “Are you telling me to indulge myself here?”

  “Who am I to tell you to deny it? I know you cannot. I was afflicted as well, you know.”

  “You no longer suffer?”

  “I found a way to break the curse, Stefan. Several of us have, you know.”

  “How?” he asked. “I wouldn’t know how to exist without the constant hum of need.”

  “Plain-speaking, but I agree. I do not believe you’re ready to hear of the cure, however.”

  A flicker of irritation bit at him. “Why not?”

  “Have you ever been in love?”

  His mind spun at the swift turn of subject. “Love? No such thing exists.”

  Gabriel smiled again. “Trust me, brother. It does. It just might not be as you expect it.”

  Stefan shook his head. “My mother was besotted with our father, Gabriel. It led her to desert her only child time and again to chase after him until they both perished.”

  “You can hardly blame the Titanic’s fate on your mother’s selfish heart.”

  “My mother’s selfish heart? Perhaps not. But love is for children and fools.” At Gabriel’s blank expression Stefan held up a hand. “Forgive me, Gabriel. I’m certain you love your wife, but you are surely the exception.”

  Gabriel just slowly shook his head. “As I said, you’re just not ready.”

  Stefan let that go. This brother, this head of the family, wasn’t going to bend on the point. As for himself? He was thinking that he would find his own way to live with his damn Hawk beast.

  “Come,” Gabriel said, rising to his feet. “Come and meet our family.”

  His brother’s turn of phrase still sounded so strange to his ears, but he followed him out of the office toward what must be the parlor. He felt that hum of awareness again and saw the handsome footman from the drive was stationed near the open doors. Stefan met his eyes and felt the hum surge in strength. Perhaps it was a very good thing Gabriel would see him placed far from the family rooms. He suspected he would soon be unable to resist his urges and would be happy to indulge in privacy, perhaps with the pretty footman before the week was out.

  “Lord Constantine, Stefan, this is my wife Millicent and her third cousin Michael Crowley,” Gabriel said.

  Stefan smiled at the blond man his brother indicated and turned to the beauty seated before him. The countess was quite pretty, with golden blonde cu
rls upswept and a graceful curve to her cheek.

  “Lady Hawksfell,” he said with a bow of his head.

  “Millicent, please,” she said, taking his hand. “My God, you look like Matthew.”

  Stefan found a smile. “I’ve been told, yes.”

  “Another handsome Hawk, Millie,” her cousin Michael put in. “Better head to London, and soon.”

  The countess laughed and waved a hand, but the man’s meaning was lost on Stefan.

  “Let me introduce my sister Madeline, Lord Constantine,” Michael went on. “Maddie, come and look at the new Hawk.”

  Stefan smiled and turned to find a gorgeous young lady gaping at him. She held her tea cup halfway to her full lips and her hand shook just a bit. Stefan felt her reaction within himself, as astounding as that should be. The countess was lovely, but this girl took his breath.

  He stepped closer to her and could smell the sweet scent of roses, and knew it came off her dewy, fresh skin.

  “Miss Crowley,” he said, his voice soft.

  “Lord Constantine,” she whispered.

  He felt his beast stir with renewed need as he watched her full lips move. In a flash he imagined her pretty pink dress rucked up around her slender waist as he checked to see if her nether curls were as blonde as those on her head.

  “I take it Gabriel has invited you to stay as long as you like, Lord Constantine?” the countess asked him.

  He dragged his eyes from the pretty Miss Crowley and made himself focus on his hostess. “I would be delighted to take Gabriel up on his offer. And I am Stefan, please.”

  She smiled and shared a look of some import with the earl and Michael Crowley. Stefan wasn’t going to ponder the meaning at this moment, however.

  No. He was too preoccupied with Madeline Crowley and just how soon he could satisfy his curiosity.

  Chapter 4

  Hugh saw to the newest Hawk’s effects in the blue room. It was of little surprise to find the earl’s guest here, far from the family bedrooms. If Stefan Hawk proved to be anything like his relatives it wouldn’t be long before one or another of the servants romped on the big bed with him.

  Hugh straightened as the image struck him. This Hawk was really quite attractive and, though he’d felt a pull toward the last visitor, there was no comparison to what he’d encountered earlier down on the drive. It rivaled what he’d felt pressed close to Madeline Crowley, and that alone should have put him on his guard.


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