Deadly Prophecy: A Second Sight Series Spin-Off

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Deadly Prophecy: A Second Sight Series Spin-Off Page 6

by Heather Topham Wood

  He frowned down at the photos. From first glance, he could gauge the group’s type. They were the offspring of the country club set. Their faces were different, but he had seen them all before: poor little rich girls with pill-popping issues. The boys were even worse with their cheesy sweaters emblazed with their private school’s crest. They were the ones who would get high as kites before smashing up their father’s Rolls Royces after a particularly bad bender.

  “Friends of yours too?” Declan asked, swallowing his disgust. He couldn’t pretend not to judge. His instincts told him Jenna was different. Although her family was loaded, his initial impression told him she was down-to-earth. Jenna worked part-time for the party-planning business, but had mentioned attending nursing school too. Maybe he had romanticized her in his head, but Declan liked to think she aspired to be something more than a trust fund baby.

  Jenna shook her head as he picked up a photo off the table. “No, his friends were douches. But that doesn’t mean Derek was a bad guy. I think Liam and Adam were his comic relief. Brianna was possessive, so she didn’t seem to appreciate all the time I spent with my brother. I don’t want to believe she had anything to do with his murder, but she sure doesn’t seem too eager to find out who did it.”

  “I had a vision of Brianna yesterday, but nothing worthwhile. She was thinking about changing jobs,” he explained, setting down a group photo of Derek and his friends.

  Kate nodded in agreement. “My vision was about her moving to a new town. Probably related to the job search.”

  Jenna bit down on her lip. After a pause, she asked, “Does the process take long?”

  “We can’t say for sure. We may find out today who killed Derek or it could take weeks,” he answered.

  “Or we may never know,” Kate added. She continued in spite of Declan’s stare-down. “If a stranger attacked him, we won’t be of any help besides possibly clearing his friends.”

  Jenna’s resolve wasn’t lessened. “But if they did kill him, you’ll see a vision of the murder?”

  Kate pulled on a lock of her light brown hair before answering. “I’d say it’s very unlikely that someone involved in a murder wouldn’t have their thoughts consumed by what they had done. I ran over a squirrel once and the poor critter’s demise still haunts me to this day.”

  Declan tried to muster up a placating tone. “What we could do today is try to psychically connect with each of Derek’s friends. Maybe get a broad sense of what kind of people we’re dealing with. I’m hoping something in our visions will implicate one of them. That way, we can focus on that person.”

  “Although the police haven’t been completely forthcoming with our family, I know they have cleared his friends of any involvement. And I don’t have proof of their guilt, but I feel like they know more about his death than they are saying. They aren’t telling me everything about that night.” Jenna’s voice carried the weight of Derek’s death. “Please. Whatever you can do to help me, please do it. Even if you use your visions to tell me I’m completely off-base and his friends have absolutely nothing to do with his death.”

  Kate rubbed her palms together. “Sounds like a plan. Let’s get started.”

  Chapter Seven

  “You’re a terrible liar,” Brianna said as she pressed a rough kiss against Derek’s lips. “This is not the romantic getaway you promised.”

  Derek laughed, pulling her into his lap. “You know how Liam and Adam are. They invited themselves. Plus, they’re the ones shelling out for the house.”

  “Derek, you’re not exactly destitute. You work for your dad. It would have been nothing for him to add a few extra zeros to your paycheck.” Brianna pouted at him while making her dark eyes as large as possible.

  “True, but you know how I feel about nepotism,” he said touching his forehead to hers.

  “We need some time alone together. Don’t you feel that way? Like when we’re together, we’re not really together,” she said softly. Her eyes drifted over their surroundings: an average-size bedroom with a queen mattress, double dresser, and a wardrobe. The room was outfitted with a seashell theme including a coral-colored bedspread and a starfish area rug.

  Derek pulled his features together into a concerned look. “Not at all. I’ve never felt closer with anyone before. I’m happy–”

  She didn’t let him finish. “I’m happy too,” she said clearly frustrated. “That’s not what I’m saying. But I feel like you’re drifting farther away from me every day. I’m not sure if it’s because we are around your friends and family all the time. For once, I’d like to feel like the center of your world.”

  Derek had a devastating smile, full-mouthed with perfect white teeth. “You are. Even in a room full of people, I only see you.”

  Brianna initiated another kiss, opening her mouth wider to allow him to deepen the kiss. Her manicured fingernails ran through his sandy blond hair, tugging at the strands as her desire for him built. His palm crept beneath her tank top until landing on her bare breast. As he gave her left nipple a slight pinch, she let out a gasp, before turning to face him. Once fully straddling him, she pressed forward to push him down hard on the bed. She lifted her tank over her head, revealing small perky breasts. Derek continued to beam at her as she ran her fingertips teasingly around her nipples. His hands moved to his jeans buckle, but he stopped short as they both heard an insistent knock on the door.

  “Hey jackasses, stop bumping uglies for two fucking seconds and get down here for vacation shots!” a deep male voice bellowed from the hallway.

  Brianna shook her head in disgust before yanking her shirt back on. “Your chances of getting any play on this vacation is slim to none,” she mumbled. Her cheeks had reddened while her eyes glared at the shut bedroom door.

  Derek ran a frustrated hand through his thick hair. He called out loudly, “Hey fucker, leave us alone and stop making up reasons to drink.”

  They both heard a guffaw in response before more obnoxious pounding on the door. “There’s always a time for shots. Saturday night shots, birthday shots, guy’s night shots, breakfast shots… I could go on.”

  As Brianna climbed off the bed, Derek groaned before making his way into a sitting position. “No thanks, Adam, I think we get it.”

  After adjusting her shirt, Brianna swung open the door. She gave Adam a wilting look. “Why does Chelsea put up with you?” Adam looked unperturbed by her tone. His shoulder-length wavy brown hair was mussed and his brown eyes bloodshot as if he had just rolled out of his bed.

  “I’ll give you one hint: Its closest neighbor is an asshole,” he said with a smirk.

  “Blow me, Adam,” she said, shoving pass him out into the hallway.

  “Anytime, Bri,” he said to her back. Turning back to Derek, he said, “What’s her problem? On her period?”

  Derek gave him a long look. “You’re not helping, dude. She wanted this weekend to be romantic.”

  “Honestly, what… the… fuck. We are in Delaware, not fucking Tuscany. Thank the lord my hoe ain’t that high-maintenance.”

  “Yup, very brave of you to say when Chelsea is out of earshot.”

  “I’m still standing here, dick,” Brianna said from behind them both. Adam gave a bored shrug while Derek made a contrite face. She swung around, stomping away from the bedroom. Derek and Adam both hurried after her.

  Outside the bedroom was a large foyer with several doorways, presumably three more bedrooms. At the far end of the hallway was a blue, nautical-inspired bathroom. Trailing behind Brianna, Adam and Derek bounded down a small, wooden flight of stairs. The stairway led to a large family room with a sectional couch and various overstuffed chairs.

  Adam collapsed next to a woman with long, curly red hair flowing down her back. He tapped his knee into hers. “I just cock-blocked Carnavale. I may have just lost my very best friend in the whole wide world.”

  The woman ignored him, addressing Brianna who had taken a seat on a cushioned bench across the room next to a large
bay window. “Sorry, Bri. I can’t take him anywhere.”

  Brianna turned her head away from staring out into the distance and forced a smile. “Apologize to Derek, not me.”

  “As exciting as it is to talk about Derek and Bri’s sex life, I thought we were kicking off this weekend with shots.” Liam stepped out of the kitchen waving a bottle of Jagermeister in his hands. Tan and broad-shouldered, he wore only a pair of low-hanging board shorts. “Chelsea, the glasses, please.”

  Taylor, an athletically built brunette, followed close behind. She slammed down six shot glasses onto the coffee table in the center of the room. “Let’s do this, babe.”

  Liam sloppily poured the dark liquid into the waiting glasses. After each pour, Taylor grabbed a glass and handed them to each member of the group. Brianna frowned down at her glass as Derek gave her an encouraging smile across the room.

  Adam held up his shot glass first. “Here’s to all the virgins and lesbians out in the world.” He paused for dramatic effect. “Thanks for nothing.”

  Brianna rolled her eyes. She held up her shot glass and said, “How about here’s to best friends nobody asked for, but can’t live without.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” Chelsea said before downing her glass in one gulp.

  Derek grinned at Brianna, visibly relieved her stormy mood had passed. “Cheers. Let’s get this weekend started.”

  Chapter Eight

  “So, you saw them in the beach house. That’s progress, right?”

  Declan’s gut churned as Jenna looked at him as if he were her savior. Under normal circumstances, his response would be to humblebrag to a client. He’d boast about his abilities and how close he was coming to unraveling the mystery. Not many people realized how much a psychic needed to be a good salesman. If clients had doubts over his progress, they could decide to no longer use his services.

  But with Jenna, he didn’t want to lead her on. For the first time, he was finding a constant need to remind himself to keep an emotional distance. For the process to work, Declan had to pretend Derek and his friends were mere characters in a true crime show that happened to be playing inside his head. “Yes, if we’re able to piece together the events from Derek’s friends’ memories, we’re closer to finding out if they had anything to do with the murder.” He looked to Kate. “Anything on Adam?”

  She shook her head. “Unless we’re interested in a night of him smoking a lot of pot and making three Taco Bell runs. I didn’t know it was even possible to eat that many Crunchwraps in a single day.”

  For over an hour, Declan and Kate had disappeared to their own quiet spaces within the house. Jenna had waited in the living room while Declan and Kate used their psychic energy to revisit the memories of Brianna and Adam. Harnessing their abilities was child’s play under the right circumstances. The only requirement was a clear head and a tranquil space. While Kate meditated in her bedroom, Declan holed up in the guestroom. Although it was cheesy, Kate had made an effort to create a relaxing atmosphere by setting up tabletop fountains and flameless candles throughout the room.

  Jenna’s smile was wan. “Okay, what now?”

  “We try to piece together how Derek got from partying with his friends and girlfriend to dead in the woods,” he responded.

  Kate cleared her throat as Jenna paled. “Declan means we can look for any suspicious behavior. From what Declan saw, sounds like there were some issues going on between Brianna and Derek. Did you know about any problems?”

  Jenna chewed on her thumbnail as she mulled over the question. “She was definitely possessive. Derek mentioned a few incidences to me when she accused him of not paying enough attention to her. If we made plans together, she’d text him constantly while we were out. He had a psycho ex-girlfriend from a couple of years ago, so the behavior definitely turned him off.”

  Declan made a mental note of the admission. “Who was the ex? Anyone we need to look at?”

  Jenna’s shoulders tensed. “I hadn’t even thought to consider Kelly. I figured their relationship had been over for so long. She kept texting him, but I think after Derek changed his number, the messages stopped. They broke up at least two years ago.”

  “You never know how long someone can be harboring a secret obsession,” Kate said.

  Declan’s jaw dropped as he noticed her gaze directed at him. “What the hell are you looking at me for?”

  Kate put on an expression of feigned innocence. “I wasn’t looking at you.”

  “Yes, you were.” Declan tilted back on his heels. “Jesus Christ on a cracker, do you think I have a secret obsession with you?” He turned his attention to Jenna as she took an awkward sip of her bottled water. Her stiff posture relayed her embarrassment. “I don’t have an obsession with Kate.”

  “I never said you did, Dec.” Kate sighed. She opened her mouth to continue, but stopped as she heard a key turn in the lock of the front door. Declan felt his throat seize as Jared strolled through the front door. Impeccable fucking timing.

  Jared commanded any room he entered. He was unnaturally tall, probably well over six feet if Declan had to hazard a guess. Dark hair, dark eyes, filled out a suit…definitely a look girls like Kate fell over themselves for. “Hi.” He greeted Kate with a peck on the lips before walking over to Jenna. He held out his hand to shake. “I’m Jared Corbett.”

  “Nice to meet you, Jared.” Declan found himself watching Jenna’s expression as she greeted Jared. He mentally shook himself. He had to stop always drawing comparisons between him and Kate’s better half. Yet Declan felt a small mental victory when he noted Jenna’s neutral smile. The interest she showed Declan at their first meeting wasn’t present.

  Kate was damn lucky Jared showed up when he did. Secret obsession? She had to get over her self. She was pushing him precariously close to the point where he would have no shits left to give. When that happened, who was to say what kind of truth bombs would come flying out of his mouth?

  Jared was still addressing Jenna. “Kate told me about your brother. I am so very sorry….”

  Declan cut him off. “What about client confidentiality, Kate?”

  “We’re not doctors or lawyers, Dec,” she spat back.

  “It’s fine,” Jenna interceded. “My brother’s case has been all over the news.”

  “Everything okay here?” Jared asked Kate, obviously picking up on the vibe.

  “Yes,” she said drily. “Dec and I are butting heads today.”

  Jared gave her a small placating smile. “Nothing new then.” He gestured to the back of the house. “I have some files for work I need to grab.” Before Kate could respond, Jared’s phone rang. Reaching into the pocket of his suit, he pulled out the device. Frowning, he looked down at the number on the display screen.

  “What’s wrong?” Kate asked him.

  “This is the second time Nikki has called me today. I thought the first time was an accidental dial.”

  As Kate’s cheeks filled with color, he felt the blood leech from his body. He should have known better. Of course, Nikki would call Jared right away to brag about her night with Declan.

  “Answer it,” Kate seethed. Her fists clenched at her sides as the ringtone continued to blare.

  “What? No, why?” Declan demanded, panicked.

  “Because I’m not going to be intimidated by her. Jared and I are getting married and she won’t get between us ever again. She has….” Declan tuned Kate out as she continued to drone on. Stealthily, he slipped his phone out of his pocket, shooting off a text to Nikki.

  WHAT THE FUCK??? Why are you calling Jared all day?

  As Jared’s phone fell silent, he breathed a small sigh of relief. After one night with Nikki, she was already turning Declan into a head case. Was his dick in that much need of attention?

  Are you with him right now? Can you tell him to call me back?

  Holy shit, she was truly out of her damn mind. He muttered a curse before angrily typing back a reply.

  No I can’
t fucking tell him to call you! Then he would know about us!

  Us? You’re too adorable! Here’s something to tide you over until next time. XOXO.

  Opening the photo attached to her last message, he didn’t know whether to vomit or become aroused. Nikki had sent him a picture of herself: completely naked and completely shaved.

  What was his next move? Did he delete the photo and pretend last night never happened? Or did he sneak into Kate’s bathroom and send a dick pic? Damn it, he was totally calling her later. Before he could make a move, his head snapped up at the sound of Jared’s phone ringing. In slow-mo horror, he watched as Jared accepted the call.

  “Hi, Nikki,” he said in a tired voice. Kate watched him bug-eyed with her arms folded across her chest. If Nikki had been nearby, there would definitely be a nasty girl fight involving lots of hair-pulling.

  Jenna sidled up next to him. “What’s the story?” she stage-whispered. “Nikki is Jared’s ex?”

  What a shit show Kate and he were running. Between all the incestuous relationships and bickering, Jenna must have thought they were both immature trainwrecks.

  As freaked out as he was about Nikki’s phone call, he had to smooth things over with Jenna. “I’m sorry about the fighting with Kate. Because of the psychic thing… our maturity was stunted. We were both in comas—Kate had meningitis while I almost died in a ski accident. After getting released from the hospital, Kate didn’t leave the house for years and I got into some dark shit. I think we are still learning how to become productive members of society.”

  Jenna nodded at his explanation. “The way you talk to each other doesn’t bother me in the least. My best friend and I are actually the same way with each other. She drives me crazy at times, but I know she always has my back.”

  Grinning, Declan resisted the urge to give her a fist bump. He appreciated Jenna friendzoning Kate on his behalf.

  “Fine, Nikki. I get it. Yes, I’ll call you back. Bye,” Jared said shortly. Declan’s smile vanished as he turned to Jared as if he was preparing to face the firing squad.


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